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We have been saved by Michelle Obama saying that Sussexes should forgive their family. Hallelujah finally we have some good old fashioned normality back in the celebrity circuit.

god I love that woman, her hair, her FASHUN, her good sense.
I agree! Never really been a fan of the Obamas but she hugely went up in my estimation.
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the little butterfly

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If Diana were alive I feel Harry would have wound up marrying either a high ranking doctor or a lawyer, someone a bit like Kate (an English rose) but who could really tame Harry but still let him be the cheeky Harry we all used to love.
Agree I think he’s rebelled and went for the total opposite, loud mouth, mixed raced, catholic divorcee who thought she’d rule the roost
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To me she looks like Wallace Simpson!! For what it’s worth she really didn’t want to marry Edward but her arm was twisted!! She couldn’t back out, I think she lived to regret it!!
poor Wallis has always been blamed, but in reality I think her husband never truly wanted to be king. Wallis presented him with a viable, seemingly honourable, way out.

I think they got along ok and seemed to be cut from a similar cloth. She got to call herself duchess and enjoy wealth, he got to leave the RF andbuddy up to nazis, attending glam parties with no discernible responsibilities.

he was appointed governor of the Bahamas (a nice gig if you can get it) but if I recall correctly did a runner after the murder of Harry Oakes in the 40s. Never solved and all very dodgy.
I don’t think Wallis is the real villain here, she’s just an unpleasant person who got roped in with an even more unpleasant person and couldn’t escape.
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Exactly. I’d class the Middletons as the very definition of social mobility. They have ambition, and did extremely well for themselves. They seem, to me, to be kind, authentic people.

MM fans have used the argument that Carole is a social climber, and that K was reared to marry W. It’s a fairly well known fact she had a photo of him on her wall, who wouldn’t, an extremely good looking prince the same age as her. But the debunking comes in terms of uni. K was enrolled in History of Art. After a term, William switched from History of Art to geography, and W’s course was not released to the public prior to his enrolment. This was not up to Kate, or the Middletons.

My opinion is they did put her in the right place at the right time, ie St Andrews, but they genuinely met and fell in love. That’s just my take.

And take a look at them now. Best mates (it seems that way to me, always laughing and smiling together) a great partnership, three gorgeous kids.
MM fans in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones! There’ll grasp at anything in order to have a go at Kate and her family, pure and simple jealousy I feel!
Yes, I think I did too amongst the sea of dodgy boy band pics! Ekkk😬
I agree with you, she was in the right place at the right time, but the rest is down to two people meeting and falling in love, neither of them were narcs in pursuit of their prey, a la Murky Markle! 🤥
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They are going to bloody have to pay the bitch off, give her what she wants. Negotiate. It makes me sick to the stomach that this may be the only way to deal with the bitch. It’s so depressing.
That’s what it really boils down!! He could have literally had anyone...
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Also what did they expect as a first talk? Some people wouldn't even been able to talk to them for weeks/months after an interview of this kind.

You know - I didn't care much about Meghan and Harry pre-wedding, then read a bit about them and thought yeah maybe the gossips about them are a bit overreaching but sometimes true. I don't care if they used a surrogate or Meghan's allegedly shady past. But this last interview, the clips and now this I cannot seem them as anything else as trying to milk Harry's family.
You could change milk for blackmail, I'm sure that's what's going on.
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Sorry if this has already been asked and answered but I skip overnight posts or Id spend all day catching up :)
I can't for the life in me reason out why a nine bedroomed house needs sixteen bathrooms. Please can someone explain?
Not defending them in the slightest *spit* but a couple of things I think - apparently in the US they call a separate loo a half-bath and might count it as a bathroom; and if the bedrooms are doubles, there's a tendency now in houses or even smaller flats positioning themselves in the "luxury" market to have a bathroom for each person in the couple occupying a double room.
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Surely after all this, the Queen will have to strip them of their titles? Not only is it a sick joke that they still have them, it also looks so bad for the Monarchy. It sets the precedent that royals can behave however they like, trash talk the family, fuck off to America to live like film stars etc.
And then the royals pull the drawbridge up telling us peasants that they will sort it out privately whilst the whole world and his wife are calling each other names.
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Sorry if this has already been asked and answered but I skip overnight posts or Id spend all day catching up :)
I can't for the life in me reason out why a nine bedroomed house needs sixteen bathrooms. Please can someone explain?
I may be wrong but they might include cloakroom/wc style rooms as a bathroom.
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I have been on these threads for a while now. Sorry to say it, but I am getting really fed up of the same old arguments going round and round. Tell me to sod off if you disagree, and I will.

