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VIP Member
He looks like a sack of shit, doesn’t he?! That white school shirt is bursting at the seams over his gut, the suit is vile and too tight, plus WTF are those shoes??? I wouldn’t do the fecking gardening in those beaten up old things. Bet they stink of cheesy, bunion feet.
They look like suede shoes with a leather sole, so probably not beaten up at all.
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The worst thing that could happen to Omid would be to get suspended from twitter. He would have to say something so blatantly against twitter's TOU that they would suspend him. Now I wonder how that might happen....
What has he done? I have a Twitter account so I can report him! I don’t follow him so I only see his tweets that people share on here. What has he done that is against Twitter rules? PS screenshots are a must for evidence. If he has repeatedly broken the rules, he needs telling!
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That's not her. That girl has good legs, smeggy has really bad chicken legs. And the girl has a shapely torso and waist, smeggy's torso is short and her waist blends into her arse area making her look dumpy in many of her fitted dresses.

BUT ... the guy talking to Andrew is Markus Anderson, one of smeggy's besties. So no doubt there is a connection.

Could this be Smeggy? The one doing some sort of yoga pose????

Bit in Black!
edited: I meant Bit in bold
THANK YOU!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


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Walter's toupee

Active member
Hi, where does the moon bump / surrogate pregnancy stem from? What are the rumours that support this theory? I'm not saying it's not true I'm just curious why they would do this.
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There was a somewhat middle aged woman on The Apprentice about 5 or so years ago and she was chosen as project manager of her team. So ... she hauls in a HUGE flip chart on an easel and starts bouncing around like tigger at their presentation explaining their concept. And she danced! I swear, she actually was doing little shimmies. It was beyond cringe. Lord Sugar was horrified. That shit went out with Noah's Ark. Now it's all techy and dicking with words trying to be cool on trend and yet speshul and above such sheepleness. It's mind fucking and control freakery and I hate it all and thank fuck I'm wise to that shtick. Usually.
Example we are going to get a new (OK, slightly used) car this year and I'm fucking dreading it. No I don't want to come in the office, have a coffee and discuss terms. I want to stay on the forecourt and know the price for cash, not signed up to an agreement that benefits the dealership and ties me to payments when who knows what the hell the future holds. I want to know MPG and I want to know if the seats recline(get your minds out of the gutter:rolleyes:) for transporting large items. I don't want a bouquet either. Fuck off and just be straight. Bloody dreading it. Hubby once made the mistake of giving one our phone number ... oh boy, never again.

Oh yes, the snarkles are still cunts
No way! Stop that right now! You give as good as you get on here (and I love you for doing so ❤❤❤), so why not on that car forecourt, Mrs!? Ms @freda19 scared of a car salesman? NEVER!!!!

You stand your ground. Remember YOU are holding the money / bank card. Speak to him like you would to a SUGAR telling you that Smeggy is the feminist of all of our dreams. Spin round, tell him NOOOOOOOO!

Ask that car salesman what he thinks of Smeggy. If he loves her.....walk right out and give him the V.

If all else fails, think, “What would Smeggy do?”

I am only kidding, but, please...we know how enlarged Smeggy’s head is. She rules by ‘fake it til you make it’.

Well, @freda19, channel Your inner Smeggy. You will have those car dealers eating out of your hand if you play your cards right! Flutter thine eyelashes and stick out thine chesticles. Then Shaketh thine arse-icles!

Seriously, go into the garage and imagine you have the confidence of Smeggy. You’ll knock ‘em bandy! NOW GO! (And report back to us) xxxxxxxxxxx
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liar liar

VIP Member
So far, what the Harkles are actually planning to deliver for Netflix is a mystery. They floated some ideas about their first year in the USA, a documentary about Black Lives Matter and some worthy cartoon series but nothing has been heard for months. Although Harry mentioned them so many times in the James Corden chat, it looks like there is something coming.

Is it wrong of me to hope that ITV pull out and leave the Discovery Channel to air the Oprah interview? Maybe in between Season 7 of Bitchin' Rides and Deadliest Catch would fit nicely?

What's 'Bitchin' Rides' when it's at home?
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VIP Member
Hi, where does the moon bump / surrogate pregnancy stem from? What are the rumours that support this theory? I'm not saying it's not true I'm just curious why they would do this.
There was an Instagram account dedicated to it which is where a lot of it came from. Sadly I can’t find it so would be interested if anyone knows if it moved to another site or anything

IIRC It was called princehazthedimwit
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Shuffle out a genuinely popular weekly drama that is pulling well over 5 million audiences, to listen to two-hour whinge from a pair of self-important grifting ex-royals...

A courageous decision by ITV.
But then ITV can use any part of it they want surely? So if the press does go all in on them afterwards ITV will be quids in? Or not?
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Sorry if already mentioned/answered or if I get told to shut up but is the interview going to be aired in the UK at all? I’m sure I saw it would be over here 8th March via ITV.

