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There will always be conspiracy theories when high profile people are involved so your mother and yourself to react with questioning it is not stupidity. To clarify, I am referring to the years after the accident when these theories were particularly fuelled by the internet and the tabloids (themselves knowing it was rubbish). It was a golden goose being wrung out. Someone incapable of disseminating fact from fiction is, particularly after a high profile investigation eliminating any plots, is to my mind idiotic. There will always be people who believe it was an assassination plot. A plot which could have been stopped in its tracks by Diana wearing a seatbelt i.e. it is argued that she may have survived if she had a seatbelt. There will always be people who believe it was an assassination plot and won’t be convinced otherwise.
My point is that you might be wrong. I'm not saying that you are, I'm saying that you might be. Statements like 'someone incapable of disseminating fact from fiction..' Who are these people? Religious people? Trans people? Tribal people?
What if, it's you who is incapable of seeing the difference between fact from fiction? Again, not saying you are.
No one (including me) is as intelligent as they think they are.
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OMG her face when she thinks she isn’t having to act up for the paps in the first one she looks to be having a hissy fit 😁 her lumpy forehead is spouting too - and what’s with the lump on her cheek? in 2nd
Has she got a bulldog clip on the back of her head?
She looks so young ;)
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I don't think she's capable of keeping quiet even if she does sign a NDA. She'll probably produce crappy fiction with the 'real story' hidden in it. Like OJ Simpson did after his trial.

I guess it will be good for a laugh :rolleyes:
James Hewitt contributed to a 'fictional' book by Anna Pasternak called 'Princess in Love' released in 1994.

It created a storm in a teacup and is largely forgotten now.

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She wasn't the only one asked. Lady Susan said her people were French.... She was asking where this woman's people were from. The charity she runs is for people from Africa and the the charity racist because of that????
But the woman clearly didn’t want to have that conversation so it would have been better if Lady Susan had not persisted.
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It's Winston Churchill's Birthday today and the Nutty old slapper with the bad attitude and foul gob.

I knew I was meant for great things since the the great Winston shares my Birthday, oh well another nail in my bleeding coffin 74 today!!

Gods waiting room now has a seat for me!
Happy Birthday, Nutty!!! 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹🌹
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Christ alive no wonder they both keep banging on about extra security, what bloody nut jobs. Do they have H&M photos next to their beds and gaze lovingly every night as they fall off to sleep
Fuck me I mistook the bubble wrap for Harry Monk!!
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I am WW2 have been to the WW1 battlefields in France/Belgium also Colditz and Bletchley Park just wonderful also Churchilks War Rooms and all fascinating and how we stood for oppresion.
How amazing Nuttynana, I'm going to put these on my bucket list
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@Cassandra333 I've got a late afternoon Zoom w several reps from the district and their attorney. I share your superpower of quietly and verbally annihilating them that deserve it. I'll be channeling your spirit in my virtual corner. I'm pretty sure the principal went home and shot drugs into his eyeballs I dragged him so badly at our last meeting.

It's been a shit month; we have the POW Carol service to look forward to soon! 🥰🎄
Good luck! 🤗

And yay!

OMG I must write out all the Christmas cards today 😱😱 where is this year disappearing to? December in under 48 hrs
😱😱 Already?!!! I'm living in denial 😂

Release date 8th December BUT no trailers yet which is odd

If they showed trailers, there would be nothing left to see in the show 😂

Yeah, she's a seed alright...
A fucking DEMON SEED!!
Satan's spawn...
I think Satan would like to object to that.

Strange to think that this was the creature that he felt he had to try hard to impress.
Who would have thought that the grandson of the Queen would have found this appealing and decided he wanted to spend his whole life with her.
If there was ever any doubt that he’s not right in the head, well there’s the proof right there.
And this was the woman who set great store by being ‘classy’. Apparently.
No wonder his elder male relatives advised caution.

View attachment 1769078
It was the 'fun Minge' in the creepy candy coating.

One of my aunts, when I was deemed almost ready for marriage a couple of centuries ago, advised that men prefer to marry women who are 'ladies in the streets and hos between the sheets'. Or something like that. Have seen that to be very true.

Especially with my narc uncle and his wife who strangely resemble William and Smegs a lot. He was handsome, charming, and thanks to the allowances/earnings he regularly stole from his siblings and spent liberally on his friends, was very popular. Was a complete shock when he chose his wife - she was not very intelligent, not pretty at all, dark as a pot, pimply, lacked any sense of hygiene or decorum. But she was very 'willing', and he was, in reality, spurned by all and any women he approached because he isn't actually a nice person (and my grandfather is notorious for being beyond stingy with family and is a raging misogynist). She'd done her post-grad before getting married, but calls herself a child bride to this day. Excellent at pretending to be a shy virgin type, when we know all about her affairs pre and post marriage. But at the same time she always has that knowing signalling thing going on that guys find hot 🤮 (I really don't understand men at all). In fact, her grifting Minge is so famous that when her family's neighbours' daughter married one of my cousins (not her son), they just absolutely refused to associate with us for being related to them. Thankfully we don't really meet more than once in 4-5 years, and I guess they now know that we aren't on good terms so they're at least polite. Still cautious. Can't blame them 🤷

But anyway, like my uncle's wife, Smegs has this creepy candy coating of being a *ahem* humanitarian, hard worker, talented, independent (ask the sugars), charming.. enough, I'm going to puke. But you get the idea. The victimhood enables men like Sparry and my uncle to feel powerful and hero-like, when they really aren't. Feeds their egos. And especially they get that thrill that their 'coveted by all' wives 🤮 become hos only for them (though that's a joke!).
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this was it then: - so low-key that it must have been really fortuitous that someone happened to 'spot' her ..... :LOL:

288. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 11/23 **12**
It took a lot of calls before any organization was willing to let the alliterate one and her husband come help for the holiday. You are not supposed to demand things of the organization when you are doing the volunteering. Meghan Markle/Prince Harry
that could be any long tailed fucker!!
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Chatty Member
Happy birthday @Nuttynana you eligible for a free telly licence yet or is that at 75 now?

