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Excellent profile of Prince William by Roya Nikkhah

I'd recommend taking a couple of minutes to read the whole thing (full story archived here

ETA These paragraphs stood out for me re Harkles.

William is thought to have been less than thrilled a few days later when that conversation made global headlines after the American presenter Gayle King, a close friend of the Sussexes, revealed live on air that it had not been an easy chat: “I did actually call them to see how they were feeling,” she told viewers. “Harry has talked to his brother and he had talked to his father too. The word I was given was that those conversations were not productive.” The intervention prompted a senior royal source to say that “none of the households will be giving a running commentary on private conversations”.

A close friend of both brothers says Harry’s “trapped” comment was “way off the mark”, insisting that William does not see it that way. “He has a path set for him and he’s completely accepting of his role. He is very much his grandmother’s grandson in that respect of duty and service.”

When the Queen turned 90 nearly five years ago William admitted “the challenge” that “occupies a lot of thinking space” is how to “modernise and develop” the royal family, and make it “relevant in the next 20 years’ time”. Twenty years now seems like a very long time. In the hours and days after the Oprah broadcast, William was at the heart of all discussions with the Queen and the Prince of Wales about how to respond to the Sussexes. He was keen that the issue of race should be acknowledged in the Queen’s statement as an area of particular concern that “will be addressed”.

And on Catherine:

As they celebrate their anniversary on April 29, friends who joined the Cambridges on their wedding day tell me the partnership’s equal footing is key to its success. “They’ve got a solid relationship and she gives him confidence,” one says. “There is no jealousy, no friction, they are happy for each other’s successes.” In private William talks as passionately about Kate’s work as his own campaigns, and takes pride in her growing confidence on the public stage.
Thank you for posting this. This shed light on how full William's life is compared to hazzo's empty one. His entire life is coming together. He found his niche in the world and he will most definitely be an amazing ruler. He had much more personal growth than Hazzo. THANK GOD he was the first born.

These are probably one of my favourite paragraphs.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, as a former frontline worker himself, William has led the royal charge supporting key workers. “Now, more than ever, he knows what his role in public life is, and he sees the value in it,” a close aide says. Chatting to NHS workers in January, William said: “Something that I noticed from my brief spell flying the air ambulance … is that when you see so much death and so much bereavement, it does impact how you see the world … as a … darker, blacker place.” Soon after the first lockdown was announced, the Cambridges’ Royal Foundation launched Our Frontline, a round-the-clock mental health and bereavement service for key workers.

“William’s not trying to be down with the kids,” a friend says. “He never wants to be painted as irrelevant or dull, though he’s allergic to being compared to celebrities. The public doesn’t always get to see his funny side, but otherwise he’s the same in private as in public. He once said, ‘I’ll be in the public eye all my life. I can’t hide who I am because I’ll be found out.’ ”

BIB Shades being thrown at the Harkles. :ROFLMAO: I think COVID has taught William about life, whereas all Hazzo know about is money and mansion. Prince GiveMeYourMoney

After reading this, I wonder if the Harkles are creating these companies (not charity because all they want is money) to rival what William is doing. Like an American counterpart to everything William does... Maybe their new rich Hollywood friends will contribute to their mortgage cause.
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So Harry plans to keep blackmailing his family according to omid plastic cockroach:
'Scobie suggested that these sort of manoeuvres could continue "if we are seeing a resistance from the Palace towards addressing the issues".
He added: "This tactic may not go away for some time.

"For the Royal Family and the institution that is used to keeping control of the narrative, it would have been a jarring moment to suddenly realised they are not the only ones in the driving seat.

"I can imagine that certain individuals would have felt a little perturbed by that."

If Harry is not careful he might find himself without a royal title, no longer in the line of succession and permanently estranged from his family. If he continues participating in the smear campaign and blackmail attempts against them, it's only a matter of time before they cut off all contact with him and completely walk away in order to protect themselves and the monarchy.

