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I swear some of you from the UK are tone-deaf. If you don't think that title comes off racist, it does. This is a teachable moment. I don't care if you hate Meghan Markle. That is not the issue. The white woman is a looker, but the bi-racial is a hooker. Okay! WOW. Some of you will never learn. Lady Hussey is in so much trouble because of similar actions. This is what racism looks like, even if you didn't intend it that way. Learn and grow from it. That's your right not to like Meghan Markle, but that title is RACIST and sexist. I expected more from intelligent women. If the title was reversed and Kate was referred to as the Hooker, that would never have been approved. WOW.
Sorry but that is bringing MM’s race into the title when, by context, and all the previous discussion here about her alleged history, penis-climbing, yachting, and dress choices…ANYONE with the same alleged history would have been treated the same. There is absolutely nothing that relates back to her race…because skin hue does not determine anyone’s lifestyle choices, their own moral code does.

The idea that race has anything to do with that title is…respectfully…a presumption that deliberately avoids history here and context.
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Hang on a minute for the Netflix trailer one of the images that they included features a cropped picture of Harry with his ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy. This is embarrassing for a trailer as first stock pictures were included in the trailer and now they are making it seem like he and Meghan are being bothered by the press when it is actually another woman who happens to be Harry's ex and it shows that Netflix were struggling to come up with legitimate footage so had to use old photos to make it seem like the story was real. Edit I have just seen everybody else post this but seriously this is embarrassing that Netflix are having to use various pictures that aren't even from Harry and Meghan's relationship and did they seriously think that people would not research where the pictures have come from.

The truth is there is no story.

Meghan was not hounded by the press. Even when she was his girlfriend, she was the one hinting on her Instagram about it, while the papers were obsessed with Trump (It was 2016).

She would do pap walks in London, and hire paparazzi in Canada. If there is a story, it is about how she was desperate to be treated like Catherine, Diana and Chelsea were.

The BRF bent over backwards to accommodate Peg. An odd weird comment here and there may have occurred but there was no racism and she was not mistreated. She is a drama queen, a narcissist who wanted the whole family to revolve around her.

This is why they are manufacturing pictures and being deceptive. There really is no story and certainly, there isn't one for 6 episodes, unless each episode is 10 minutes.

Netflix was played.
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Actually, it is just this kind of trigger-like hypersensitivity that is tearing us all apart.
But that is not the title and calling a woman a hooker. Some of you are worst than men.
I appreciate you having an intelligent discussion and trying to explain the difference between UK and America, but I've been watching a lot of UK Chat shows lately. One is where Dr. Shola is trying to explain what racism looks like for her in the UK because she lives that experience every day. The hosts are trying to gaslight her.The UK tries to gaslight people of color for what racism is. All I wish is for White folks to stop telling People of Color what racism is. It is like a man trying to tell a woman giving birth is easy. They may be Queuing up but your government is not having them. they're shipping off people to Rwanda.
This is how selective empathy works. Just stop.

Life is hard.

It is hard for many people for many reasons. Maybe Dr Shola feels that her race makes others treat her differently. But we are now in a stage of empathy greed. Many of us are exhausted by the constant demand that only certain people’s hurts must be our only societal focus of attention…in jobs, in admiission to schools, in $200,00 per person reparations. History shows there was plenty of cruelty to go around.

Pain, discomfort, hurt, feeling the ‘other’ is not exclusive to race. We are tired of the cancel culture, the grievance safaris, the demands that never end, and the insensitivity to other groups by virtue of this Woke overkill.

i mean it…look around. There are childless women who COULD feel ‘othered’ by Mothers and their babies in the playground…there are struggling families that COULD feel othered by their economic hardship…there are children who COULD feel ‘othered because scholastically they cannot keep up in the classroom…there are people with crippling visible illnesses who COULD feel othered by lucky healthy folk they encounter.

I say ‘could’ because to a certain extent, it is a personal decision to feel ‘othered.’ I could be ‘othered” by your derogatory use of “White people.” I am MORE than my skin hue, thank you. As i am sure you are more than yours.

My Black goddaughter just corrected a colleague of hers, that insinuated in a work meeting that her opinion MUST be the same as his. She told him privately and gently…never to assume to know her politics or opinion by the color of her skin. That’s my girl!❤

As for what ‘white people’ should learn…I think the burden is on all of us HUMANS to try to stuff the identity politics, and the Woke selective pity party and instead…look at each other as individual humans and care for each other where we are individually hurting.
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i really hope William and Catherine are sitting down, feet up, glass of wine in hand, reading the comments and rolling around with laughter.
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A palate cleanse because she makes us remember there’s a lot of goodness and good people in the world 😊 Niters, all!
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Ok so I am a bit behind on this thread but I read somewhere that the show is maybe released on Christmas Day?
I thought this was odd, and wondered if it was planned so they can dominate the headlines and overshadow KCs first Christmas Day broadcast.

BUT then my uncle who’s an entertainment lawyer and deals with Hollywood type contracts gave me his opinion;

He is guessing their original Netflix contact amount $$$ was largely made up ofaccelerator payments. So for example if you reach number1 show on Netflix within x amount of time since released you get x amount of massive bonus etc. This ensures that H&M deliver some juicy content as they need this show to go viral and go viral quickly in order to cash in as much as they can. A Christmas Day released would be Netflix’s way of really screwing them over if this was the case as over the first few days many will be busy with family commitments, or away on vacation for the next week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks etc which will majorly slow down downloads of the show.

