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VIP Member
The biggest problem that Harry has with announcing he is gay, though I reckon he's actually bi, is that his Grandmother is God's representative of the Church of England.

Things are getting better but there's still a lot of homophobia, especially in religions where homosexuality is a sin.
Harry suddenly announcing he is gay would raise a lot of theological discussion in this country and could even damage The Queen in her role of Head of Religion.
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If Harry plotter and lady voldermort are appearing on the Oscars tonight Hollywood can kiss goodbye to my money. Fuck them!!
Hollywood was always good for spectacles and good B production and there should be law to forbid them to make any serious movie. As much as I like Star Wars and Star Track, they are still B production entertainment. When I want to see movie I will think about later, it's almost always european or asian director. Very rarely some independent American one.
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With Markle’s numerous PUBLIC offers of forgiveness if suitable groveling takes my opinion, a strategy has been developed to allow her to push her way back in.

She will just announce that suitable apologies have been proffered, admitting great wrong doing toward her on the part of the RF, and she has graciously accepted. What’s one more lie, after all.

Oprah might even allow her 3 hours again, to cry soft tears and say that her extreme closeness to prince Phillip and her loving nature just moved her to try again. Perhaps she will smile meekly, as she announces that the line of succession is being re-thought...and, in order to modernize in these Woke times, Archie is to be moved to the top...just like all the American Ivy League schools are doing with admissions.

She will announce that, as Queen of the Woke, she has graciously sgreed to appear in full regalia at certain public occasions (that have monetary value to her brand.)

The RF will then, she thinks, be cornered. They certainly would be confounded how to respond.

However, with a little ingenuity, they might announce as a gesture to their beloved Princess Markle, they are making her Father a Royal appear at her side whenever she pops up. And they have indeed altered the line of succession but only slightly, putting her sister Samantha at the top...just in front of Prince George. etc
What are they putting in your water there in middle America? :) Goood stuff :m 😂
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It was a Syracuse University-educated millionaire who took me.

We went to a lot of nice places in and around New York and that's the meal I remember.

You can take the girl out of South Wales but ...... :D
Silbee, I'm south wales too!
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@Amelia99 Someone on Twitter produced a very good summary of why she and many others believe that HFEW is using moon bumps. I have attached it but cannot credit the source as it was posted with no reference to who wrote it. Does any of this convince you?

PS would someone be able to add this to the Wiki, perhaps? I thought it covered all the points we have been discussing.
They need to correct the date. It was 2019, not 2018.
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Active member
No, that isn't what a 50/50 split means at all. It only applies to assets acquired during the actual term of the marriage, for starters. You don't get a permanent lien on someone's parents' or another country's crown assets because you married someone in that family.

Divorce Laws in California (2021 Guide) | Survive Divorce

"California divorce laws allow for spouses to agree on dividing some assets but seek a ruling on other assets, such as how to decide how each person’s interest in a residence is decided. In addition, every asset does not need to be divided equally down the middle. As long as there is give and take that results in the overall assets being divided in a fair way, then the court will probably approve the asset division plan.

Asset division not only includes real property, it also includes financial holdings as well. Bank accounts, stocks, IRAs and 401Ks are treat just like real property.

The biggest stumbling block when it comes to a division of assets is when one spouse or the other claims that the asset or assets in question are not actually community property, but instead are separate property. Separate property is defined as an asset that was acquired before a couple was married or acquired after the date of separation.

There can also be questions and challenges when one spouse receives an inheritance, which is considered separate property, but then proceeds to commingle it with community property assets. For example, if a spouse receives a lump sum of cash and deposits it into a joint bank account, this could be considered commingling."

Debts and Assets:

"California is a community property state which means that any debts or assets acquired by one or the other spouse during a marriage belong equally to both spouses.

The exception to this is that when spouses are discussing a division of assets during the divorce proceeding, one spouse or the other may agree to assume the debt in question in exchange for other concessions. In cases where there is excessive debt above and beyond a couple’s community assets, courts may assign a greater portion of the debts to the spouse who is in better financial condition to pay off the debts."


"California is a community property state. Under the California Family Code, this generally means that all property, real or personal, that was acquired by either party during a marriage is equally owned by each partner.

However, there are exceptions. For example, if the property is acquired during the marriage by way of inheritance or a gift, then the person who was given that property retains sole interest in it. Also, any property that was acquired either before the marriage or after the date of separation of the marriage is considered the sole property of the person who acquired it."


"California law states that gifts given to one spouse by the other during a marriage are considered separate property. For example, if a wife received a $10,000 diamond watch as a birthday gift, those would clearly be hers in a divorce action.

However, there are other instances that can lead to disagreements when the intent is less clear that the property was actually a gift. If a husband buys a wife a new car for Christmas, but it is intended for both to use as part of their life together, things can become murky as to whether or not it was a gift or it was community property.

