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@Scotch Mist post: 17937412, member: 64723"]
Although I'm of the opinion that Andrew and Fergie don't need to live in a huge house they are used to that lifestyle and where can they feasibly go? If they are forced to move elsewhere then they'll have to have some protection given to them because they will be targets. The King can't tell his brother to go and live somewhere unsafe and risk him being attacked, kidnapped or bumped off. That would certainly rebound on him. It's a tricky one.
The public would be much happier to see both Andrew and Harry lose their power by being removed from the line of succession, the royal family website and possibly losing their titles and their positions as CoS. Where they choose to live is then irrelevant.

C can't remove PA's titles, CoS and place in the LoS without a huge outcry that he should do the same to the Sussexes, who are actual traitors and enemies of our country unlike PA.

So C will not change the status of the Sussexes in any way to humiliate them, or remove their privileges or positions representing him and the Commonwealth. The Stoat remains a CoS though it's against the rules. C would also have to address the fraudulent Flatpacks, which is a far more serious issue than the retired and disgraced groping Andrew. But C won't do this either because he daren't. It looks like he's going to leave it for William to sort out, but history has already been written that he failed to deal with it.

So the Rachael Maskell and Bob Seely Bills won't see the light of day.
I don't see that PA's Royal Lodge lease is any of C's business or why he wants to remove him, unless it's to please the public?
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Yes, it's certainly horrific.
Kincora Boys' Home in Belfast, from which his mostly orphaned victims were chosen, was highlighted during the post mortem Savile investigations.
By most accounts it was like a pick 'n' mix boy store for powerful men for over 30 years. The staff and authorities were entirely complicit in enabling these men and covering up the crimes.

It wouldn't surprise me if Mountbatten's assassins also had his vile predatory activities in mind when they set that bomb in his boat.

It's relevant today because survivors are still struggling with the aftermath of their abuse. Our nation is particularly (or deliberately?) very poor at caring for victims of abuse so these men, like so many other other people struggle alone for the most part.

It's relevant because current members of the Mountbatten family are implicated in Epstein's pick 'n' mix abuse activities and in other similar abuses.

As far as I'm concerned, it's relevant also because our king was and is very close to these perpetrators and actually chose friends from amongst this vile cohort of abusers. Not only did he make them his friends, he also supported them when they were accused, rightfully, of abuse.

Everything possible was and is still done to cover up these horrifying abuses by powerful men. (In the UK, it's the default reaction when a victim of any preferred or privileged group comes forward.)

What else is being covered up?

How much impact has all this widespread covering up and lack of accountability had on the degradation of our country's values, standards, principles, morale...?
Speaking of “What else is being covered up?”
Here’s a little tidbit for everyone.
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A lot of it is also money laundering. (I'm looking at YOU, Hunter Biden. Your baby mama wouldn't take your paintings as child support because she knew better.)

I bet the Harkles don't have a single work of art, even one of Hunter's.
I bet they've got that tennis player scratching her bum or the ghastly green-tinged 'tropical lady' that were so popular. Not that you could call that art but the Ho don't know
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Interview with Sam Markle's lawyer, Peter Tickin. With Andy Signor of Popcorned Planet

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Can anyone else see the face in her dress? There's a bit of fabric jutting out under her ..bust(?) (she barely has one .. the original Flatpack 😂) that looks like a nose, then a sad 'mouth' underneath it. If you look from a distance you can see a face.

The knee faces have company. We need The Doctor - Slitheen on the loose! 😱😱😱

I agree with this 100%. Especially after Megxit the BRF has been looking like a family out of one of our crazy daily soaps 😂😂 And Smegs resembles my narc uncle's narc and greedy wife

We're all related! 😂

No hangover, barely registered the alcohol. I've been freezing! Even my trusty hot water bottle didn't help much last night. Tried having sugary/fatty stuff then played with the Pup to burn it all off and generate some heat, but no luck. Snuggling him helped but he's mostly in a bitey mood today so that's not an option 🤦

Power was out for a few hours today so it was all dark (to conserve the inverter charge). Weather apps and the met department kept promising at least a partial sun, but nope, no chance at all! Single digit maximum temperature my side. "Winter will be warm this year", they'd promised 🙄 Have to be back at work tomorrow. Couldn't get anything I wanted to do/prepare done. Thank God for work from home!
Can anyone else see the face in her dress?

OMG @ChaoticArtist!!!!!!! Now that I've seen the face in the dress I can't unsee it! Slitheen, indeed...

😮😲 😨
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Tom Bower on PA and the Epstein files. Says this could go to court. KC doesn't like confrontation

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You posted what I came to say.

Supposedly the Queen got Sophie to take Meghan to the airport and make sure she got on the plane.

This was because meghan had been caught taking photos. We have also been led to believe Markle was caught taking photos either of a sleeping Charlotte or of Charlotte's bedroom. This would be why William would be so angry.

I read recently that Meghan also stole some jewellery from Catherine so it could have been a combination of those things that made the Queen snap and order her out of the country.

I'm glad Harry was made to attend the Sandringham Summit alone, he's a pussy, Meghan knew he'd get nowhere with them all. Narcs hate their voices unheard so the royals handled her perfectly by cutting her out as an irrelevance.
I think BarkJack refuted any jewellery allegations.
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I'm really really uncomfortable with some of the victim blaming coming out here at the moment. Rich and powerful men exploiting young girls/women is never a good thing, regardless of whether or not those girls/women thought they were getting something out of it.

May have to take a break for a while.
I have asked forthe post to be removed again apoligies
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I posted a version of this in August 2021 and, with the alteration of a few words, it is still relevant today. 😂

Altogether now (tune ..Sylvia's mother)

King Charles's wifey says Daddy is busy
Too busy to come to the phone
King Charles's wifey says "Daddy is trying
To work out just how much he owns”
King Charles's wifey says "Daddy is happy
So why don't you leave him alone"
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes

Please dear Camilla I just gotta talk to him
I'll only keep him a while
Please dear Camilla, I just want to tell him
"I'm broke!”

King Charles's wifey says “we’re busy packing
We're gonna be leaving today”
King Charles's wifey says “we are so tired
So we need a good holiday”
King Charles's wifey says “please stop your whining
Or he may take your titles away”
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes

Please my step mother, I just gotta talk to him
Meg‘s found a billionaire
Please my step mother, I just want to tell him
"l’m Spare”

King Charles's first son says “Daddy is now King
God Bless him and long may he reign”
King Charles's first son says “take that and stick it
Somewhere where it causes much pain”
And King Charles's first son says “thank you for calling
But fuck off and don't call again”
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes

Please wicked brother I just gotta talk to him
I know I’m his darlin boy
Please wicked brother I want an apology
"For what?" 🤔

Tell him I'm mad
Please, tell him I'm mad (as a hatter)
Brilliant @wisebutwild 🤣 I can hear it in my head! 🤣
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What a bunch of hooey this article is. Body language expert - that's a laugh. And weren't the photos on the staircase taken by a photographer with a long range lens set up by Smegs and Haznoballs, as I remember? They have no problem at all exploiting the King's grief by setting him up as he prepares to meet his mother's coffin. Disgusting.
I sourced the Getty original here.
The overlay is called ''film grain'' (there are others) it is used to create the ''paparazzi illusion '' to enable claims that one didn't call them, or in this case that the Palace wouldn't allow it.
Of course the one where the Harkles are photographed from the inside (was it Queens funeral ?) are confirming this.
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