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Thank you for that!❤ I am a HUGE supporter of DJT! Why? Because I keep up with what’s going on; what HAS been going on for a LONG time & what is currently happening to my country!! DJT loves this country as do I and millions of other Americans! He’s not an angel, but he put the American people first as president by pulling us out of the WHO & forcing other countries to pony-up their fair share as UN members. So what’s going on now in America is NOT GOOD! Our border is wide open & DHS is doing NOTHING to stem the tide! They WANT to bring us to our knees, and if you don’t get it? Look at Ireland, Scotland, Canada-all part of the UK!! They are already experiencing what the globalists are doing & watching their freedoms melt away & those countries and others now have native populations replaced with illegals. Sharia Law, and a total loss of freedom is not far behind! If you have no idea how the Communist Revolution began in China, then do your homework, because what you see happening around the globe is the start of it! DJT’s trial was a farce and the judge AND his daughter took donations/bribes. It’s a fact you won’t hear on mainstream media, though! The Biden regime is corrupt. So is the Dept of Justice, DHS, and all the other three letter agencies! You wonder why Prick Harry & his cunt wife get away w/what they do? It’s because I sincerely believe they have powerful backers so they will NEVER be held to account!! Why would they be if EVERYONE supporting them is just as corrupt as they are?!?!
Welcome to the global shit show, everyone!!! 🤬
:::stepping off my soap box now:::
Sorry if anyone is offended, but I am NOT happy about this verdict!!!
i don't post often but you're living in an alternate reality-- could write a book on all of the stuff that the orange con has done but let's hit a few of your points:
-immigration- the bipartisan bill to stem influx of immigrants also included a measure to assess asylum immidiately at the border by increased agents as opposed to the current laxity whch allows them to stay in the country for years until they can gget an asylum hearing arranged. the reason the bill did not pass was because T instructed his GOPhers to kill it so that he could use it in his campaigns.
-lack of freedom under Biden?? what about destroying the reproductive freedoms of women. mifepristone (morning after pill) is being banned in some states & there is GOPher support for banning contraception in general which is affecting ALL women, not just pro-choice supporters. in red states, OBs are leaving in droves & fewer med students are going into training for OB?GYN residencies because politicians are making health care decisions, instead of experts.
-the economy- the US is actually doing better than most countries after the pandemic.
-corruption- Trump made lots of money from dignitaries staying in his DC hotel; he still charges us taxpayers for Secret Service per diem rates which are about 5X the accepted rate. his kids raked in millions over his years in office and Jared is still making sweet billion dollar deals off of his father's name.... oh, but let's look at Hunter's lap-top??? pulleeaasseee.... and don't forget that he attempted a coup & incited violence & will undoubtably do so again....
-foreign relations-- T is a fascist and loves authoritarians... he claims he only wants to be a dictator for "a day" but all signs show that he would likely pull-out of NATO, leaving Putin to march on other countries, China to take on Taiwan
-military- he referred to those who served as "suckers and losers" & has insulted the military in many ways, including his insults to John McCain
-Project 2025- is a plan drawn up by his cohorts which would gut the DOJ, the Constitution and democracy... & if you read his Time Mag. interview, he plans to use the military to raid states and deport immigrants or temp place them in detention camps

i could go on all night.... most of his Cabinet say that he is unfit for office, that he is unintelligent/moronic & didn't even read daily briefings.... the Markle gossip sites have a reputation for being MAGA/right-wing leaning but realize that there are some participants who are deeply offended by non-reality/MAGA-cult conspiracy theories...
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Taken from SMM.
Well bugger me sideways and call me Cecil but I have never seen a child look more like Saint Diana … 😜


Then again …🤔


Sorry, but no matter how much Hal and Meg try to push the narrative, Lili is Markle through and through.
There’s nothing wrong with that but don’t try and gaslight us into believing otherwise.
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Can you imagine being so obsessed that you brief a media outlet about the fact you're not attending a wedding as you didn't want to cause drama...after everyone knew!!
This has Markles sticky fingers all over it! It SCREAMS narc revenge! Maybe they were told it’s an event where they bride and groom rightfully want the attention on themselves on their very special and expensive day, so narc made sure any mention of said wedding has her/dimwit ALL OVER IT! No one is more special than THEM! Be it veterans at an event created for them, The Queen at her Jubilee, The Queen at her own funeral, or a bride and groom at their own wedding! The focus and noise must be all about the true stars HENRY AND MEGHAN!!! She knows without him she wouldn’t have this platform, she’s thinking she can continue without him…hence the Nigeria fiasco, but she keeps messing things up on her own, so she keeps him around! He’s a worn out grubby pathetic used rag she keeps around for mopping up her mess!
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Are you fucking kidding me!?! Hes the ambassador?! After he called unicef a bunch of cunts because they wouldn't pay for him to fly first class to do a pitty walk about in the slums of africa being a white saviour.
Beckham has his beady botoxed eye on that knighthood and won’t give up easily if he can smell even a tiny chance. He’s a greedy, vain country squire wannabe who thinks he’s owed the honour of a K.
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Until you have some experience of cancer and chemo (personally or family) I think it's hard to understand fully how gruelling it is. POW was always very thin to begin with, and undoubtedly will have lost more weight and frankly look haggard. It will take a year for her to recover, and even so she may have long lasting repercussions like adhesions, to deal with.

