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Churchill's Ghost

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Anyone who doesn't know JJ should take a look at the list of things she has claimed happened to her - it's thie first post of her thread. She is legit insane!

- cervical cancer twice that everyone on The Good Place apparently knew about but haven't once come to her defence
- mother says she Jameela is suffering from cervical cancer right now but doesn't want anyone to know (good job then, Shireen!)
- breast lumps removed/breast cancer scare/breast reduction, contradictory about timeline (2014, 15 or 16?) - possible cover for boob job and being sacked from Radio 1 where she accused colleague of bullying
- pre-cancerous breast cells 2016
- bee attack/car accident that left her variously bedbound/zimmer frame/wheelchair (variously 2002 or 2003)
- bee attack/car accident in LA where she took refuge in a juice shop
- bee attack outside the UN (fell into a UN peace prize recipient and nearly got shot)
- bee attack with Mark Ronson (who describes one or two bees)
- accident with Olly Murs causing concussion, broken elbow, broken arse, despite video evidence showing otherwise
- this also caused a broken tooth still held in by eyelash glue till this day
- boyfriend describes endless concussions, high fevers, six months of seizures
- allergic to peanuts (favourite snack) and shellfish from birth
- or alternatively as a result of mercury poisoning to her gut due to leaking fillings, which then healed and allergies went away
- allergic to peppers but still eats them
- allergic to her own tears
- coeliac
- had multiple teeth knocked out by kids with tennis rackets in a racist attack aged 7
- recipient of multiple racist death threats on social media
- mother says J's spine was damaged by a schoolmate with a log and another schoolmate gave her a concussion
- had crutches taken away from her as a teenager on a dance floor while kids laughed
- never had a birthday party (even though I went to one)
- teenage girls specially went round to her home to tell her they were going out and she wasn't invited
- was somehow extremely fat at school despite subsisting only on two-litre bottles of Highland Spring
- eating disorder
- Hashimoto's disease
- multiple suicide attempts, usually when someone else is talking about suicide or her contradictions are being exposed, most recently blamed on Piers Morgan for exposing her bullying of Caroline Flack (even though J was threatening suicide before he did that)
- multiple rape victim
- nearly dragged into a car by a man aged 15
- 'grabbed by the vagina' on Oxford Street in the middle of the day in her school uniform until she bled
- had her leg ejaculated on on three separate occasions as a teenager, all on tube escalators
- taught EFL (or variously English literature) despite not being qualified
- model but preferred to say she wasn't/was/wasn't
- came out as queer when are was criticised for judging a show about Ballroom culture, but steadfastly maintains a heterosexual relationship
- knocked over by a dead sea lion while out swimming
-kidney stones.
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As for Edward, he might get DofE, he might not. I don’t think it really matters. He hasn’t long been given another Earl title so it could be seen as unnecessary.

What people need to remember is that the RF do absolutely nothing in a hurry, including granting extra titles (other than PoW).

I’m sure they have all their ammunition lined up and action plan ready to go re the Narcles but they won’t rush. They’d prefer it all came out drip drip via other people than some huge game ending chess move by the RF themselves. The embargo will get lifted at some point I’m sure and then it’ll be open season for the press. The Narcs are currently killing off their own public profile at a rate of knots and I think the RF will wait until the entire world hates them or the divorce is under way before making their move.
BIB - ever since KC announced William was now PoW, I’ve thought he moved fast on that one to close down any Sussex shenanigans right out of the gate. He’d have seen they’d started referring to themselves as ‘Wales’ - Harry Wales etc - even though as Duke of Sussex that wasn’t his name anymore. As stupid as Sparry is, even he must have known that. They were trying to get ‘Wales’ associated with themselves in the American public consciousness before the late Queen died. Even though he knew William was destined to be PoW in time, many Americans don’t understand how it works, and in their minds Sparry would be the Wales Prince by the time the Queen died. Then she passed away sooner than they expected and KC acted quickly and decisively to squash that flat. No ambiguity - William is PoW. The Reeks must have been seething.
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This is why the RF should steer clear. This and MH are in the hands of those who are using them for their own ends - money and information control.