I thought the trailer was excellent PR for them, victim playing and woe is me narrative. What must the RF think!
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Interesting. H has been on a double decker bus. When he was a boy, Diana and her bodyguard Ken Wharfe waited at the bus stop but had to leave as H kept saying 'but but ding ding' which is a derogatory term. Ken wrote this in his book

He said open top bus, unfortunately :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
Can someone tell me how this paid-comment work? Are these bots or real people? Because the comments are very long.
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Radio Times Listings is calling it 'Harry and Meghan vs The Monarchy'. So we have a newly-listed documentary going out under two different names, 80 minutes long...

ETA: Serious question. Do we think they would screen this on Saturday night, and jump the gun on the US market? Well they might... That would be the sort of surprise move they like to make.
Presumably they wouldn't be allowed under the terms of the purchase?
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I actually find her whole sense of style quite triggering (a sad indictment of how invested I am in this sorry state of affairs). I struggle to even mention the word 'belt' **shudder**. Triggering in that she could look so much better and she makes the same mistakes over and over again.

I think on the whole, her style has actually gone backwards since she met Harry. Her clothes used to fit well, for the most part, but now she consistently wears the wrong underwear, wears items unsuitable for her body shape, and nothing seems to be tailored (which should be a given considering her odd body shape and that she has the means to employ one). I think she either gets a lot of things loaned, or buys off the peg and gets a lackey to take it back to the shop.

I'm not that bothered though because I do find it funny when she looks like a sack of spuds 💅 Gives us more to talk about.
I think belts aren’t a good look for her because she doesn’t have a waist? Just makes her look even boxier! Unpopular opinion but the green dress and hat she wore to the commonwealth service (?) I thought was actually gorgeous! But yeah...she normally dresses very matronly, not a good look
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VIP Member
Agree it's crazy. I think they wanted a royal child, born of her and a prince so in line however distantly and possibly eligible for a title. They tried for a title for Archie didn't they but were told no? Like they tried for a title for Inmate Dorito. Titles are very important to Minge and this is key.
After the "birth" they kept to themselves, intending to leave asap. No christening, no godparents. No family members have seen Archie, only strangers who would not know him as Archie.
The RF went along with it because they were between the devil and the deep blue sea, then quietly told them to leave. They knew it was a scam but had to wait until after the "baby"was born. I can't see the RF telling them to leave if they had genuinely just had a baby, or a surrogate, or with problems, so there must have been a very good reason.
They can hide Archy indefinitely in the States, which is what they're doing and they've managed to keep him a phantom to date. They don't have to explain him away.
I don't understand how they did the birth certificate but she changed it. Don't understand about Jane Goodall visiting them at Frogmore to see Archie, but did they ever live there?
I don't think she's pregnant and we've already got the appearing and disappearing bump going on. Like the miscarriage, pregnancy is a PR tool for them to promote themselves.
If they produce another baby they can hide it as well to maintain privacy, and we'll be none the wiser. Some women love being pregnant because they feel they are the centre of the universe, and Minge could be one if them. It could be a narcissist trait. Pregnant and glowing without the mess and inconvenience.
We're not dealing with normal rational people here and it's very difficult to get your head round.
There's a lot I don't understand, but I've started from the base that she was never pregnant with Archie, and that with their intelligence network the RF were aware of it from the start. I could be totally wrong, but I'm convinced that these two facts are true.

Had Warby not granted a SJ the 5 friends would have had to give evidence about how they defended the "heavily pregnant" Minge!
What the end game is I don't know, but these contortions are par for the course with these two and as Samantha said about her half-sister, truth is stranger than fiction.
I felt sick as a dog throughout both my pregnancies. Although I was never actually sick. I just felt incredibly nauseous...All day long. It was a full nine months sickness, never mind just ‘morning sickness’. I dined on the saltiest, sourest things I could find...whole lemons, bags of tangerines, sour plums, tomatoes, pickled stuff like beetroot, piccalilli, hot spicy pickled onions, salt and vinegar crisps, capers, anchovies, tinned tuna in brine. Sometimes I sipped vinegar from the bottle and dipped my finger in salt just to keep the sickness feeling at bay. Everyday I felt like I had drank ten pinks of Stella the night before. It was like battling the worst hangover every day except no booze had passed my lips for months.

How did you get on @Cinnamon.girl ? Were you eating ten tangerines a day to stave off the sick feeling? Arrrgh! Bad memories!

If Archie exists I’ll eat my favourite pink lacy thong. We will never see that boy as an older child or teenager. It just doesn’t add up, any of it. Don’t want to bore anyone on here with the details as I’m sure many of us know them all, but come on. Darren doll, actor, faceless graphic on the Christmas card. 🤦‍♀️
I agree there is no Archie. But why would they pretend?

I could understand them faking it if they had a surrogate in place to give them a child. But it seems there is no child anyway. So why bother pretending if there will be no child at the end anyway? Why make it up?

Why would they pretend to be pregnant and giving birth with nothing to show for it at the end? This is what I don’t get. Why?
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Graceless Grace

Chatty Member
Apologies if this has already been said but how come somebody like Tamara Ecclestone can have a second child without anybody knowing she was pregnant or feeling the need to announce it? #privacy
There was pictures of Tamara when she was obviously pregnant and the articles strongly hinting at it.
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