About three months after one of my surgeries I was out walking around the block with my hubby, and we bumped into friends of friends. I then heard via the grapevine that she'd told our mutual group of friends that she'd seen me and that there was 'really no excuse' for looking so awful and making no effort with my appearance (and I wasn't having chemo - the surgery had just gone wrong and I was in pain, waiting for more surgery to correct things). That's the sort of nastiness that everyday people live with, can you imagine what POW would be subjected to? I don't blame her one bit for staying out of sight. She will be terrified, exhausted and still recovering from the surgery. After my first abdominal surgery I was told it would be a year to recover by my GP. She said people aren't told that because they get depressed so they are told 3 months as that's when walking is easier, but everything improves a bit each month, it's a very gradual process.

I'm glad they issued the statement to stop the speculation about Trooping of the Colour. I think she'll be seen before the Christmas Concert, but that that may be the first official event she shows up at.

I hope the judge releases Harry's visa details, we have the right to know what he's done. He's abandoned all rights to privacy over drug use by publishing them in his book IMO. And I want to know if the issue that causes 'stigma' is related to sex workers.

I'd leave them with the Duke and Duchess titles, but take them off the RF website, out of COS, and sort out the issues around the births and therefore deal with LOS. Invictus needs to be stripped from them immediately - I think that's the most important as that's what gives them the platform internationally and with Netflix etc. I don't know the laws around LOS but as he choses not to live here, and believes it's unsafe due to racism, I think needs removing. Maybe if the Visa information becomes public it will confirm that he's unfit to have a senior role in the RF, because as long as he's a COS and in the LOS he does have a senior role.
I guess once she does make an appearance her appearance will be picked apart by people acting like hyenas and vultures :( The more time she takes for herself to recover, the better. Do it soon and it might cause far too much stress. I feel self conscious on a Friday night at 8pm when I scurry to the little corner shop with my hair in a bun and comfy joggers on. I can't even begin to imagine how nervewracking it must be to be seen as one of the most photographed people in the world, looking anything less than your best. Imagine the mental strength it will take for her to do her first event near cameras. In the meantime I hope the Su gars get taken down so they can't attack her.
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Sami Lee

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Unpopular opinion...I believe white people have no say over what may or may not be racist. I don't believe white people should teach about racism. I disregard anything a white person says when they decry racism BY white people. White people are generally clueless when it comes to racism as they have zero awareness of their own biases and zero experience of it. Leave interpreting racism to the experts, the non-whites who actually experience it.
Not so much an unpopular opinion but one that could be more balanced. Are you talking about the legal definition of racism or any one of the various definitions adopted by a large number of formal or informal groups, organisations, campaigns, charities, neighbourhoods, educators etc.?
The Equalities Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone in the UK on the basis of their race or ethnicity.

Most certainly white people can and do experience discrimination on the basis of their race or ethnicity.
The bottom line is that we're all flawed human beings, all sometimes prone to our clannish preferences. Human beings are a work in progress and, regardless of our skin colour, we have far more in common than not.
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Not sure about this. A couple of X accounts that I usually think are reliable are discussing the "lili & lili' photo op that Methane wanted to merch.
I thought it was agreed that Lilibucks has not been seen in the UK?
Why are they now trying to validate Lilibucks? 🤔

View attachment 2968153
No children were listed as to being on the plane that came to the UK and remember they were papped at Los Angeles airport when they came back and no children were seen with them. I still believe that Archie and Lili did not come over for the Jubilee and as such no photo of the Queen and Lili together exists.

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Sami Lee

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Someone definitely harassed the first lady's office to do that.

But I love how her response is still so dismissive.

"She meant MEGHAN appreciates the people we are hence her coming here" No Duchess.

"At no point did she say anything about MEGHAN'S dressing" Not a title in sight.

This also leaves a lot to interpretation.

Even if they threaten to tour the whole of Africa. Let them. At some point, Africans will wake up and grow tired of them. To be honest, Nigeria clearly doesn't care about them either. There are nearly 220 million people and not a single photo showed jaw dropping crowds.
I reckon the very smart and astute First Lady of Nigeria pulled a Harry...

"I didn't say that! The Press did!"

We all saw her speech. We all understood exactly what she meant. She's a top politician, she knows how to weasel words, she knows how to play the media!

FWIW I also reckon that smeg is toast now, politely persona non grata in all decent circles, high or low. We know exactly who her shonky friends are - most of them are on our Cunt List because they're just as odious.