As for shit face scabies- he's an utter filthy scumbag (spits). I can't believe that there are some people supporting blackmail and thinking its ok!
You're going to be on the losing side shithead and I'm looking forward to your downfall!
I think there's an element of Scooby desperately trying to stay relevant in that story. Gayle King seems to have taken over as Meghan's Mouthpiece since the Orca show, she's been quoted everywhere. I wonder if his transition to status : markled is under way.
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Oh dear, Meghan will not be pleased. Even The Guardian is now critical of her approach. FINALLY left wing voices dare to say that Meghan's strategy is basically shit. This is, for me, the big issue of this, that by going at not actually the 'Firm' or the RF, but making it personal and attacking Harry and Archie's blood family in such a callous and devastating way, they have lost the allure of the royals and what else have they got to talk about? Also, I feel very strongly that if they can treat their own dads and for Harry his brother, with who he always been very close, Kate, the Queen, Philip and to be completely honest, George, Charlotte and Louis, in such a cruel and brutal way, then how are they going to treat people and companies who work with them?

Since the MeToo movement emerged, the focus is on all negative behaviours. Harry and Meghan are going to be flagged as disloyal, angry, vindictive, money oriented and lacking even basic integrity. Of course some people will still see them as new faces and worth a gamble, but I can't help but think that had they been negotiating contracts with Netflix and Spotify etc, now, things would be very different.

They sell themselves as being focussed on compassion, kindness and unity, when the only unity H and Meghan have is with one another. They're going to be hard pressed to live off their Be Kind approach, when they are anything but.

Eyes are opening, criticism is being voiced. They have damaged their brand and the best thing is that THEY did this! 😂

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Scotch Mist

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For the past year I've been muttering under my breath about how awful the Harkles are and slagging them off only to be met with indifference and my husband ignoring my rants. For many months the most response I've had is 'give it a rest'. 🙄

But finally my husband has seen the light and now agrees with me 😁 hallelujah!!!!!
He said that Hazno should be packed off to the Tower 🤣 it's made my day!
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So Harry plans to keep blackmailing his family according to omid plastic cockroach:
'Scobie suggested that these sort of manoeuvres could continue "if we are seeing a resistance from the Palace towards addressing the issues".
He added: "This tactic may not go away for some time.

"For the Royal Family and the institution that is used to keeping control of the narrative, it would have been a jarring moment to suddenly realised they are not the only ones in the driving seat.

"I can imagine that certain individuals would have felt a little perturbed by that."

If Harry is not careful he might find himself without a royal title, no longer in the line of succession and permanently estranged from his family. If he continues participating in the smear campaign and blackmail attempts against them, it's only a matter of time before they cut off all contact with him and completely walk away in order to protect themselves and the monarchy.

As for shit face scabies- he's an utter filthy scumbag (spits). I can't believe that there are some people supporting blackmail and thinking its ok!
You're going to be on the losing side shithead and I'm looking forward to your downfall!

OMG - that really is blackmail.

This is just awful.

I think it's even more awful because just when the Queen and Prince Philip should be easing into retirement and enjoying reflecting on a job well done, they have their stomachs churning with this onslaught.
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That is a great description of a Narcissist.

I have read many.
The only advice all these experts ever give about how to deal with one is to walk away from them.

But how can the Royal Family just walk away from this?
How do they do it?

I suppose they can only do it by walking away from Harry too.

Is he a complete victim of her and being totally manipulated or is he in charge of his own actions? He's wanted out for years and he's had it in for the Press for even longer.

If he IS her victim, his family have to give him an escape route for when he finally is able to leave her.
If he ever is able.

Harry is a petulant ,spoilt, posh wanker.

He was an angry wanker before she came on the scene, she’s just told him all the things he wants to hear ; you’re the best Harry, you should’ve been the future King, blah bloody blah!

She’s horrible but he’s far far more unpleasant.

I had a phone conversation with a relative of mine at the weekend.
She and her husband are ex UK military active service and now MoD staff working at a UK base.

