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Were there rumours about Amal Clooney using surrogates?
With slimy arse fancier George not much chance, the lead in his pencil is reserved for "the boys".

Something very false,smarmy and sickly about these two!, or is it just me?
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.....she takes her roles towards kids seriously , I know............

...... 🤢😡
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We can agree that this is them claiming that, against all reports and logic, they are not desperate for money.
Thing about how Megsie is, that were it not for Harry she wouldn’t have a pot to piss in.
I mean how broke is she that she didn’t even have a house or a car when she was written out. Even at the high end she’s only ever given $50,000 per episode, and I would imagine that would only have been through the later two or three seasons. My impression of her is that she was living a life far beyond her relatively ( in Hollywood terms) meagre earnings. She was jetting off overseas, hither and thither, partying on the Med, six weeks on the Tignanello holiday in Europe. Her lifestyle looked like someone earning a hell of a lot more than $50,000 per episode. Hell, I could spend that on a budget week in any Four Seasons Hotel, a pair of sunglasses and a few pots of La Mer!
She was a truly brokearse wannabe who used men to supplement her lifestyle. I don’t really care, as if anyone is mug enough to sponsor a scrawny slapper like her then that’s their problem, only they’d better have serious antibiotics in their suitcase.
Megsie Marry Up, the Dutcharse of Suckthemoff can put out as many “I’m rich” releases as she likes, but truth is she’s man ladder climbing tart whose entire immediate family have ALL been bankrupted.
P.S. I note Hazza isn’t stupid enough to introduce too much of his inheritance money into the joint family home and potentially lose it to marital property ( under California law). Maybe there’s hope for him yet
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Chatty Member
According to Neil Sean, the reason for the delay in the paperback edition of Spare is that the publisher wants additional content and Harry wants to remove things that he said about William and Catherine.
He does..does he now? How convenient 😠 It's too late baby now it's too late..
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Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.42.57.png

Just looking at this photo of Rafa holding his son, it highlights the differences with 43% holding her hanging children. Baby Rafa is touching/holding his Dad with both hands.
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D. A.

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There seems to be lots of talk about the fake pregnancy/ fake kids on twitter......

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I am beyond livid. I hope this Sammy Harkle news about trying to bother the POW is just jibber jabber BS. Otherwise she's as bad as her sister. I'm disgusted.

Edit to add: oh. I didn't see it was Dan Wooton. He's not pointless pr. Ok back to being disgusted
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I always thought the way Archie's pregnancy was handled smelled like a rotten fish. Meghan never allowed a royal gyn to examine her. Just thinking that if she lied about being pregnant to force the marriage, she might have had the notion that the gyn would know that she had not been pregnant before and spill the beans to TQ. Knowing how stupid she is about many things, she probably thought that she would get caught out by an MD. There are a few more reasons. She could have had a child in the past (I actually think this is unlikely) and they would know that. She wasn't pregnant at all at any time and that is pretty self-explanatory for refusing an exam. She might have had a partial hysterectomy and didn't want them to know that either. Personally, I think she froze her eggs somewhere along the line and probably in Toronto. She might have reached an agreement with Trevor that that would use a surrogate since she was so obsessed about getting fat and out of shape and that is when and why she did it. I think Harry is the baby daddy ad those kids look like Markle juniors, so they are her eggs, The question is who was the incubator?
Speaking of Trevor, I so hope he feels vindicated and healed and is thinking: "Wow, I dodged a bullet!"
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I get that for il Duce when she moves on from a person her mantra is "you are dead to me".
But I never understood the whole thing about her family and the wedding.

The fact is both Harry and il Duce are liars.
None of this would be an issue if they had accepted William's suggestion and had the small wedding - which they said they wanted - at Tetbury.
Or better still Chelsea registry office (if that is still the fashionable place for a quickie marriage).
No small wedding for this pair, he wanted what his brother had had and she just wanted to be centre stage with the eyes of the world on her and her alone. I should imagine she was furious when Charles offered to walk her down the aisle ….. a kind gesture on his part so he thought because her father wasn’t going to be present ….. but to her it was just somebody trying to steal her moment of glory.
At Other weddings I have been to the mother has walked the bride down the aisle if the father couldn’t do it for whatever reason, so why not have her mother do it? No, she wanted to do that walk alone ….. this was her big moment and nobody was going to take it from her …… I even think it was she who suggested Charles meet her halfway rather than do the full walk with her.
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Happy Lady

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Thing is that for the last few years, if anyone brought up H&M's kids, I'd sit there and say "There's no kids". Mr H would give me a look (cause he thinks I'm bonkers), but I'd just say "You heard it here first". Most people would look at me as if I'd just landed from Mars, but the odd one here and there would ask me for an explanation.

And now my Tattlettes, when the truth is out and everyone looks shocked, perplexed, nay even finding the whole charade unbelievable, then we can say "See. I knew all along". 😎
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Harry said that it was Meghan who asked Charles to walk her down the aisle and he was surprised and honoured (so Charles didn't offer and there was no way he could refuse either). I think it was another of her very calculating moves, she will always be remembered as having been walked down the aisle by the King.

Yes, why didn't she get her mother to walk down the aisle with her, as intimidating as that would be for her mom, I think her Mom would have done it, it would have looked far more authentic. Alternatively, she could have asked Oprah LOL.
I think that right up to the last minute Tom Snr thought he was going to the wedding. He'd been measured for a suit and she said she was going to get him a ticket. Then she ambushed him 2 weeks before the wedding with the Jeff Rayner pap shots in Rosarito, he was mortified and had a heart attack and went into hospital.

