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🙋‍♀️ May I quietly request we refrain from posting re Trump, please?
I love this thread and all who post here and don’t want it to go off the rails over politics. He is very divisive with supporters and detractors and we could go ON and ON about him, with the possibility of hurt feelings here.

I‘m asking this despite being very interested and informed in politics in my own part of the world and globally.
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Until you have some experience of cancer and chemo (personally or family) I think it's hard to understand fully how gruelling it is. POW was always very thin to begin with, and undoubtedly will have lost more weight and frankly look haggard. It will take a year for her to recover, and even so she may have long lasting repercussions like adhesions, to deal with.

About three months after one of my surgeries I was out walking around the block with my hubby, and we bumped into friends of friends. I then heard via the grapevine that she'd told our mutual group of friends that she'd seen me and that there was 'really no excuse' for looking so awful and making no effort with my appearance (and I wasn't having chemo - the surgery had just gone wrong and I was in pain, waiting for more surgery to correct things). That's the sort of nastiness that everyday people live with, can you imagine what POW would be subjected to? I don't blame her one bit for staying out of sight. She will be terrified, exhausted and still recovering from the surgery. After my first abdominal surgery I was told it would be a year to recover by my GP. She said people aren't told that because they get depressed so they are told 3 months as that's when walking is easier, but everything improves a bit each month, it's a very gradual process.

I'm glad they issued the statement to stop the speculation about Trooping of the Colour. I think she'll be seen before the Christmas Concert, but that that may be the first official event she shows up at.

I hope the judge releases Harry's visa details, we have the right to know what he's done. He's abandoned all rights to privacy over drug use by publishing them in his book IMO. And I want to know if the issue that causes 'stigma' is related to sex workers.

I'd leave them with the Duke and Duchess titles, but take them off the RF website, out of COS, and sort out the issues around the births and therefore deal with LOS. Invictus needs to be stripped from them immediately - I think that's the most important as that's what gives them the platform internationally and with Netflix etc. I don't know the laws around LOS but as he choses not to live here, and believes it's unsafe due to racism, I think needs removing. Maybe if the Visa information becomes public it will confirm that he's unfit to have a senior role in the RF, because as long as he's a COS and in the LOS he does have a senior role.
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not wanting to fall out with anybody, but.... as I understand it, the Jury was 80% democrat and the judge was a paid up Democrat with his fingers on the scales. this was the outcome they wanted, Trump moving into the next election as a " convicted felon" Evidence and specific expert witnesses not allowed by the corrupt judge. Honestly, without a doubt this whole case will be over turned on appeal but not before the elecion., but everyone will remember he was a convicted felon, and they say America isn't a banana republic. I weep for the US some rich elite are playing a very nasty RESET game and the good American people are going to be collateral...IMHO

Not saying Trump is a saint, but he loves his country and can see whats happening. I think history will treat him more kindly than, the bombastic blown up over. loud character doesn't mean he cares less. IMHO

God Bless America❤
Thank you for that!❤ I am a HUGE supporter of DJT! Why? Because I keep up with what’s going on; what HAS been going on for a LONG time & what is currently happening to my country!! DJT loves this country as do I and millions of other Americans! He’s not an angel, but he put the American people first as president by pulling us out of the WHO & forcing other countries to pony-up their fair share as UN members. So what’s going on now in America is NOT GOOD! Our border is wide open & DHS is doing NOTHING to stem the tide! They WANT to bring us to our knees, and if you don’t get it? Look at Ireland, Scotland, Canada-all part of the UK!! They are already experiencing what the globalists are doing & watching their freedoms melt away & those countries and others now have native populations replaced with illegals. Sharia Law, and a total loss of freedom is not far behind! If you have no idea how the Communist Revolution began in China, then do your homework, because what you see happening around the globe is the start of it! DJT’s trial was a farce and the judge AND his daughter took donations/bribes. It’s a fact you won’t hear on mainstream media, though! The Biden regime is corrupt. So is the Dept of Justice, DHS, and all the other three letter agencies! You wonder why Prick Harry & his cunt wife get away w/what they do? It’s because I sincerely believe they have powerful backers so they will NEVER be held to account!! Why would they be if EVERYONE supporting them is just as corrupt as they are?!?!
Welcome to the global shit show, everyone!!! 🤬
:::stepping off my soap box now:::
Sorry if anyone is offended, but I am NOT happy about this verdict!!!
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It says the Order for permission to appeal was made on MAY 23 …

So he waited until D-DAY to announce it !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!
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Just wanted to say "Thank You" to everyone who reached out to me regarding my surgery. You guys are gonna make me cry!!! Don't know how to do a spoiler to hide this but there were complications, the bone shattered on impact, I am now (temporarily) bedridden until the fake composite bone grows into the rest of my foot...

