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Uberrima fides

Well-known member
Totally agree. I can't stand the treacherous bastard and have no sympathy for him.

He was a soldier in the British army but he has proved it was all bravado. He has shown himself to be a wimp when it came to teaching his wife about what the British people expect from the royals. They refused to take expert advice and he has allowed his wife to be disrespectful towards the Queen and therefore aided and abetted her nasty self important trashiness.

Their behaviour threatens the monarchy and the Queen clearly is worried about what will happen when she passes away. I hope the Queen gives instructions to William concerning them and how he should deal with his traitor brother. The Queen must now see Smeggy for the gold digging con artist that she is.

When the Queen and Charles are gone Horrible Harry may decide to come back and try to take the crown from his brother. Plenty of royal younger sons have tried to do this in the past. I wouldn't put it past him now he has revealed his true nature.

The royal family must strip the titles and stop funding now. Make it plain we don't want him anymore. He's proved to be a man who values money above else and just as trashy and self obsessed as his wife.
I assumed that it was due to the court case?
Good point. I'd love to see Thomas Markle have his day in court. In fact, if the Daily Mail wins their case, perhaps Netflix will be wishing they had chosen a more honest 'producer'.
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cosmo girl

VIP Member
If Harry has been so traumatised by cameras after his mothers death...why is his wife promoting them both in front of cameras daily, and then founding a tv production company that is camera she such a manipulator and mascochicst..or was he lying...or my guess...both...

This is the face of a nutcase hellbent on getting her own my opinion...and Just call me Harry..fell for it..she has his balls in her handbag and she knows it.
He's fine when he's getting paid for those camera clicks/flashes 👀
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I thought they were too far into it for her to drop it. Unless they settle but does that not lay the blame solely with the DM? I don’t think the DM would want to settle at this stage!
It would be funny if she got to drop it and then the Mail sued her for Vexatious Litigation or some such.

The press have ways of leaking stuff and I'm sure we'll be entertained either way.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I wonder why Harry appears to hate his family now. Of course we can put a lot of it down to the curse of Smeggy but it's odd that he seems to have turned so much against them and has seemingly endorsed that vile book written by plastic scabies and Smeggy.

He may always have been a bit jealous of William and he may have been upset by the way his father treated Diana but we saw no signs of this prior to Smeggy arriving on the scene. I do agree that if he had just married a Sloane type of girl he would probably be still in the family and mucking in with the rest of them. The poor girl would be at home having babies whilst he played polo and had little affairs on the side. We would all be none the wiser about the nastier side of his personality and the courtiers would be cleaning up after his transgressions.

Perhaps Smeggy has done us all a favour to some extent. We now know what a ghastly self entitled prick he is and soon enough the royal family will have to put an end to the funding. It's not just us tattlers who despise them now its pretty much the whole country bar the sugar nut cult.

I would be surprised if Queenie stops the funding before the 12 month period is up as they made an agreement, but the Harkles have made it plain that they no longer care about their royal patronages and were only hanging on to them for publicity until their own money making schemes came to fruition.

When Smeggy eventually drops him Harry will have a major problem. She's only going to stay with him as long as the royal connection is useful to her and it won't be long before he's no longer needed. Then Harry will find himself completely friendless and broke. It may even be worse than that because Smeggy will do some 'creative accounting' that will land him in hot water rather like her mother did to her dad.

The court case is supposed to take place in January. The press will really tear into them then (and hopefully the moonbump scam will also be revealed). The Queen will have no option but to remove their privileges then along with the funding so freeloading Harry will be cut off for good. Perhaps this is actually a win rather than us having to fund the useless wanker for the rest of his life.
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I'm cancelling my Netflix subscription. I don't want 1p of my money going towards those two twits and their entitlement.

Come on, HM, time to remove the titles now before they really start to bite the hand that feeds them.................
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
This week for parents is all about COVID safety rules for the first day back at school, so these pictures all wrong. Are their PR team youngsters or just tone-deaf amateurs? It's just a total own goal.

If they'd shared a picture of Archie planting some seeds in their own garden, that would have been popular (even with me if I'd had enough coffee ☕)
Yes I agree with you. The world would have thought it much cuter if we had seen Harry and Meghan with Archie planting something to commemorate Diana. Just a photo of them with the doll (so we can see he's still alive) would have been much more appropriate.

My husband works in schools and turned up today for an appointment only to find it had been cancelled due to restrictions and safety concerns.

The Harkles seem to be bypassing all the rules (as they don't apply to them🙄). They really are a pair of sickening twats.
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Swipe left to read
Dear God! I'm all for women making their own choices but to say having an abortion is 'the best decision I have ever made' is just disgusting. Im absolutley certain its a terrible decision to have to make, heart breaking for all concernered.

There are waiting lists a mile long for newborn babies these days so dont use that excuse either. It was her decision, I respect it, but to come out with this shite just shows how vile she really is. I cant stand the woman.
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Chatty Member
And in todays news...

