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There was an attack this morning in Paris. I haven’t read much about it since this morning but Charlie Hebdo are quite controversial and I saw some mention of them on Twitter as the story broke. I don’t think it’s all down to Harry and the 25 comment but it certainly hasn’t come at a good time.
Oh not again. I haven’t seen much news with being at work.

I agree that it’s not all down to Harry but, as you say, it definitely hasn’t helped matters. Stirred the hornets nest somewhat.
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No, nothing! The timeline doesn't flow very well. It jumps about a bit. Lilibet is born then not mentioned again until the end where she was cuddling the Queen's shins!

If you search the book for 'Lilibet' that's the only time her actual name is mentioned.
Also not mentioned in the book, despite them being the biggest stories, were the OW racist episode and who allegedly said it and also her alleged suicide attempt.
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Why did he thank Invisibeth and Archificial for letting him be absent?

Whats that all about?
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MEG AND I ATTENDED the WellChild Awards, an annual event that honored children suffering from serious illnesses.
October 2019.
I’d attended many times through the years, having been a royal patron of the organization since 2007, and it was always gutting. The children were so brave, their parents so proud—and tortured. Various awards were given that night for inspiration, fortitude, and I was presenting one to an especially resilient preschooler.
I walked onstage, began my brief remarks, and caught sight of Meg’s face. I thought back to a year ago, when she and I attended this event just weeks after taking that home pregnancy test. We’d been filled with hope, and worry, like all expectant parents, and now we had a healthy little boy at home. But these parents and children hadn’t been so lucky.
Gratitude and sympathy converged in my heart, and I choked up. Unable to get the words out, I held the lectern tight and leaned forward. The presenter, who’d been a friend of my mother, stepped over and gave my shoulder a rub. It helped, as did the burst of applause, which gave me a moment to restart my vocal cords.
Soon after, I got a text from Willy. He was in Pakistan on tour. He said I was clearly struggling, and he was worried about me.
I thanked him for his concern, assured him I was fine. I’d become emotional in front of a roomful of sick kids and their folks just after becoming a father myself—nothing abnormal in that.
He said I wasn’t well. He said again that I needed help.
I reminded him that I was doing therapy. In fact, he’d recently told me he wanted to accompany me to a session because he suspected I was being “brainwashed.”
Then come, I said. It will be good for you. Good for us.
He never came.
His strategy was patently obvious: I was unwell, which meant I was unwise.

As if all my behavior needed to be called into question. I worked hard at keeping my texts to him civil.
Nonetheless, the exchange turned into an argument, which stretched over seventy-two hours. Back and forth we went, all day, late into the night—we’d never had a fight like that over text before.
Angry, but also miles apart, as if we were speaking different languages.
Now and then I realized that my worst fear was coming true: after months of therapy, after working hard to become more aware, more independent, I was a stranger to my older brother. He could no longer relate to me—tolerate me.
Or maybe it was just the stress of the last few years, the last few decades, finally pouring out.
I saved the texts. I have them still. I read them sometimes, with sadness, with confusion, thinking: How did we ever get there?
In his final texts, Willy wrote that he loved me. That he cared for me deeply. That he would do whatever is needed to help me. He told me to never feel any other way.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Thank you again @Anna2020
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I am mortified I have been missing all the fun and piss taking - I am back in the office and not allowed electronic devices in the office so I cannot even take a sneaky peak during the day - I have missed being able to read or catch up but above all I miss you guys and our Tattle family.

From what I have read it has Smegzy’s fairytale narrative all over it - he has sold his soul for some millions - no pride, no accountability, no conscience and has made himself a total laughing stock - I have seen a couple of things where he has been called out on his timelines of events and hope these continue - we have time on our side to pull his ‘recollections‘ apart - daresay you have already started so I will go back and try to catch up

@Scotch Mist I hope your interview went great today (I’m sure you smashed it) - 😘
How did yours go Carpe?
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Dooley Doo

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“Make no mistake, it’s an insult,” cried the Daily Mail, which convened a “Fleet Street jury” to consider our “crimes.”
Among them was the Queen’s ex–press secretary, who concluded, with his fellow jurors, that we should hereafter “expect no mercy.”
I shook my head. No mercy. The language of war?
Clearly this was more than simple anger.
These men and women saw me as an existential threat.
If our leaving posed a threat to the monarchy, as some were saying, then it posed a threat to all those covering the monarchy for a living.