The same things keep being questioned over and over again. The same things are being rehashed again and again. People keep dropping in asking about things that have been discussed to death weeks and weeks ago. Some just jump in as brand new posters who have made no effort at all to read previous threads and expect someone to give them all the answers. And people do.

Those lookalike outfit photos of Di and Smeg have been shared about twenty or thirty times over today and yesterday’s threads, as have Smeggy’s suspect moonbump photos. They take up so much space on the threads, yet they keep being posted over and over again to prove a point. I find myself having to keep scrolling, and scrolling on by to get past them. No wonder these threads are filling up so quickly...half of the posts are repeats and have been posted many, many times before.

These threads used to be great but they seem to be slipping into an echo chamber of ‘we hate woke people’. I am certainly not ‘woke’ but I don’t feel comfortable at all reading extreme opposite views, either. Especially, when they are littered with insults.

I think I am in the middle of the wokes and the non wokes. Some of the very strong views that have been expressed on here today and earlier last week about race, sexuality, and gender have really surprised me, particularly from posters who are a lot younger than me. I have had to scroll on by as I didn’t want to get into an argument on a Meg and Haz thread. I can sort of understand why occasional visitors to Tattle might read some of those comments out of context and go away thinking, “OMG! What a bunch of hateful bigots they are on Tattle!”

As a nearly 50 year old woman, and the mother of two teenagers (a boy and a girl), I believe there has to be some middle ground or we can never move forward. A bit of tolerance on both sides. Not slinging insults and disparaging comments back and forth over the fence. Stooping to Smeggy’s level is never a good look.

I hope I won’t be ‘cancelled’ and subject to a load of ‘fuck off if you don’t like it here’ comments. I am just expressing my frustration at how these threads are going. They are moving very quickly but a lot of the info is not new. It is repeats of the same things being posted over and over again on each and every thread. It is not enjoyable or interesting when you have seen it all before months ago. I am not sure whether anything can be done but, hopefully, people who feel the same might want to have a discussion about it. Perhaps a separate thread for brand new info / news articles, as opposed to historical stuff, could be set up for those who no longer wish to keep rehashing the surrogate, Lady Di copying, and narcissism discussions?
I can stop posting. I'll take myself off.
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The RF should take legal action over the Oprah interview.. This will go for years if it's just left.

I think people thought she had a tag on her leg 🤣 It was probably a battery pack?

I am not sure if allowed to post it. There's some very strong stuff written on the forum 👀
Why would you stuff a battery pack of that size down the side of an expensive pair of boots like that?

Then it occurred to me when you're a billionaire, all your clothes, shoes, and boots are probably seen as landfill clothes? Wear once and toss?!
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Sorry I don't understand this. A comment that's supposedly from the queen (never heard this one before ) . But it wasn't included in the interview so I'm confused which bit you're commenting on?
Sorry this was from a documentary called Diana 7 Days That Shook The World on Netflix. It wasn’t in the Oprah interview. I did an earlier post asking if anyone had seen the documentary and that’s where it was from. Sorry for the confusion.
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Stick to your guns. Trans women are not women and it’s insulting that anyone is trying to suggest they are. As a 22 year old woman, seeing a 40 year old man stick on a dress and makeup and call himself Linda and try and come into the women’s loo, I find that hideously inappropriate. You don’t know what it is to be a woman, to grow up as a young girl, have your period, your experiences with boys, bitchy friends, being in the workplace as a woman. You can kindly fuck off!

sorry to derail ;)
To hijack that a tiny bit, i do think in super rare cases - it is possible. Like a one in a million thing, and maybe paired with some genetic abnormality...?

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Meghan's move to totally isolate Harry. No family member will dare speak to him now as it will end up in the press. Final nail in the coffin.
Right, but I think that RF will do just that. Talk to Harry. If anything else become public, I think that RF will put aides to task of talking to them.
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I wish to be known as Lady Strawberrysworth of Seedshire henceforth! Any dissenters with be CANCELLED and CUT ORF! 🤪
It would be SO bigoted of people not to respect your pronouns! You have to come up with a special pronoun for Wednesday afternoons though, to be an extra special snowflake x
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