Getting comfort, though, from all you wonderful people with great insights and fantastic senses of humor. 🥰
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I don’t know if it’s standard practice in the UK, or anywhere else for that matter, but when my husband had a breast bone to pubic bone incision, they did not close (stitch up) the incision. They installed a wound vac (giant sponge, connected to tube that ran to a reservoir under the bed—trust me, NEVER look at the reservoir 🤢), because if there was infection and the incision was closed, it would just tunnel around in the abdominal cavity wreaking havoc. I was told by his doctors and a few nursing friends that this was standard procedure for abdominal surgery. Anyway, it took months for that incision to heal, and it had to be sterile “wet” bandaged 2x/day (sterile gloves-individually wrapped, sterile gauze and water for “stuffing” the incision, sterile gauze bandages, etc.); there was no way he he could go out except to doctor appointments.

My point in making this wordy post is that major abdominal surgery takes an age to heal, then add chemotherapy after that, and it’s actually surprising she has been seen as much as she has.

H&M and their flying monkeys need to STFU and/or eat shit and die. Assholes.
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I worry that something more serious could be going on, we get reports that Catherine and William have been seen out together but Catherine is never seen, like you say in a limo or waving from a window.
If she hadn't completely disappeared the rumours and vacuum wouldn't have occurred, I am starting to wonder if it's normal to be poorly this long, then I read on here that it takes a long time to recover after chemotherapy.
If Catherine can go out privately why can't she be seen more from a window etc, it seems so long since we have seen her that I begin to wonder if it is something terminal, are the public being kept in the dark, I am starting to fear that a newsflash could happen anytime with bad news concerning Catherine.
It's perfectly normal. My mum had major abdominal surgery in December. She had chemo every 3 weeks from March to August as the wound had to have healed sufficiently to start chemo. However sometimes her bloods weren't good enough to have her chemo so it would be delayed by a week or 2. She then had daily radiotherapy for 6 weeks from late Aug to Oct. She didn't feel well properly until the following summer - 18 months after her op.

She also rarely went out when having her treatment because she didn't feel upto it.

We have no clue what's going on but because Catherine has felt well enough on 1 day to go out doesn't mean she feels well enough to go out the following day. I doubt any appearance would be decided until the day - and quite frankly I'm getting fed up of all the medical experts and doomsayers demanding an appearance or medical update.

The woman is recovering - they've told us all we need to know. Because people have no patience or understanding is not Catherine's fault and she should not be expected to dance to someone else's timetable.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I wonder what she smells like?
I reckon booze, fags and serious BO


Also can we please keep all the different political views off here. It's not going to persuade anyone to change their mind and will just cause nasty arguments instead of agreeing on one thing...these two are horrible cunts
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Congratulations to @TheCutiePatootie on the new thread title.

Yeah lots probably happened but it was so boring I’ve forgotten about it already.

The half bald ginger shit stain and his whore are still polluting the media with their victim stories. People are starting to realise they’re just cunts!

Some fat guy who loves fake tan as much as the whore just got convicted on 34 felony counts but we’re not here to talk about that.


old thread here

Carry on dear Tattlers, carry on!
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...Yet always presented herself as white until the dastardly BRF embraced all her ethnic heritage with joy.

"I was am such a fraud!"

"I've never thought of myself as a black woman!" she whinged bitterly as all we British folks were also joyful at the prospect of a mixed race senior royal.

'How dare you make me face who I really am - 43% black!'

'I'm going to trash you all for outing me!'

With all this profound maladjustment and derangement, how she must profoundly loathe herself...
Well she does have a point....

She had a glittering career before she got married with a string of hit movies, musicals and tv shows... she was widely touted as the new Audrey Hepburn, her singing was compared to Karen Carpenter, and her legs to Cyd Cherise.

There wasn't a teenage boy's bedroom that didn't have her poster on the wall... Cheryl Ladd and that tennis player scratching her bum could only dream of the seminal fluid expended nightly on her behalf.
And not just young boys, girls too would regularly rush out to snap up the fashion mags to see what she had worn at Cannes, or the MET gala, or relaxing on the beach in Bali. So influential as she that she caused the great cotton shortage of 2004 as her designs were snapped up worldwide.

And it wasn't just her looks, she was whip smart too....
Let us not forget the Nobel prizes - her literary oeuvre redefined kitchen sink drama, with the highlight being her reworking of the Sheila Delaney classic - when she curated A Taste of Jam, that ran on Broadway for ten years (who will forget Meryl Streep's reworking of the role played by Dora Bryan - though most with taste tend to skip over James Corden camping it as Murray Melvin) . And that is before you get into her breathtaking breakthroughs in chemistry, mathematics, physics and world peace.

