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New job opening for the pair of them, as if they aren’t being rammed down our throats enough!

Keeping Up with the Markles

I absolutely would not be surprised by a reality TV show. Let’s face it, it’s the only thing by them we’d watch.
Who give a shit about wokumentaries about avocado toast?
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Scotch Mist

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I found this on Tumblr 😁 the suck arse squad still denying Smeggy has had any help from plastic surgery 🤣


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Scotch Mist

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This is dynamite IMHO, someone of Levin's standing expressing these opinions.

Well done to her, it's about time that Smeggys con on the royal family was brought out in to the open and main stream media. More people need to be made aware of her scams and how treacherous harry has treated his own family

The sugars will be furious 🤣
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I read Tom Bower's book about Prince Charles which, by the way, is well worth reading because it's quite the eye opener. PC expects other people to pay for things for him, not to send a bill for any work done on his property and to donate mega bucks at the end of one of his evening soirees. Sounds like his son, doesn't it.

Harry seems to think because his mother died when he was young, that the world owes him everything. The royal PR machine had their work cut out for them over the years what with his cocaine use, Nazi outfits, bare backside in Las Vegas and being barred from pubs near Highgrove. They managed to convince the public that he was loveable, great guy, laugh a minute Harry. Then the Evil One came along and unwittingly blew his cover, and we now see what he really was all along.

Well done to Cressida Bonas for asking him to pay her fare. He could well afford it. She was a young actress trying to establish herself who wasn't earning much, and any allowance from her upper crust family would have to go on her living expenses.
The thing re that Cressida story is that she could have afforded the fare, she wasn't penniless by any means so it smacks of her taking the opportunity to confront his stinginess head on and call him out on it. Good for her, and it may have been the perfect way to get out of the relationship. Sometimes we subconsciously look for offence so we can confront someone and get them out of our lives.
She was spot on though, when we were invited to my OH's mate's wedding abroad I said yeah, fine but he's your mate so you pay the fares and hotel costs. He was fine with it.
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Exclusive: Harry and Meghan demand total control over who introduces their lucrative US speeches
Form issued by 'the world’s leading speakers bureau' outlines the lengths bookers must go to if they want to secure a talk
By Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor8 September 2020 • 9:00pm
Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex Credit: AFP
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be able to dictate who moderates any discussion with them according to a leaked document outlining the conditions for booking the couple as "virtual" speakers.
Event organisers will also be required to specify in advance the exact fee being offered and give full details of any sponsors, including “what they are receiving in return for their sponsorship” before even issuing an invitation to Harry, 35, and Meghan, 39.
The four-page ‘Virtual Event Request Form’ issued by The Harry Walker Agency (HWA), seen by The Telegraph, shows the lengths bookers will have to go to to secure an online audience with the Royals.
One of the conditions specified in the form is that it is up to the speakers to decide who introduces them and moderates any discussion with them.
“The choice of Introducer and Moderator will be at the final discretion of the Speaker,” it reads. “The Fee will need to be paid directly from the contracting organization’s account,” it adds.

In June, it was reported that the Sussexes had signed up with the New York-based agency, which represents A-listers including Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey.
It has been suggested they could charge $1 million per speech with the agency, which describes itself as “the world’s leading speakers’ bureau”.
The couple last week signed a rumoured $150 million deal to produce programmes for Netflix after stepping down as senior Royals in March to seek “financial independence”. They have agreed that they will not engage in any commercial activities that could cause the Queen embarrassment.
As well as requesting all the basic details for the booking, the HWA form demands advance knowledge of all sponsors associated with the event, including “corporations, individuals, members of the organisation and government entities or organisations”.
Stressing that details must be given of sponsors even if they are not directly involved with the speaker’s presentation, the form asks: “If you were to lose one or more of the above sponsors, would your organisation still be able to move forward with this event?”
In order to spare Harry and Meghan’s blushes in the event of a technological failure, the form demands to know what “connection format” will be used for the event (ie. satellite, video conference, or other), how the speaker will access the platform and what the booker’s “contingency plan” is in the event of “connectivity issues”.
The form asks: “What will the audience see on screen? Will you incorporate any branding? What will the Speaker see on screen immediately prior to and during their presentation?”
Bookers are also asked to specify whether "any live or pre-recorded programme elements will run concurrently with the Speaker’s presentation" and to list the names of any additional speakers who have been invited.
The anticipated number of attendees also needs to be specified in advance along with a description of “who they are”.
“Is the event accessible to the public or is access restricted?” the form asks. “How will access to your event be determined and monitored? (ie registration and unique log in). Will there be a cost associated with participation either through ticket sales or registration fees?”
The form also asks if the event will be publicly advertised, and where - and requests details of any past speakers who have participated.
It also demands advance details of whether the speaker’s attire will need to be “business or casual”.
In February, Harry and Meghan attended a JP Morgan event in Miami where the Duke is thought to have been paid a six-figure sum after giving a speech about being in therapy for seven years following the death of his mother
The Palace are well-known to get stuff out there via the Telegraph. I think the Harry Walker contract details came from a BP leak.

