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Yes. Piers has finally addressed the fact that H talks disrespectfully about almost every single woman in his book other than M or L. I’m so glad this has been raised 🙌
The lawyer lady is so two-faced ... when the Oprah interviewed aired people like her screamed racism ... now it's all 'context'. Oh do fuck off. I'll give shouty Shola some credit, at least she's still sticking to her guns and calling it racist, at least the old bag is consistent. :LOL:
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Right!!! I go to work and come home to a new thread!!! And I canny read the other thread cos my aged, frail mother expects her dinner 🙄🙄🙄 Old People!!!

Any way, I've jumped onto this thread cos I've just read ginger nuts talking about being in Paris for the Rugby Cup final and how happy millions of Britons were that England has made the final!!!!


For that alone he should never be allowed back into the UK cos he obviously has no understanding how this works.

England get to a semi final/final and Scotland, parts of Northern Ireland, maybe Wales, all hope that they get humped.

How does Ginger Nuts not know this 🙄🙄🙄 Fecking Idiot!!!

Now I'm away back to thread 297. Hopefully I'll be here by midnight 👍👍👍
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Wackie Jeaver

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God, if I was a comedian/satirist/piss-taking columnist I would have NO idea where to start with today's revelations!
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The decree about the wedding coincided uncannily with the airing of Meg’s farewell season of Suits, in which her character, Rachel, was also preparing to get married. Art and life, imitating each other.
Decent of Suits, I thought, marrying Meg off the show, instead of pushing her down a lift shaft. There were enough people in real life trying to do that.
That spring, however, the press was quieter. Keener about breaking news of wedding details than inventing new libels.
So when the Palace encouraged us to feed more wedding details to those correspondents, known as the Royal Rota, we obeyed.
At the same time, I told the Palace that on the Big Day, the happiest day of our lives, I didn’t want to see one single royal correspondent inside that chapel, unless Murdoch himself apologized for phone hacking.
The Palace scoffed. It would be all-out war, the courtiers warned, to bar the Royal Rota from the wedding. Then let’s go to war.

I’d had it with the Royal Rota, both the individuals and the system, which was more outdated than the horse and cart. It had been devised some forty years earlier, to give British print and broadcast reporters first crack at the Royal Family, and it stank to high heaven. It discouraged fair competition, engendered cronyism, encouraged a small mob of hacks to feel entitled.
After weeks of wrangling, it was agreed: The Royal Rota wouldn’t be allowed in the chapel, but they could gather outside. A small win, which I hugely celebrated.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
He is such an ignorant pillock. The Royal Rota was created to give the family privacy and stop intrusion.

You give them access to positive column inches and let them do their job by posing for a photo at the start of the royal holiday, and the press should leave you alone to enjoy family time for the rest of it.

‘Fair competition’ in Harry’s eyes means more long lens pap shots, more paps chasing cars and more intrusion.

Just noticed I’m getting close to VIP status. Please warm up the VIP lounge. I will bring jugs of margaritas and lots of nibbles when the moment comes.
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I'm loving the tale of their love story 'mythology' (incorrect use of the word but whatever, it's megs, she makes everything up as she goes along).

Gormless. Gullible. Git.

This story, if true is the most textbook, American "catch-a-man" guide bullshit, widely read by aggressive penis ladder climbers and gold diggers. Who was meg taking lessons from? Anna Nicole- Smith? The fragrant Debbie "what attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels" McGee?

When the divorce papers land next to the beaten up old bean bag he smuggled out of Nott Cott and is now using in his bedsit I reckon the penny might finally drop.

