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Oh jeez... where do I start?

She wore a transparent shirt to visit a children's hospital? She really went ready to be close and play with them...
Didn't she complain that she should be paid for these things? Is she being paid? By whom?
What is the point of this visit - besides the shameless attention grabbing PR? Do we know what illness those children have, is she bringing awareness? Did she donate anything?

Those children don't know who she is. They couldn't care less about her. She clearly has no way with children and they are not at ease.

Why do the people in WMA, allegedly the best in business, let her cosplay princess roles in such an absurd way?
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"Bemused how....the appalling behaviour of H & M has taken such a swerve into Charles knocking recently"

Because they are closely bound together. The "appalling behaviour" of the Sussexes has been allowed to be vented on our Princess of Wales for years with no check or hinderance. Chuck allowed it. There's your link, hence (for me) my anger about what's been going on.

Had Catherine not been diagnosed with cancer, she and William would have likely pottered along with stoicism, but there comes a tipping point. She carried the can for the racist accusation, suffered the endless attacks and threats all openly from within the family as the benign Patriarch stood by and watched.
In no universe is this OK.

What she and William have had to endure, plus fearing for their children, as a result of the Sussexes has culminated in her devastating diagnosis to whatever degree it was not helped by stress. Even now there is no peace, but Chuck doesn't give a toss as he creams himself pressing the flesh with nobody to overshadow him.

It's not difficult to join the dots between parasite and enabler, Stoats and Monarch, and though I agree that the press writes a lot of rubbish this poisonous connection holds firm through thick and thin and this is the problem.

Chuck's not some puppy allowed out for a run. If he's been told by his doctors to avoid close contact with people he should do so, not take the pee gladhanding and putting himself at risk leaving people wondering. We've no idea what's wrong with him, or If there's anything wrong with him.

As for William, he should have spared an hour and been at the Easter church service. I'm concerned that he's nowhere and seems to have disappeared.
Chuck looks a bloody sight better than Catherine.
Nope. I disagree.
Our Monarch was out & about. Why do you expect the Prince of Wales to be out & about? The Princess of Wales has cancer. They have children that need looking after. The PoW is doing enough.
The Monarch obviously felt up to it, so went on walkabout.
Why do you feel the need to know more? " we " , as you put it, already know he's undergoing treatment for cancer. " we" don't " need " to know any more than that.
While we are at at, what do you want the Monarch to do regarding his younger son - Shoot him?.
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Princess meghan's saintly Children's Hospital photos are cringe worthy- the feet, the posture with the tubby tummy and the hole or open zipper on her sausage casing fitted shirt will not help her 'brand'. The children seem bored or too sick to care about this loud. phony, gushing woman (children and dogs can always spot a fake) in the dreary black mask. Black really??? If you are going to visit sick children why not wear a fun, child friendly mask? Perhaps wear one with cartoon characters, anime characters or at least bright colors. The irony of yet another film crew capturing her greatness is not lost on sensible people.

She must be doing her own pr, because it is dismal. She needs to keep her unkempt, loutish, slovenly self out of sight. Adapting a Greta Garbo mysterioso would be a favor to the whole world. That would help her brand much more than clown shoes, messy hair and polaroid, signed photos.
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There's a weird bit in Spare (the whole book is weird)...

Harry has decided that he needs to cry over his mother's death...
Quite why he has decided this, isn't clear, as he has only just broken up with Cressida - seemingly due to her saying something about Diana, which made him cry.... ????

He goes to a therapist...
And after a typical paranoid episode in which he imagines the people walking past in the street are going to run to the British Press and expose him as character in a Woody Allen film, they get down to business.

Eventually the therapist - probably having lost the will to live - suggests he use the smell of his mother's perfume to unlock his emotions...
(Press F to doubt, as this is Harry again using this book to reset the narrative - in this case about the first date with il Duce)

He goes off and he buys the perfume and and starts sniffing it....
And apparently it reminds him of being in bed with his mother and kissing her soft neck.


I know its an oft quoted bit of the book but still....
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Do we not think these children and their families have got enough heartache to deal with? I’m all for people being visited in hospital. ( I met a particular pirate and 2 sport superstars whilst my son was in GOSH) but no one ever knew except the children and families because it was done with love not vanity.
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Liz Jones's article is trying to look like she's overwhelmed by Kate's grace, but the article is really making everything about Liz herself. No surprise there, but I think it's so tasteless. Who could watch a young woman almost breaking down as she announces that she has cancer, and think "Wow, she's doing this for me! She got nicely dressed up for me, that's the best thing about this! How can I use this to better my own life?"
Years ago LJ wrote an article after a young woman was murdered in Bristol; Joanna Yeates. The piece she wrote was beyond awful, apparently because Joanna had bought a posh Tesco pizza it meant she wanted the better things in life . It showed LJ for the Daily Mail shite writer she remains to this day.
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I can totally believe that she’s an evil psychopath, even the late Queen said that she was pure evil.
Also, some of you might find this a bit woo woo and ridiculous, but I’m beginning to think that the POW has cancer purely because of all that hate, nasty jealousy and just pure hatred directed at her by MM and possibly wishing her sick/dead on a regular basis.
I still find it difficult to process that a healthy & very fit young 42 year old has serious cancer, I know young people do get cancer, but what are the chances of two senior members of the RF has cancer since this evil creature entered the scene??