I shall have to get drunk sniffing the fumes leaking out of the vip lounge doors tonight cos I'm too lazy to post enough for a vip pass.

Hope you get your cat @Zippy2000 then you too can be woken at 4am cos the cunt wants company
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Excellent post. My husband is a black man born in Britain. If someone asks him where he's from he says London. He only gets irritated if they persist with something like 'where are you really from?' because that intimates that they don't believe him based on the colour of his skin, because he's got a London accent.

Thank you. Sometimes I'm quite afraid to comment on these things for fear I might accidentally use an offensive term 🤦 our history etc books are quite outdated (according to woke standards) in some ways.

That's exactly the thing though - it's natural to be curious, but when the questioning crosses the line into intrusion/the asker's bias becomes apparent, that's where the trouble begins. The obvious assumptions are so irritating.

"Oh are you a Sikh? You look like one. Why can't you speak Punjabi properly? Why do you speak English? Do you have an English ancestor? No but you should find out where your ancestors are from. You look like you're from XYZ area." Sikhism is a religion. There are Sikhs in all continents. Many aren't of Indian descent. The question is absolutely illogical to me. My parents are convent-educated and had a British educational connection, which I did too. Finding my origins is something I would love to do too, but isn't wise in the current scenario, and you would be amongst the first to try to kill me for having my roots elsewhere, so no, thank you.

There's always a lot more going on on the same lines. All of this is when I'm living in the region to which my ancestors belonged FFS. 🤦 Can imagine what anyone who stands out even a little bit would feel like.

It is the fact they are framed. MAYBE a photo of themselves in amongst any welcome packs etc, but it’s the fact it is framed.
I did see The Body Language Guy show a tweet from shouty Shola from April which had Edward and Sophie gifting a framed photo. I don’t know is a thing the royals do, but it’s a bit weird tbh.
That zoom in lens of her at the Polo is a bit random as well. Why not a proper portrait photo if she really must. Also, it confirms that the photos at the polo were set up by her and she owns the copyright to them for her to now be distributing them at this event.

Oh definitely it's weird as hell. If she's distributed them, it shows her delusions of grandeur and basically being MegTotallyNuts. If it's her fans, it shows their level of derangement. Neither is a good situation, but there are sooooo many people like them. I guess I've encountered so many of them that this seems quite normal (in the sense of being widespread) to me 😂

The royals handing out photos makes sense too - though they give out professional (-level) portraits done up nicely. Proper souvenirs that one would otherwise pay for. I've only heard of them giving framed portraits to dignitaries they receive/visit, especially to members of royal families related to them (HMTQ had some framed portraits on one of her tables, I think). Makes sense in that they wouldn't share personal gifts with the world and this would be a nice keepsake (and we don't know maybe there are sweet messages on the back).

Don't know what Sophie and Edward were doing. Maybe they'd signed some on request?

I was laughing to realise the frames contained the actual Times cover 😂😂😂 Just the portrait would have still been a bit better. This was so tacky. And that polo photo. If this was Smegsy's doing, she doesn't learn, does she? 😂 And if this was the sugars, then that's how they like her? Really? Goes to show their taste is good in name only 😂 (bad pun, I know, but their sense of anything is bad too)
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It;s a shame that all conversations at these events aren't recorded. I wonder if it;s another case of recollections may vary!
I hope there was someone else there who can dispute exactly what was said.
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VIP Member
Christ alive no wonder they both keep banging on about extra security, what bloody nut jobs. Do they have H&M photos next to their beds and gaze lovingly every night as they fall off to sleep

Ah fans. The old show I've been watching, celebrity fans being creepy's like I'm back in college! 😂

As I've mentioned before, I used to be member of a celebrity forum a decade or so ago, and it was absolutely crazy. Crossing the line into psychotic-erotic fanfiction about their favourite celebrities, doxing, death threats to other members over liking their favourite's 'rival', spending crazy amounts of money sending what were some really creepy gifts to their favourites - I remember one actor got so freaked out over some very creepy stuff someone said to him on Twitter that he refused to respond to any messages for a while.

Some male celebrities' wives were on the website too - just to keep in touch or manage their spouse's profile since all of them couldn't afford staff to do it. One was harassed so badly by her husband's fans and cursed and told she should die, just because the fans wanted him for themselves.

Even had someone pose as a journalist and get access to a guy's bedroom. Another got friendly with an actor's actor ex who wanted him back (she'd cheated on him to get better opportunities, but still failed), so she briefed the fan about his house's layout, intimate descriptions etc. Very Waleses' kitchen in Funding Fuckdom. The fan told other fans, and then multiple attempts were made to break into his place.

I made some good lifelong friends on there too, including a celebrity, but mostly it was horrible.

So yeah, can very well believe that the Gruesomes' fans would be doing the photo by bedside thing - many of the fans on that website did it too.

ETA: Most of these people weren't paid/didn't earn anything from their crazy behaviour, though later some of them started exploiting the whole situation and their own position amongst the fans. This was pure fanaticism.
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I think the specific problem in this case was that, perhaps because of her age, Lady Susan didn’t pick up the signals. When the response to her initial question of where are you from was London, it was obvious the woman was not up for discussing her ethnicity. That was the time to move on but Lady S just kept digging until it all got awkward and out of hand. It’s a pity there wasn’t someone like Major Johhny around to diplomatically steer her away to safer ground.
of course you may be right it depends on who all heard truthfully what was said,
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