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The SP gif has a whole new put down now doesn't it?!!

There is a big part of me that wants her to go into politics - it will get her attention off the UK & Royals & perhaps onto all those US politicians that disagree with her?! As long as she doesn't get to make any decisions that may affect the UK, she press the red button first chance she gets 😲
This imbecile (on Twitter) is slating the gold Bond premiere look of unarguable perfection?!?!?!?

What drugs are these people on and where can I get some?
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Apparently PA gets his meals sent over from Windsor Castle every day!
As no one is in permanent residence at the moment I assume they don’t keep a chef especially for him but there is one to cater for the staff who work there. But even so, what a load of fuss for one man.
Someone needs to buy him some of those ready made meals and show him how to use a microwave.
Yes, and if it is Wiltshire Farm Foods, the nice, understanding delivery person will even put them in his freezer for him! (And, if it is anything like the chap who delivered to my parents, will offer to change lightbulbs free of charge….love WFarm Foods, but I hate the Harkles)
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Scotch Mist

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Andrew is the worst kind of spoiled brat. Too late to change now he was enabled and protected his entire life (which was a failing of the Queen). Hopefully the new generation will not be this pathetic.
Agreed. Hopefully George, Charlotte and Louis will not be brought up to expect everything for free and Charlotte and Louis will have proper jobs/careers to keep them from this state of permanent indulgence.
They'll always be privileged of course, but it would sit better with the public if they were seen to contribute to society in a more meaningful way.
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They were scared of the racism threat which I’m sure she used at every opportunity to get her way. And what good did it do to give in, she went ahead and used the racism card anyway.

Maybe, hopefully, by that time TRF just decided to not bend any more to her threats and sent her and idiot boy packing.
I don't think they were scared of her. I think they were worried about the speed at which things moved, hence William's words of caution etc... Then once it was clear he was set on marrying her, I think the family bent over backwards to make her feel welcome for Harry's sake. As we know, nothing was good enough and she threw it all back in their faces.
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Does make me laugh that PoW visited a nursing home in Slough - the quintessential royal duty (except missing a plaque and some curtains) and she carried it off and the only grumbles on socials are for her to get a job. This is her job and she will be doing it for the next 40 years probably. Then thinking of how awful Meghan was at her nursing home visit with the square bump and how that she had no intention of doing those sort of visits.
😁 sorry, not sorry 🤣. She looks so gormless in this photo.

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I really, really hope that the rumours of a ‘Waaaagh 2‘ episode is true, I can’t wait!
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I try not to be too bitchy about people’s appearance but even taking away her appalling dress sense she really is average looking at best. I wish in my younger days I’d had even a hint of the self belief she clearly deludes herself with.
I remember seeing the ho and snakebite leaving their hotel on the day of the wedding and thinking how she didn't look remotely nervous and how it must be great to be confident, I have been shy all my life and have had many occasions ruined because of nerves.
Now though I think it was one of the early signs of her narcissistic character.
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Churchill's Ghost

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My husband is a full foot taller than me and nope - never have I raised one foot,even when on tiptoes.

I have only fallen to my knees crying once and it’s when I got the call that someone very close to me had died unexpectedly. The power went out of my legs and I fell to my knees in shock. Started crying then got up and moved to the couch like a normal person.

No one over the age of three cries on the floor for an extended period of time. We know that TW staged that for effect because she has no capacity for honest human emotion
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I see can't believe that she filmed the moment when Harry proposed to her and the moment she called Jess to tell her it was happening. I just think the whole moment to record this was very strange and the whole thing felt like a set up.
It was a set up, as is everything they ever show, they are just one big con. Also either this filmed proposal, or the proposal she described in her engagement interview which she said happened at Frogmore while she was roasting chicken, is a lie ..... probably both are if the truth were ever known.
I don't believe anything I see, hear, read or am told about these two now ..... they are fakes ..... from the pubic hairs on his head to his uplift shoes, from her luxurious mane to the mottled orange tan which comes and goes on her body.
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Hazno is a fucking embarrassment to the British Armed Forces, cunt just likes dressing up if you ask me. Couldn't even be bothered to shave off his ratty old beard.
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Orlando Bloom (who voiced harry in Gary Janetti's cartoon about Prince George) said that he and Harry regularly text.

So H and M didn't like south park but are okay with the cartoon that slags off their young niece and nephews??
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All 're-enactments' - the acting was appalling - especially around the 'texts'
and weren't they supposed to be 'roasting a chicken' when he proposed??? 🤮
Meghan even revealed herself that Harry proposed whilst roasting a chicken, yet in the engagement photo in the Netflix documentary they were sitting outside on a blanket with no food in sight. All the stories they have come out were either changed in the Netflix Documentary or in Spare and as a result no story has ever stayed the same as they have lied about everything that they have shared with the public/media.
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JFC you’re a married in, who did 72 days, bullied a load of staff, stile jewellery, spent millions on hideous clothes, blagged freebies against RF rules, stole charity funds then fucked off OVERSEAS, then spent the next three years, moaning, lying and accusing the RF of racism and bullying. At what point in any real world scenario are you going to be included in the Coronation?

Here for your delectation - to cut out 'n' keep and play with to your heart's content ... the devil's in the detail 🤮
(apologies that the pic is so small - looks like withdrawn from sale & 'images not available' so screenshot only - would love to have seen the 'underwear' pick labels!)

Harold & ILBW Paper Dolls -
That paper doll has a waist - FAIL.
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