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VIP Member
I’m anti Meghan and Harry cant stand either of them at all they can honestly sod off.

But one thing I’ve thought Charles went to PP in hospital during lockdown came out crying. It’s made me now feel him and Harry had a bust up and Charles knew that things will come to surface and it and shit was gonna go down, and he wanted to see what his dad said before he makes any choices.

Theres more to what’s gone on with Harry and Charles , he said he loves his brother I don’t think he would have said that if William was the racist.

He never once said anything good about his dad at all, I reckon Charles is the one that this is gonna blow up on and Charles will be the one getting the scrutiny.

Do you reckon charles will step aside and allow William to become king ?
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Walter's toupee

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Marriage certificates? I am talking about the marriage register. The thing every single couple...including the Queen herself...has to sign. It’s the law. That is a public document that anyone can look at. And nobody (apart from witnesses) saw them sign it because it’s illegal to film or photograph that...which is why, in churches, it’s often done in a room at the back and why couples in registry offices have to recreate the signing moment because they can’t be photographed actually doing it.

A royal peculair is simply a CofE church that’s not part of a diocese. You need a special licence to marry in one in lieu of the need to read out banns, The Archbishop of Canterbury is the only person who can issue that special licence.

It is truly absurd that they could have had a religious ceremony secretly. The Archbishop had to be complicit (by law) and he was fine lying to everyone about when they actually got married?


Thanks, but I am perfectly calm. It’s just a bit trying when someone clearly doesn’t know what they are talking about 🤷‍♂️
Does this mean they are lying about this? I don't trust them!
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Chatty Member
My children are mixed race and yes, when I was pregnant family members might have speculated what the baby was going to look like, but it was always nothing more than curiosity mixed with a little exoticism (which is problematic I know, but not exactly malicious). I can’t help but wonder if the comment, from whoever it was, was as simple as that.
My sisters little girls are mixed race and my grandad used to make comments like calling them his coloured cherubs . No matter how much we tried to educated him it was part of his age. He was a lovely man and I agree it was an issue but never meant nastily if that made sense.

I suppose it depends in the context it was discussed, if it was the Duke I can’t see them mention it.
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Can I ask anyone who is a black woman on this forum... I am not and feel maybe like Trisha Goddard said you can’t say whether something is or isn’t racist... does anyone feel this is at all to do with people being racist? I honestly feel it’s being made as an excuse... genuinely don’t think they gave a shit that she was mixed race, or maybe people are picking up on the fact that she suggested racism and people having their own issues relating to racism are triggered by it and are angry for themselves if you know what I mean?
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Didn't the interview drop overnight in the US? I'm surprised the BBC news (not sure about others) hasn't said anything about it despite the fact that it's all they've been talking about the past few days.

Reckon they're waiting for ITV to drop the interview tonight, but even then I wonder if it will be the big news they've been making it out to be the past few days.
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Well-known member
God this woman needs to be kept of the TV and sent to the doctors shes got some screws lose!! That shamima girl got her citizenship stripped because she is a terrorist! And a threat to our nation I'm pretty sure wasn't there a white boy who did the same thing also lose his citizenship?!
In her early interviews she basically said she wasn't sorry she went, just how she ended up and hadn't changed her mind about ISIS. Later they tried to tone that down. Lots of people of all ethnicities including white people who went to fight lost their citizenship but many of them are now dead.

Maybe the sugars and people fooled by H&M will do all their shouting then in a few days the subject will generally be dropped? Maybe the 24hr news cycle and social media just makes this seem super overwhelming and never ending but really it lacks substance and wears itself out fairly quickly??
I go back and forward on this. I do think it will be older news in a week's time but "the BRF is a racist prison and Meghan wanted to kill herself!!!" will linger even when there's no proof and several outright lies clear as day. I don't expect anyone to issue an official statement but maybe more leaks. Especially if there's proof against anything they said.
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Chilli pepper 19

VIP Member
Stark choice for Palace: bare knuckle fight with the Sussexes or leave it to William to resolve (

There are some interesting articles out there at the moment!!!!!

..Buckingham Palace has a clear if uninviting choice. It can enter a bare-knuckle fight with the Sussexes, pointing out that there are some inconsistencies in their account and that not all perceived slights are justified. Not giving Archie a title of prince was, for example, part of Charles’s plan for a slimmed-down monarchy.

Or, it can stay aloof and watch the latter part of the Queen’s reign overshadowed by a scathing attack on its conduct, underwritten by one of its own members. My guess is that it will fall to Prince William — one of the few male royals is Harry does not seem to actively loathe — to sort this mess out. No doubt we’ll hear much use of the royal go-to word in extremity — “saddened”. This time, it doesn’t even begin to cover it...
I suspect that while Harry might not actively loathe William, it could be a different situation on the other side. Also it could just be me but what sort of normal person actively loathes their family?

Didn't watch it but read the highlights - am I right in assuming her own family and their disgusting behaviour was never mentioned?
Not a word...yet
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Well-known member
Hear me out, I think that William probably said the whole thing about how dark archiedoll was going to be but only as a joke! Parents to be or friends of the parents to be always joke about how their unborn child is going to look, I know I did when my friends were pregnant. I don't think it was meant to be in anyway shape or form offensive
No, just no....please stop right here. Largely agree with everything else said so far on the thread but this is preposterous.
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If it was PP but don’t think it is, my money would be on Charles.

If it’s PP he will be In for a telling off from the queen.

Also does anyone reckon HMQT is going to speak to Hazza before BP releases anything?

My sisters little girls are mixed race and my grandad used to make comments like calling them his coloured cherubs . No matter how much we tried to educated him it was part of his age. He was a lovely man and I agree it was an issue but never meant nastily if that made sense.

I suppose it depends in the context it was discussed, if it was the Duke I can’t see them mention it.
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VIP Member
Regardless of who said it, isn’t it normal for families to speculate what a newborn is going to look like. There was lots of speculation in my family, my husband’s blonde and blue eyed, I’m dark with dark eyes. They’re creating a racist narrative here
Definitely sounds worse in the interview, but thinking about it, if they commented on the skin colour it could have been out of curiosity rather than intent to offend or be racist. I mean we weren't there so who knows really. If it was an older member, like Phillip, as has been speculated, then sometimes older people are clumsy with what they say. I know my dad who is 74 occasionally says 'coloured' person and I have to correct him on it and tell him that isn't the right word to use. Whether there was racist intent by that member, who knows.
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