Bit in bold - especially when its the two who Scobie named as racists.

I have always believed that stress lets the illness in.
Resistance gets low and the cancer takes hold.

I believe the deaths of PP and the Queen were hastened by the Harkles, too.

This is what I believe.
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It just makes me sad that these children are being used for a photo op and I am so annoyed with the hospital for allowing Meghan to come in with her camera crew and record everything.
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I think I mentioned up thread that we’ve got a houseful for Easter - it’s my thing, is houseguests and playing mother! Anyhoo they’ve all wandered off for a walk and I wanted to raise a point someone made at dinner last night- these are the same 18 guests we had for coronation weekend too.

Not one of us can recall a relentless press hounding of 43. We possibly remember the straight out of Compton and wild about Harry lines but the most memorable was her stomping around in wellies outside of Fleet Street. What we all recall is the unhinged behaviour of the press around Catherine during her and Williams courtship.

The speculation around their wedding was huge and I was reminded by my mum of how unspeakably furious I was the morning the wales got married (I was also hugely pregnant and angry!) because of the sheer number of press camped out to get a snap of Catherine and her dad leaving the hotel to travel to the wedding. It was rude and disrespectful and I remember the hotel provided baffles around the car and sort of bundled them in.

none of this happened with Rachel and I just wonder if that was the trigger point of her realising her and this one weren’t as feted and loved as the wales and never would be - because in her mind I genuinely believe she thought it would be a case of ‘move over Kate, the starlet is here’ and that they would be the new star power.
A lot of our thinks were slightly Sancerre infused by that point but I thought it was a valid line of thinking.
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If this is true, I hope PW holds firm and stands his ground and doesn't cave in by meeting with his patheticexcuseofabrother.
I believe William has a shit list and his brother and ILBW are at the very top written in massive fuck off red CAPITAL letters , I doubt he’ll ever meet the ginger tit ever again apart from the funeral of their father.

I don’t listen to any online royal gossip, they know fuck all , as any of us do. I do understand Charles wanting peace with his son before he dies but ginger is consumed by hatred and bile and only wants what will benefit him financially.
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Sami Lee

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The Sussex Squad are really the lowest of the low.The latest smear campaign against William is that he is a violent alcoholic .There is just nasty spiteful comments after another.It is just so ridiculous when in the next breath they are complaining if anyone criticises H and M
What really gets to me is that, without the ILBW, there would be no Sussex Squad, no smearing, no nasty spiteful comments, no broken RF.... Samantha and Tom jnr gave everyone fair warning.

If dimwit had married a decent woman of good intentions there would be absolutely none of this nightmare. There are plenty of lovely, decent marriageable women of all shapes, sizes, creeds and colours in the UK.

I can only surmise that she and their gang are a reflection of him. He either chose very poorly or made a conscious choice to introduce all this atrocity into his family and the UK.
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I’m thinking of that phrase…”She stoops to conquer.”

I have a different take on recent events…influenced, of course, by my real life. We all bring a piece of ourselves to these Internet discussions.

I think Markle and her minions have been gravely wounded by the POW’s simple courage and moral eloquence in her statement in the face of horrific bullying. The world is tiring of the easily offended victim-champions of this Woke culture…Markle being very high profile among them. The constant WAAAH of their petty grievances and demands…the pretend agony over wrong pronouns, statues, names of sports teams, and questions about the skin hue of Markle’s baby…have been overplayed and overdone. There is a real ferling of “GET OVER YOURSELF’ in the air.

Then we witness the most eqregious public bullying for weeks of a young Mother that we KNOW has had surgery. And how does she respond? WAAAHH like Markle..go on Oprah? One tear, left eye?

No she stoops to conquer. She gives the bullies their video. She divulges that she has cancer. There is no anger or rebuke…only her compassion for others and her love of her family shining through. She looked weary but resolute.

She looked every inch a Queen.

In my real life, I see a similar situation play out everyday. Just as my strong, athletic husband was about to retire…he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. We had moved full time to our vacation home, where few knew him…or knew him as the excellent golfer, handball ace, all those superficial glories. They instead knew a man struggling to deal with the variety of hardships that this miserable disease inflicts.

Did his ego take a hit? If so, I never heard about it. He just accepted each these challenges as they arrived. He never pities himself or asks for pity.

