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Well are they surprised it didn't go well? they basically called the Royals racist to the whole world. I mean it doesnt take a genius to realise Charles wouldnt be over the moon about that! :rolleyes:
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Have to say, recently I've never felt so hated because of the colour of my skin.

Of course it could be argued that that's exactly how Black people have felt for so long, and indeed in a lot of cases that's been true, there are some truly horrible, despicable racist people out there and I've always cheered Black people on and been on their side, in any country, when it looked like they'd genuinely suffered from any sort of racism. The very mention or thought of the slave trade should send a shiver down the spine of any decent person no matter what age or skin tone. But now it appears that I'm also guilty of racism simply because I'm not Black. Black people don't want, and never did want my support, because I'm not Black. I'm not qualified to be enraged at how, in the past, White people enslaved Black people and stole their lives, making their lives a misery. Because I'm not Black.

Nah, not having it.

On 'that interview' Meghan & Harry's dubious accusations re race (coupled with their overly-excited, probably wetting themselves with glee) puppets who chose to believe and support them and their nonsense were the last straw for me. That pair knew what they were doing - all they had to do was plant the seed of the merest hint of something racist towards an innocent unborn baby and ... BAM! Oh yes, they knew what they were doing all right ...

And I hate to say it, but I think they've done more damage than good regarding healing the rift of race relations.
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ANL have got to appeal the privacy case now, surely?
I hope Mr Justice Warby is hanging his head in shame.
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Now I think I understand what's happened with the talking to that woman on American TV.
I probably don't understand it completely BUT it's looking to me like Harry, Charles and William are talking. That's good news.
I don't think we need to know though, the royal family announced it would be dealt with privately but Meghan and Harry obviously don't like that idea.
So ok now we know now that they are talking, the next thing, why tell us that the talks aren't being very productive?
Why do they need to tell us that??
Where I come from that would be classified as shit stirring.
Next thing from that American woman, there are documents they have that prove things, why is she telling us this??
Send copies to the royal family as they are having these discussions, wouldn't that be something to talk about then, to discuss the issues and problems.
These documents they have, it's like a threat, what are they going to do with them, blackmail???
I watched someone who knows far more about this stuff than I do, say that he doesn't think its over with after the interview, he thinks there will be more and I think he is right.

Why didn't they:
  • Do the interview, sob sob sob.
  • Start discussions, resolve or sort things out.
  • Happy families again, get on with all the service they bang on about doing al the time.
But no, still it continues. What are they after from the royal family. Could it just be that they want an apology??

I think the big question now is WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM THE RF??
They want titles restored as in military, the HRH, For them and the kiddies. Cash to live on and security because that is great for their image.....see we are so vip we need security. Its actually all spoken about in that interview what they want, you just have to dig through the shit to find it. Archie is not a prince....check/Daddy cut me off.....check/no security.....check. Its blackmail to get what they wanted in the first place.....half in half out, do all the great royal things when it suits them. Pathetic.
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Is it this one? Absolutely horrible story.
Am I the only one who cottoned onto the allegation about her slapping another staffer here? Not that I'm not horrified of her treatment of the children, but this is the second allegation of her slapping someone who is supposed to be helping her. This is getting to be over the top. I mean, I've seen DC comic book villains better able to maintain a facade better than her, and she's supposedly an actor. What in the hell is going on? Who stands around and lets someone hit them like this?
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Caught up!

As another poster said before, Tattlers should be working for the FBI and MI5 given the amount of digging for the truth that goes on here.

Re the receipts, recording and daily journals Meagain was keeping. I hope the second the RF realised they started playing with her, Knowing she is taking in every word, and they created fake news....

Did we tell you about the time we loaned a tiara to Kim Kardashian...? Yes, most of the time the Crown Jewels are available to hire or we loan them to our special friends.

Up to and including Diana’s day all new brides marrying into the RF had to spend a week locked in the Tower of London. You’re the first who hasn’t been sent to the Tower.

Charles has tiny feet, almost like a child’s size 13 but he wears big shoes so others do not notice.

When you’re in Buck House and you join HM The Queen for breakfast is customary to curtsey to HM three times and and sing all verses of the National Anthem before you take your place at the table.

Oh they could have so much fun with this...
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Not Aussie but Kiwi here ... was in amongst the (very low turnout) of people who watched from a distance as they arrived at Maranui Cafe in Wellington (I'm not from Welly but was visiting a client that day).

