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Active member
Sorry, who says they got “married” at St George’s chapel? Are you saying you believe the Archbishop of Canterbury allowed them to falsify a public record? Really?

They are lying.
What are you on about mate - calm it down. I’m saying they never would have needed to have have banns read in the first place due to it being a Royal particular, secondly, Royals don’t have to publicly display their marriage certificates anyway. They didn’t sign their register publicly either so I haven’t seen it myself. Loads of people have two ceremonies for numerous reasons, it’s not that unusual - although normally I don’t have to pay for it.
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My child is now awake and I wasn’t able to get to sleep, not because of the interview but because I was so wired after so much screen time! I may as well have had 5 coffees! And now I’m going to need more than that to get through today 😫 send help!
Same girl 💀
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He said he only had his mother's money but he had a nice chunk of change from the Queen Mother, also. Millions, I believe.
I can remember reading somewhere it was about 14 million to split between the two boys with the larger share going to Haznone
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VIP Member
A Frank song for all the Riff Raff here on Tattlelife who went Magenta with rage while watching Orca:

It's astounding;
Time is fleeting;
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely...
Not for very much longer
She’s got to keep control

I enjoyed doing the truth-warp
Loving those moments when
The roast chicken would hit me
And Oprah would be calling...

Let's do the truth-warp again
Let's do the truth-warp again

It's just a jump to the right
For the sugars to get the hump
With her hands on her bump
She brought her throat in tight

But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drove Hazno insane

Let's do the truth-warp again
Let's do the truth-warp again

It's so dreamy, oh secrecy free me
So you can't see me, no, not at all
In another dimension, with filming intention
Well secluded, I see all
With a bit of a mind flip
I'm into the truth slip
And nothing can ever be the same

I'm spaced out on sensation
Like I'm under sedation

Let's do the truth-warp again
Can I request Jessie J, Money please for your latest hit?
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VIP Member
He said it was before they married - at the start of the relationship. I've switched over to the True Royalty TV live with Angela Levin, Russell Myers and Robert Jobson.
Do you have a link please?
I’m wide awake now!
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She has a strange relationship with the truth.

So, What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.
She wanted a tiara of questionable heritage, yet less than 12 months after the wedding, Harry seems to have conveniently forgotten this and fails to get her psychological help for her suicidal thoughts, despite having his own mental health charity? Seriously??

Engagement interview - "I'm ready to hit the ground running" (🖕to Kate for being eased in gently) because she has a history of setting up a soup kitchen with other people's food.
Now - I was so naive, I didn't know ANYTHING about the RF and didn't bother to do any research 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pull the other one

And she seriously thought she could just nip out for lunch all the time? 🙄🙄
Or hoping to hang out with Flounder and Sebastian..🤷‍♀️
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Was there film footage of Archie or just some stills on the beach?
Just wondered if it was the same child from the Silver Tree's tweet?

ETA - never mind, I've found it. A little snippet of film in black and white, all a bit out of focus and featuring the top of his head! No wonder that other photo had to be taken down quick!
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VIP Member
Was the skin colour of Archie the only racism that was alluded to?
I haven't watched the interview - just wondered if there was anything else?
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Chris Ship was told by someone senior it wasn’t PP or the HMTQ.

So it’s Charles or William , Phil is getting accused of it all over Twitter.

It's very reminiscent of Diana's interview at the time, admitting adultery, revealing 3 of us in the marriage, having the nerve to question Charles ability to be king. It was a landmine going off. Its very clear how Meghan, or her team, have orchestrated this in the same way. Saying just enough without saying too much, or anything in some cases. Insinuating instead.

The themes have changed (race instead of adultery) but the impact is similar. It's made worse by social media and 24 hour news these days.

As for the babies skin colour comment, if it's true my money would be on Prince Phillip. Its the kind of thing he has a record of saying, but I doubt malicious intent was meant.
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Well-known member
I think they were alluding to PP being the one who said about A being dark.

I disagree, I think it was,PP
Exactly- it’s not the thing that anyone with any modicum of decency would ‘joke’ about. To even think that a child’s skin colour (which they cannot control by the way) is something which could be a topic of a ‘joke’ is very telling of the poster. Shame on the original poster.
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The thing standing out for me, that I keep coming back to is when Oprah said somthing along the lines of, if you had the support/understanding you wanted, would you have left? And they both said no (paraphrasing with it all but you get my drift 😂) So if you got your way, and what you wanted, and could do what you wanted then you'd have stayed? But what about the bad press? The racism? The lack of control of your own life?
It just seems they flounced off in a huff because they couldn't stay in the family but do and say whatever they wanted
I was always under the impression that Harry wasn't a fan of being a Royal just the way he talks about it. I think it's something he has wanted to step away from for a while too.
If anything it's more disappointing that it happened like this (assuming their story is to be believed), but it wouldn't really have changed a thing
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Active member
Was the skin colour of Archie the only racism that was alluded to?
I haven't watched the interview - just wondered if there was anything else?
I mean, it’s a pretty big issue all by itself. But from what I’ve watched it seems that this was the only topic where racism was directly mentioned.
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