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I’ve never bought the surrogacy theory and on the whole I’m a conspiracy lover. She just looked pregnant to me. The weight gain on her face and the back fat. She took months to shift that weight.

People jumped on the fact that she could squat down to speak to children. Let’s face it, there’s plenty of room between those spindly legs to accommodate the bump. She’s used to having her legs akimbo, very flexible in the nether regions. And, if they were going to use a borrowed baby they could have picked one without a squint.

At this point there would be too many people involved in the charade for somebody not to speak out. This woman makes enemies easily.
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I'm quite happy to see Wills (and Kate up on the balcony) at the Cenotaph service, and not have to see traitor boy and his skanky wife there.
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That military-style jacket is stunning on Kate. Does she have her own regiment yet? If not, high time she did, I think.
I thought she looked magnificent in it, a very suitable heir to the role of Queen Consort! Her class is out of this world compared to Baron Smegface...
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Ditching the Marines for Disney has turned out to be a real defining moment in the history of his life (like the Nazi uniform outfit) and a lot of people turned on him at that point. My ex military hubby was disgusted, despite always defending him before. I wonder if Hasbeen ever looks back on that night and regrets his decision to go.
I don’t think he gave it a moment of thought about honouring his duty.

He’s a thick as mince petulant, entitled prick and I’m glad the Palace suits shut the door on his demand.
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Un-fucking believable 🤦🏻‍♀️

this is pathetic. did they take a private jet to the cemetery too? Are those military ribbons and medals fake? They are doing Remembrance day on American soil... in America, I believe there is a day for that. It's called Veterans' Day. :mad:
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I do think it's interesting that the obstetrician chosen is a society figure, The Countess of Bradford as her professional website styles her - perhaps more sympathetic to the need for a particular sort of "discretion" than the average doc?

Frankly I could believe almost anything, Lady C ties herself up in knots ever time the topic arises.
Also Meghan has never been shy with getting her vast expenses paid for by the Royal Family, yet she chose to pay for her own medical care during pregnancy and birth...
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Scotch Mist

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I think that Smeggy and Harry may be struggling financially, their living costs, PR and security costs must be astronomical! The Netflix deal is a "potential" deal over 5 years only IF they come up with the programmes. Charles gave them their £2.5 million allowance earlier in the year and they've probably burned through that already.

Smeggy thought Harry was rich and of course, he is reasonably weathy compared to most people, but she wants to live the billionaire lifestyle. If they were financially secure, why would she pimp herself online @ $1750 per interview? There's some serious smoke and mirrors going on here.

Everything is a bluff with Smeggy. She thought that the MOS would just pay up and not fight back like the others she's sued. Now she's losing huge amounts pursuing the case and all its doing is damaging her credibility further.

Obviously they want to postpone now until after Brenda has her yearly review with them. If the firm don't do anything to rein this lying scheming bitch in soon they will completely lose the support of the public.

And as someone else pointed out earlier on this thread, why the fuck is she allowed to do this when we all know Joe Public wouldn't be treated in the same way? 🤬
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View attachment 293364

The printed version includes the bit about her not complying with previous requests.
Thanks for this one! This bit was fascinating

'The court also heard Meghan had failed to meet an October 21 deadline to set out her 'reply' to the claims that she colluded with Finding Freedom's authors. By failing to do so, she is 'guilty of non-compliance with an order of the court' the newspaper's lawyer Antony White said. T

The judge rejected an application by Meghan's lawyers to effectively pause the case and said she now had to file the document by November 13.'

That's probably also a warning she has to meet the November 6 deadline for the text messages. **popcorn**
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Chilli pepper 19

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Only this shit bag could make today about him and how horribly he's being treated. Fuck those families who lost someone eh Harry. It's all about you and the fact you weren't allowed to put your shiney medals on again in public. I think i actually hate him more than her if its possible
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No I dont think so. He will wallow with the 'poor me, my family are so horrid to me and have removed my birthright and it's all cos my wife is a woman of colour. They are so racist. And my mother died.
His mammy died? :eek: Gosh, why has he never mentioned it?
Must have been very recent, like yesterday or something.
Aww bless, and he's only 36yrs old😢

Welcome all you newbies, pull up a chair.:m
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Wow that is a new low for them. There's not very many people would plumb the depths of staging a publicity photo shoot in a cemetery, but when it comes to clown prince and clownette bride, it seems there is no line they will not cross. And on Remembrance Sunday as well.

