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It's four days, right? So everyone will be bored of the pictures of him come Wednesday when C&C are Germany-bound. At least, the royal rota will be off without batting an eyelid.
What can he do to pull headlines? Go out drinking late with Jack? Ain't like he has any drinking friends left. Unless that's when 43 shows herself!

He's had that forehead lump before, hasn't he?

View attachment 2059032

Smarmy,smirking,shirking,shifty,shoddy smackhead.

Lying,deceitful,deluded Fucking dimwit.

Fuck off you ginger cuntfaced,cretinous,carping challenged CUNT!
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Scotch Mist

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KC postpones his trip to France due to riots

King Charles WILL postpone his trip to France amid violent protests # via
I visited Paris a lot when I was young and Paris was lovely then, the last time we went was about 5 years ago and it was strikingly different. It's really changed (not in a good way) and there are now many areas that appear to be very unsafe. Charles is right not to risk it at the moment.
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I saw footage of H arriving. It's from a different angle. The journalist that gets pushed aside ends up with his camera strap tangled in that fence.

Is there members of the public there or is H saying hello to the waiting media.

H looks high and should be in a monastery somewhere wearing a robe. A satellite could pick up the back of his head.
The backnof his head IS a satelitte dish. Just not getting any reception
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We all know they are going to be there. My question is: can the ILBW pack an iron or steamer so that she doesn't look like the usual messy self to an event like the Coronation. I know she is used being the Z list actress hitting at billionaires in questionable parties, but can she, for once, wear something that fits her and have someone properly steam or iron whatever cheap dress she is grifting for the occasion?

I'm no longer shooting for the stars of a quiet no show, just hoping for a little dignity.
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I don't think it ever occurred to her that as the "spare" Harry did not actually own anything. Of course he could have a fabulously wealthy lifestyle with houses (fully staffed), security, cars and access but all actually owned by the monarch/heir. He has his inheritances but nothing to fund the billionaire lifestyle to which they aspired and neither really had the brains to think of what this would all cost if they had to fund it for themselves.
I would think they had it all spelled out to them when they decided to go ….. the cost of security, buying a home, bills etc etc …. In an attempt to stop them going but, as per usual, they didn’t listen as they knew best.

Unless 🤔……. They were thrown out, told to leave, on yer bike and here’s a couple of million to get you started and after that you’re on your own. Bye bye 👋👋👋
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I really don't understand why they go on about Peg collapsing on the floor in tears all the time. I just wouldn't be able to take someone seriously if they kept doing this; do they think it's normal behaviour for an adult woman to act in such a way?
It can be useful in the bank if you want an overdraft and they won't give you one. :devilish:
On the last thread I loved🥰 @Cinnamon.girl saying that Lady C was a woman 'smothered in spaniels' 😁 and this is what came to mind 🤣

View attachment 2051194
Oh wow Hamster I'm crying! Brilliant! Love the one on her head.....
They say that laughter is the best medicine as it releases dolphins or something, so @HappyLady get an eyeful of these Spaniels!
We can do one of those IQ tests like they have in the Daily Mail, if you spot the hidden thing in under 20 seconds your IQ is a soaring 90. Can anyone spot Lady C???
I hope she sees this on here and is honoured. She will never in her life see another photo of her like this, and no other blogger in history has been photoshopped with so many spaniels, not even Tom Bower or Moehringer. They'll all be wanting them now.

Lady C, can you leave a clue for @mardymare in code in your next video that you've been markled by spaniels or something?
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I genuinely don’t think they thought they would have to fund themselves! Their utter indignation at the loss of publicly funded security and Pa’s money made it clear they had assumed all that would continue. They believed they could keep both and go earn hundreds of millions on top. Keep the perks without doing the job. The taxpayer and KCIII were expected to be their safety net in the exciting new billionaire world they were charging into! They are the most clueless, arrogant, over privileged, entitled pair of pricks I’ve come across.
If she divorced him I doubt there would be many assets / cash she could take away with her, 100% she will have to find a sugardaddy or sell her stories/ lies in a tell-all book. If she had any self awareness at all she’d fuck off to a dignified private life, but I think whatever happens we’ll never hear the end of her, she’ll pop up in the press every so often.
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Scotch Mist

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Unless it is in a trust fund, in which case you no longer own it or can access it, I believe. I’m sure they’ll have wangled some way to weasel out of paying their debts
Its still incredibly arrogant. Most parents don't have the luxury of being able to provide trust funds for their kids because they're too busy paying for everything as they go along and praying they have enough to live on as pensioners.