In the mean time my toes are now slinky - like in their curling, particularly if I imagine any of his (previous) mates reading this utter shite. God the cringe. Has the man no shame?
She promoted the '' The Rules'' book on Tig.
So you are right.
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Got to be honest. Mum died in my arms 2 years ago & after her demise I took a lock of her hair. It’s in a box sits in my jewellry box (not by my bed) and I don’t talk to it, but each to their own….
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MEG WAS LATE. We bought two home pregnancy tests, one for a backup, and she took them both into the bathroom at Nott Cott.
I was lying on our bed, and while waiting for her to come out…I fell asleep.
When I woke, she was beside me. What’s happened? Is it…? She said she hadn’t looked. She’d waited for me.
The wands were on the nightstand. I only kept a few things there, among them the blue box with my mother’s hair.
Right, I thought, good.
Let’s see what Mummy can do with this situation. I reached for the wands, peered into their little windows. Blue. Bright, bright blue. Both of them. Blue meant…baby.
Oh wow. Well. Well then. We hugged, kissed. I put the wands back on the nightstand.
I thought: Thank you, selkies. I thought: Thank you, Mummy

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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God! The leg!

Did she borrow it from Ghandi?
Meg thinks she’s the most beautiful thing ever born. Unfortunately for us Aitch agrees.
Not seeing it myself. Without the layers and layers of foundation and her gummy eyelashes she’s just plain old Meg two bed flat above a garage.
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REUNITED. A quiet night at Nott Cott, preparing dinner together. December 2016. Meg and I had discovered that we shared the same favorite food: roast chicken. I didn’t know how to cook it, so that night she was teaching me. I remember the warmth of the kitchen, the wonderful smells. Lemon wedges on the cutting board, garlic and rosemary, gravy bubbling in a saucepan. I remember rubbing salt on the skin of the bird, then opening a bottle of wine. Meg put on music.
Maybe the wine went to my head. Maybe the weeks of battling the press had worn me down. For some reason, when the conversation took an unexpected turn, I became touchy. Then angry. Disproportionately, sloppily angry. Meg said something I took the wrong way. It was partly a cultural difference, partly a language barrier, but I was also just over-sensitive that night. I thought: Why’s she having a go at me? I snapped at her, spoke to her harshly—cruelly. As the words left my mouth, I could feel everything in the room come to a stop. The gravy stopped bubbling, the molecules of air stopped orbiting. Even Nina Simone seemed to pause. Meg walked out of the room, disappearing for a full fifteen minutes. I went and found her upstairs. She was sitting in the bedroom. She was calm, but said in a quiet, level tone that she would never stand for being spoken to like that. I nodded. She wanted to know where it came from. I don’t know. Where did you ever hear a man speak like that to a woman? Did you overhear adults speak that way when you were growing up? I cleared my throat, looked away. Yes. She wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of partner. Or co-parent. That kind of life. She wasn’t going to raise children in an atmosphere of anger or disrespect. She laid it all out, super-clear. We both knew my anger hadn’t been caused by anything to do with our conversation. It came from somewhere deep inside, somewhere that needed to be excavated, and it was obvious that I could use some help with the job. I’ve tried therapy, I told her. Willy told me to go. Never found the right person. Didn’t work. No, she said softly. Try again.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.

Hhmmm this sounds really similar to the bit I posted the other day, of what went down before Harry’s interview . “Where did you hear such hurtful words Harold” she definitely gave him a swift slap and broke his pearls 🤣🤣🤣🤣, told you it was legit -

In all seriousness though this is all megs words what a cunt 😂
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This is a whole different level of shit!! The people saying this better have their checks in order! If this is malicious gossip it’s next level if it’s true the RF are in the shit never mind him! 😲
I want him to be in deep shit, but not bad enough that it damages the RF too.
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My physical copy has arrived and I'm settling down to read.
The cover is different though, as Harry appears to have undergone a "glow up" :love:

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PA WANTED TO HELP choose the music for the ceremony so he invited us one night to Clarence House, for dinner and…a concert.
He wholly endorsed our desire to have an orchestra rather than an organist, and he played an assortment of orchestras to get us in the mood. After a time, we segued into classical, and he talked about his love of Beethoven. Meg spoke about her own deep feeling for Chopin.
Meg evoked so much in him, qualities I’d rarely seen. In her presence Pa became boyish. I saw it, saw the bond between them growing stronger, and I felt strengthened in my own bond with him. So many people were treating her shabbily, it filled my heart to see my father treating her like the princess she was about to—maybe born to—become.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
You have to admit, she is bloody good at manipulating people. Shame her acting skills in real life didn’t work in theatre or film
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