My first impression was that she clung on to him for dear life and seemed a bit ... well, underwhelming. She lacked presence. Unlike Kate, who as soon as she did walkabouts had a certain je ne sais quoi about her from the moment she stepped out of her car when she visited. (And I don't say that to inflate Kate in order to deflate Meghan; Kate really does have presence. Even a lot of the grumpy old radio guys mentioned it).

In all honesty, I expected a bigger turnout (see snaps below - there would have been about 100 people max there, with plenty of room for more). Of those that were there, lots were shouting to Harry (he smiled and waved); there was just one wokester with a placard in support of Meghan that I can remember.

In the footage I saw of them on the news during their visit in other centres, I thought their support staff looked really stressed and unhappy - especially the blonde girl.

I did laugh at the Sussexes' comment about the other royals being jealous of their popularity on the down-under tour - um, NO! People talked about Kate and William's visit long after they left; not so in the case of Harry and Meghan. Even Harry's solo visits here have conjured up more excitement. Besides, Kiwis had heard whispers about Duchess Diva's antics in AU by the time they landed here so a few people were side-eyeing her about that.
I have been introduced to Kate at a formal function. She is tall, graceful & sylph-like, very pretty with a lovely smile. She is genuinely warm. I was a bit ho-hum about her before I went to the event, but having met her I was impressed by how well she was briefed about our work & her genuine interest. So team Kate since then.
There is a U.K. company called which makes fake pregnancy bellies in foam or silicone in different sizes and skin colours. It is a niche market but one that is used for many purposes, including theatre and TV. I note that they also sell handmade silicone bumps in different sizes and colours on Etsy.

The silicone bumps don’t need to be washed, they can simply be wiped clean. They are also sent out very discretely and their description on the packaging and bank statements etc will show as ‘theatrical costume’. So Smeggy would have had no problem confidentially ordering and requesting delivery of the four required bump sizes in her desired colour. Plus, she could just wipe clean with baby wipes. Here are the FAQs from the website.

ETA - a recent post on Blind Gossip intimated that the eggs were stored and implanted in Canada. Stored there when she lived in Canada working on the TV show Suits (just in case) then fertilised and implanted there in 2018.
@StrawberrySeed Well the plot thickens 😉.

So we may reasonably assume that MegsEggs were defrosted & fertilised with Hazza’s seed in Canada & then xferred to MM there. I know nowt about transferring human tissue (frozen eggs or embryo) in or out of Canada. I assume that keeping egg/embryo quality is everything, so MM - or alleged surrogate (AS - ) would have been close by for implantation. Thereafter, MM (or AS) is free to scoot about as she pleases. Were I to be overegging (!) this forensic horseplay, I might start counting back from Archie’s birthdate & approximate the conception date to cross refer to MM’s engagements 😉

This is lovely, especially considering he was known to be kind of cold towards William and Harry when they were younger. There are pictures about where he’s looking at this own children like strangers. I’m all about that middle aged renaissance where you start to feel the love 💖
Camilla’s warmth for her own children & grandchildren has made a difference to Charles.

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I'm in Canada and we haven't seen hide nor hare of this elusive hissy fit recording. If it surfaces, I'm sure we will hear about it.

I'm still burned up about Gail King shooting her mouth off. In the US media they just don't understand the concept of a dignified silence on family matters, they automatically think you have something to hide. They don't quite get that for a certain class of people, airing one's dirty laundry in public is unseemly.

Sorry this is me being slow but I’ve only just realised that Eugenie wore the emerald tiara on her wedding day- is this why MM wasn’t allowed it given Eugenie was supposed to have been married before? Do we think that’s why MM wanted it then?
The story goes MM was shown the tiaras on offer, she wanted the emerald one, but it was already promised to Eugenie. She wasn't best pleased.
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Meghan "exposing" the RF because she doesn't want the truth about her own family to come to light (so she puts the focus on others)
For some time I’ve felt that the basis for Markle’s deep rage against the RF was more to do with her fragility and embarrassment about her background and family circumstances. I think she feels looked down upon. If anything encapsulates her true character, it is her lack of care for her family, now Harry’s family and outstandingly, the subsequent lack of forgiveness she showed towards her Dad. Pre-Harry she was about to be a retired ensemble character in a minor cable show, racing towards 40. She had created her own narrative and merched herself out in a minor way through The Tig. I imagine she had plans to capture a rich man to replace Trevor and at nearly 40, running out of career options, even she couldn’t have realistically conceived of nabbing a prince. However, once she had him in her sights, she threw her cap at him and nabbed him. Emboldened by that outcome, she then believed that she:

a): could call the shots as to duties undertaken and that her specialness and California woke worth would have more weight than it did
b): Kate would be charmed and be her equal and intimate
c): she could charm the myriad of parts of the FIRM/Royal machine and that everybody would do her bidding