What this contract shows is that there is no way H&M can take a booking from 'Mr Dodgy's Kazakhstan Arms Dealing Conference' and claim later they were shocked and stunned to find out that they had accidentally posed with a new-model Kalashnikov with all the latest features... 🥴

ETA I mean it's the greedy grifting Duchess, so she'll take the fee anyway, but she can't claim later she 'didn't know' that she was going to be introduced on stage by Dear Respected Kim Jong-Un
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🤣You finally admitted it (don't stop being you, please) x
Just for you, and I totally TOTALLY cleaned it up by putting the plant in a pot in case anyone had a snowflakey stroke at just seeing a vagina-looking plant growing out of smeggy's minge.
And I added flies, cos they were just hanging around, as flies do.
Sorry, I didn't check if they were minority flies or trans flies or where their country of origin was so I can't qualify for an Oscar for this production.
And pom will be mortified at my attempt, but Pom bubba every journey starts with one step. Confuscius said that, or MLK or Lincoln .... some smart cunt anyway.

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As somebody pointed out earlier, he probably had no clue what he was doing there really and can't do off the cuff comments. At that point he was on the outs with the Firm I think, so he was probably refusing help because his lil D list actress told him he is a God and can do things his way.
Note how he gaslights Rhiannon by saying "Don't do this Rhiannon!" thereby blaming her simple question for his lack of knowledge or manners.
Nope, sweetie pie, I have to disagree on this.

Her question was: "That short conversation, what do you hope to achieve with it?"
And he answers: "What? Ask them?" Pointing behind himself.

She clearly called him out on what was reported about their African tour a couple of times, only showing up for ten minutes to have the photos taken and off they went. They didn't bother with the organizations or people, didn't stay long enough to learn about where they went.

So asking him what he wanted to achieve with his short(!!!) visit was calling him out on his/their strange and suspicious behaviour.

I do think everyone in the royal press corps already knew they were just trying to get global coverage before jumping ship and her question made this obvious to him. Thus the "don't behave like this, Rhiannon!". He feared exposure of their plans and shut her off immediately.
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It's hard to believe that Haznoballs didn't explain the hierarchy and that rank is nothing to do popularity. It's like joining a company and thinking that you can outrank the boss and rveryone else in 5 minutes.
As you say she's a dumb cunt.🙄
I think she thought it will be all done by voting for people's favourites 😂
I understand some people don't like monarchy, fair enough, and I do believe we are all equal as humans...but I still do like the idea of monarchy, particularly when it's constitutional and not absolute, there is something very special about the traditions, the sheer historical aspect of it - and I'm not even a Brit. Maybe partly because of that. And believe me, when you look back in history, this lot, with all their downfalls, seems pretty tame...M knew exactly what she was getting into, and all this talk about 'equality' is bullshit...she thought she could rule the roost, and it didn't quite happened the way she wanted, so she threw toys out of the pram and left.
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It's been along time since I wrote you,
Well you know how time can fly
Seems like yesterday I was threading
Now it's like I have no time...
I have changed my name to Alice and am now on miners works experience,as I have been down so many tunnels,I'm running out of soap🙈
I have also found Jesus...well I know he wasn't lost but you get the drift....
Oh yes,when I get involved,I'm like the proverbial rat up someone's guttering🤪
I'm trying to convince the other half I'm not away with the fairies but it's still like watching the workmen doing roadworks,whilst never taking their eyes of their mobile communication devices🤫
Up to press...we are on our third holiday choice due to government guidelines of playing hokey cokey with the quarantine list of it will be interesting when I have to throw various items in a suitcase at the very last minute like the conveyor belt on the generation game...won't be taking omids excuse for a book with me as I always pack a roll of andrex for emergencies 🙈
Seems like my 2nd home is now YouTube as I have tired of the waste of space that is Facebook.
...I still believe Phillip is no more..Charlie will soon be meeting him holding hands with Andrew,although he's a very slippery snake so I'm uncertain,sadly.
Wouldn't surprise me if one or both of the terrible twins is in for a roasting down under and the other royals will have to get a proper job...maybe try their hands at grave digging🤫
...the 4th of November will be a date to mark on your mobile...
Either we will get some answers to very important questions or I'll be fitted for a very fetching jacket with lots of buckles🤯 least I'll have had a nice rest abroad ..somewhere warm 🙏
..last but not least...I still hate the pair of what Freda says.. something's change and something's will always be the same.
Bless you all❤😘🥰👋❤
Still mad as a box of frogs then? 😜😆(written with love!)😘

Re Philip - they are leaving Balmoral next week and returning to Sandringham. They usually stay until October so we shall see if he makes an appearance.

