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It is helping me get over the death of my husband in July. This ‘family’ gives me a reason to smile every day at their humorous comments, the drawings, the altered photos, the songs and even the new swear words I have learnt. Just love being a part of it.❤
What a lovely post and we're very honoured to be family. So glad being here is helping, though of course there are good days and bad days, you're very recent but are coping really well. My husband died just over two years ago, I lurked for a long time before joining and it's been so helpful for me here just like you, The fact that we can share these losses on here in safety is very therapeutic and I really appreciate having been accepted among all you cynics, cartoonists, photoshopping experts, diggers, transcribers of videos, collectors and guardians of disappearing information, lampooners, troubadour, poets ..... what else have I missed? There surely is no other site like this one? I love it!!
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She was a better actress than Grace Kelly, and Kelly had a Oscar.
Countless hours of drama, speech training paid of at a certain point, even in Bashir's interview .
A person that thrived on emotional manipulation of others.
It's still successful based on the ''established victimhood '' narrative which is still strong.
The children were tools more often than not in her battle against the Royals and Charles .
It isn't initially visible on the surface but a person that constantly uses a child as a ''ally'' (emotional or otherwise ) against the other parent, isn't really a good parent .The ''friend'' relationship between child/parent can go horribly wrong.
Not knowing much about Diana, I was repulsed by her crowing she had her small son William pushing tissues under her bathroom door to mop up her tears. What sort of a mother does that.
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Traitor to his family. Traitor to his regiment. Traitor to his country. Harry is not wanted here. Can't he get that into his thick fucking skull? Entitled brat. Sorry streak of piss. All the upset he's already caused, and now this? Ugh it makes me so fucking angry.
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Possibly the theory that the Island she's officially buried on is just a moneymaking scheme , and that she's actually buried in the Althorp vaults like all other Spencers.
That can't be right...
The bottle of Island Water I bought in the gift shop sorted out my verruca a treat.

And if she's not buried on the island, then whose arm comes out of the water holding a sword whenever Harry goes to visit?
As will be revealed in his forthcoming memoirs...
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On topic, the sky is darkening over Manchester as the evil draws near...

Off topic I'm loving this at the moment. Please watch it and give the creator some love and support. (It's funny) ❤

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Some things are so ridiculous, like another wedding minutes after the first!
Do they have some kind of medical impairment like dementia that means they cant remember things properly so have to repeat it again, like groundhog day again and again?

I can see the point of a wedding renewal after 50 years of so, as an excuse to get the whole family together again, but not 3 or 4 years after the first. It makes the whole idea of a wedding meaningless, and such a waste of money!
Why not give the money to charity instead? Far less ostentatious!
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I think the whole thing is a setup to get security if they were “attacked” then he can say see this is why I sued. I think if what I think is correct, Parliament could help the Harkles immensely if he’s no longer in the line of succession then his arguments of needing security because of his position in line to the throne end and any “attacks” on him due to his “position” would end 😄 I just thought of another reason for a staged attack To get out of paying the court costs for him suing the home office about the security decision

It would be funny if the police announce that the UK is far too dangerous for them and they can't protect them. Ergo they shouldn't come.

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@LadyMuck I've been meaning to thank you for ages. You're so good at putting up YouTube stuff and tweets etc. I really appreciate it as I would often miss stuff if you didn't. So many, many thanks for your efforts. You're a thread treasure. ❤
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This is interesting, from The Mirror

"Meghan Markle's half-brother in legal bid to get Britney-style 'conservatorship
If approved, Thomas Jr will be able to manage his father's court case against British photographer Jeff Rayner over staged photos took before Meghan's wedding to Prince Harry

"Thomas Jr is seeking control of their dad’s legal and business affairs to allow him to rest and focus on his health.
Tom Jr has lodged a bid for Thomas Senior, 78, to be put under a “conservatorship” as he battles back from a stroke.