Gifts to either spouse by a third party are generally considered separate property. "
Thanks very much.

My understanding is that, in general, foreign assets - including expectations - are liable for consideration in divorce settlements. It will be interesting to observe what happens if/when H's money runs out, especially should the lifestyle continued to be funded by, for example, PC.
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Chatty Member
I agree. Biden traveling to the UK is doubtful, but even if he does he'll only be wheeled out for cutesy events like meeting Brenda and Chas and dining at the Palace. For anything serious, like summits his input (if he turns up) will be minimal, as in sat in a chair saying nothing.
Kamala will need to be with him to control things as usual. Not sure how that will play out for the Firm as she and her horrific 'niece' are pro smeggy. We'll see what happens.
are POTUS and VPOTUS allowed to be out of the country at the same time?
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She would storm off. 100%.
HW does not do face 2 face debate or (GOD FORBID!:eek:) arguments. She scuttles off to safety and leaves PWB or some other minion to take the flak.
She has PWB's bollox in her handbag, but has none of her own.
That's why anyone looking at her from a distance thinks "Oh, such a sweet girl, never gets in arguments". No, cos she backs off if conflict looks likely and runs and hides. Then organises her mates to step in and fight on her behalf while she watches from safety.
I hate that. Just fucking fly off the handle and let rip sometimes ... then seeth for a while and get your happy mojo back. Done and dusted. That's why twee cutesy newbies who come in all sweetness and light and then subtly cause friction rips my knitting. I hate two faced shit stirrers but we aren't allowed to say "Oh just fuck off ya cunt."Cos rules. grrrr.
And breathe.:m

Aren't the tax people hasslinng him?
Someone posted a tweet/inst where he was being ordered to get a fucking move on re submitting accounts for somme business or scam or whatever that he runs.
They're all schemers.
Yep, without H's bollocks in her handbag, she's got none if her own
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Well-known member
I thought it was not in Afghanistan but elsewhere. I'd heard the story a number of times and I hadn't ever heard it was in Afghanistan. Not sure where it was though.... US? I thought it was just before the Vegas incident. New Mexico?
Yes, I read that too. It was in the US somewhere
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VIP Member
Oh, that is just nonsense. Helmand province in Afghanistan is not a place where troops of any coalition country can go out and party with locals like idiots. It's considered the most dangerous part of the country, utterly riddled with insurgents and Harry was actually pulled out of one tour precisely because they'd found out he was even THERE.

BBC NEWS | UK | Harry withdrawn from Afghanistan

Part of the controversy with Harry's service was that by being in Helmand, he could be seen to be endangering the other troops above and beyond the already very high risks because he was such a target as a high ranking member of a coalition royal family. It would have been a score above scores if Taliban or any of the other insurgents could have kidnapped/ransomed or murdered him. The British government has a policy of never paying ransoms, but if H had been ransomed they would have been placed in a very bad position with that. For sure, Helmand is not a place like say, Okinawa, where there's a whole econony based around foreign troops and catering to their party needs ( which with soldiers boil down to booze and easy women). Both things are somewhat in short supply in Afghanistan. Super strict Muslim country, women barely are seen in public at all. Even in Kabul, as a foreign worker you leave the safety of your compound and the big thick blast wall at your own risk.

If that blind has any truth to it, it's another member of one of the many royal families out there, and certainly could not pertain to H in Afghanistan.
I thought it was not in Afghanistan but elsewhere. I'd heard the story a number of times and I hadn't ever heard it was in Afghanistan. Not sure where it was though.... US? I thought it was just before the Vegas incident. New Mexico?
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No, she doesn’t look good. But if she’s trying to make us believe that the only contact she had with them beforehand was a couple of texts then she’s really insulting our intelligence.
That interview was planned to the nth degree. All questions and answers agreed in advance. The fake “ Whaat?’ as though she wasn’t expecting THAT 😒 Puleeze!!
She wasn’t expecting the huge backlash that it caused and is now backpedaling furiously by distancing herself from ‘their’ truth because little old her is an innocent in all this.
But we’re not stupid Orca 🤪😜
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I’ve been a reader for a while but this is my first post.
One of my siblings went to a school of similar poshness to H and was in the same school year. They’d play each other at sports and had some of the same parties etc. There was a rumour, which might be completely untrue but just putting it out there, that H is gay and therefore Smegma must be a very expensive and volatile beard.
Sorry but that is a tin foil hat stretch too far.
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Wow, that's definitely going to make people buy it .NOT. it was remaindered so quickly who would be willing to put a punt on the money to back a few extra chapters or will it be self published?
Or will the ones allegedly burnt in the warehouse fire suddenly make a reappearance with some updated scrawling in the back cover?
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softly softly

Active member
Good morning

Don't think its been posted but there is a new Harry Markle to read whilst eating some marmite on toast with a nice cuppa.
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