I wonder why they are leaving early? Perhaps Ginge & Cringe said they would visit after all so HM is doing a runner! 🤣
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Chilli pepper 19

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How adorable. Kate was stuck in traffic on Battersea bridge, so got out with Louis so they could see the boats.
I just love the fact that they got out, no one bothered them. ( she’s obviously got her hair in a bun so that no one recognises her swishy hair!

Watch out for arranged pap shots in 3,2,1....
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Fergie got battered to fuck and back. If smeggy had got even a tenth of the shite that was thrown at Fergie she'd die of heart failure from shock.
She really has had it easy.
Always thought Di was a manipulative cow. Sorry, her deification never washed with me. Very calculating
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Can I ask some questions that are probably extremely offensive? And I apologize in advance (I am sitting here cleaning my guns, watching the news, so you can probably guess I’m not the most sophisticated person) Why would PC or Haznoballs buy a mansion of any value and put it in that thing’s name, why not Archiedoll’s? Why would the RF allow a prince to marry a hooker? Why is everyone calling Andrew a pedophile, when he is just a typical spoiled rich man? Why does everyone want to take away the duchess title, when that is EXACTLY what the bitch wants so she can call herself a princess? Why does ANYONE actually think the SMEG has a possibility of a flying frogs fat ass of a chance in politics in the US? (That one is particularly hysterical) I apologize for the interruption. I lurk to learn! I adore the vocabulary lessons in particular ❤
You are SO Murican. Mo5 and pixilated will love you. What is it they say OORAH!:m
Welcome to the thread.
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Yes I've noticed that too. Maybe something is going on behind the scenes that we don't know about.

Obviously the firm thought that Smeggy was a bad choice. They were probably hoping he would marry someone like Kate or a girl from the aristocracy like Diana. More to the point someone who would follow the rules and keep quiet in the background.

I believe that they did investigate Smeggy's background but probably missed the bit about Dorito being a an ex-con. I wonder if she would've been invited to the palace if they'd known about that.🤔

It seems that Smeggy has been making sure that anyone who works for her signs a NDA which is why few have spoken out against her.
Vetting when done properly by 'the boys' is immensely thorough. The RF would have a) vetted and (after trying to talk Haz into seeing reason) b) sent the cleaners in, followed by c) our legal friends. Most things were cleaned up, shut down and bought off. Doria is pretty much untouchable and that's why Megz likes sending out all those PR pieces about 'HM loves Doria' as it's her way of having a giggle at the stupid Brits.

(Monkey business was first seen in print in 19th Century American Literature W. Peck's Bad Boy: "There must be no monkey business going on." to describe the antics of a small and very naughty (and white) little boy.)
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The first thing that hit me with that chopper puff piece was the utter total pretention of it.:mad:
Who the fuck thought it was a cute warm fluffy family oriented piece? Are they nuts? We are mid covid and struggling to be permitted to walk to tesco's or to the park without PPE and these cunts are trilling like insane budgies about hazza "taking his cutie-pie and dolly for a spin in a chopper." Wasting fuel, expanding their carbon footprint and most offensive of all to me ... being pretentious cunts on our(probably) dime.

Is that a typo? Maybe you meant neutered. :eek:
Might explain the secrecy around archiedoll's production.
No way Haz got his US pilot’s license 😂 he has to pass a written test for the FAA and his Art teacher isn’t here to take it for him 😏
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'The CEO of a Netflix – Reed Hastings – has been caught by FBI agents with 13,000 files of child pornography. He was arrested at his home in California.

He is facing 11 charges related to the seizure of more than 13,000 files of graphic child pornography on his computer and various removable storage units.'

Fucking hell this is major news 🥺
This is the man who signed up the Harkles and was talking about all their wonderful ideas. Holy shit.

Smeggy and Harry truly are cursed !
Wouldn’t it be karma if Netflix goes under/bought out by another company that instantly cancels Megxits contract and all the money they are banking on paying their mortgage falls through and they have to downsize.
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I don’t know if this has been mentioned on here or not, I’ve admittedly skimmed a lot of this thread, but there is a huge backlash against Netflix at the moment because of the film Cuties. And I agree with the backlash, the film seems very disturbing.

I’m surprised that nobody is holding these two muppets to task for not calling Netflix out.

Doesn’t Megain love to jump on a cause? Wouldn’t child sexual exploitation be close to her heart?

It just goes to show everything is done with their eye on the money
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Scotch Mist

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It is extremely difficult to keep up with what is PC now in terms of speech. I remember asking a POC at work if they wanted black or white coffee and praying I hadn't given offence!

I think people these days are quick to jump up and down screaming offense without thinking about whether the person in question actually meant to offend them, and intent should always be the benchmark.

My mother in law who was from the Caribbean used to say 'coloured folks' and hated being called black!

My current peeve is being called CIS 🙄 and I don't understand why other people think that they can relabel me.
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