"The move will let Tom Jr, 55, manage a court case in which the former Hollywood lighting engineer is suing British photographer Jeff Rayner over staged photos taken before Meghan’s 2018 wedding to Prince Harry.
The pictures led to a breakdown in the relationship between Meghan, 41, and her dad."

This could spell trouble for Minge. If it gets to Court Jeff Rayner will be questioned on how the photos came about and where he got the money from to pay Thomas, what the arrangement with Thomas was over the photos and why Thomas is now suing Jeff Rayner.

The photos were so ludicrous that Thomas might be able to prove he was set up. For example he may have been shown the photos that Jeff Rayner said he was going to use, but Jeff had deliberately taken and used more photos to make Thomas look a fool. Thomas might have thought he had approved the photos, but others were used like the laughable one with the waiter grabbed from nearby with a tape measure who pretended to be a tailor.
I'd not be surprised if this happened.

Details like these were leaked afterwards, so the whole shoot was a joke at Thomas's expense as Minge intended, with Thomas the victim.
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What makes me furious with all this speculation about Diana’s death is all responsibility leads back to Fayed himself. IMHO.
It was his lack of security for his son and Diana, his driver (drunk or otherwise), his promotion of ideas they were engaged and/or pregnant (despite his son having another fiancé on another boat previously which created unnecessary post death speculation, it was his hotel they ate at - they could have stayed there that night, and it was his son orchestrating their date night. More than likely Fayed had been pumping up the pressure the romance to create the press hysteria.
So if Harry wants to blame someone start focusing on Fayed. His invitation to holiday. His boat. His son. His security. His car. His driver. His restaurant/hotel. His idea to push the romance/fling.
So, given Hazza’s chronic emotional insecurity, low cognitive grist & all-round ire, he is so dumbly oppositional that he could be swayed or courted by the Al-Fayed mythologising.

He’s a seeker for something or other, like Peter Pan & the Lost Boys.

He’s gone way past his natural mourning for his mother, round the block & into the long grass of obsessive mithering, & as we can see Smegz has tapped into that deep pool of vulnerability, delusion, obdurate oppositional vengeance.

Smeg both mothers & mithers him, win-win for her as she catches him on both the up & down of his inner turbulence or cycling moods.

Thing is he never grew up with Diana as his mother in the fullest sense, she was gone before she could correct his worst tendencies & enhance his strengths, she was not there to read him the full-on Riot Act when he played up badly as a teen & to support him with unconditional love & support when he got it right. William was that bit older so had more of her nurturing, that bit (much) more intelligent & got away to a school that suited him in good enough time to develop the natural mother-son separation & burst of independence. Basically William had done puberty by the time Diana had died, whereas Hazza was about to crash that tape.

Hazza really is stuck as that 12 year old boy - the Peter Pan Prince.
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Chilli pepper 19

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It must be absolutely exhausting having to constantly lie about how amazing your life is whilst knowing you're the reason it's so fucked up now
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Yes you're right we did. Just that it's relevant in that they're now using their positions in the QCT to link to One Young World in Manchester. Do their QCT positions make this a semi-Royal visit? Looking on the internet they're still President and Vice-President of the QCT. Unbelievable, but still hanging on like a pair of ticks.

"The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (QCT) is partnered with One Young World (OYW) to offer QCT Scholarships to 53 young leaders – one from every Commonwealth country. Furthermore, it’s a pre-eminent global forum for young leaders...
"Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are heading back to Europe in September. The couple, who support several charities, will attend the One Young World 2022 Manchester Summit in the United Kingdom on Sept.2 days ago › story
Meghan Markle to deliver keynote address at One Young World ...
(Some bits of the above were in Hamster's post last thread.)

The QCT needs to be closed altogether when the Queen passes.

They didn't get the memo.

While I agree that William has always been more mature that Harry - I don't really agree that William was "done with puberty" when Diana died. William had just turned 15 whereas Harry was 2 weeks from his 13th birthday. The agegap between them is really quite small. I', not sure how much "nurturing" either of them got given that both were sent to boarding school at the age of 8 and then had to split holidays between their parents.