All of it ruined when it was revealed, by the beastly Daily Mail, she has a black mother.

It's all just so unfair.
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Active member
I worry that something more serious could be going on, we get reports that Catherine and William have been seen out together but Catherine is never seen, like you say in a limo or waving from a window.
If she hadn't completely disappeared the rumours and vacuum wouldn't have occurred, I am starting to wonder if it's normal to be poorly this long, then I read on here that it takes a long time to recover after chemotherapy.
If Catherine can go out privately why can't she be seen more from a window etc, it seems so long since we have seen her that I begin to wonder if it is something terminal, are the public being kept in the dark, I am starting to fear that a newsflash could happen anytime with bad news concerning Catherine.
You're on a slippery slope there. You don't need to know anything until she decides there is something else we need to know. She owes us nothing. She wants her privacy. She has a basic human right.
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It's perfectly normal. My mum had major abdominal surgery in December. She had chemo every 3 weeks from March to August as the wound had to have healed sufficiently to start chemo. However sometimes her bloods weren't good enough to have her chemo so it would be delayed by a week or 2. She then had daily radiotherapy for 6 weeks from late Aug to Oct. She didn't feel well properly until the following summer - 18 months after her op.

She also rarely went out when having her treatment because she didn't feel upto it.

We have no clue what's going on but because Catherine has felt well enough on 1 day to go out doesn't mean she feels well enough to go out the following day. I doubt any appearance would be decided until the day - and quite frankly I'm getting fed up of all the medical experts and doomsayers demanding an appearance or medical update.

The woman is recovering - they've told us all we need to know. Because people have no patience or understanding is not Catherine's fault and she should not be expected to dance to someone else's timetable.
Agreed. I’ve said before on here how knackering chemo is. There were times when I didn’t finish meals, not because I wasn’t hungry but because it was too much effort to chew, and times when I’d start a sentence and not end it, because speaking seemed not worth the hassle. Not to mention the memory fog, so you can’t remember where you put your cup of tea.

public appearances-yes, even in the back of a limo- will just be too much for her. And why should she, I bloody wouldn’t.
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Notice the pattern?

When she was sixth on the call sheet in a support role for a TV show she wanted to be regarded as an established Hollywood star.

When she was a working actress and got endorsement gigs for non-designer fashion she wanted to be regarded as a diva/super model.

When she started a foodie blog and got a following she wanted to be regarded as Anthony Bourdain.

When she married a, in the hierarchy, a rank and file Prince she wanted to be regarded as Mandela released from prison.

When she was a working royal she wanted to be as well regarded as The Queen/Catherine who'd been doing it for decades/years.

When she quit the job and cried racism she wanted to be regarded as Rosa Parks in America.

When she wrote a poem which was made into an illustrated book she wanted to be regarded as an author.

When she started making jam for ARO she wanted to be regarded as Gwyneth Paltrows Goop.

If she hasn't understood the difference between instant gratification versus delayed gratification in terms of application and consequent regard then nothing will ever change.
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Scotch Mist

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Not sure about this. A couple of X accounts that I usually think are reliable are discussing the "lili & lili' photo op that Methane wanted to merch.
I thought it was agreed that Lilibucks has not been seen in the UK?
Why are they now trying to validate Lilibucks? 🤔

View attachment 2968153
The Bark Jack account doesn't know anything IMO.
- Nissan Haribo was never going to be invited to take a photo of the Queen and Lillibucks. The Queen would have chosen a photographer she could trust.
- Lillibucks has never been to the UK. There is no proof of this.
- I don't believe that the Queen ever met Lillibucks, and nobody in the RF has seen Fark since they went to Canada because Fark has never returned since then.

There is no photo of the late Queen with Lillibucks, it doesn't exist. If it existed we would have seen it by now.

Oh wait.....😄😉
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Yes, my mum was always extremely thin and her stint of chemo had her looking very unwell very quickly because

I have had 3 major abdominal surgeries in my 30s and it can take the body an unbelievable amount of time to recover (never mind the heart and soul). I cannot imagine then having to go through chemo while still physically and mentally recovering from a major surgery. I don’t know what people expect from her.
People expect every little detail to be made public, which is disgusting. We are so used to minor celebs giving us in depth detail of every illness they have to Instagram and trashy mags as exclusives so people assume we are entitled to know the same from Catherine.
No, we are not entitled. Let her get better in peace, we will see her when we see her, when SHE is ready and not before.
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