Hence, we had to be destroyed.

One of this lot, who’d written a book about me and thus provably depended on me to pay her rent, went on live TV to explain confidently that Meg and I had departed from Britain without so much as a by-your-leave to Granny.
We’d discussed it with no one, she said, not even Pa.
She announced these falsehoods with such unfaltering certainty that even I was tempted to believe her, and thus her version of events quickly became “the truth” in many circles.
Harry blindsided the Queen!
That was the narrative that took hold.
I could feel it oozing into history books, and I could imagine boys and girls at Ludgrove, decades hence, having that hogwash rammed down their throats.
I sat up late, brooding on it all, going over the progression of events and asking myself: What’s the matter with these people? What makes them like this?

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Is H having a go at Angela Levin. Did she write the book. Is he saying she depended on him to pay her rent.
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I WAS THE FIRST in my squadron to pull the trigger in anger.
We took off, swept over the wall, went vertical, climbed to fifteen hundred feet. Moments later I swung the night sight onto the target area.
There! Eight hot spots, eight kilometers away.
Thermal smudges—walking from where the contact had been.
Dave said: That’s got to be them!
Yeah—there’s no friendly forces out here on patrol! Especially not at this hour.
Let’s make sure. Confirm no patrols outside the wall.
I called the J-TAC.
Confirmed: no patrols.
We flew above the eight hot spots. They quickly broke into two groups of four. Evenly spaced, they went slowly along a track. That was our patrolling technique—were they mimicking us? Now they hopped on mopeds, some two-up, some one-up.
I told Control we were visual on all eight targets, asked for clearance, permission to fire. Permission was a must before engaging, always, unless it was a case of self-defense or imminent danger.
Dave and I were ready to fire that flechette.
But permission still hadn’t come.
We waited. And waited. And watched the Taliban speeding off in different directions.
I said to Dave: If I find out later that one of these guys has injured or killed one of our guys after we let them go…
We stayed with two motorbikes, followed them down a windy road. Now they separated. We picked one, followed it.
Finally Control got back to us. The persons you’re following…what’s their status?
I shook my head and thought: Most of them are gone, because you’ve been so slow. I said: They’ve split up and we’re down to one bike. Permission to fire.
Dave said to use the Hellfire. I was nervous about using it, however; I shot the 30-mm cannon instead.
Mistake. I hit the motorbike. One man down, presumably dead, but one hopped off and ran into a building.
We circled, called in ground troops.
You were right, I told Dave. Should’ve used the Hellfire.
No worries, he said.
It was your first time.
Long after returning to base, I did a sort of mental scan. I’d been in combat before, I’d killed before, but this was my most direct contact with the enemy—ever. Other engagements felt more impersonal. This one was eyes on target, finger on trigger, fire away.
I asked myself how I felt.
Traumatized? No.
Sad? No.
Surprised? No.
Prepared in every way. Doing my job. What we’d trained for.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
Dave obviously recounted his mission to Harry during a visit to the HQ Comms shelter, Harry was busy scribbling away the details to keep, for later, to put in his book.

Obviously this was a mission by proxy. Thanks Dave. 😁
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From OK magazine about Colbert's segment with Richard Cranium being pre-taped. Apparently, show attendees were not happy, but these comments in the article were funny!
"F*** Prince Harry," an eyewitness source recalled multiple people yelling as they exited the Ed Sullivan theater in New York City, where the CBS show is taped.

"It wasn't worth waiting an hour in the cold for [Harry]," a woman who traveled from far away to see the red-headed royal in the flesh reportedly declared. "Who needs Prince Harry anyway?" :LOL:
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If it’s true (and if not where the hell was Doria all that time?) how did TW get it wiped from the net? This must’ve been done before or as soon as she met Harry but she was a nothing at that point so where did she get the power you’d need to get that to happen? Confused.
I believe previous offenders can apply to have their convictions wiped from publicly accessible records (at least in the UK they can). I presume the USA must have something similar. Is it something like rehabilitation of offenders?
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