There seems to be a tendency to parentify William - making him out to be much older than Harry and somehow responsible for him when the reality was the 2 being very close in age

People forget about William's pain because he is so tall and looked older than he was. He had just turned 15. That is quite young. Whereas Harry still looked child-like. And to be honest, Harry has made a whole personality out of losing his mother. On the other hand, William managed to forge his own personality and life despite losing his mother at a young age.

Diana's death was tragic but come on, how many children lose parents, siblings and have horrible things done to them in this world? To be crippled by the death of a parent to the extent of being almost 40 and not managing to cope in life? This sounds like a choice to me.

I saw a photo of Diana and William when Harry was taking his first steps. William was behind H ready to catch him.
Also a journalist that was to interview H on his return from Afghanistan recalled the details of what happened at the interview.
H got off the plane with the other returning soldiers. PC and PW were there to collect H and went with him to a hangar or office. H sat in a chair and PW stood behind him. When PW thought H wasn't coping with the interview he made a sign to the journalist that it was finished, picked up H's bags and they took him to the car and home.

William has a nurturing personality. His mother, his brother... You can see it whenever he is with his children. Where he and Harry appeared to be accessories to both Diana and Charles, George, Charlotte and Louis are always near him. He holds their hands, strokes their hair, or has his hands on their shoulders. Always has his eye on them when they are together.
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The Wicked Lady

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Apologies if mentioned...
When Bower describes Harriman's famous photoshopped tree photo, he writes "Her right arm was resting on the baby bump." Not her baby bump. You wouldn't say "Her right arm was resting on the leg", if it was her leg.
A sweet nod to the moonbump theory?
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Twitter badly wants to believe it was William who talked about Archie's skin tone.

William does not really have a "racial incident". They want him to have one so they can undermine all his work and his future role. Just like their antis post Harry's Nazi picture everytime he opens his mouth about race.

And personally, I think this was Peg's intention. Attack Kate for the crying incident and then covertly accuse William of racism.

She was set on damaging them.

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Thing is he never grew up with Diana as his mother in the fullest sense, she was gone before she could correct his worst tendencies & enhance his strengths, she was not there to read him the full-on Riot Act when he played up badly as a teen & to support him with unconditional love & support when he got it right. William was that bit older so had more of her nurturing, that bit (much) more intelligent & got away to a school that suited him in good enough time to develop the natural mother-son separation & burst of independence. Basically William had done puberty by the time Diana had died, whereas Hazza was about to crash that tape.

Hazza really is stuck as that 12 year old boy - the Peter Pan Prince.
While I agree that William has always been more mature that Harry - I don't really agree that William was "done with puberty" when Diana died. William had just turned 15 whereas Harry was 2 weeks from his 13th birthday. The agegap between them is really quite small. I', not sure how much "nurturing" either of them got given that both were sent to boarding school at the age of 8 and then had to split holidays between their parents.

There seems to be a tendency to parentify William - making him out to be much older than Harry and somehow responsible for him when the reality was the 2 being very close in age
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Lady C plunging right in

Will the Cambridges ever allow Smeg around Charlotte again? PW and Catherine have both Smeg and Haz's measure. The brothers' relationship is over and will never be the same again. The Harkles are operators and players and should be approached with caution and suspicion. A weak man attracted by a dominating woman will surrender both heads at the same time.

Folie a Deux? Masquerading as a couple in love, they are fostering hate, destruction and division.

Why are they coming back to UK? Who is paying? Why are they staying at Frogmore? Frogmore is Haz's official residence (allows him to remain a counsellor of state and exemptions from US tax). The Harkles are ignoring TQ and trying to create a half-in/half-out situation. They are trying to create an alternative royal platform and are coming back to pretend they are still functioning royals. Brazenly using UK/Germany and charities close to their hearts to create optics for US and reaffirm their royal status.