Imo this was planned and she always intended that Chuck would walk her part way down the aisle or up it. Snakebite was there because she was in on the Stoat capture and big bucks plan, and to prove the Ho's POC credentials that she intended to use in her plan to blackmail the Royal Family. Having the evil MIL from Hell on full view ensured there could be no doubt that the Ho was biracial, a victim-in-waiting already! Job done, very clever and not to be underestimated.
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I had the quickest labour ever recorded for our hospital- 31 minutes from waters breaking at home to holding my babe - I couldn’t have laughed even if I’d wanted! I’ve also had a water birth and one of mine was with an epidural also.

This is all bullshit.
But did you have two epidurals, and a mirror to get a better view of the business end?
I'll assume you didn't have a picture of Diana.
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She wanted to be top dog or nothing, and had no idea how anything worked despite looking at photos of bearskins. She and Harold are dangerous, and wanted the loot and prestige without toeing the line, and they've got that but want more. The lack of children will keep her away forever, not necessarily Harold.

Like Kim J.Un is a psychopath and predator she is too. We can't believe how merciless she is, but I think that the hard drugs Snakebite was using while pregnant resulted in a damaged Ho brain as well as her odd uncoordinated body, inability to relate to any living thing, the feral way she eats and the underbite, the carrion crow walk and colour-blindness. How children and animals sense the coldness drifting off her like vapour from ice and shrink back. She couldn't possibly be married to an animal-lover, and she isn't.

They'd have never fitted into the rigid hierarchy of the Monarchy and never intended to. Doesn't Tom M Jnr look seedy!
I am relating your comment to the two episodes of Fringe that Meghan appeared in. I always enjoyed the show and decided to rewatch on Amazon. I started Season 2 last night and MM is in the first two episodes. I didn't watch the entire episode 1, and will get back to it tonight. I rewatched the opening credits after I realized that she was in in it and she was featured very nicely and up front in the credits. She did quite a bit in the part that I watched. This made me curious to research as to why she was only in the first two episodes. There were several answers on the TV sites that follow shows. The politic answer was that the storyline was going to change and that the plot that her character was pursuing was no longer going to be featured and the story was going in a different direction. This is hard to believe because a season storyline is completely plotted out before the filming begins, and even if true they would have given her something else to do. So I call this totally bogus. Additionally, the claim was also that she had been signed for Suits and would no longer be available. The other reasons that were more plausible was that she was fill in for the FBI agent named Charlie. The actor Kurt Acevdo who was having a contract dispute with the show runners and Meg was a temp for him. Now I gave all this some thought and here is my version. Meghan's character was the upfront female FBI agent at the beginning of the show because Olivia was out of commission due to an injury. Meghan had scenes with Peter and I am presuming, later with Walter. They definitely were featuring her in the story. There were scenes of her alone as part of the story. Thats a big deal. Suits didn't show up on the air for another two years so I am not buying the she wouldn't be available theory. She definitely would have been available to finish out Season 2 and maybe even part of Season 3. Going back to your comment Cinnie, "she wanted to be top dog or nothing," is closer to what I think was the truth. Meghan thought that she was going to replace Olivia in the major storyline and be a major player. I suspect she complained bitterly and was generally obnoxious and hard to work with. I believe that they got rid of her. Period. All the politically correct stories that were dropped later were a polite way of getting rid of her and not creating a situation where she might sue them. The reason was agreed upon by all and she stuck to it later. They probably paid her off. When I was watching the episode, I was thinking that she had never had the opportunity to work with actors of the high caliber that were on this show. I didn't think she did too badly given her role, which was definitely not of the sexpot variety. Bottom line is that this could have been a huge opportunity for her and suddenly it wasn't. Her putrid personality has ruined many chances for her. Boo Hoo.
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Saw the eclipse today at work. It was 86% & very cool to see! My Dad got 100% in Vermont so I’m anxious to hear what it was like! (Besides dark for a bit!) 😂
I wish someone would eclipse the Harkles! 😉
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Quite apart from the stupidity on display here, why on earth are they so desperate for meghan to be Queen of a racist nation? Salty Island isn't safe for her to visit, so why would you want your leader sent here among us?
They're so dim - don't understand how succession works, don't understand property laws - Lady C's home was purchased by her as a private citizen, do they think the monarch can just kick people out of the homes they own?
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I’ll tell you what I got from this, Richard Osmon seems inhibited to say what he really thinks. He sugar coated what he said. I see this all the time and this particular couple get this ring of protection because we are told ANY criticism put their way is automatically categorised as racist. It’s unbelievable how that has been weaponised to obstruct people’s criticism of them. People know to be scared to say even anything remotely negative because of these sugars.

Well, it’s not working on me. Call me whatever you like, I think she’s a throughly nasty piece of work, and I look forward to the day she falls deep into a sink hole, never to be seen or heard of or spoken about ever again.

Also - Suits is the biggest show ever? I just don’t believe that. I don’t believe that to be true. Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, these were major successes, not Suits. It’s a ludicrous skewing of the figures.
LOL! I get into Twitter fights with Sugars all the time. I call them morons, tell them they're fools, etc. Whats the big deal? They can FAFO with me all they dare. I'm not afraid of them. I've never had one come for me.
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