I so hope that theory is correct haha.
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That report from a poster’s husband saying how thin Catherine is makes me think she really must be terribly thin since the camera puts 5lbs on and she looks very slender in photos. In my case the camera adds a couple of stone because surely I can’t be as fat as they show me. 😁😁
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Hula flight

VIP Member
I swear some of you from the UK are tone-deaf. If you don't think that title comes off racist, it does. This is a teachable moment. I don't care if you hate Meghan Markle. That is not the issue. The white woman is a looker, but the bi-racial is a hooker. Okay! WOW. Some of you will never learn. Lady Hussey is in so much trouble because of similar actions. This is what racism looks like, even if you didn't intend it that way. Learn and grow from it. That's your right not to like Meghan Markle, but that title is RACIST and sexist. I expected more from intelligent women. If the title was reversed and Kate was referred to as the Hooker, that would never have been approved. WOW.
Stop race baiting and feck off back to mumsnet
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I’ve been out tonight and haven’t read the whole thread but someone sent me this so apologies if it’s been posted before.
It’s from Amanda Platell who I’m not normally a great fan of but credit where credit’s due.

A reminder that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Far from Harry and Meghan upstaging William and Kate’s Earthshot Prize trip to the U.S., their venge-fest has catapulted the Waleses and their environmental work onto the front page of every newspaper in the world”.

Nice one Harkles. Cheers 👍
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And the witness is now... eliminated .
Conspiracy ?
Of course, the basics of PR/media are a sum of ''conspiracies'' to ''create'' a persona/narrative, a image/story which often is nothing but a big fat lie.
However , contary to the ''blame Peg'' narratives , it's Harry that is destroying his
brother, father, his grandparents and his past ignoring Diana , and he looks very pleased and content .

Maybe it's indoctrination or '' ideological influence '' which is enabling him to compartmentalize this into:
''change'' improvement ... etc, but the fact that the Queen didn't trust him (theorists told us once that Peg had to sit alone with footmen, and only Harry was allowed in) to even invite him alone with Lidl (like claimed ) paints a picture.
Hawwy's behaviour in all this is coming across as extremely immature and childish! Was he spoilt and indulged as a child? He comes across as a man child who has never ever had to take any accountability for any of his actions!!!

This is the second time he has made a direct PR attack, on his older brother, by allowing the TV series adverts to be aired whilst his brother is on a work trip to promote Earthshot. That makes it both personal and professional.

What therapist worth their salt would be recommending this kind of petty revenge for a family feud? I wouldnt blame Kate and William for never wanting to speak to him again!
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Chatty Member
A previous poster posted an attachment that made a very good point, sometimes you have to lose a battle to win a war.
Each time the Harkles get ahead they fuck it up completely. The fact they have lost 2 more members of staff, one of whom was the producer of archetypes that went on a rant about producers not getting enough credit at such a critical time speaks volumes.
And they are now saying they are taking control of Archewell which is utterly hilarious, they have zero experience.
The narrative that the show will change people's opinions of them is totally misguided as due to their previous behaviour people are just not going to believe them, and it's their behaviour people dislike, not what supposedly happened to them.
The 206k dislikes of the trailer and the release date being changed is also significant there can be no hiding the fact they are disliked intensely.
I believe as soon as PW landed back in the UK conversations were being held about them but we may not hear anything for a few days as there is a lot going on for the RF this time of year and nothing can overshadow RF work as we know.
I have been on these threads over 2 years as a lot of us have and we have wanted action for so long it's understandable we are feeling frustrated and impatient, but I truly believe this is the beginning of the end and we just need to be a little more patient and remember that most people are just catching on to what we have known for the last couple of years.
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So in the Netflix trailer that video from 2011 that shows the paps taking pictures is from the Harry Potter Premiere. By adding stuff in the trailer that is years old it is false advertising as they are promoting something that isn't even from the time that they were together and I don't understand why they would use old footage to make it seem like it was recent, for example the images of them that have appeared in the trailer are either before they got married or after they got married and none of the photos that they have shared in the trailer were taken in the last 6 months IMO.
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Oooh look, Catherine steps out in awesome green ensemble, at minimal cost - take that #MarklePriceTagHo - & sustainable high fashion. See that frock appear again & again in wedding, graduation & glitzy events for many seasons to come.

Never mind ‘I danced with someone who danced with the Prince of Wales‘ - sooo Dook of Windsor, so C20th - this is Catherine, Princess of Wales wore this, y’know’. Such cachet, so ‘fordable, so sustainable.

Catherine & her team played an eco, sustainable, high fashion blinder…& then the Emeralds, gorgeous glitz & the immediate association with Diana.

Beautifully restrained & speaks volumes.
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We are all grateful that Sparry and his missus fucked off abroad. Imagine the tantrums if they were still here and Minge wanted to wear that Choker? In fact she would be demanding to wear anything that C was planning to wear. Not to mention muscling in on the whole Earthshot programme. So we need to give great thanks and sympathies to our American friends who are now having to put up with them.
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'When the stakes are this high...' - What stakes? And who are they high for? Certainly not anyone other than smeg and haz. They're not high stakes for the rest of us. She's such a narcissist.

I'm hoping Netflix will show two episodes and then cancel showing the others because no one wants to watch them anyway.
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