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VIP Member
Amazing. Surely that isn’t so uncommon though?! Is Meghan the only woman he’s ever met up for that? Very strange. Also not the best mental image of the pair of them 😭
I think other indulgences may be on offer, perhaps involving the chickens.
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Weirdly I can see all images in my draft but they don't all show in my post. Maybe tattle has an image limit per post.

Had no idea the Quora link would also allege Markus may be Andrew's love child till I started reading through it. I doubt it very much, but that's the interwebz for you 🙃
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A comment under Lady C's latest video, wiped out the poster's name in case it wasn't allowed here. Don't know if it's true but it's interesting. Lady C also mentions something about how Clinton and Biden chipping in with support could be payment to M for her and Harry's political activities in the run up to the election 🤷‍♀️
And if this is true you just know the reaction. Megs! Queen megs! Oh she was a victim all this time!
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I had read it was for fraud? 🤷🏼‍♀️ It does seem strange that her dad raised her for a period of her life now she wants nothing to do with him yet the mother that wasn't there for that period is always by her side now 🤔
Can't remember where I was reading but it was fraud and to with trying to set meghan's dad up, he owned the company but doria ran it?? Wish I could remember where I read it.
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The half-baked hypocritical toerag. Just look at the three of them. Has this hit the headlines in America, yet? My god, the fallout is to be anticipated.
I seems the US dont bother checking facts and spew what ever they think. I think they may ignore it. Avoiding US news at the moment personally.
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It’s funny you should say that, I read it on a few sources about a year ago and now I can never find anything?! So yes, apologies it could be hearsay but why would it have come out of nowhere? Anyway even if she was it wasn’t violent crime, it was to do with marijuana so not trying to paint her out as some sort of degenerate. It’s more to point out that her mother didn’t raise her and she miraculously became close to her just before the wedding.
I thought it was fraud with regard to a company.
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Also 80s baby and this was common. The kids used to sing a song that sounded a bit like Crazy Frog and had the phrase you bloody bastard in it (said in Indian accent). I heard it most recently in Leicester a few years back
Oh, now I’m going to have the Crazy Frog song stuck in my head all day 😂
I’m down south, and haven’t heard of this one. I do know this would never be sung now, and even mimicking an Indian accident wouldn’t be done in schools
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I actually dont care, they can go for it, as long as its in the RF favour and debunking megabitch and her lies.

I believe its blackmail to get more cash and those bloody titles that she witch seems so obsessed with. I truly think she is scared that her kiddies will not be a prince and a princess, that PC will arrange it somehow. She wants it done now before he gets on the thrown. JMHO.
But wont it happen once he actually gets on the throne, I thought that was the thing. Archies grandad had to actually be king for Archie to become a prince.
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OK so if we are to say that there is no way to defend yourself against being called racist, then how do the RF get out of this mess then? Is the only option for TQ is to give into the blackmailers and give them what they want. And what if it is just revenge they wanted, what then? Although I still personally think its cash and titles and I still think Harry was taken back when he joined the interview and was asked about it.
I agree... and there is another way.

The only way to fix this in my opinion is for Harry to sit on his own without the control box and give clarity on the situation. The problem is he is going to have to be deprogrammed first. So it's a long game.

I am convinced it was someone saying to Harry are you sure you want to do this knowing your mental health issues. Are you sure you can put up with what a mixed race relationship brings that normal people struggle with. Are you sure you want that for your kids and what they could have to deal with in the future?

I know i would have a smiliar conversation with my child if she had a mixed race relationship and I thought she was moving too fast and was in the honeymoon phase not reality right then. That their relationship hadn t had to deal through the better or worst part of life yet.
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The thing is, no matter what the RF have on M I doubt they’d release it. The reality is she is the mother of the future king’s grandson. She might be frozen out or treated shabbily but they’re not going to allow scandalous info that they’ve covered up now come to light, in order to protect Archie and new baby. IMO anyway...but I do hope they prove me wrong 😂
Probably good ammo to have on hand, particularly for conversations now and during the divorce proceedings.
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If it finally is revealed, she’s finished. Absolutely finished. Strutting around with a moonbump on, clutching it for dear life in front of the cameras, and now the claims that she breast fed. Her credibility would be zero and even her die hard fans would have a hard time defending her.
It could be the case that she was actually pregnant but I just do not buy it at all after a fair bit of research.

edit- do you mean the alleged current surrogate?? Or with Archie?
I have to say I don’t buy this at all. I’ve been pregnant twice recently. To me she looks pregnant, her face looks pregnant & her breathing looks like someone who is pregnant.
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It’s all very weird and shady but I’d say it’s pretty much a given that she worked as an escort at soho house. Regardless of who did the ultimate introduction.
I find that quite hard to believe, she was working full time on Suits for years when she met him?
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I don’t understand this at all. Like we can all give a fairly good BJ surely?

sorry to turn the air blue 😂but what could she possibly have up her sleeve that’s so special!? Unless Harry has some weirdly specific kinks!

Yes its called brainwashed
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Chatty Member
Quick visit. Ok, I think Clooney will keep out of it. Amal is very into international shit regarding Human Rights in her job and the fact of smeggy wearing those earrings that came from a guy who OKed the butchering of a journalist will not sit well with her.

Elton. In the disney elevator pitch where hazza pimped out his wife you can see Elton in the back ground get a bit of a wobble and David Furnish assisting him into a chair. OK, he's not in great health anyway, but since it keeps popping up (the video) I can't help but wonder if he's thinking "Holy fuck! Is he pimping out his wife? On the feckin' red carpet! Jesus, Diana would be mortified :eek::eek::eek: ... and his legs went wobbly at witnessing the horror of a Prince pimping out his wife for work.

Now, some have mentioned the MM sex tape. I saw the alleged one. Very good likeness facially (really looks like a younger prettier smeggy) but waaaay to many tattoos and far too sexy shapely a figure to be smeggy. Deffo not her.
BUT, I do have the interview with some sex tape guys who said they were offered a smeggy sex tape when smeggy got engaged to hazza back 4 years ago. From a Canadian woman who was trying to sell it. They asked for a snippet, and are absolutely certain it was her, not a doubt in their minds. So much so that they shit a brick and turned it down in case MI5/6 whatever came after them, so they deleted what she sent and told the Toronto woman it was too hot to handle considering who she was about to marry. I wonder if it was that TP2 woman (obviously french canadian) who occasionally snipes at smeggy on twitter.:unsure:

I'll dig it out tomorrow and post. The interview, not the tape obviously.
Is this TorontoPapers?
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