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Meghan was desperate to have an iconic moment like this at the Queen’s funeral but instead looked like she was auditioning for a telenovela with her OTT sad face, squeezing out the trusty one tear from her left eye just when she happened to be facing all of the cameras. She’s nothing if not predictable!

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That tear is genuine.
She had just realised that she would never be Queen and that she would never have access to the royal jewellery collection.
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Leonor and Myra are just two of Meghan's own accounts (14 of them at the last count) that she uses for her vile comments about the RF
One day hopefully someone traces those back to her mansion with 16 bathrooms.

Edit to add: She strikes me as the type to need to let rip with her vitriol. I can definitely imagine her having sock accounts. I bet she does little else all day.
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Updated Tattle Cunt List , as of 20:30 hrs, G.M.T.

Owen prat. CUNT
Omid cunt-features. UGLY SINGLE NO-HOPER CUNT
Miserable Harrison. STUPID-LOOKING CUNT
Shaun Robinson. A CUNT
Stephen Colbert. ANOTHER CUNT
Paul burrell. DIANAS CUNT
Blake lively. A CUNT
James Barr. CUNT
Shane reaction CUNT
House in habit. CUNT
Denise welch. DRUNKEN CUNT
Bill maher. CUNT
Tessa Dunlop. CUNT
Gary Janetti. CUNT
Sarah vine. ANOTHER CUNT

Many online hypocritical back-peddling cunts who couldn't give a toss about how the Royal Families children feel ..... HYPOCRITICAL CUNTS

As for the prize cunts who start the list off this evening ; a more nastier, entitled, slatternly, whorish , nasty , deluded, lying bunch of cunts you could ever meet.

They win the Tattle Cunt trophy 🏆

View attachment 2836993
And guess who's presenting it :ROFLMAO:

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Many think he’s running the whole show. Biden is clearly “not all there” most of the time.
I’m very curious what the former president was doing there. Some think he’s trying to see how much support there would be for his wife to run for president.
Just rumors…no one knows.
They’re all cunts.
They’re all corrupt.
Our country’s leaders are ALL selling their citizens out.
I believe nothing will happen to the Harkles either, and that they are protected.

That said, this is my happy place to laugh with people I’ve never met, have civil back & forth, learn new things, and swear. (A lot!!) 🤣🤣🤣
Which reminds me!!! On Sunday some lady cut me off in a parking lot & when I was able to drive by her (real slow) I mouthed the words “cunt, cunt, cunt” to her through my window with a sunny smile on my face!! (You’d have been SO proud, Tattlers!!) 😂🥰🤣🥰
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Agree! And thank you @knoddle for posting the picture again.

Hazno's and Smegs' faces have the same expression as when they were shown to second (or third?) row at HLMQ's platinum jubilee thanksgiving service, and Bea and Edo refused to budge up. They're irredeemably vile, so it's just as well they have so much comedy value.

A round of applause for the man with the pointy finger please! I'd love to put a speech bubble coming out of his mouth but I can't think of anything suitably witty or scathing. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 2834942
Pointy finger guy saying.... "No you can't have two seats for yourself, you only paid for one each. Not my fault your ball gown is too big for the seat!" 🤣
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The protest tonight was British farmers angry at govt net zero policy, forcing them to give up a percentage of their farms for growing trees. Amongst other things. There were about 200 tractors there.

Get Piers Morgan on that list!

I support The Farmers They are always getting shafted by the Govenment
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Please excuse me....I feel a need to put in a few words (OK rather more than a few!) on behalf of all my scores of American relatives (real Americans, not recent immigrants from Europe!), Americans who live in the UK and our American Tattlers.

I've spent a lot of time in the US, I've not once come across this 'massive culture clash' (and I've conversed with the widest range of Americans from the very top to people living on the street about Serious Things as well as more frivolously!).

Of course there are lots of differences between our nations and their respective cultures. I've been met with nothing but respect and admiration for the UK, together with some to a great deal of knowledge of our system of governance.
American children grow up very familiar with the concept of Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses. Walt Disney and endless children's fairy tale books ensure that knowledge. In fact, that's exactly the same way British children learn about Royalty. It's actually not rocket science!!