They were in post when William had his training and both agreed he is a "nice guy."

I asked both what they thought of Harry and in unison (over speakerphone) both said, "he's a w*nker."

That'll do for me!!
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Great post.

What's fascinating is that the RF will have had a fat file on her from early days, realised she had a personality disorder pretty early on, seen her in action and clocked she was an angry hot mess. The gossip was they called her 'the degree wife' = three year marriage, they encouraged them both to leave the UK and didn't mind her keeping her US contacts up, as they knew all the time where she was heading.

Roll on 2021 and we are about to start Year 2 of the Harkles In Exile... The only thing that's gone wrong really is that they are using Charles's cash to wage war on the RF via the press and social media trolling. Why? To get a bigger pay off to shut up permanently. That's the only explanation I can think of. It isn't personal, it's business.
Your comment makes me happy because I want so much to know that the RF foresaw all this mess and have a plan. I want to know that MI5 and every other bloody secret intelligence officer in the Western hemisphere is onto her. I want all of Five Eyes going through her bins. I want every penny she got and every nefarious contact she's ever had to be exposed. And if ever she and H come back to the UK, I want to see them going through here:
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I can't remember who posted this link before, but the comments are hilarious. This one is fantastic. 😂🤣

View attachment 490948
What an unfair comment, hazthedimwit was totally saving the planet with a 4x4 of security driving along side him for his unnecessary bike ride he could have done round the grounds of their alleged mansion
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Chatty Member
No to Kate speaking out about a wedding squabble.
Happens all the time in families.Pointless. Trivial private matter.

No to the title till he is entitled.

No security. This is their choice to live in lala land where folks have guns and shootings are commonplace.

Absolutely fucking not.

Love The Duke of Hazzard term. Lol
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I have noticed an awful lot of people telling others to "educate yourself" with regard to what racism is.
I have noticed that an awful lot of those same people have not bothered to educate themselves on how the Royal Family and its Titles system works.

Time for some practice what you preach , I think.
‘Educate yourself’ is one of the wokes’ favourite phrases. Ironic as they’re the most small minded, ignorant people out there
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The Times has just released a podcast episode in their Stories of Our Times series with Royal Nikkhah discussing her Prince William story.

What jumped out for me was that she said the friction between Harry and William started way back when Harry was riding high on Invictus - pre Meghan. H felt he was more popular, didn't want to follow the RF hierarchy (i.e. felt he was the most important) and was frustrated when he didn't get first pick of his preferred projects (environmental causes was something he wanted to champion). So Harry was already a problem pre Megz....
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This is what breaks my heart about what Harry and Meghan have done to his family. I'll never forget when Charles held out his hand to Doria and looked after her at H and M's wedding. He walked Meghan part way down the aisle FGS. Then the photo of The Queen and Philip meeting Archie. They looked thrilled.

To turn on them like this beggars belief. I would love to know what Doria thinks to all of this.


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It doesn't matter if you marry the most amazing person in the world - very few marriages are worth the sacrifices he's made. There's been far better people than her who have left their spouse, but at least the spouse had support and familiarity from their friends/family/job/home.

He's thousands of miles away from home, estranged from his whole family and his friends, he gave up his job - and she could turn around in a split second and tell him she doesn't love him anymore. Where does he turn then?

Marriages fail every day, and most marriages and the people in them, I would guess, have much stronger foundations than H&M.
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No Drama Llama

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So if Oprah can bugger off around town with out security so can her new cash cow meghan! Meghan is absolutely deluded
She's actually complained about not being able to take Archie to nursery or let him mix with other children because she's too famous - talk about delusional. I've said before, Kate manages to do the school run, pop into the local Sainsburys, was seen in the local Waterstones, etc. and she's married to and is the mother of future kings. Meghan just makes herself sound ludicrous by saying all this - I bet if she went out, dressed down and without loads of security around her like Kate does when she's not on duty, no one would take the slightest bit of notice of her. Everything she does is for maximum attention and 'look at me'. Look what she was like at Wimbledon when firstly she thought she was too important to follow the dress code so turned up in jeans so couldn't go in the royal box and then had the stand emptied and her security stopping people taking pictures of her, even though they weren't which was embarrassing!
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Anyway, we applaud the Harkles for standing by their commitment to championing diversity. Let's have a look at their top team, then. Oh, wait...

