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Scotch Mist

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I think a lot of so called celebrities are psychopaths/ sociopaths Trouble they have to do something really bad to get called out. Wankstein, Saville etc so the females get away with it. The law seems to protect them too. I guess they look after their own

That's got to be the next thread title, please :ROFLMAO:
😆👍 thread suggestion:
Harry & Meghan #216 The Lion, the Witch and the Wanker
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What did I miss? What did I miss?

This time difference is a pain, especially when the thread is on rollerskates.
Rollerskates you say?

Heres a reminder of the Queen on skates escaping from Harry and the netflix crew....

camera crew chasing queen.jpg
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Just announced on talk radio , the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are coming to the UK next month on charity business.
The presenter who announced it then said, " nobody cares."
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Why can't they stay at home, and do a satellite link if they have to?
Instead of burning fuel flying about.

And why does it have to be announced?

Does Princess Anne announce everything she attends for her 300 or so charities? No she doesn't. She just gets on with it.
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Good morning! Thanks for the new thread and excellent title.

I've not been around much because they're so quiet. Still reading the thread of course. Does anyone else feel that this is the quiet before the storm? It's like something explosive is going to happen. Or that could just be wishful thinking on my part :LOL:

When I read the book, it left me feeling really down and horrible. I couldn't work out why. But thinking on it, it was because of the blatant narcissism and controlling behaviour by smegs. And Harry just letting her do it. I know we knew everything anyway but seeing all of it within the covers of a book was just too much.

But I've been listening to HG Tudor's reading of the book and it's so much easier. He explains why she behaves like she does so it's not just unbelievable evil screaming at you from the page. Plus he can be very funny and that helps a lot.

I think the other bit that bothers me is that she is so obviously insane and in an abusive way. Why hasn't she been carted off to a psychiatric unit yet?
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As a newbie, sorry if this has been mentioned before on here, but I have only just seen this, and I am actually gobsmacked. It is literally a copy and paste!!
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So which pair are worse?
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, or the Duke and Duchess of Sussex?
At the risk of being screamed at, I think the Sussexes are worse as their campaign of terror is being undertaken in a time of technology when reach is truely global. It was easy to forget/park the Windsors as, unless the press promoted them, they were absent from the consciousness of the Commonwealth (post Bahamas position). With the Sussexes it is just a constant stream of “information” through books, photos, gossip/rumours, events released by the Sussexes, supporters and critics. And the lies causing such damage to multiple people. The Windsors did not lie about their relationship, the Nazi connection they rationalised and minimised but they did not say George was playing around, or QM made Wallis cry. It is the permanency of their digital footprints of (mis)information and the “wake” of the impact of their behaviour that I think makes the Sussexes more damaging. JMHO
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Taz criticises the Daily Mail for printing the pics of Wallis and Meghan wearing their white gloved outfits but not crediting the person on Twitter who first made the comparison.
She indicates the Mail are bad for not giving credit.

Only last week she took something created by @Scotch Mist and didn't give credit.

She also criticises the papers printing stuff that she's been talking about for weeks.

Yeh, and a lot of stuff she ( and Neil Sean etc) talk about in their videos ( that they make money from) have been discovered and discussed by posters in here for ages before they make their videos too.

Kettle calling pot black.

Makes me mad. Taz, Neil etc, share by all means so stuff can reach it's wider audience but don't sneakily make it look like you found the stuff first by not crediting your source.
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I’ve stayed away from this thread for a while as can’t deal with this vile pair any more (though love the commentary here). But when I read this I can feel the ol hatred setting in again. The thought of these kinds of people plus Trudeau plus Branson plus the bloody Harkles thinking they have the right to lecture young people or indeed any other people at all about anything truly gives me the rage. It’s like a poison that the most elite people in the world think they have the right to tell other people how to live with their horrible upside-down ideology. Just fuck off all of you!

I am starting to think I have some kind of Woke Derangement Syndrome and need help, maybe I’ll start a support thread 😂
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I know what you mean as I've lost interest too and am struggling to finish it. I just read a small bit when I've got time. As @Cassandra333 said earlier it's quite a depressing read, hardly uplifting.

There's little in the book that we Tattlers didn't know already. The only good thing is that more people are now aware of the Harkles horrible behaviour and Hazno doesn't come out looking good either.

Bower has only been able to publish verified information and there's much that has been glossed over with no explanation (like what was Doria doing when she was absent).

I did feel a slight bit of sympathy for Smegz in her early years because despite having a father who was earning good money and paid for everything, he had little time to offer her because of his job and the long hours he worked. When Doria was suspiciously absent Smegz had to go to friends after school instead of going home. I know that's true for a lot of children with working parents but Smegz obviously had money lavished on her not the attention that she craved. Perhaps that's one of the reasons she is so desperate for attention and became a grifter.
The only thing I read in the book that I wasn’t aware of beforehand was how she managed to adopt her puppy. Maybe it’s common knowledge and it managed to pass me by but this incident, to me, shows just how ruthless and callous she really is.
Apparently, when she went to the dog shelter she chose the puppy that she later named Bogart.
The problem was, someone else had already chosen him before she got there.
So she set out on a campaign of getting her friends to bombard the shelter praising her to high heaven and listing all the reasons she should be allowed to have the pup while mentioning the “Suits” family and how happy the dog would be with them.
So basically using the Suits card to get what she wanted.
Of course, the agency gave in and let her have the pup.
What a selfish, self centred bitch!
Can you imagine being the person who had first claim on the pup? Looking forward to taking him home and probably had already chosen a name for him only to be told there was a change of plan and you couldn’t have him anymore?
And all because of a spoilt, selfish bitch with no thought for anyone but herself.
That one incident tells you everything you need to know about her.
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I want him and the kids out of the line of succession.
They can call themselves what they like but there should be no HRH status for security or anything.
And out of The Line.
He resigned his post.
He quit.

So that's it.
He's out.

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Call me sceptical but September marks Prince Louis's first day of primary school. We know the Cambridges normally do a press call for the first day and it gets a lot of attention, this would especially as it would be the first time all 3 Cambridge kids are seen together at school. If reports are to be believed and they've chosen Lambrooks as the new school......term starts on 8th September. What a coincidence.
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Just found this one again! LMAO.. here’s the balding Loon breaking down in Gaby Roslin’s arms because he’s thinking about MM’s pregnancy. Imagine getting that emotional about a Moonbump!!😆

Love what you did there Scotch Mist… ‘Capon’ good choice of word cos he’s always been ‘One for the Pot!’ Boom, Boom😆😆😆
Watch the Wellchild video. The revolting Stoat doesn't "break down in tears" while recalling Minge's "pregnancy". He starts laughing. Laughing because it was a scam. He then tries to cover it up and look emotional, hanging his head while Gaby Roslin comforts him. There's no mistaking the fact that he cracks up and then pretends to cry. Turd.
At an event for sick children, he not only made it all about him, but he scammed them that he was a father. What was he doing there? Scumbag.
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