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D. A.

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Life is quickly becoming an uphill slog for us all & I am genuinely terrified how I am going to pay my bills this winter. If the wanker gains protection that I am going to have to contribute too, I am going to seriously lose my shit 😡😡
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Churchill's Ghost

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“I gave up my entire life for this family,” Meghan gripes toward the end of Bower’s book. “I was willing to do whatever it takes. But here we are.”

This is one of the whines that really sticks in my craw and I think best illustrates the thinking of a narc. She really believes this. She really believes that her 18 months (72 "events" by the most generous measure) was her "giving up [her] entire life" and refusing to take advice or follow protocol was "willing to do whatever it takes" They owe her.

In her demented brain, she really believes that.

Part of the reason we find this whole train wreck fascinating is that none of us would ever, or could ever, think that way. It's fascinating to study those who do
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Just reading a article about their return in September which was recommended on the last thread. In it they call them 'The Ducal Deserters', which made me chuckle, but none of the comments were complimentary and this one summed them up perfectly ........

Their reported planned re-entry to UK, under the pretext that they care about anything other than their own two fat arses, smacks of Ducal Desperation, because it looks as though they have few options left! Markle has already said she hates the UK. And clearly, the whispered prospect last year of a move to NYC has gone colder than a winter’s day in the Big Apple . As Frankie said - ‘if you can make it there, you make it everywhere’…except well, they couldn’t ….......

Big thanks to @Cassandra333 for starting this new thread and to @Scotch Mist for the wonderful title. Love the new poll by the way.
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It is helping me get over the death of my husband in July. This ‘family’ gives me a reason to smile every day at their humorous comments, the drawings, the altered photos, the songs and even the new swear words I have learnt. Just love being a part of it.❤
Sometimes I wish we had the ability to privately message fellow Tattlers because it’s what I wanted to do when I initially saw your post @wisebutwild. My heart aches for you as I completely understand how profound your loss is. You never fully recover from it, but I can promise you my dear, that it will get easier. I initially went through the tears on an hourly & daily basis. It was hell because it was SO sudden. My one solace is that in our final moments together he hugged me, then held me at arms length, looked in my eyes & said “I don’t think I could ever love someone as much as I love you.” Less than 2 hours later he lost control of his motorcycle & was gone. Sharing this with you (and this sometimes crazy Tattle family) is my way of letting you know that the words you spoke to each other & the love you shared WILL continue on & you will be together again. I know grief is like a fucking rollercoaster…One minute you’re feeling good & smiling; next you’re a weeping mess w/snot running everywhere! 🤧 Thank you for sharing w/us, and please know I’ll do my best on here to help you chuckle!
BIG hugs from this Yank to you, my dear!🥰
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Was having a look at Wellchild's twitter earlier. They are getting absolutely battered in the responses to their tweets. I hope their association with Smegs and Hazard is worth it. From what I can see they are a good charity doing good things for genuinely disadvantaged kids I think, so why they are letting the ultimate grifters sully their name I don't know. Unfortunately the aroma of Sunshine Sicks is difficult to shake off.

Whereas the other organisation, One Youth World or whatever they are called, just seems to be a dodgy wholescale grifting private company pretending to be a charity (or wanting you to think they are anyway), a lot like BatterOff, so they are well suited to be associated with Smegs.
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This was the first of many.
They hunt deer and they hunt grouse.
And it's " tradition" to smear the forehead with the dead creatures blood.
I've been silently fuming about this for ages.

And all William's save the planet speeches lately just make him as big a hypocrite as his father and brother.
On the same topic, Norman Baker's book mentions the 2007 incident at Sandringham where some members of the public and staff witnessed the shooting of a pair of rare Hen Harriers. The birds are protected and killing them is punishable by a £5000 fine or up to 6 months in prison.

On the day in question, only Hazza and one of his mates were out shooting, and were subsequently questioned by the police. They denied having anything to do with it and there was no further investigation.

NB ends the tale by saying: "It was regrettably not possible for the police to compare the bullets used to kill the protected birds with those used by Harry and his friend."