Absolute disrespectful toerags with no clue how to behave whatsoever, the pair of them.
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Surely, surely nobody can continue to defend this pair of idiots?

This has to be the most tacky, self-serving and downright obvious publicity stunt anyone has ever seen. Surely, surely people are starting to realise what these two are like??

How can anyone defend them after all these clearly staged, photos?

Using such a solemn occasion to (i) have a go at the family again for rejecting their, in any event inappropriate, request and (ii) get yourselves into the papers is actually disgusting and I cannot believe they are getting away with this with those legions of crazy fans they still seem to have! That outfit was chosen to make her look chunky round the middle - she is either pregnant and wants us to speculate or she's not and still wants us to speculate. Either way, this was not the time.

Honestly, anyone that defends them after this bullshit can fuck off back to the hole they crawled out of.
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I am absolutely outraged by this!!! I can't believe how angry this has actually made me. The looks on their faces, and him wearing his medals... I hope to god they never have the audacity to set foot in this country ever again.

To say they are behaving like cunts of the highest order is a fucking understatement!
Same here. I’m shocked how angry it’s made me too.
I’m not one to swear on here and in real life I save the “C” word for real scum so as not to diminish its meaning but they truly are a pair of fucking cunts. 🤬
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Totally, totally this. I could not agree more. What an absolute whiny twat.
This (and this before you!).
Watched the Festival of Remembrance last night. Was so struck by the level of endurance held by those speaking. There was no jingoism. It was just so raw. They were clearly still traumatised about what they had experienced, even in their 90’s- but hadn’t made a big thing of it. Because real heroes don’t.
The loss of the young army reserve medic this year - she sounded wonderful. Her mother and sister were very dignified when they spoke about her.
Take note, H&M.
Leave this occasion for those that deserve it.
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I can't believe they did that, well, yes I can but it's still just utterly shameless. They brought a photographer to a cemetery and released the pics at just the right time to attempt to overshadow the real commemorations in the papers tomorrow.

No Harry you're not so important that you HAVE to be seen marking Remembrance Sunday all the way in LA just like we thankfully didn't have Eugenie drawing attention to the fact the Yorks weren't there for obvious reasons by posting a pic of them wreath laying in Windsor or something or Zara and Mike who also make money using themselves as a brand didn't do the same. It just shows it's all about you and not on the occasion.

They did this out of spite and desperation to be included in actual royal events that they're no longer welcome at because they threw their toys out of the pram and now they want to have their cake and eat it because that's the only thing that gets them attention. If they weren't clinging on to royalty they would be like any other trust fund kid and his mildly famous C list actor wife.
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They could have just issued a press release. It didn’t need 7 pictures and pretend sad faces. 🤦🏻‍♀️
The reported bad weather yesterday and rumours of the Netflix doc filming just highlight their shadyness and desperation. More and more I believe they were sent packing rather than ‘leaving’ and this petulant behaviour is them trying to cosplay royalty and stick two fingers up to the Firm.
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Something along the lines of...

That is was shameful for using Remembrance Day as a PR stunt and a merching opportunity. Have they no respect?
Mine was similar, but in response to the woman who said ‘if they were in the UK they would’ve done the same’, I said in Britain they would‘ve attended an act of Remembrance that was about those who fell, not some cheap PR stunt about them virtue-signalling.
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So just say for a moment, the theory that she is pregnant is true. (And that this time it is a real pregnancy).

Presumably she's currently roughly three months gone. I'm a man, but even I know that that's about the time when most women think it's "confirmed" enough to start telling people (beyond their actual partner), but at the same time it's not showing yet (besides her doing that unbuttoned coat stunt in the restaurant the other week) so she can't be much beyond three months.

So that would make her about 5.5 months pregnant by the time the original trial date of January came around. So, she would still be safe to fly at that point, all being well with the pregnancy?

So where I'm going with this, is that this rumoured baby therefore, will be popping out in late Spring. So by the time of the NEW trial, it will be maybe 3 months old.

Surely ANY mother, even Smegsy, would rather get a 1-2 week long trial all done and dusted while about 5.5 months pregnant, rather than holding it when you've just given birth and have a 3 month old to look after?

For this reason, I can't see that the pregnancy rumours can be true, can they?

The delay has to be something else. My money is on she needs time to find five real life friends, and not imaginary ones, or ones like the Clooneys, who turn out not to know her after all.
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