None of this would eventuate, she felt excluded and railed about it endlessly to Harry. Poor me, I’m suicidal I’m so angry nobody wants or likes me.
The two of them, bringing the worst out in each other as they do, allowed their discontent to bubble away to boiling point and then came the abdication. They were actually shocked when they were told they couldn’t live overseas, capitalise on their Royal status and still be part of the firm. I mean, how unaware is that ! They’ve shown their ignorance over security funding, Archie’s lack of princely title and much else. I‘d have credited her with more nous but no, she’s actually a tad dense and seems to have no emotional intelligence . Their total lack of self deprecation, self awarenesss and the fact they concede nothing is their fault is mind numbing. I cannot recall ever hearing such arrogance and lack of ownership of one’s decisions and actions. Anyone else think of anyone except perhaps OJ?

I am staggered that there are so many people in this world who seem to think somehow she and Harry are hard done by. I am literally lost for words when I hear people supporting them

God Save Our Queen
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This is just a whole load of famous American women taking part in

The Real Housewives of Poke your Hooter in where it’s not wanted City.
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Here’s a question, if the bullying allegations are found to be true, what’s to stop those staff talking and giving their truth?
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I don’t really get the “spare” thing. I’d much rather be married to or actually be “the spare”. Still get all the good bits but don’t have to have the scrutiny or the pressure of being queen or king. Yeah your head might not be on a stamp but at least you can live a semi- normal life if you play it right without any financial worries.
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Ah when was she a princess??? I thought her title was Duchess 🤔Was the princess but before or after she was the Little Mermaid 🙄
Irritatingly on Archie’s birth certificate her official occupation is ‘Princess of the United Kingdom’ :mad: She really is a stupid cow making that little mermaid reference. Nauseating.
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"Piers Morgan on Twitter: "There's a very deliberate & malicious campaign being perpetrated by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to smear, defame and trash Britain, our Monarchy & the Royal Family as a bunch of heartless racists. It's disgusting. Time to stand up for our Queen." / Twitter"
Anyone else dying to see the Cambridge royal page in the list of likes on this post 😂
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Even before her marriage to Harry the woman was obsessed with "subtly" letting the media know who she was dating. I dont buy her sudden claims that she's suddenly looking for privacy. Always has been and always will be desperate for media attention.

I am certain that these were not even a gift from Harry and she bought it for herself
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The National Enquire’s Cover and Main Story expose Harry and Meghan’s untruths...
I know they’re [the Natl Enq) not the most respected of sources, but they did break the John Edwards Love-Child story with actual investigative journalism, so they have done some very solid work.


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Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 5.12.14 AM.png

On a side note: I really hope PH can one day find true love and happiness just like a past victim of MM did. I mean the poor guy didn't just dodge a bullet, he dodged a canon ball!

Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 5.27.28 AM.png

He genuinely looks so much healthier and happier now (I really hope we can see PH like this, one day)
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I will be shocked if it never gets revealed they used a surrogate. If we’re wrong, and it wasn’t a moonbump, she was pregnant, and all the irregularities around the announcement are just coincidences. I just highly highly doubt it all things considered!
Two things she hasn't denied or sued over are the moonbump or surrogacy and the bullying allegations
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I'd had my doubts about them since Eugenie's wedding, but that was the turning point for me. Archie being too young to fly up to Balmoral but not too young to fly to Ibiza and to Elton's place. And Harry coming out with all that guff about how he had to travel on private jets for his family's security, while the Cambridges went up to Scotland on FlyBe.
I have to be honest I didn’t even like her pre wedding, the engagement interview was so strange with her not letting him get a word in and clutching him for dear life. I thought she seemed very into herself and smug.

But yes, all the things you mention are examples of their catalog of hypocritical, vulgar behaviour. They are disliked for their actions, nothing to do with M’s supposed membership of the ‘black community’.
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