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First time posting on this thread and I have only just watched, well most of the interview, didn't watch it all but did happen to come across a movie this afternoon on tv starring Megan M. Her mum and dad in the movie were both white. I thought, if she was so up on race why would she act (very badly i must say) in a very white American movie with white parents. Filmed in 2014. Edited to say movie is "when sparks fly" if anyone wants to waste some time
This was one of her Hallmark movies. The other one was Dater's Handbook, and in that one she had a white mother and white sister. I don't recall them mentioning the situation with the father. It's actually one of the better Hallmark movies if you're into that sort of thing. The lead male actor really carries it though.
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I think they have stuff to throw back at them, but because the palace staff have been issued a 3 line whip they can’t say anything, I’ve read the staff want put out their points and tell their truth.

I also think that because Migrane is pregnant BP don’t want to do anything that could have affects on the baby.

The truth will come out and Meghan will be revealed, I think it’s all gonna come pouring out about her slowly and swiftly, the thing is all these people of hers want the palace to fight back and play into their hands , the palace won’t.

If Philip does die tho you can imagine what’s gonna be all over the front pages... Harry and Meghan will be called murderers and how they murdered phill.

If he does die, I hope they get the blame and called murders as will Oprah to.
As much as I don’t like them, I don’t think that anyone would call them murderers. Prince Phillip is an elderly gentleman with health problems which you could argue could have been exacerbated by the interview but in no way are they murderers more insensitive and ignorant of Prince Philip’s health and have poor timing.
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On those chickens

Of course, the Cambridges have a chicken coop at Anmer Hall, and the children collect eggs from the hen house. So yet another Copy Kate.

Those hens in the Oprah film do not look like rescue battery hens (how they were described). Battery hens are really sad creatures, thin legged, bald and the 'hen pecked' phrase is real. There's also no way that a pregnant woman would put her hands in chicken poop. That scene was faked up on so many levels. Probably why they went over the top with the 'Archie's Chicken Shed' sign (or whatever it said).

The fact that they let the film of vacant Harry staring gormlessly at the chickens, while his wife told the story about their 'real wedding with the Archbishop' is incredible. He showed no reaction at all until he heard his cue to sing 'Just the Three of us'. It's alarming. He's not all there and I wouldn't think he even knows what year it is half the time. There's no way he could be considered a reliable witness to events or conversations...
She's not pregnant, it's another phony one
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The only thing that ruins that "Inconvenient Truth" DM article is the section about Thomas and his "notorious collaboration with paparazzi photographers" - wasn't it a set up with the DM themselves? (those silly stories about him being measured by a tailor and working out outside).
No, he and Sam set it up with Jeff Raynor.
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Chatty Member
Who cares - a specialist is a specialist when you are screaming - you are hardly gonna scream 'show us your tackle before you go near my foofoo' are you?
No but Meghan is being put forward as the First to have a Female team (feminist donchaknow) and of course BP aren't going to bother correcting it.
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no idea if it would go to that extreme with Harry,
who just filled the role of her new lapdog (when she left the other one in Canada like it was an ex husband she forgot to divorce)

but she’s for sure weaponised it to get her own way,
To go to the premier’s because she can’t be left alone,
To distance themselves from his family like she’s done hers,
To get him to move first to Canada, and then to LA,
the lad that felt at home in Africa living off the frigging land is hauled up in a Mac Mansion after chiilin with his main dawg.... Tyler Perry 🤷‍♀️

we all know Harry has his own baggage but he always seemed his happiest when he was cut off from urban life.

she’s somehow managed to get him to do the opposite,
Mind control? drop a pill in his mocha matcha gluten free no GM....whatever... latte? Great sex?
Good ol’ Victim style manipulation. 😐

who knows
She must have him taking some kind of magic potion that keeps him subservient. I’ve seen a few people say about her ‘skills’ /great sex but surely that’s a skill a lot of people have 😭 :ROFLMAO:
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Don’t know if this body Language vid has already been posted, but I was interested if he thought her suicidal thoughts were genuine plus he seems to think Prince Andrew is the person she’s talking about regarding the racism comment, I can believe Andrew had such a stupid conversation like that with Harry. Harry won’t repeat the conversation ever and the way he reacted it sounded really bad, I think they may name him at some point and that would clear things up for the other royals and fuck him anyway, he’s possibly a P which is a million times worse than anything Markle is or has done.
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I hate how healing BAME voices are being disenfranchised because *their* truth is not saying anything that adds to the fury and hate.

The Good Guys aren’t the ones screaming in the faces of others and trying to control the narrative. There are a lot of evil, self serving people out there manipulating the injustice of others and thoroughly enjoying creating divide.
Exactly what PDina says in her video up thread
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I think something superficial, like "ok, you can have money and titles after I die, but you must sit still in your little castle, better you can be my representatives in Nigeria or Congo, and not a pip out of you or your next ten generation, your friends etc."

I think that Brenda has enough experience and enough lawyers to see to non repeate:)
But how does that keep them quiet when Charles doesn’t deliver on the promise? On that basis, both sides have to deliver to keep them quiet.
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I will admit I searched for that title first then when I found nothing realised you can see comments from far more clever folk than I.
It might just show how contrarian I am. Annaville , ohh says I , never heard of it let's look it up. But it's another one that will be read by people with minimum times on their hands or less questioning and be believed. Sad.
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Chatty Member
nah. she deserved and got a FAR better Harry. Good for her. Harry was "wanna fuck a prince" Harry. Zero charm, manners, intelligence, basic hygiene, morals, sense of humour. you could sense that while it was Kate Will and Harry - pre Meghan, that Will n Kate were essentially reparenting Harry.... and he seemed happier for it. He seemed valued and to value himself. Right now he is like a plastic bag in the wind.... flying around with no sense of purpose. His "purpose" is to make Meghan happy and give her anything and everything she wants and he is too daft to call it, but knows something is not right.
I remember hearing that "Wanna fuck a prince" Harry reference before was it reported?
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Did anyone else have to turn off gogglebox in a fit of rage tonight or was it just me?! They all knew they’d be cancelled if they spoke their minds so it was just their woke opinions on it all, surprised one of them didn’t get their violin out for her while they were at it
Oh seriously?! I haven't watched it for ages but thought they at least had a few level-headed ones still on there :confused: Are the posh guest house couple still on?
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VIP Member
I’m reading then , omg I can’t leave a bloody comment 😭😭😭.
I would have been happy to tell Oprah what I think of her the smug bitch 🤣🤣🤣
yes comments are limited for all posts - some good comments on the clevr coffee post too
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Good point. I don't think there's any point making an agreement with people that don't keep their word - they just come back for more. Charles bunged them an enormous figure in March last year as part of Megxit. There are rumours it was millions, and was supposed to be a final payment to set them up in their new life. One year later, here we are again. The truth about the Harkles will set the RF free...
The DM article many have posted today, says it was a few hundred thousand. To see them to the end of that financial year, with more to come the following year.
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