If the Ho made peace with Thomas he'd want to see the children. No can do, daddy.
Or the Ho could show him photos of all Five different Ffarks and the Legless Wonder?
I wonder which Ffark the Royal Family speculated about skin-tone wise? It could have been any of them but the Ho didn't specify.

If we're thought of as "the nastiest thread on tattle" that's because we're trying to deal with two of the nastiest people out there. The Harkles. It's difficult to be "nasty" when it's a cooking thread or toilet descaling thread unless you're a real Domestos freak or have a pine cistern block fetish.

I've not seen anything nasty on here, mainly tolerance and good humour when faced with the likes of Aphid, Bouzy and Shola. We are trying to stand up for our Monarchy and way of life, and this thread is no ordinary gossip thread.

We are trying to get to the truth, not like Katie Price, and if photos of squint-eyed FAKE children get thrown our way pretending to be royal heirs they'll get mown down along with the other lies and torn to pieces.

I personally am grateful for our sleuths, investigators, guardians of information, cartoonists and the animals that support in the background. I don't care if people think we are nasty, because we are not. They want to shut us down, and that says it all.
I do snigger when Tattlers on other threads try to present themselves as “ooh we’re not as bad as that lot on the H+M thread.”
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Harry has written a letter to Scotty's Little Soldiers and has used this opportunity to say that we share a bond because we share in having lost a parent, so he is using the Diana Card yet again.
He didn’t lose his mum in a war ffs..,she had a fucking car accident! What a bellend! I’m sure he’ll insist she was at war with the press or some such bullshit! What is wrong with the pair of them? Their victim one up man ship is staggering and ducking repugnant!
This is becoming fucking embarrassing! These kids have recently lost their parents, and some bellend rich posh twat supposed adult is telling them they’re the same…fuck off you knob!
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Scotch Mist

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This is soooo scary
Almost as scary as rhe un ridled madness of a MetaMeghan's Markleverse
Yes I agree. Black Twitter has been around for a while because it seems that black people want segregation from white people now.

Just think all that time and effort was spent trying to stop segregation and bring people together. If only these fools would listen to the wise words of Nelson Mandela.

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Interesting picture...

This is why the RF should steer clear. This and MH are in the hands of those who are using them for their own ends - money and information control.
Agree he thinks he’s very much the expert YET he can’t seem to make his own wife understand her father is elderly, he has been very ill, the situation is unresolved ……why not make some sort of imperfect peace ????
If the Ho made peace with Thomas he'd want to see the children. No can do, daddy.
Or the Ho could show him photos of all Five different Ffarks and the Legless Wonder?
I wonder which Ffark the Royal Family speculated about skin-tone wise? It could have been any of them but the Ho didn't specify.
But that is how I and many others interpreted it.
We are already thought of as the nastiest thread on Tattle so let’s not give others more reason to think it.
If we're thought of as "the nastiest thread on tattle" that's because we're trying to deal with two of the nastiest people out there. The Harkles. It's difficult to be "nasty" when it's a cooking thread or toilet descaling thread unless you're a real Domestos freak or have a pine cistern block fetish.

I've not seen anything nasty on here, mainly tolerance and good humour when faced with the likes of Aphid, Bouzy and Shola. We are trying to stand up for our Monarchy and way of life, and this thread is no ordinary gossip thread.

We are trying to get to the truth, not like Katie Price, and if photos of squint-eyed FAKE children get thrown our way pretending to be royal heirs they'll get mown down along with the other lies and torn to pieces.