If you have kids, you pay for them. Don't expect everyone else to pay, or better still educate them so they can make their own way in the world rather than expecting vast wealth for nothing.
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The turd has arrived

Who are all the men with him? His own private security or Police/Royal Family security? I certainly hope it's not the latter ....... And who's the Meg look-a-like? Why can't the dumb fucker just be subtle? Arriving in an attention seeking stupid big diesel guzzling house on wheels.
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Chatty Member
I think it was a big shock to smeg that haz wouldn't receive half of Charle's wealth upon his death. It would all go to William. Just as the late Queen's wealth went to Charles.
It's always been that way for the RF and for the aristocracy generally. But what would smeg know about that?
Compounded by the fact that she’d never really heard of the Royal Family or thought to Google them at any stage:p
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Same story here in the Carolina’s, @HadBax]
I spent 4.5 solid hours doing yard work so all plants will be in and growing before the insane humidity hits.
I politely envy you, @Who’sYerDaddy, (in an innocent way not Rachel Level) having that weather. We had non stop dark dreary, blustery fucking rain In NY. But today might be better. I need serious yard work, and can’t wait to get it done. we ripped out all the shrubs in the front, had massonry done last year, and now I want some bushes! I want warm weather. I want to sunbathe! (I haven’t lost my whole tan from last year, a few hours outside and I’ll look better naturally than Rachel with her Tan in a Can. )

On Topic: this whole coronation pr of will they, seems very one sided. Last I heard, KC wished them happiness overseas. The Markles camp consistently post they received an Email about the coronation. If they’d gotten an invitation, wouldn it say so? They are very good at twisting things. So many questions. Did Rachel only get a copy of the tiara for her wedding? Why can’t Rachel and Andy even look at ech other at family functions And state affairs? Why isn’t the Ho wearing her engagement ring? Did she keep the questionable Waterfall Diamond earrings (“a wedding present”) or do they belong to the Crown?
But my biggest confusion, why does Hazzno hold himself out as equal to the heir? He isn’t and just claiming something doesn’t make it so. if it did, I’d be Violet, Princess of Butterfly. I would also be 5’10”, 29 and weigh 124 pounds. (All things I’m not) These are just some of the questions ruminating in my brain, It seems as though with every breath they take, they’re announcing some thing. Most of it is just noise, Take a break and shut the fuck up Rachel. We’ve had enough.
And……is KC actually going to let Netflix be there to record his coronation for her benefit? Excuse me, I meant they will be recording her at his coronation, so I envision the crew ‘Hey Chuck, you’re blcocking her light, can you step back a smidge? And lose the crown, it’s flashing highlights on the Talent!’
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ouch! the low waist pants era! this trend needs to stay there in the noughts

(Princess Catherine looks fabulous in anything, but those jeans are giving me anxiety 😬)
If I wore pants that tight and low, I’d look like a busted can of biscuits!! 😆😆
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It's not a frigging "special family moment". It's for the Monarch, supported by the working Royals. The ones that serve the country, not slag us off and sue the Government.

And since when do the Harkles have any consideration for the "special" family, other than for moneymaking opportunities? Which is exactly what this would be.

Piss off!

Maybe, if I strech my understanding and leniency, I can understand this from Meghan, who's not British and who never cared about Britain (not even after marying in Britain's Royal Family).
But. From. Harry.
Doesn't that guy know his own country's traditions and history? Did he ever took the time to talk with his grandparents?
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