He is out on the course almost every day…even now as his balance issues present new challenges. When he comes home, I’ll ask him, “How was your game?” “Great guys.”is the frequent answer.. Even though he is no asset to winning the ‘skins’…he never lacks for invitations. My neighbors tell me often…that he is much loved. On his birthday…he was feted with cards, golf balls, homemade treats.

This woke culture with its glorification of victimhood…forgets that part of what we humans desperately NEED…is inspiration. Inspiration to get us through our own heartaches. Victims moaning about their grievances do not lift up others. It is wallowing.

But when we see a Princess…or just a guy like my husband…pushing on despite what life has thrown at them…hopefully others take hope and a positive challenge from their example. Heroes aren’t the people who life hasn’t knocked to the ground. Or that are devastated by a moment of perceived ‘disrespect.’

Heroes are the ones that show us we can get up…and keep going.

Most everyone, sometime in this life, carries a burden. How we carry our choice, In my opinion, the POW is untouchable now. The crazy stuff that continues from the M&H supporters is hurting THEM…and undercutting the launch of these future projects. Soon they will have to decide whether they want to make money or create mischief. I don’t think they can do both anymore..
I can't even describe my emotional reaction to your post. Your husband is one in a million and so are you. It is a privilege to know you here and him as well. ❤ ❤ ❤

I think the tide has turned regarding moaners in general. Some high profile people and celebs are not getting the reaction to their self pitying posts that they thought they would get. I admit I have always had a very low tolerance for people who can't take responsibility for their actions. No one has a perfect life and certainly anyone who thought that Catherine had one, can see now that she is also subject to the verisimilitudes of life. Anything good or bad can happen to any of us. Luck is luck.
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A list of the suckers who think this shit show of hers will get off the ground 🙄
Not very impressive are they - wonder how many of them are from the same agency and obliged to follow her?
I thought Catherine looked tired, pale and a bit shellshocked still but then (as has been said upthread) she wasn't 'done up' for a public appearance and was dressed down so maybe she always looks like that when she doesn't have a full face of makeup on and her hair done. Considering everything she's got going on I thought she looked really good.

And talking of looking good I was really surprised by how well the King looked - hopefully he keeps on improving and is able to remain on the throne for a fair while yet. As much as I'm excited to see what William does as King it's not his time yet.

I want him to take the throne after Skank and Plank totally crash and burn. I want their entire worlds to have fallen apart and for them to have hit rock bottom when William becomes King. One brother showing the world the full extent of his failings while the other takes on the biggest, most exciting, most impactful role of his life (with his loving family supporting him).
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Several articles coming out about Catherine and Harry's relationship. Perhaps he should have thought about it before he did what he did. Cunt

I don't believe that. I don't believe he has any depth at all to enable him to feel that sense of regret. He has no empathy to imagine the deep upset he causes anyone he chooses to inflict his tantrums upon. Stoaty demands his pathetic bit of revenge from everyone he feels inferior to in order for him to feel comforted on long and lonely nights alone with his one brain cell hitting the sides of his brain like a discarded and broken pinball machine.

He is too selfish and can only see things from his point of view. He doesn't remotely understand the grief his behaviour has caused and the amount of stress he has inflicted on his family.

These articles are purely a new PR angle, ie H&M now look spectacularly evil with their pathetic accusations about Kate not sharing lipstick- bleurgh, not something any normal adult woman would ask to borrow anyhow. All those pathetic accusations and now a cancer diagnosis, whoops they are left holding their pile of steaming hot bile and no one wants what they're serving anymore.

H&M and their hate campaign have run aground and hit dry land is all that's happened. Now all their plans for further "I'll say what ever I like, when ever I like, or I might not say anything" games are at an end as no-one wants to hear their pathetic accusations.

H&M are self-absorbed empty vessels and they literally have nothing left in the engine to create any steam. It's all over as far as bashing the RF go. H&M didn't want to end like this, they had years of grievances ahead of them, but suddenly no-one will want to hear their pathetic whinging while the RF stoically carries on ignoring their very existence.

H&M have to think of a new angle. They can't think of any, except maybe - "do you think the RF would actually let us go back to our old jobs?"

No - and no again - that's the resounding answer from the British public on that one. They have nowhere to hide and DW is calling out for H&M to denounce their evil troll bot army (ie. their only fans in the world). They don't feel an ounce of regret for any pain.
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What is the point of a concise and in-depth study of the Sussex Squad unless you are prepared to be honest?
As for attacking and denigrating "members of the Monarchy", the only members who have been attacked are William and Catherine. The rest without exception get a free pass. From the Monarch. He is allowed the future of the Monarchy, William and Catherine, to be destabilised and attacked by the Sussexes, for his own ends.
That's your concise study in a nutshell.
In YOUR opinion. I'm more than happy with our Monarch, the Royal Family and their affection.

harry and meghan are the cunts.
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Calling it now:
Prince William will be at the St Paul's service, after he leaves, everyone will be locked in for 6 hours until Harold is sobered up enough in the correct timezone to address the congregation via zoom
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