Wonder what would have happened to an ordinary person, who wasn't Royal. I doubt the police would leave it at "Din Doo Nuffin, Officer". More like arrested, gun confiscated and carted off to the nearest police station. To be fair, Haz may well have had no involvement, but at minimum the guns/bullets should absolutely have been examined. This was a potential criminal offence.

One rule. Kid gloves. All the time.

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I think she wants photos of herself in front of a large ;captive) crowd so that she can contrast it to Harry’s pathetic showing at the UN. “You see Hawwy (and world) I am the star, not him! I am a star in my own right”
Someone needs to pull the fire alarm* as soon as she's stood on stage. :devilish::LOL:

*I do not advocate pulling fire alarms unnecessarily. It is very wrong to do that.
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OK then,
what if Harry's visit to Mozambique is real.
He sneaks into the UK but doesn't want Meghan to know because he's gone to meet with his lawyers.

No one reported him being in London because she's the one who alerts the paps but she wasn't told he was going there so only Mozambique pics are leaked.

Conspiracy theories R us.

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I will piss myself laughing if Netflix retains copyright and does a hatchet job on them after ending contracts. Behind scenes footage of their diva behaviour, empty rooms, bored audiences, arguments etc.

I may sign up to watch such a thing.
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She can try to force him but if he has no money he can't pay. The RF are not responsible for his alimony payments and alimony would be set at his income level - it maybe that she has to pay him alimony - being a whipsmart feminist etc.
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@LadyMuck I've been meaning to thank you for ages. You're so good at putting up YouTube stuff and tweets etc. I really appreciate it as I would often miss stuff if you didn't. So many, many thanks for your efforts. You're a thread treasure. ❤

Yes, good point.

Time for a Tattle award for @LadyMuck for bringing us loads of juicy videos that we would not otherwise see......

feet award.jpg
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What a lovely post and we're very honoured to be family. So glad being here is helping, though of course there are good days and bad days, you're very recent but are coping really well. My husband died just over two years ago, I lurked for a long time before joining and it's been so helpful for me here just like you, The fact that we can share these losses on here in safety is very therapeutic and I really appreciate having been accepted among all you cynics, cartoonists, photoshopping experts, diggers, transcribers of videos, collectors and guardians of disappearing information, lampooners, troubadour, poets ..... what else have I missed? There surely is no other site like this one? I love it!!
This family helped keep me sane over a very lonely lockdown. Living on your own can be difficult but especially during lockdown when so many people became invisible if they were on their own.

Most people concerned about their families and complained they were limited to their household - but at least they had other people to talk to and do things with.

It was incredibly difficult not having meaningful in person interaction for such a long period of time.

Seeing no one on the day of a big birthday, everyone being too busy to join a virtual catchup, seeing no one on Christmas day 😢

This family take people as they are - no judgement and just support at any time of the day. We are very lucky to have found this family and while the antics of common issue we discuss can drive us nuts we can at least put a smile on most faces and face the world. Truly compassion in action for want of a better phrase 🤣🤣
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This wedding can't be true. But let's say it is, great timing as usual. Massive cost of living crisis in Britain where people are having to use food-banks to feed themselves and these two muppets plan a lavish wedding. The mind boggles.
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They've married twice already, once in public in Windsor and also three days before in the garden with the archbishop. They need a third go now?
Third time lucky? :LOL:

Had to run back to add this.

This is actually their first wedding. The other was simply a spectacle for the public that poor Princess Meghan was forced into by the racist bullying of the RF. Neither Prince nor Princess consider that their wedding. Now it is time for their REAL wedding. They're going to need another £32 million adjusted for inflation (now standing at 10%). Full access for the Netflix crew. The Royal Family WILL SMILE whilst they are getting married. Only senior working royals will be invited. Other guests will reflect the wide range of Hollywood A listers that are known to the couple. In a suprise and lovely twist, Archie will be best man and Lily will be chief bridesmaid. Obviously the focal point will be the bride who is well known for her style and fashion despite being a committed and serious humanitarian and philantropist. The world is a better place for the beautiful, elegant, intelligent and loving Princess Meghan.
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Chatty Member
It's just been reported on lorraine that they are getting married again with the flat packs in attendance. Bwahahahaha
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