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Chatty Member
Still, despite the mounting stress, the terrible pressure, we managed to protect our essential bond, never snapping at each other during those few days. As we came to the final hours of her visit, we were solid, happy, and Meg announced she wanted to make me a special goodbye lunch. There was nothing in my fridge, as usual. But there was a Whole Foods down the street. I gave her directions, the safest route, past the Palace guards, turn right, towards Kensington Palace Gardens, down to Kensington High Street, there’s a police barrier, take a right and you’ll see Whole Foods. It’s massive, you can’t miss it. I had an engagement but I’d be home soon.
Baseball cap, jacket, head down, side gate. You’ll be fine, I promise.
Two hours later, when I got home, I found her inconsolable. Sobbing. Shaking. What is it? What’s happened? She could barely get the story out.
She’d dressed just as I’d advised, and she’d run happily, anonymously, up and down the supermarket aisles. But as she rode the escalator a man approached. Excuse me, do you know where the exit is? Oh, yes, I think it’s just up here to the left. Hey! You’re on that program—Suits, am I right? My wife loves you. Oh. That’s so nice! Thanks. What’s your name? Jeff. Nice to meet you, Jeff. Please tell her I said thanks for watching. I will. Can I get a picture…you know, for my mum? Thought you said it was your wife. Oh. Yeah. Heh. Sorry, I’m just grocery shopping today. His face changed. Well, even if I can’t take a picture WITH you…that doesn’t stop me taking pictures OF you! He whipped out his phone and followed her to the deli counter, snapping away while she looked at the turkey. F the turkey, she thought, hurrying to the checkouts. He followed her there too. She got into the queue. Before her were rows and rows of magazines and newspapers, and on all of them, under the most shocking and disgusting headlines…was her. The other customers noticed as well. They looked at the magazines, looked at her, and now they too pulled out their phones, like zombies. Meg caught two cashiers sharing a horrible smile. After paying for her groceries, she walked outside, straight into a group of four men with their iPhones aimed at her. She kept her head down, rushed up Kensington High Street. She was nearly home when a horse-drawn carriage came rolling out of Kensington Palace Gardens. Some sort of parade: the Palace gate was blocked. She was forced back along the main road, where the four men picked up the scent again, and chased her all the way to the main gate, screaming her name. When she finally got inside Nott Cott, she’d phoned her best girlfriends, each of whom asked: Is he worth this, Meg? Is anyone worth this? I put my arms around her, said I was sorry. So sorry. We just held each other, until I slowly became aware of the most delicious smells. I looked around. Hang on. You mean…after all that…you still made lunch? I wanted to feed you before I left.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
So basically this story says she was chased by a rabid Suits fan (😂😂😂 best rewriting of history ever, it was considered a ‘cult’ classic because it has a million viewers at its peak) - and then she got back to Nott Cott (darn that parade that made her walk up and down and up and down in front of the Daily Mail office where the paps were, so inconvenient) and called all of her friends who asked whether being with Harry was worth going through all this, even tho she was being chased because she was a Suits celeb rather than for being Haz’s gf?! Make it make sense!!

Also I thought this was Harry’s autobiog, not yet another correction of the record for everything Meghan’s ever been reported as doing that was stupid.

This whole idea that she was a global megastar because of suits is such rubbish, and there are literally ratings data that prove it was hardly Friends. And shewasn’t even a main character! (This is why I’ve never believed she was worth $5million - otherwise she wouldn’t have been living in a rented apartment and desperate to get a ring on it before the $$$ ran out for the transatlantic ‘dates’).

I do think they both read here.
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The explanation of the explanation continues...

For someone who went to Sandhurst Harry knows very little about the psychology of warfare.
He must have been staring out of the window, no doubt at a talkative cloud, when John Keegan was lecturing.
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The epilogue is him going on about his secret special relationship with the Queen and how he had spoken to her only 4 days before she died. Also he thought of when she had last seen his children and Archie making deep chivalrous bows to the Queen and his sister cuddling the monarch’s shins!

‘Sweetest children’ Granny said sounding bemused. She’d expected them to be a bit more American thought Harry!

After the funeral they returned to America where Granny paid them a visit in the form of a hummingbird!


