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Morning all - I'm new to this thread
Thought I'd take a look at the wiki - I think I need to book a fortnight's leave just to read it all. You have been busy!! 🤣

I love to hate on Aitch and his Instagram Loving Bitch Wife so looking forward to a giggle with you all.

Also: I'm delighted that she chickened out of coming 😁 Although it's a bit of a shame we won't get to see her in yet another terrible creased Dior number at least 1 size too small for her.
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Dan Wootton just said on gb news that he knows people close to M and that she is terrified of getting booed. She wanted to be there but couldn't risk the boos
Omid Scobie doo then by the sounds of it. Well you can’t slag the Royal family off to then say the whole of the UK Is racist and the royals are racist and not face any consequences now can you?

Slating our late Queen is like attacking your grandmother.. you just don’t. you have respect. Of all people Harry should bloody well have known that.
They effectively killed her and Prince Phillip off. If they didn’t have all that drama maybe they might.. just might be with us today.

I think it’s fantastic that she knows she will be booed. Not only that you just know people will have the southpark cut out. 😂😂
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Evening all, just popped in just to say thank fuck Smeg isn't coming, shame that spare twat is still coming.

As you were.
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When is Eugenie due to give birth ? I expect he’ll sidle in with her and Tequila Ted and hope he won’t get boooooooooooed too much.
Although Tequila Ted snubbed him as H&M were about to leave after the funeral. The old 'push the spectacles up' ploy 😁

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Hey 👋🏻 I'm not sure who I blame more. The betrayal is far worse from H as its his own family. But I do think someone who had issues as he clearly did (he was never an angel and was lucky a lot of his stories were buried or deflected) had he met the "right" person, she could have given him some love and he may have found his way. Instead of being poisoned away from not only his family, but his friends, his public role, his duties and his country.
I think she emotionally blackmailed him too with the suicide threats and bringing his mummy up.
Sometimes I think they deserve each other!
I think she definitely coercively controlled him. You can tell by the way she isolated him away from his family and friends. I think she love bombed him and made him feel that she was the only person who truly loved him. Horrible situation for anyone to be in but he had every chance of escape. His family would have helped him. He stayed and he has only himself to blame.
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Scotch Mist

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He probably could but the past few years have shown us it’s not all been her, he’s shown his true colours and he’s not a nice person either. I don’t want people making excuses for him if they divorce. I dislike them equally now.
I think he's far worse than her. She's a grifting chancer who married him for fame and money but what he's done to his family and his country is quite despicable.

She's obviously pissed off that they've been humiliated following the release of his book and the South Park episode. It was OK for her to lie of course, and she thought she'd played the victim card well. After all there were plenty who were sympathetic to her after the Orca interview and the Netflix series.

She has some sugars who still worship her but what fan base does Hazno have now? He's betrayed his family, attacked the press, sued the home office and insulted the British people. He's gone too far and the victim card is no longer working for him because he's shown himself up as a petulant tosser.

I think she will ditch him soon because he's now a liability for her future career. Smegz would never have admitted drug use, she's too canny for that. She will only put out stories that show her in a positive light where she's the victim of others never admitting any wrongdoing.

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Vogue says it was announced by their spokesperson, not BP, which makes more sense to me. Then BP was asked and confirmed.
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Someone call bloody BACKGRID NOW !!!!!

Tell them to clear the decks for May 6th …ALL photographers to be in Montedeceito ….to take snaps of smiling woman in dark glasses dragging 2 kids round the neighbourhood …

Thank you for the title @Bobble22 …and the new thread @Shushex ….Make that call NOW !!!!
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I don't believe he ever left the UK and it was never reported that he returned to America as usually we see pap photos of him arriving back yet on this occasion he was not spotted at the airport.
I agree, I think he stayed in the UK, and I don't think he'll be returning to America
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The excuse is that it is Archies birthday and she will be staying at home because of and to celebrate that? Bull. It is his birthday regardless of physical location and what a birthday gift it would be for him and his sister as a Prince and Princess to experience the pomp and ceremonial celebration of the coronation of their grandfather. Meghan willing to use his Prince title but won't be going to such a major royal event? Just be honest and say you're not wanted
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Something dramatic must have happened. There is NO WAY she would willingly decided to snub this event.
I think after being stuck behind the candle at the funeral and being pretty much snubbed all around, she decided it wasn't going to get any better with Spare and all that having happened since then. She seemed to think if she gave sickly looks at Catherine at the walkabout, all would be forgiven and they would be back hugging and sharing lip gloss in no time 😉. She got quite a shock, I hope, on that score.

It will be interesting to see where he will be seated at the ceremony. I think it's already been said that it's only working royals for the balcony so hard luck 🤣.