ETA Maybe BP could lend them their Diversity Tsar, looks like the Harkles need some help....

James Holt - new Executive Director, Archewell

Ben Browning - Head of Content, Archewell

Christine Schirmer - Head of Communications.
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This desperate money grab the Markles are complicit in via blackmail pretty much means that the deals with Netflix and Spotify aren't worth the paper they're written on, doesn't it? By the time he's out merching on a bike things must be dire for them.

Financially their ship must be sinking, that's the only reason I can think of for them to be behaving this way.

As for Scobie, someone should take him to one side and give him a quiet talking to.

I volunteer.:sneaky:
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I know this article has been shared but thought I’ll just copy paste the text here.

A freezing night sleeping rough on London’s streets is a quick way to forge a friendship. There’s not much scope for formality when you’re trying to get some kip behind a wheelie bin, even if one of you is a future king. Seyi Obakin, chief executive of Centrepoint, the charity which supports homeless young people, has considered Prince William a friend ever since they bedded down side by side on sheets of cardboard under Blackfriars Bridge, 12 years ago.
The Prince and the Nigerian-born administrator kept each other’s spirits up even as the temperature fell to minus four: “He poked fun at me endlessly because I don’t do well in the cold. He’d camped out with the army. I said, 'It’s all right for you, I’m older and I’m not a soldier!' We both laughed. That’s the Prince William I know,” he says.
It was painful to watch that friend – whom he refers to as “PW” – last week, having to state publicly that “We are very much not a racist family” in the wake of allegations by his brother, Prince Harry, and his wife Meghan that their son Archie was denied security and not made a prince because of “concerns” about the colour of his skin.

The couple refused to say which members of the royal family voiced such concerns; Oprah confirmed that it was not the Queen, nor Prince Philip – which keeps Prince William among others in the frame. But that does not chime with Obakin’s experience at all. “I have never seen a hint of racism. Never. I have worked with him in close proximity for years. He has met my family. He’s never treated us with anything other than decency, dignity and respect,” he says.
Seyi Obakin, CEO of Centrepoint charity, recalls sleeping rough with Prince William

Seyi Obakin, CEO of Centrepoint charity, recalls sleeping rough with Prince William
Centrepoint, which has supported more than 14,000 young people in its homes and hostels across the UK during the pandemic, has just got planning permission to build 33 one-bedroomed modular homes in south London to accommodate young people moving on from hostels, part of an ambitious, multi-million pound “Independent Living Programme” enthusiastically supported by Prince William, the charity’s patron.
At the moment, young people who undergo Centrepoint’s education and training programme and find a steady job often find themselves homeless once more as they earn the minimum wage, so can’t afford a private rent and don’t qualify for social housing. The new housing is intended to create a “bridge” to self-sufficiency. Rents will be set not at market rate but as a proportion of income, so a young person on minimum wage will pay one-third of their earnings – £350 a month – for what would normally be an unreachable (if tiny) flat in London.
“I’m pleased that with PW’s help, his interest in homelessness, and with independent living in particular, we’ve been able to assemble a group of people who think this bridge is really important,” says Obakin. The group, which has spearheaded the development of the programme, includes financier Jamie Reuben and Javad Marandi, owner of Soho Farmhouse and designer fashion brands Anya Hindmarch and Emilia Wickstead.
Obakin has been the charity’s chief executive for more than a decade – and before that was finance director – but Prince William’s connection to the charity goes back even further. As children, he and Prince Harry were taken to visit Centrepoint’s hostels by their mother, Princess Diana, who ‘”didn’t want the boys to grow up thinking the whole world was 4x4 Range Rovers, shooting and nannies”.
Prince William took over from his mother as the charity’s patron 16 years ago, aged 23. It was the first patronage he took on.
“He said ‘if I’m going to do it I need to understand how this stuff works, can I volunteer?’ He came along a number of times and worked as part of a multi-ethnic team serving a multi-ethnic group of young people, talking to them about their housing benefit problems and ringing up the benefits office.
“One of the young people came in and said ‘You look like somebody famous,’ and he replied, ‘Yeah, people have said that to me before’ and just carried on. The kid was none the wiser.”
Prince William's first patronage was of the homelessness charity Centrepoint's first patronage was of the homelessness charity Centrepoint

