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It appears this is their favourite

In-n-out Burger. Make od that what you will. 😬
Operation 'Down To Earth Duchess' is on.

Or it's a set up for their Netflix Finding Freedom doc where relatable, dead normal Prince Harry eats a burger for the very first time in his life, by a complete coincidence in the presence of an extensive camera crew, whilst sharing 45 minutes (including ad breaks) of deeply personal memories of his dead Mum. It's what Diana would have wanted for him.
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There's a raging out of control pandemic in California and these two adults aren't keeping any safe distance from the children. Did their parents consent to the visit?

Amazing if a nursery is allowing strangers and their personal photographer 🙄 to break safety rules for a publicity stunt. These two need to be kept away from exploitation of children for their charity clicks. Or bring baby Archie along if they think its so safe....
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Everyone saying that Smeghan doesn't know about making films, well I've heard she made at least one back in her yachting days!
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So this pop concert had been planned for 12 months. They didn't have a venue booked, no Beyonce or Ed Sheeran, no ticket sales, nothing. Literally a fag-packet of an idea.

Spun Gold TV were organising it. The company that brought you 'When Ant and Dec met the Prince' Not a respected music events producer like LiveNation or whoever.

What a steaming brown pile of a disaster. Not surprised it got canned but what an insult to Invictus that they were allowed to think they had a solid £1 million coming from a fundraiser.

Oh wow it gets better. Spun Gold made 'Meghan Markle for President?' for True Royalty TV. So they had enough time to do that, but were a bit too busy to work on the fundraiser for Invictus. 🥴

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Scotch Mist

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When they were signing the deal with Netflix they or solicitors would have known this. Please can we stop the whole narrative about Just Harry as a victim. He's proven time and again he's as nasty and money grabbing as his wife and doesn't give a shit about him family or charities unless he gets something out of it
Totally agree. I can't stand the treacherous bastard and have no sympathy for him.

He was a soldier in the British army but he has proved it was all bravado. He has shown himself to be a wimp when it came to teaching his wife about what the British people expect from the royals. They refused to take expert advice and he has allowed his wife to be disrespectful towards the Queen and therefore aided and abetted her nasty self important trashiness.

Their behaviour threatens the monarchy and the Queen clearly is worried about what will happen when she passes away. I hope the Queen gives instructions to William concerning them and how he should deal with his traitor brother. The Queen must now see Smeggy for the gold digging con artist that she is.

When the Queen and Charles are gone Horrible Harry may decide to come back and try to take the crown from his brother. Plenty of royal younger sons have tried to do this in the past. I wouldn't put it past him now he has revealed his true nature.

The royal family must strip the titles and stop funding now. Make it plain we don't want him anymore. He's proved to be a man who values money above else and just as trashy and self obsessed as his wife.
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No posts since 7am - have we all finally lost interest in these two?
It's been a long time coming - now for the British media to follow suit! :m
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I'm suddenly feeling very sorry for Haznoballs, he probably has no chance of recovery or escape now that he is trapped in a pincer movement between Megac*nt and Jameelac*nt. I only knew JJ's name in passing before without knowing much about her, but she seems a right piece of work!

If those pitches lead nowhere and Archwell (it’s already dead isn’t it?) or its successors will inevitable fail, I think we will see more sucking up to the BRF, probably even a Christmas visit to secure funding. I think the BRF was smart enough to put a muzzle on them, so they cannot bring any form of tell-all. So, they might actually crawl back in 2-3 years time (after child be.2), acting very important in bringing the glamour back and supporting Charles’ reign and then we will get Sarah2.0.
No need for them to "bring the glamour back", Kate is doing just fine in her £10 dresses.
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Scotch Mist

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So it would seem that the Harkles have done a deal with Netflix without running it past the Royal family first. This just shows that their one and only aim in life is to be as rich as possible.🙄
This greedy pair don't care about anything else and becoming 'producers' is all about massaging their egos and giving 2 fingers to us.

The royal family must stop funding them and paying for security or there will be a huge outcry from the public, and people who want to get rid of the monarchy will have plenty of ammunition to call for a republic.

I don't think that they will ever pay back the money they've taken but given that the Queen has enormous personal wealth the royal family could pay it back easily. Basically Smeggy has just managed con of the century and will seemingly get away with it. Once they are not receiving any money from the UK the pair of shits can do what they like.

I'm not so bothered about the titles. Harry was born a Prince and will therefore always be a Prince. I'd rather Meghan didn't have any title because she doesn't deserve it, but we all know that even if Duchess of Sussex is removed her stans will continue to call her Princess Meghan anyway. 😡
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Fergie is making a better and more relatable stab at this through her YT channel, and she allows others to share the limelight too - Cressida Bonas, Eugenie, Bea etc.
And Fergie has the vibes of a harmless crazy lady that's somehow endearing in this context. Can't say the same for our favourite grifter :rolleyes:
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Not really, no. I think she’s definitely money-oriented, but if Netflix are daft enough to pay her a fortune it’s no skin off my nose. I’d rather they made a living in the US so they can leave the RF for good and then we can all forget about them completely.
That doesn’t appear to be part of their plan. Remember, they wanted to hang onto the ‘fun’ stuff that being part of the RF brings: the status, the money, the jewels, the opportunities for playing dress up. But without putting in the hard yards opening an anaerobic digester in Wakefield in November. The Dukedom will have to be wrested from Meghan’s grasp by force.
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Did they really write McDonalds and delicious treat in the same sentence? :unsure: 😂
Why not. It is not as blatant a lie as this sentence in the MarieClaire piece

Harry and Meghan reportedly stop at the fast food chain regularly on their 90-minute drive between their home in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, where they go regularly for work and volunteering.
Unless you call five 10 minute PR stunts in five month regularly. It kinda is, but then it isn't.

