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It had weird pointy boobs! And the fluffy cardigan was like the thing i had to wear to the dancing classes i hated as a tiny girl. Mum took me out of them after i said the teacher was a "rotten lady"
Ah memories....I had those fluffy bolero cardis when I was little, strictly for party wear and Christmases, got photo evidence 😢
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I’m still catching up, but with regard to the ‘footage’ that no one has seen of her throwing a tantrum.
If there isn’t one, but it did happen, it would be very easy for BP to get one faked. Anyone here seen the videos that look like it’s Tom Cruise?
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Gabriel is married to a down to earth Aussie gal! am hopeful that his silence means that they see her for exactly how she is and aren't fooled.

Has Sarah Rafferty (who plays Donna) spoken out at all? she did numerous scenes with M.

I used to watch Suits before we all knew who she was and I quite liked her character. I wondered who she was and googled her and many a time when bored would scroll through the Tig for a laugh. When I saw it was her who H was dating I thought oh she's so nice! Didn't take long for the real person to be revealed.
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With all the Givenchy talk, there’s a very interesting post over on Tumblr via an anon in the_best_soap_opera_ever about the dress fittings. The rage, the nastiness to Charlotte, the constant changes resulting in a crap fitting dress and the designer woman also being awful.
Could you copy and paste here? Please 🤗
ETA: just noticed you did later in the thread, thank you (forever behind at the moment...)
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I’m so glad I’m a commoner not a member of the Royal family. So many rules and etiquette standards I would have never made it past the first interview.

It’s getting to be a bit tit for tat now now with all the stuff coming out eg Mr Scabies accusation of double standards by the RF.

In the end there will be no winners except for Oprah Wum free.
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With all this talk of terrible Irish music.... 🤣🤣🤣

ETA I am of Irish origin and I love Ireland so please don’t shoot me 🤣🤣
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She’s a control freak, to add to the list of dreadful traits she has. She looks notably angry and uncomfortable when she isn’t in complete control, walking ahead, listening in on H’s conversations at engagements. She barges him out of the way to get ahead. She’s even tried to do it to the Queen. :mad:
To be fair I'm reasonably certain that this one was explained away at the time as Smeghan got in the car first so as to slide across to the other side, so that HMQ didn't have to.
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Also don't want to start a politics debate, but I absolutely agree. How politicians react to this is going to determine how I vote. Any party that even hints at 'referendum for a republic' or breathes a word against our RF are finished for me. And I'm a long-term Labour voter.
Am I turning ...into...a... Rees-Mogg?
Yeah me also. To all the above. I don't think it'll be a debate 😅.
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Chatty Member
There's something odd about the wedding, and I had the impression Megz bringing up the garden wedding and the Archbishop of Canterbury, and then getting no comment from Lambeth Palace, means there is something else lurking. More blackmail, maybe?

Megzy is desperate to stop the conversation about her bullying 13+ staff members, isn't she? There's a good summary taken from Quora:

The PR agency Sunshine sachs or whatever it is is a bit suspect... goodnpoint made showing up Smeg and thickie as hypocrites

Royal analysis....on twitter... soz bit of a tec failure. Cant post link.


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Wackie Jeaver

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I have to be honest, and say that I cant get my head round the moonbump/surrogacy stuff, just as I cant with the moonlandings conspiracy theory either. It just seems so so unlikely to me... a) too many people would have known/have to be sworn to secrecy; b) there is no shame in surrogacy; c) the RF at least would have known - why would they go along with it?
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Her fans will be able to justify anything, they’re all wokes. They’ve glossed over the PH dressing as a nazi thing by saying ‘we all make mistakes, he was young’. I’d hazard a guess if PW had done it he wouldn’t be given the same benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully though, those who are on the fence will see her for what she really is if that footage gets released
Certainly can’t use that excuse for Markle, you’d think she would have SOME wisdom that comes with age (well usually!)
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I didn't watch the actual interview because the pair of them sicken me. For those people who did - is there anyway that Megain can claim it was edited to make her look bad and she didn't actually say the things that people are saying she did?

I reckon that's what she'll go for if she can. 'Even Oprah was against me!!!' Wail,wail wail.
No, I think she’s more than happy with the edit.
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Moonbump makers must be quite a niche set? I doubt if MM had any sent directly to her door or local Amazon pick-up, but there must be an audit trail somewhere. Would the ’suit’ go through the wash? Hung out to drip dry? Obvs, Hazzard would know about this, & I can see him, folie a deux, joining in this ‘mild minor’ deception to somehow protect his precious Megs whilst a well paid surrogate gets on with the gestational graft.

Secondly, UK governance & rules about surrogacy (& payment) very strict, & very different to USA.
Assuming MegsEggs in deep storage in California, would she & Hazza have the mixing done in UK or USA? Would the surrogate implanting (!) be done in UK or USA?
There is a U.K. company called which makes fake pregnancy bellies in foam or silicone in different sizes and skin colours. It is a niche market but one that is used for many purposes, including theatre and TV. I note that they also sell handmade silicone bumps in different sizes and colours on Etsy.

The silicone bumps don’t need to be washed, they can simply be wiped clean. They are also sent out very discretely and their description on the packaging and bank statements etc will show as ‘theatrical costume’. So Smeggy would have had no problem confidentially ordering and requesting delivery of the four required bump sizes in her desired colour. Plus, she could just wipe clean with baby wipes. Here are the FAQs from the website.

ETA - a recent post on Blind Gossip intimated that the eggs were stored and implanted in Canada. Stored there when she lived in Canada working on the TV show Suits (just in case) then fertilised and implanted there in 2018.


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I think that poster means re finances, and I agree with both of you. Yes she knew all about the Royals, absolutely.
But the stupid bitch had no clue that so much of their funding comes from Joe Bloggs on the street. Yes they have their own wealth in real estate etc, but essentially our taxes help fund their lifestyle big time. Smeggy thought she was marrying into an endless deep pit of magic money. She never made the connection between tax payers and the Monarchy because that's too complicated. Better to just imagine acres of money trees that the royals cultivate and where they can just go pluck barrel loads cash whenever they run low. Stupid thick bitch.
@freda19 your new avatar :love::m:m:love::m:love::m:m:devilish::alien::devilish::geek:

"how was he a successful Apache helicopter pilot?"
Not sure how you could be an "unsuccessful" Apache helicopter pilot? ... 😂
By crashing it?😂😇
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I get what you mean. However I honestly think that most people instantly didn’t believe them though. If you (not specifically you I mean you ‘general’) took what she said about ‘racism’ at face value then you’re either thick or you just don’t know enough about the context of it all.
I hope you're right! Maybe it was just the Twittersphere but everywhere I looked it seemed to be people falling for it left, right and centre.
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