Absolute pile of shit!
Found the ghostwriter:

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The epilogue is him going on about his secret special relationship with the Queen and how he had spoken to her only 4 days before she died. Also he thought of when she had last seen his children and Archie making deep chivalrous bows to the Queen and his sister cuddling the monarch’s shins!

‘Sweetest children’ Granny said sounding bemused. She’d expected them to be a bit more American thought Harry!

After the funeral they returned to America where Granny paid them a visit in the form of a hummingbird!


Absolute pile of shit!


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Is this legit ? Did Tom Bower (thinks that’s his name) really just out Doria about drug dealing and prison etc ?? Is there a clip or a article confirming he has just outed her? Not saying you are all bullshitting or anything but I’m so lost with what is fact and fiction now. This whole thing is one big soap opera my heads gone 😑🤯😅
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Chatty Member
Basically what we all said on here ages ago - Doria went to prison for ten years, probably for selling /carrying /moving drugs.(or all three).and that's why her and Thomas Markle split.

Harry sits around in the Monteceito mansion all day smoking weed with Doria.

He has had too much Californian therapy, he's got sharks all around him and something bad is going to happen to him. Some wacko therapist has encouraged him to tell all in some sort of purge therapy thing.
THANK YOU! Waiting patiently over here for bloody Doria to be splashed on the front page of every paper for her prison spell!!! Come on journos, what the heck are you people dragging your feet for? Everyone knows it by now and while you’re at it, as has been mentioned several times now, look into the finances (cough ‘money laundering‘) of her shell company.

If everyone can’t see the hardened criminal cunt that is Doria by now, there is no waking people up! That Netflix ‘speaking to camera‘ bits did her no favours. I even mentioned on here a while ago that a teeny tiny weeny minuscule part of me felt almost sorry for Smegs. Could easily see Doria smacking her round the head as a kid and telling her she better learn to put her fanny out there and start earning her keep, soon as she’s legal.

Hang Doria (metaphorically) out to dry please and do it quick!
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I TOLD ELF AND JASON that I wanted to propose. Congratulations, both men said. But then Elf said he’d need to do some fast digging, find out the protocols. There were strict rules governing such things. Rules? Really? He came back days later and said before doing anything I’d need to ask Granny’s permission. I asked him if that was a real rule, or the kind we could work around. Oh, no, it’s very real. It didn’t make sense. A grown man asking his grandmother for permission to marry? I couldn’t recall Willy asking before he proposed to Kate. Or my cousin Peter asking before he proposed to his wife, Autumn. But come to think of it I did remember Pa asking permission when he wanted to marry Camilla.
With Elf’s help I circled a weekend in late October. A family shooting trip at Sandringham. Shooting trips always put Granny in a good mood. Perhaps she’d be more open to thoughts of love?

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
He really is writing this for the clueless American audience most Brits know about these sorts of rules, they regularly come up in the media every time there is a royal engagement etc, yes they are mostly just a formality but it's still done out of respect for the Monarch.
Peter isn't in the line of succession and not technically Royal therefore he doesn't have to abide by such rules, Harry is fully aware of this, he's dumb but he's not that dumb!
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I'm no Meg fan but you have to feel for her. She thought she was getting a Prince of England and she ended up with a paranoid Prat. If he wasn't who he was I think she would have dumped him when he shouted at her not long after they had met.
if he wasnt a prince, she would never have dated him in the first place
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I’m probably late on this but was just watching GB news and Bower was on and said, “For 25 years Harry has been a drug addict,” He said, “I know for a fact in Montecito, Harry smokes weed nearly every day.”
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Still just trying to catch up but I just have to put my two cents in about the whole foods thing. I'm from Ireland, we don't have a huge amount of extremely famous people floating round the place but when we do they get left alone generally, by paps and fans alike. Beyonce and Jay Z brought their child to Dublin Zoo and there was like 1 blurry picture of them. Matt Damon and his family lived here for a while at the start of the pandemic, again 1 picture. Same thing goes for Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, Adele, Harry Styles, Kim K and Kanye (they went the cinema in Limerick of all places) I could go on and on. If people don't go nuts over here chasing people round the place surely they wouldn't do the same round the wealthier parts of London where people would be used to seeing really famous people?
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A quote from last thread re Harold describing Princess Margaret relationship with TQ infers TQ was jealous of Margaret. How would he know that - from the first season of The Crown?
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In desperation I went to Willy. I took advantage of the first quiet moment I’d had with him in years: The end of August 2017, at Althorp. Twentieth anniversary of Mummy’s death. We rowed the little boat out to the island. (The bridge had been removed, to give my mother privacy, to keep intruders away.) We each had a bouquet of flowers, which we set on the grave. We stood there awhile, having our own thoughts, and then we talked about life.
I gave him a quick summary of what Meg and I had been dealing with. Don’t worry, Harold. No one believes that shit. Not true. They do. It’s drip-fed to them, day by day, and they come to believe it without even being aware. He didn’t have a satisfying answer for that, so we were silent. Then he said something extraordinary.
He said he thought Mummy was here. Meaning…among us.
Yes, me too, Willy.
I think she’s been in my life, Harold. Guiding me. Setting things up for me. I think she’s helped me start a family. And I feel as though she’s helping you now too.
I nodded. Totally agree. I feel as though she helped me find Meg. Willy took a step back. He looked concerned. That seemed to be taking things a bit far. Well, now, Harold, I’m not sure about that. I wouldn’t say THAT!