The Harkles have blood on their hands? Sadly this is true and will become apparent in the future to the Harkles' detriment. They have capitalised on issues for their financial enrichment and lust for attention with no respect for elder royals. Lady C compared Haz's attitude to that of an addict. He is addicted to Smeg who probably has a more detrimental and enabling effect on him and his emotions than a substance.

Africa or Orca interview more hurtful to TQ? Did TQ have a premonition of what was coming? No, Lady C understands TQ never thought the Harkles would be capable of such conduct and make such accusations in interview - recollections may vary. Orca was Haz's equivalent of Diana/Bashir interview, yet we can have some sympathy for Diana knowing she was deceived.

Subtle racism by Smeg supporters? Doctor Shola and some people of colour seem to have suspended all judgement and discernment, supporting the sistahood at all costs. Disturbing and dangerous.

Has TRF not realised we have had enough of the Harkles? Lady C maintains that things are going on in the background. İt's a complicated situation and not all issues can be conveyed publicly.

Haz's visit to Mozambique? On his own. Used to go with Chelsea. Yet more proof of Harkle master plan - being representative of royalty without the constraints of being royalty - posturing. Transparent need for attention and ever-increasing wealth and stature.

Over-blown securiddy demands will eventually compromise their own security? Securiddy is not RF or UK problem. The Harkles will have to sort out their own securiddy. They are not in danger, they are just a nuisance and a danger to themselves.
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Lady C plunging right in

Will the Cambridges ever allow Smeg around Charlotte again? PW and Catherine have both Smeg and Haz's measure. The brothers' relationship is over and will never be the same again. The Harkles are operators and players and should be approached with caution and suspicion. A weak man attracted by a dominating woman will surrender both heads at the same time.

Folie a Deux? Masquerading as a couple in love, they are fostering hate, destruction and division.

Why are they coming back to UK? Who is paying? Why are they staying at Frogmore? Frogmore is Haz's official residence (allows him to remain a counsellor of state and exemptions from US tax). The Harkles are ignoring TQ and trying to create a half-in/half-out situation. They are trying to create an alternative royal platform and are coming back to pretend they are still functioning royals. Brazenly using UK/Germany and charities close to their hearts to create optics for US and reaffirm their royal status.

The Harkles have blood on their hands? Sadly this is true and will become apparent in the future to the Harkles' detriment. They have capitalised on issues for their financial enrichment and lust for attention with no respect for elder royals. Lady C compared Haz's attitude to that of an addict. He is addicted to Smeg who probably has a more detrimental and enabling effect on him and his emotions than a substance.

Africa or Orca interview more hurtful to TQ? Did TQ have a premonition of what was coming? No, Lady C understands TQ never thought the Harkles would be capable of such conduct and make such accusations in interview - recollections may vary. Orca was Haz's equivalent of Diana/Bashir interview, yet we can have some sympathy for Diana knowing she was deceived.

Subtle racism by Smeg supporters? Doctor Shola and some people of colour seem to have suspended all judgement and discernment, supporting the sistahood at all costs. Disturbing and dangerous.

Has TRF not realised we have had enough of the Harkles? Lady C maintains that things are going on in the background. İt's a complicated situation and not all issues can be conveyed publicly.

Haz's visit to Mozambique? On his own. Used to go with Chelsea. Yet more proof of Harkle master plan - being representative of royalty without the constraints of being royalty - posturing. Transparent need for attention and ever-increasing wealth and stature.

Over-blown securiddy demands will eventually compromise their own security? Securiddy is not RF or UK problem. The Harkles will have to sort out their own securiddy. They are not in danger, they are just a nuisance and a danger to themselves.
Thanks mardymare for this. So him being allowed to keep Frogmore enables him to remain a Counsellor of state and to be exempt from US taxes. Why do the RF continue to enable him ? Just why?!
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