If she couldn't gain approbation in the land of 43% of her ancestors, then she has nowhere else to go - except maybe N Korea...
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Well well well lookie here


Tho photo of a supposedly pregnant Smeg carrying Fark on top of her bump, advertising lunchbox, backpack and ridiculous shoes was discussed on here a while ago. A lady awaiting a furniture delivery saw her marching around, it must be in the wiki.
That seems like years ago.:LOL:
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Personally I’m a bit gutted they won’t be at the wedding of the year, I’d have loved to have seen what she turned up wearing! I can’t believe he’s still banging on about his security in the UK being an issue

They say they arent attending the wedding because they dont want to cause drama and then have loads of stuff put out in the media causing drama about the wedding.

Their hypocrisy ever more evident.
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Scotch Mist

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Just going back to that clip from Eugenie's wedding, I am fascinated. It's clear as day there, and yet I don't think anyone outside of the immediate circle was aware, that they were already done, with the pair of them.

Harry was reared in the royal family. He knows darn well that is not their place. I actually thought at one point, they were going to attempt to stand between the queen and Philip.

Harry leans towards the queen when she speaks to him, I wonder what she said, and what he said in response. But they still didn't move.

Not the only time of course that she tried to get her beak in photos, too close to the queen. Remember an appearance on the balcony too, where Andrew and maybe Anne (not sure) blocked her way.

And the time they stood at a doorway when the others were going in to an exhibition when they had no place there, and they should have been seated with other guests. Charles had to actually get someone to usher them away.

Harry knew that none of those things were correct protocol. Did she say to him, let's try this and see what happens? Never mind your stuffy old traditions. And he was so in thrall to her, that he thought what Meghan wants, Meghan gets... 🥴

What an idiot he is.
I am also puzzled by Harold's behaviour. As you say he was raised in the RF, he had protocols, procedures and hierarchy taught to him consistently as a child. He knew the pecking order and he should have known instinctively, without being told, where to stand.

He was also taught manners and how to be polite, how to avoid tricky questions in an interview and schooled on how to be diplomatic. He would also have been told to stay away from expressing his opinions about controversial subjects and politics so as not to offend anyone.

For some reason he doesn't think any rules apply to him. I don't remember noticing him acting in this way before he married Meghan though. It seems that they suddenly believed their initial popularity made them the 'stars' of the monarchy, but even if they believed that 🙄 they still should have stuck to the correct protocol. Harold should have guided Meghan to the correct place and she should have listened to advice.

It seems that everyone in the Royal family sussed out Meghan long before the general public realised what she was up to and her true nature. I believe they all knew she was trouble very early on and avoided contact with her as much as possible after they were confronted with her rudeness and disrespect (unless on public occasions where they all had to be together). That's how the Harkles were able to pull off the moonbump shenanigans.

As soon as he married Meghan and started making unreasonable demands Harry was out of favour with the rest of his family. I still believe that they were asked to leave because they wouldn't conform. They sprung their Sussex grifting website on the Queen without any clearance and made all their money making plans without consultation.

When the Queen said no to their plans they both had a hissy fit and that was the end because they wouldn't back down. The Queen obviously thought Harold would come to his senses eventually and so left things open for them to return on her terms in a year. Of course that didn't happen and Harold has now been cut off.
The longer the rift goes on the less chance there is that it will ever be healed. William has clearly moved on and knows that he'll never be able to rely on his brother again or trust him.
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Churchill's Ghost

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I've never seen this clip before. Eugenie and Jack's wedding. Despite them all chatting away to each other, NO-ONE in the family is talking to the duo, even back then! I think Edward might have said hello, but no-one else even acknowledges them. But our late Queen (RIP) and Prince Charles ( as was) especially weren't interacting with them. Apart from QEII ordering them 3 times to move away from her.

And Anne's face! The RF definitely had "distanced" themselves, way before anyone realised. Prince Philip is watching the whole interaction with a look of bemusement. Sophie gave another of her icy glares. Catherine totally ignores the duo. And other family members seem to be deliberately blocking them from photo ops with PC or the Queen.

This was before Archie was "born" (They announced her megnancy during the same day at the evening reception)


The RF all gave her an effusive welcome and went out of their way to make her feel included (invites to Sandringham and Balmoral, the Queen's best aides to look after her, massive wedding etc) so what happened in between to make them so wary of her, I wonder?

You can tell how annoyed she is by her thrusting jaw. That is her tell when she is angry or uncomfortable. She also shoots daggers at Catherine and Zara several times.

I had a (now ex) sister-in-law like that. She was just a pill. When they walked into family events, the entire vibe changed and everyone became so guarded. They knew at that point that she was leaking to the press. They had seen the changes in Harry. They knew that first Christmas that she would not make any effort to fit in.

I will always think that this is what happened for her to nail down the ginger idiot. 1) Claims she is pregnant 2) "Romantic elopement" in Botswana (who knows if legal or just ceremony) 3) Mythcarriage 4) Presented to the Queen as "we are already married" Hence "I suppose I have to say yes" (but rest of the family is not told until after the spectacle) 5) Invite to first Christmas because she is technically a "married in" and that goes disasterously.

They spent that pre-wedding Christmas with the family - did they ever spend another holiday or vacation with them? I don't remember them at the Easter walk.
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