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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It really does sound delusional. Either that, or this is TW script for her (Made for TV) movie that she's directing.

Maybe that's on the cards...A movie. Who will the cast be I wonder?
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It’s almost like they took the Wiki and worked through it answering back to every mocking and criticism directed at them, particularly her. It’s not his story, it’s her clap back.
Hazzard said he read ALL the coverage of him - what’s the betting that he’s lurking on Tattle right now?
If he is - please, for the sake of your and the nation’s sanity, go to a dedicated trauma therapist who doesn’t fanny around with CBT. You’re unspooling like a reel of cotton at present.
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I STOOD AT THE ALTAR, smoothed the front of my Household Cavalry uniform, watched Meg floating towards me. I’d worked hard to choose the right music for her procession, and ultimately I’d landed on Handel’s Eternal Source of Light Divine. Now, as the soloist’s voice rang out above our heads, I thought I’d chosen well. Indeed, as Meg came nearer and nearer, I was giving thanks for all my choices.
Amazing that I could even hear the music over the sound of my own heartbeat as Meg stepped up, took my hand.
The present dissolved, the past came rushing back. Our first tentative messages on Instagram. Our first meeting at Soho House. Our first trip to Botswana. Our first excited exchanges after my phone went into the river. Our first roast chicken. Our first flights back and forth across the Atlantic. The first time I told her: I love you. Hearing her say it back. Guy in splints. Steve the grumpy swan. The brutal fight to keep her safe from the press. And now here we were, the finishing line. The starting line. For the last few months, not much had gone according to plan. But I reminded myself that none of that was the plan. This was the plan. This. Love. I shot a glance at Pa, who’d walked Meg down the last part of the aisle. Not her father, but special just the same, and she was moved. It didn’t make up for her father’s behavior, for how the press had used him, but it very much helped.
Aunt Jane stood and gave a reading in honor of Mummy. Song of Solomon. Meg and I chose it.
Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away…

Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm;
For love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave…
Strong as death. Fierce as the grave. Yes, I thought. Yes. I saw the archbishop extend the rings, his hands shaking. I’d forgotten, but he clearly hadn’t: twelve cameras pointed at us, two billion people watching on TV, photographers in the rafters, massive crowds outside roistering and cheering. We exchanged the rings, Meg’s made from the same hunk of Welsh gold that had provided Kate’s. Granny had told me that this was nearly the last of it. Last of the gold. That was how I felt about Meg. The archbishop reached the official part, spoke the few words that made us The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, titles bestowed by Granny, and he joined us until death parted us, though he’d already done similar days earlier, in our garden, a small ceremony, just the two of us, Guy and Pula the only witnesses. Unofficial, non-binding, except in our souls.
We were grateful for every person in and around St. George’s, and watching on TV, but our love began in private, and being public had been mostly pain, so we wanted the first consecration of our love, the first vows, to be private as well. Magical as the formal ceremony was, we’d both come to feel slightly frightened of…crowds. Underscoring this feeling: The first thing we saw upon walking back up the aisle and out of the church, other than a stream of smiling faces, were snipers. On the rooftops, amid the bunting, behind the waterfalls of streamers.
Police told me it was unusual, but necessary. Due to the unprecedented number of threats they were picking up.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Didn’t the Archbishop deny this ceremony 3 days earlier???
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