Several of my professors throughout my long sojourn at uni were American , I got to know some of them well. We had great exchange student programmes and both Americans and Brits were respectfully curious and then enriched by each others' cultures.

Then we can look at all the other Americans who've moved to the UK - my Tacoma uncle (half native American) for instance, who loved the UK so much that he happily retired here with his family. From another side of my family, my dearest cousin from New England (an Indian by birth and a WW2 USN vet) who settled his family here. These people are just a few of hundreds of thousands of Americans from all walks of life who've successfully made their forever homes here.

There are numerous US celebrities who've made the UK their home without any compunction - famously Madonna and Tom Cruise (who, as we well know, even fell in love with the BRF!!). There's also one of Markle's SUITS 'co-stars' (I'd probably remember his name if he'd married a British Prince or Princess). I'm sure you can name many more US show biz emigres here.

More to the point, we can look at the many American women, commoners all, some actresses and others media personalities who've recently or in times past married into the British aristocracy (sort of Royalty Lite).
These women have made huge changes in their lifestyles very successfully whilst retaining their American identities and bringing their uniquely American characters, skills and know-how to their British families with very positive effect.

We could also note that several European Royal Families have equally welcomed mixed race and other foreigners to their families, most of whom have had to learn a new language as well as contend with 'The Culture Clash' - yep, at this point I'm getting mighty sceptical of this nonsense!

I honestly can't think of any American person I've known or met who would have made an adult, conscious decision to move to the UK to live and then viciously blown off our country because they couldn't adapt to our ways....

In my opinion, Markle's problem is that she wouldn't adapt. She refused to. She didn't want to learn about her new family and how the firm works, she blew off all the expert help she was offered. Any important new role or job demands that the new recruit applies themselves to a period of intense learning.

For quite a while this 'culture clash' palaver was cited in the UK media. But it emerged that the RF had (and still does have) American senior staff - all obviously very well able to 'adapt'.
It also emerged that, as far back as 2017 (before the Great Hollywood Celebrity Extravaganza at St George's), Markle was buying a raft of website domains with names that suggested she was planning to run for POTUS in each of the coming election years up to Doomsday! (actually, I think the most future year I saw was 2032).
And we know now that she retained all her US personnel (lawyers, manager, agent, yacht gig booker etc) and kept most of her clothes and domestic accoutrements somewhere in North America. It all suggests that she had no intention at all of integrating, doing the necessary work and making her forever home here.

Hundreds of millions of people have moved to new countries, the vast majority of us make a success of it in spite of sometimes huge differences in cultures.
So, with all the above in mind, I'm afraid I must gainsay PDina. I'm sure she's not intending to make excuses for Markle. But, really, she is letting her off the hook. (And I'm not even going to get into how easy it is to explain to Americans, in a way they can relate to, what our RF means to us).

Not only that, I strongly feel that PDina's ignoring and diminishing the integrity, intelligence, courage, good manners and achievements of all the many, many hundreds of thousands of Americans who've successfully made the UK their home. The UK is very much enriched by them in all sorts of ways.
Great post Sami.
Pseudo "Culture Clash" was another weapon the Ho used to excuse her behaviour as a "working" Royal. Her sleazy lawyer Jenny Afia hinted that the Ho was a sassy all-American girl, get-up-and go, straight-talking etc etc. The sedate pearl-clutching clucking aides couldn't understand her, it was their fault of course, a cultural thing... etc etc, the Ho's hectoring 5 a.m calls were down to professionalism!! The Ho was bullying them under cover of being "driven", whereas really she's bone idle and totally unable to see anything through. Nonetheless she miraculously emerged as the Victim.