I do wonder WHY he is coming. After being supposedly treated so badly 🙄 and all the rest of it... he still wants the limelight that comes with being a royal, I guess.
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Was reading about cancel culture/public shaming and came across the Adria Richards story from 2013 and how this had parallels with Harry and Meghan. In short, Adria was a developer attending a conference with the topic at hand being how to get more women into tech. Two male developers, who were within earshot but speaking privately to each other, made innuendos about big dongles and forking repos. Richards hearing this, takes offense, turns around, takes their picture, posts it to Twitter saying they were making inappropriate comments. She posted her location and inferred she feared for her safety. The comments were not directed at her. She was not being harassed. It was two guys joking with each other. She presumably felt compelled to call out this sexism and was perhaps making a grandstanding point about the topic at hand and how this kind of thing, literally occurring in parallel, didn't help get women into tech. Conference organisers removed the two and one of the guys (Hank), given the PR disaster for his firm as it all goes viral, gets fired very publicly. Married with three kids. Stressed out obviously. Richards doesn't say anything about the firing. F*ck you for being so sexist, it has consequences. Hank proffers a mea culpa and an apology via a hacker/developer forum. Hank gets a new job quickly and learns his lesson. Then Richards is turned on for what she did, her company is continuously attacked by hackers doing DDOS and say it will stop once she is fired. She is fired. The attacks stop. She gets death threats. Her life is impacted significantly in the years after.

The alleged racist comment (per Bowers book) was Camilla making a joke with Harry about how she was concerned their children might have ginger afros. Harr harr! This was not said to Meghan but she was told about it subsequently. I think the above gives a glimpse into what Meghan was trying to do via the reach of an Oprah interview and what Richards was doing via the reach of Twitter and its shaming seeking mobs. She weaponised it but was “hoist with her own petard”. Aggrandise themselves via the use of important issues which need to be tackled (sexism/racism) but do so on the assumption that the targets will be punished, face consequences and that there will be none for themselves. The goal was that cancel culture/public shaming would deliver a PR hammer blow to the Royal family. A senior royal was a racist and with a multitude of races comprising the commonwealth then it would lead to a domino effect in countries leaving the commonwealth as its leaders were infested with racism. Interview was finished and they were seen laughing between themselves. Job done. F*ck you for not giving us half in half out. Sit back and watch the fireworks. Then the scrutiny turned on them. The lies and mistruths emerged. Their credibility sank. They reeked of narcissism and delusions. The clap backs about being racist for not believing them were limp. Like Hank, the royal family recouped quickly after the mea culpa of acknowledging them particularly about race. The coup de grace of "recollections may vary" drew a line under it. No major damage done. The machine of it churns along as it always has and Harry and Meghan have been impacted significantly. They are the butt of jokes, a go to example of toxic victimhood.

Like Richards her offense could have been dealt with privately and no consequences would have been dealt. She would still be working with her reputation intact. If Harry and Meghan didn't do the Oprah interview (or at least didn't cry racism) then they would likely retain some semblance of civility with the royal family and the general public.
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Could one of you lovely people please tell me what the deal is with the children not existing?
I watch a lot of YouTube about these two but try staying away from this thread. It gets too busy over on the krusties one so no time.
The kids do exist, don't they? Or am I misunderstanding it?
We have differing opinions regarding the children but this is a great space for respecting all opinions unless one is a Harkle fan .
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Everytime Meghan has been papped, Harry has been out of town. Who's betting she'll call backgrid and get papped on the day of the coronation! With kids maybe?
Luckily with the time difference, the Coronation will be all done and dusted by the time her alarm goes off in California
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He won’t, I sure of it. The fact he’ll be alone means every single one of their ridiculous demands has been refused. I think we’ll barely see him bar walking in and out of the abbey. He’ll be a nobody in a dull morning suit in a crap seat surrounded by glammed up real royals in robes and bling and will bog off back out of the country by the end of the day, I reckon. I don’t believe there will be any family chats, no real contact, nothing. He’s on his own - I don’t think any of them really give a toss about him anymore, even Charles.

I’m not really surprised she’s not coming though. Her rictus grin at the Jubilee didn’t hide her utter fury. And by the funeral, it was fear of the public we saw. Since she’ll have been told no to processions, carriages, tiara, etc it would have damaged her brand more to attend. The booing and public royal cold shoulder would have terrified her imo. Now she can continue to spin the evil royals excluding her and play up the doting mother prioritising her son.

So, what do we think her ridiculous stunt will be on the day? While the cat’s away, she’ll be determined to grab attention and merch her little flatpack mice like crazy.

I vote a theme park outing with the kids, recreating Diana and the boys’ splash ride photo!
Wouldn’t it be great if she did that and the kids immediately got off the rides and ran over to their mummies squealing how great it was but can that weird lady go away now!!! I can but imagine 🙄🤣
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I’m expecting her to pull some kind of stunt - divorce announcement, miscarriage announcement, or some big show of the kids in public. Most likely the divorce now she’s set him up to look even worse than he did with the mental health issues, drug use, etc all coming out in his book. She will twist this to portray herself as the victim.
Exactly, she won't let this go without milking it somehow.
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DM again - Elizabeth Haigh throwing Kate under the bus - seems to be a theme lately...:mad:

The Princess of Wales couldn't give a flying fuck 😆😆😆😆😆

She will be Queen in the future .
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