I personally am grateful for our sleuths, investigators, guardians of information, cartoonists and the animals that support in the background. I don't care if people think we are nasty, because we are not. They want to shut us down, and that says it all.
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He has no idea of how those children felt. Their parent went off overseas to their deployment, which could have been 6 months or longer, and would have had little chance of communication and knew the parent’s job involved danger. They never saw their parent again. He, on the other hand, chose not to drop his video game to speak to his mother who popped in and out of his life as her social whirl permitted. No contest Hasno; you’re a wazzock….and an insensitive one at that
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Wow, didn't know we were that bad, lol! Makes me a bit proud of myself. Never hung out with the cool kids before. 🥰
Seriously, I think we’re rather lovely. And we like each other, don’t carp at each other, care about each other. We are here, seriously, because we are a bit like Victor Meldrew, we are grumpy, annoyed and upset because we CARE. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck right off. They can only dream of being part of this group 😂
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His statement comparing his loss to children who have lost their parents at war is vile. Yes sure it's very sad for you Harry, why not support your brother if you care so much about being there for those have experienced the same? You had the entire world supporting you, unlimited funds and connections to access to help that you needed, it's still sad you lost your mum young but wheeling her name out for your own benefit is grim. I wonder what practical things he is doing to encourage the government and military to offer more support to families who have lost loved ones in the course of duty- let me guess. Nada.
There’s no comparison really. Diana could have saved her life if she wore a seatbelt. She may have been alive today if she did. Scotty’s little soldiers on the other hand they are military children their parents were fighting for their country. Harry had unlimited funds and access to get help with his mothers death but instead he would rather harp on about it. I’ve just looked at the little soldiers website there’s over 1000 children who don’t have access to any help. If Harry really wanted to help he would send a donation not a letter comparing two different situations. That’s my view anyway.
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Scotch Mist

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Scraping the barrel now🙄
View attachment 1732443
Meghan Markle talks to Jameela Jamil and X-Men star Shohreh Aghdashloo

That Jameela Jamil has a serious screw loose… her thread on here is an excellent read… of course Markle spoke to this absolute tool🙄
Ugh I can't stand Jameela, she's so obnoxious and a big supporter of men pretending to be women 🙄 The only thing Jameela is a victim of is her own constant virtue signalling.
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Is it bad that I actually do want Harry to come back to the UK & rejoin his family! The RF have to live a textbook life & that's what's brought them all the problems. Shit happens in life & wrong decisions. It's how you deal with them that matters. I'd love to see Harry come home & be forgiving for what's happened & people to realise he's only human. Honestly, if you lived that life how would you deal with it all? Meghan cashed in & manipulated him. He's seeing it now. I do hope he comes home & shows a more human side to the RF & we give him acceptance
I don’t want him to ever set foot in the U.K. again. I don’t want the RF to forgive him. He’s shat all over them and us and he can stay fucked off overseas as far as I’m concerned.
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Many thanks to @DanDanTheIceCreamMan for the new thread title

Previous fred

Thank you to those who posted excerpts from The Crown.

A little quiet from Cali - just PR crap pumping out
Podcasts are reducing in the ratings - to B or not to B was basically this weeks whinge-a-thon

We filled in time by finding out Spirit Animals (I will try and do a tally of how many of each animal we have amongst us)

Thanks to everyone for posting funny items, news articles, twitter comments, YT clips and transcripts from podcasts etc.
We are a great, supportive and foul mouthed bunch of wonderful odd bods - we have the best fred on tattle 😘
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Scotch Mist

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HarryMarkle WordPress

After reading that article I took a look on trust pilot. The reviews are brutal 😄

"Don't waste your time or money on this bogus 'woke' philanthropic organization. The only thing that matters to their authors is a platform to get attention and a place to recycle money for their own benefit. Only a very small percentage goes to a real cause."

"Absolute frauds, do not touch this site. Will steal your information and your charity contributions."

"This is a money laundering site for two professional tricksters"
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William and Catherine looked flawless this morning. Hang your head in shame Hazno you fucking disgrace of a human being.
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It’s a quiet morning so far, for me today, so had a bit of a random trawl on the internet regarding the fabled children, to see if there’s been any recent sightings.

Apparently, I’d missed that TW’s hair stylist met both of the children in June of this year. I was shocked - never in a month of Sundays would I have thought that tatty haired harridan has a hair stylist.
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