Prince William's first patronage was of the homelessness charity Centrepoint CREDIT: PA
As Centrepoint marked its 40th birthday in 2009 the Prince wanted to do more to highlight the issue of homelessness. Obakin asked him. “What about taking that one notch up and sleeping out yourself?”
“Never in a million years did I think he would say yes,” he laughs. “then I thought ‘My god, what have I done? I’ve just invited the future king of England to sleep rough on the street.”
Centrepoint holds an annual sleep out for supporters, which is safe, controlled and fenced-off: that was not the Prince’s idea of sleeping rough. “He said ‘If I’m going to this I don’t want something genteel, something protected. I want an authentic experience. We agreed not to tell anyone. I did not even tell my wife,” says Obakin.
They picked a December night and crawled into their sleeping bags accompanied only by Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, the Prince’s then private secretary: “People said to me afterwards there must have been security but there wasn’t. There was just us.
“We did exactly what a young person who has nowhere to live would do. If you are sleeping rough people spit at you, people kick you. So we walked around looking for a spot and found this little cul-de-sac and got some wheelie bins to mark out our space.”
Next morning they got up around 5.30am and walked to a Centrepoint hostel in London’s Soho where the Prince made breakfast for the residents (before joining the Queen for lunch at Buckingham Palace): “He said he’d realised the noise of the city goes on all night You can’t really get any sleep because you’re alive to it every time someone walks past. He said it had been a challenge for him, with some military experience, to sleep out for one night and that if you were a young person with nowhere to go, doing it night after night after night, with no structure and purpose for the rest of your day, that would create havoc on your mental well-being.”
Obakin believes that understanding of how difficult experiences can impact mental health has informed the Prince’s work with Heads Together and made him a passionate supporter of giving people a sense of purpose as well as help: a hand up as well as a handout. Just over a year ago he opened an “apprenticeship house” for Centrepoint, where a number of formerly homeless young people working as apprentices in catering, warehousing and logistics are living together and supporting one another as they build careers with partner companies, including Amazon and Selfridges.
“Independent living is not just about houses, it’s about jobs, and guess what, everyone benefits,” says Obakin. “We have a young person who’s not depending on the taxpayer for social security but working and paying taxes. That’s a collective benefit. For the young person it’s fantastic, it means ‘I am somebody. I am of value. I am not just taking, I’m giving’. So many young people want to do that, all they need is the opportunity.”
His royal patron’s current troubles will soon pass, he believes: “All kinds of things happen in life for everybody. It’s never a straight journey.”
What he is sure won’t waver is Prince William’s commitment to ending homelessness. Without any publicity, he has insisted on making Zoom calls to a number of young people stuck in hostels in lockdown. Nobody put that on his schedule or forced him to do it, says Obakin. It’s a sign that he cares.
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Its by your actions that you are truly revealed as who you are as a person, words are easy but you need to be person acts on your words. By his actions we see who Prince William is.
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@DarnIt I adore Anne, Even if she wasn't a royal I would still have a bit of an infatuation with her, I see her as the Queen we never got (although I'm quite happy with the one we did). She's a fucking legend.
This seems like the perfect time to post these Princess Anne quotes. She is a legend.

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