And how the heck do you stop by a fast food restaurant with your private plane anyway, I wonder???? Did they add their own private landing strip round the back? :unsure:
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Team JCM

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from the comments section on the DM

I just cancelled my Netflix subscription. I chatted with one of the customer service and he forwarded this statement (ops, It looks like Meghan statement, claiming that people love them). This is the Statement of Netflix regarding that concern. "Harry and Meghan have inspired millions of people all around the world with their authenticity, optimism and leadership," said Ted Sarandos, co-CEO and Chief Content Officer of Netflix. "We're incredibly proud they have chosen Netflix as their creative home - and are excited about telling stories with them that can help build resilience and increase understanding for audiences everywhere."


pass me a bucket! :sick:
Just throwing this out there. The major film studios ( Miramax, MGM etc) and streaming services (ie.Netflix) production, is at a standstill right now. Unless your production ( series/documentary whatever) had insurance in place already pre covid, there is jack shit chance anything new is getting insurance to start production on anything until there is a “clear” way forward for the insurance companies to continue to insure movies, without getting Covid burnt. So, ya know, two twats with zip production experience and zero appeal signing this new “ landmark deal” with Netflix in this climate? Yeah let’s insure that bag of shit. This thing won’t get off the ground for ages, if it ever does. Filming at the moment mostly limited to UK, Canada and some other location ( can’t recall where) but def not in Cali.
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Scotch Mist

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The Sun is saying that Charles is no longer financing them. Not sure I believe it though as this could all be an attempt at good PR for the Harkles due to their nosediving popularity.

Anyway if the Harkles are dipping in to their Netflix money to pay off debts that should be sending out a few red flags. They haven't produced any content yet and surely the money should be used for that not to help them get some creditors off their back. Not sure how ethical that is 🙄😬
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Dear God! I'm all for women making their own choices but to say having an abortion is 'the best decision I have ever made' is just disgusting. Im absolutley certain its a terrible decision to have to make, heart breaking for all concernered.

There are waiting lists a mile long for newborn babies these days so dont use that excuse either. It was her decision, I respect it, but to come out with this shite just shows how vile she really is. I cant stand the woman.
I couldn't agree more. Abortion is a personal choice and should remain personal. Fine, I get that it really can be a "best decision" a woman makes in her circumstances but crowing about it triumphantly in public is tacky ... but very very Jamil.
I'm surprised it hasn't caused dire complications though. Jamil literally loves health complications like the rest of us love chocolate or wine. It's a long time since I've come across someone so self obsessed (apart from Pricey obviously) and so happily wallowing in illness and allergies. She's a medical wonder and if she becomes besties with Cuntface then I fully expect press releases of Cunty's newly discovered medical issues. Wait for it.:rolleyes:

I call bullshit on the whole story. I reckon Harry could easily slip into the country and out again on a private jet. There are plenty of people who think that he has been back during lockdown but everything is cloak and dagger with them so how would we know.

Of course Meghan isn't bothered as she obviously despises all of them and has no intention of ever returning. As you say she's too busy having cosy expensive chats with her interior designer and spending as much as possible on refurbishments 🙄 time to strip her of her remaining royal patronages as she's now making her dislike really obvious. Fucking piss taker 😡

Harry probably knows that him and Smeg will be the primary topic of conversation when all the royals get together 😄 Would like to be a fly 🦟on the wall to hear those conversations 😃
I can imagine that Prince Philip will be making disparaging remarks about 'the showgirl' and everyone else will be sticking the knife in over their spending.
He could most certainly slip into the country and out again easily(and I think he has), but he can't stay for any length of time or join in the summer fun because the public would see and the result would be chaos at Brenda entertaining the treacherous cunt who shat on her. He most certainly is missing his polo and his shooting parties and the Highland games and the late night silly family parties. It's all very well him giving these things up as part of his new lifestyle but we need to remember that he enjoyed those things and wasn't forced into doing them. They were his 'fun' and his hobbies and his outlet and his choice. Now he has nothing that we can see. His choices now are pleasing cuntface and pleasing cuntface and that's it. Nothing else.
Without a doubt he'll be enjoying the sunny climate and smeggy's big house and grounds (who wouldn't) but that doesn't mean he's not pining for parts of his old life. He's just so thick and stubborn that it will be a long time before the penny drops that he has switched one somewhat tethered life for one even more tethered where he can't fart without permission from his new boss.
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