The Ho only knows one universal "culture", home in on a rich john, suck him dry and then see what else you can fasten onto. I can't believe that lizard Afia is a Partner at Schillings.
download (14).jpeg

Here she is, smirking and superior.
Needs a good hour in sheep-dip.
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Sorry to be late on this, but did anyone find the get well message from H&M very.... pointed?
'Healing' for 'Kate and the family' could refer to a lot of things, not just an illness.
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I was just talking to my parents, they don't live in the UK and at first did not understand my loathing of the Harkles, until Oprah. Now they are possibly more passionate than me! I introduced them a few months ago to You Tube and recommended a few people to watch. They love The Royal Rogue and were just telling me they had just started watching his latest video where he goes "full scorched earth". "Who?" They ask me, "is the man on the throne he is going after?" I was slightly baffled as the only person I can think of was River, who is very much pro Catherine. After a quick you tube search I found what they were talking about. It was a still of bloody Al Pacino
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Zara zara

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I've always thought Peter snd William look very alike more like Brothers..... Shouty Shola is the biggest most nasty Cunt out there she can get to fuck Pot noodle headed Cunt
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Chatty Member
ARO is dead in the water already. The best time to merch was on release of the brand. How bizarre to make all the fuss about it and not have anything ready to sell?
This is what I don't get. It wasn't a launch it was a teaser but there was no follow up about when the launch would actually be. No one gives a crap anyway but even less people will when (if?) she actually starts peddling her wares. It's the same with the kids. I don't doubt there was some interest in seeing them several years ago but literally no one gives a shit now.

How many things has she started and never seen through?!
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Wow, I'm halfway through reading the court doc, and it's damning. This is worse than Einstein imo. 'Diddy has hidden cameras in ever room and has compromising footage of everyone who ever attended his freaky parties'.
Cuba Gooding Jnr, Jennifer Lopez are mentioned.
Bet H is bricking it.
As I said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if H n M actually met at one of these parties. Diddy had several yacht parties
Einstein? What did he do?!
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Since QE11 died I have noticed the amount of bile from US social media about the BRF has increased significantly. A lot of big US accounts I follow I notice the comments underneath about the family are actually disgusting and so disrespectful. I am truly baffled why they care so much, it’s not really for them to have an opinion is it. Sorry our US Tattlers, we know you get it.
Think about what history tells us about religious wars. There is a religious war raging In America….and it has spread to the UK. No, they are not burning homes and executing non-believers. They are cancelling them, indicting them on ‘selective charges’, holding them responsible for ‘selective periods of history’ and using church media/social media to repeat their catechism over and over again and spread their hoaxes….until you reflexively hate exactly the people they desire you to hate.

In fairness i will add the many of the adherents of this faith, have had some very valid points and they do believe that spreading their gospel serves humanity…but they have watched as their clergy and cardinals have lied and stolen, and destroyed lives…and they stayed mute for the…larger cause.

If American politics slip into our discussions here, it is because we know how this religion operates. We know that the ridicule, hatred and lies directed at the RF…are the same methodology used in our politics today. So the POW is now an adulterer, a violent man, a colonist whose evil family stole from rightful and uber-righteous peoples.

His wife, if she is alive, is a liar and a racist. The RF is anathema to this Woke religion and they will not stop. Why should they…they have quite the success record in the US. I see their hoaxes reported as truth in many places.

H&M have been moderately useful. Now the one problem that is emerging is that the working class and even many minorities are noticing the lavish cathedrals being built while nothing gets done for them. I don’t believe Diana ever aligned herself with any divisive movement but M&H are deeply imbedded in Wokery. I think it could be tough to start a business with their ‘history’ as some of the Church popularity is in decline….and that’s not even factoring in her Mean Girl Image.

But I can actually see her appointed Ambassador to the UK, if the party aligned with the Church retains control.. This would give them and M&H a significant platform to advocate for ‘needed change’ in your colonist country and to agitate the oppressed Dominions.
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Ohhhhhhhhhhh .....

Watch Markle run an absolute mile from both Harry and from WME now.

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I saw in the news yesterday about Sophie doing royal visits in West Sussex. Obviously that ought to be the Sussexs' job. I wonder if any of the people she met commented on it? I can bet it's shit having the land around you owned by people who don't even go there, ever.
Not sure if I was missing some humour here but if meant honestly : There is no land ( or money) attached to the title of Duke of Sussex. It’s an honorary title only.

There are plenty of those in the Royal family ( Duke of Kent doesn’t own Kent, Duke of Gloucester doesn’t own Gloucestershire, when William was Duke of Cambridge it didn’t have property attached.

It’s nothing like the Duchy of Cornwall ( POW) or the Duchy of Lancaster ( the King) which are income producing entities.
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