"the Sussexes said: 'Our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope. As new parents, making inspirational family programming is also important to us.' "

So, playing to their strengths then and not the least bit like the bad acting, soul sucking, family break up couple of twonks that people think they are. Pass me the sick bucket!
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Now I'm at the ripe old age of "knowing better" (ha) I often recall my great gran's words of wisdom (loved a bible quote she did)

"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret."

Had to look it up as, was more of a Jackie girl meself back then but it was from Matthew 6:3. They want to put the Farrow n Ball colour charts down and start learning how to behave like decent people.

Also, from the comments :mad:

Welldam, Los Angeles, United States, 47 minutes ago

I highly doubt the parents of these children were asked to sign image releases for their children. I used to work in TV production and it's an essential part of filming. You can't just roll into a school and start taking photos of kids and sending them out to the international press. There have been MANY instances when the Markles have used children to promote themselves and I always wonder if the parents gave consent. The biggest one was the children at the cancer ward who were asked to pose with Meghan's discarded baby shower flowers.
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Im 70% through Meghan and Harry: The Real Story and cannot believe how awful she is! My bf, who is always annoyingly measured and “devils advocate” corrected me when I said she is clearly just using Harry and the brf for money and fame, and said “according to some people”. No, it’s fact! I can’t believe how manipulative, self centred and disrespectful she is, not to mention vulgar and tacky. Love how the author dares to stress that her race, if ANYTHING, actually worked in her favour. Not that I actually even noticed she was mixed race at the beginning, it’s not exactly obvious, but the fact she IS actually DID mean that the British public welcomed her even more than had she been another boring upper middle class blonde girl. She is a vile narcissist who just wants to be adored — at the expense of anyone in her path. She knows she’s fucked it beyond repair here and I’m glad. Can’t wait till Harry comes crawling back though it is a damn shame he made such a massive mistake.
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"the Sussexes said: 'Our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope. As new parents, making inspirational family programming is also important to us.' "

So, playing to their strengths then and not the least bit like the bad acting, soul sucking, family break up couple of twonks that people think they are. Pass me the sick bucket!
I’m sure that their experience of parenthood bears very little similarity to that of most potential viewers and has no relevance for them.
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Don't we all 😁 do you think that this makes us terrible people? 😆

That remit of programming is far too wide so as usual they are hedging their bets.

Netflix probably just wants Harry to spill the beans on the royals 😄
Now every chancer in LA with a dodgy script will be trying to get money out of them.
Yep, we’re terrible. And I don’t give a shit. Job losses galore, people’s lives ruined and we’re supposed to be happy for a couple of millionaires who are making even more millions on the back of his name and status.
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
You buggered up the post:ROFLMAO: ,but you assked "What if she has something on Hazza"?

That's my theory. Or part of it. The other part is that she claimed a pregnancy ... then a 'miscarriage' ... and guilted him into the proposal.
My thoughts too, it was a shotgun wedding, but she had the "miscarriage" weeks before the wedding,when it was being organised and too late to pull out
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Chilli pepper 19

VIP Member
I have truly found my calling amongst you good people 🤣 and forever in 4your debt for keeping me sane and my phone drenched in my drink through lockdown. My distaste at the plastic woke princess Merkin wearing one and her ginger no bollocks cuckold grows by the day. 🤣
I agree. This forum has kept me from going crazy during lockdown. Its rare to find fellow bullshit spotters and i love how quickly the sugar ran away crying. Next...:m:m
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Yeah, the bitch is likely making a fortune on the QT :mad:
We made her! She owes us!
Mushroom willie is very disappointed that our star cartoonist is freelancing for the Mail.

Nooo, you've all got it wrong! She's been HACKED I tell ya. Our lovely Pom would never sell us all out, nope, no way. ❤ I'll rattle a box of gravy bones and that Willie will soon perk up a bit, then we can find a suitable 'attorney' (her-hermmm) to sort the suing out 🤣

Joking aside, I am disgusted at Hazno. One thing I did think he would do is guarantee his commitment to Invictus. No words, it's awful.
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Well yes. See Andrew as a worked example....

They tried pretty hard to give the dim Ginger a role with non-royal things of his own (Invictus, Endeavor, Walking with the Wounded, African Parks) so he could look useful without actually being Royal. He really was set up for life with that lot. None of it was commercial, no prospect of dodgy deals being done, but plenty of ego-boosting ceremonial stuff and plenty of time off as well. But then he met Ms Greedy Grifter of Toronto Los Angeles and her shady mates, thought he'd have a go at ruling the world, and the rest is on this thread somewhere. There's nowhere for him but Siberia as Mr Wales. I hear the penguins are friendly though.
I'm originally from Toronto and offended so I made a correction. :ROFLMAO:

Smeggy is a Z-list Hollywood wannabe through and through. Everything about her screams LA trailer park. A good example of a Canadian Royal is Autumn Philips. Please don't get Meg confused with us Canadians.
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