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cosmo girl

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I think Scobie thought Kate and Ben would go easy on him on GMB. So glad they didn't 👏👏
Would love him on GMB when Piers is on 🙌
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It's also worth noting that their first interview since leaving, James Corden (sorry Oprah), was with someone with an appealing reputation for how he treats people.
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Why are major brands with corporate values that emphasise 'respect and sincerity' (Spotify) and ' we value integrity, excellence, respect, inclusion, and collaboration' (Netflix) still associated with THE DUCHESS whilst she is associated with serial workplace bullying of junior female staff?

Shouldn't they issue a statement announcing they have put any collaborations on ice until such time as the investigations into bullying are complete? Serious question....

Hope the press are doorstepping the CEOs asking for comment and clarification of their policy on these issues....

ETA Oh and how about asking CBS Viacom about their policy on workplace bullying?
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I doubt it. Smegz was sniffing around for a victim in the UK for a while before she was handed over to the Duke of Hazard. Any reasonably wealthy/famous Brit would do. Wasn’t she after Ashley Cole at one point? I’m shocked she even considered him since she seems to have a preference for (rich) white men, but I suppose she thought anything would do if they had enough cash.
Yep Ashley Cole and Matt Cardle who won X factor one year :ROFLMAO: It’s like she did a quick google search of ‘British male celebrities’
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Chilli pepper 19

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That was a masterclass in taking someone down with their own words. He was expecting a easy ride and in fact this was better than if Piers had done it. I loved Lorraine's comment at the end 🤣
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buckingham palace releasing cute stories now 🤣

im absolutely furious they have not released photos of the puppies. I do hope Charles likes Corgis though because I suspect these dogs may outlive TQ! Do they come with the house?
I'm sure Brenda said last year she wouldn't get any more dogs due to her age etc. This is a good message and shows Woko she in it for the long run.
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Ohh please shut up Jameela!!!
View attachment 467253
Jameela is the head of wokeness. Can not stand her. I am not surprised she’s defending her. Of course the staff are terrified. They’ve been far more silenced than Meghan supposedly ever was. Literally silenced, with NDAs no doubt. And now the bully is going to claim on television in multiple countries that it’s them who are the bullies. Of course they are scared.

I feel like writing to the palace aides to tell them I believe them and they have my full support!
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Dont forget the word salad. She will be in full flow
That's why they had to extend the interview by 30 minutes. Why use 10 words when 40 will do? I would love to see one of their speeches analysed by the Plain English Campaign.
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This is my sister!!!! Lol!! The amount of people she no longer talks to is unreal!

BFFs - there have been a few let me tell you!
Our brother!! She does not like the fact that I talk to him - makes it very clear.
Her husband's family who he no longer talks to either.
Flits from friendship group to friendship group - each one more fabulous than the last!!
Word 'sorry' has never left her mouth!!
Is always right (in her own head)
Goes ballistic if anyone disagrees or criticises her - I once described her conservatory as small - it was actually a complement as I said that for a small conservatory it was amazing how much more space it offered in the house - I was HONESTLY being positive and not backhanded but Jesus she did not speak to me for weeks! My sister is also spoiled and entitled and we also call her the princess of the family.

Oh and she is a VEGAN!!!! but has 2 Mulberry handbags, drives a top of the range gas gussling car with all leather interior and has leather sofas in her lounge - go figure - And yes I am a wee bit jealous about the handbags!! Lol!!!
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Someone in a local FB group: "*Town name* against racism" has finally (I was waiting for it) posted about this current saga. The sentiment is 100% pro-Smeg and that obviously it's all racism-based. I'm so tempted to just ask whether it would be even remotely possible that Smeg is just not a nice person but I know better than to poke that hornet's nest.

What I also don't get, is that the bullying complainants seem to be "young women". I'd assume them to be on the more liberal end of scales (vs. Perhaps some of the old men in grey suits at the BP) and not automatically racist just because they work for the RF.
There is so much to unpack in this whole situation.
following that troller who ambushed the earlier thread (and was promptly shown the door, thank goodness) and this FB anecdote - iit would be useful for them to show the mountain of solid evidence that thee RF, Press and Brits have actually been racist. The dude who stupidly made the monkey reference (and was fired lickety split as a result) and the Fresh outta compton headline are the only two that I can think of. Perhaps a gentle request - possibly with in the guise of "I'm trying to collect the evidence so that my non-believing friends can see for themselves". Every time that has been asked in the past the sugars run for the hills
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Why is she so obsessed with the men in grey suits? Never mind them, it’s the men in white coats who need to come and take her away
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Chatty Member
I’ve read through the threads and I find some sentiments a little off

Racism in the uk - It’s not people getting killed by the police or racial slurs so people think it’s “not that bad” and a lot of people feel black people are constantly pulling the race card because it’s not overt racism that can be physically seen

I do think Meghan is a big opportunistic with an agenda to be rich and famous by any means necessary, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she has been unfairly targeted by the British media because she’s of black heritage. The headlines when it became common knowledge her mother was black were disgusting and abhorrent and her targeting by the British media was/is laced with racist undertones

Do I think Meghan is a pro black activist or is someone deeply in touch with her blackness who feels targeted? No. She’s taken what Black Brits saw happening to her based on our experiences and what we know of racism in the UK, and she’s manipulated that and ran with it for her own benefit.
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This is fucking disgusting. Scabies organised an attack squad on that poor woman and they all bullied her! Omid and the squad are absolutely vile.
That woman shouldn't have backed down when she said nothing wrong on the first place.
Its high time that Scabies was taken down too.🤬🤬🤬
Can his tweet be reported for inciting abuse? She got dog piled because of what he said. He knew what he was doing, the ugly gobshite.
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Pass the sickbag Alice

"If she’s driving with you in the passenger seat, she will fling her right arm in front of you at the slightest bump in a gesture of love to ensure your safety.”

out of all the things that could be said as ‘evidence’ of kindness, what a really bizarre example.

Lindsay Roth is meant to be one of the five friends linked to the People magazine article.
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okay I just read a little bit more and she’s pissed that the stories of making Kate cry were leaked and thinks it’s one of them. Here’s a thought, maybe don’t make your heavily pregnant SIL cry? Audacity to claim you’re the victim cause that the story that you made someone cry was leaked.

if that’s her logic I can see why there’s bullying complaints
As my old Highland granny used to say if you don't want anyone to see the state of your knickers then don't show them to anyone.

I think she meant if you would be ashamed for someone to know what you've done, then don't do it.

Hold your head up high instead (and hope your knicker elastic doesn't snap)
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Uneducated kiss arse fuckers. Go read a book and stop using drugs ya cunt.
Know what, I'd be quite happy for us to declare war on the USA over this shite (sorry Resident merkin, yeltsin et al. Y'all can come live with us).

Obviously that's a joke, but mebbe a few minor diplomatic incidents.
Like at the Trooping of the Colour , Princess Anne helpfully leading Kamala and Jill in their Laboutins through the stable yard littered in fresh horse dung and corgi shit to their seats.
Or if Biden pops in for tea and bikkies at the palace and leans in to sniff Charlottes hair and she sticks a Peppa Pig eraser up his nose.

I feel an image coming on ...
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liar liar

VIP Member
Two years later, MM's brother's letter is spot on!
you would think being a prince and he could get any woman to be with, he still chose to ignore the red flag warnings and married her. lol
or at least listened to william and waited a few years to truly see she wasn't the crazy narc that she consistently proves to all

Everything was there... what a disaster. Her half-brother should be given an award.
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