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We agreed that if we were serious about giving ourselves a chance, a real chance, we’d need a serious plan. Which meant, among other things, making a vow never to let more than two weeks pass without seeing each other.
We’d both had long-distance relationships, and they’d always been hard, and part of the reason had always been lack of serious planning. Effort. You had to fight the distance, defeat that distance. Meaning, travel. Lots and lots of travel.
The burden therefore would fall on Meg. In the early days, it would have to be her spending time on planes, her crisscrossing the ocean—while still working full-time on Suits. Many days the car came for her at 4:15 A.M. to take her to set. It wasn’t fair for her to shoulder the burden, but she was willing, she said. No choice, she said. The alternative was not seeing me, and that, she said, wasn’t feasible. Or bearable. For the hundredth time since July 1, my heart cracked open. Then we said goodbye again. See you in two weeks. Two weeks. God. Yes.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
She had a job? Oh the humanity.

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Reached the end of the last thread and need to come up for air. However, with a documented 20 year history of cannabis use, I am just leaving this here. i can’t believe that we’re 6 days down the line from the Markles leaking the dogbowlgate to the guardian and still things get more farcical and infuriating by the day.
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The full seriousness of all this was finally starting to sink in.
If Granny said no…would I have to say goodbye to Meg? I couldn’t imagine being without her…but I also couldn’t imagine being openly disobedient to Granny. My Queen, my Commander in Chief.
If she withheld her permission, my heart would break, and of course I’d look for another occasion to ask again, but the odds would be against me. Granny wasn’t exactly known for changing her mind. So this moment was either the start of my life, or the end. It would all come down to the words I chose, how I delivered them, and how Granny heard them.
If all that wasn’t enough to make me tongue-tied, I’d seen plenty of press reports, sourced to “the Palace,” that some in my family didn’t quite, shall we say, approve of Meg. Didn’t fancy her directness. Didn’t feel altogether comfortable with her strong work ethic. Didn’t even enjoy her occasional questions. What was healthy and natural inquisitiveness they deemed to be impertinence. There were also whispers about a vague and pervasive unease regarding her race. “Concern” had been expressed in certain corners about whether or not Britain was “ready.” Whatever that meant. Was any of that rubbish reaching Granny’s ears? If so, was this request for permission merely a hopeless exercise?
Was I doomed to be the next Margaret?

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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Nothing is EVER his fault. Everyone picks everything up wrongly EVERY time.

He now says his words about the Taliban have been spun into something dreadful, but all he was trying to do was create space for veterans (?) so he can help reduce suicides. Admirable stuff.

He's gaslighting the world, he's full of shit and he's got to be in the middle of a full blown paranoid, anxious meltdown. He must be fighting a panic attack at every moment. He knows he's busted. He knows he's gone too far. He knows everything he's doing makes him look ridiculous. I've stopped worrying about damage to BP (fingers crossed there's no cover up revelations you come..) because he's just dying on his own sword here. Every move he makes makes him look worse.

If he takes drastic action (i hate him but i hope he doesn't) because he can't cope with his self-fuelled shit show any more, it will be blamed on the British press, Piers, Dan, Tom and every other person who's called out his bullshit. But only he, his narc wife and his blame -culture, victim perpetuating therapists will be responsible.
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I asked if she’d consider moving to Britain, moving into Nott Cott with me. We talked about all that would mean, and how it would work, and what she’d be giving up. We talked about the logistics of winding down her life in Toronto. When, and how, and above all…for what? Exactly?
I can’t just leave my show and quit my job to give it a shot. Would moving to Britain mean a forever commitment?
Yes, I said. It would.
In that case, she said with a smile, yes. We kissed, hugged, sat down to our supper. I sighed. On the road, I thought. But later, after she’d fallen asleep, I analyzed myself. A holdover from therapy, perhaps. I realized that, mixed in with all my roiling emotions, there was a big streak of relief. She’d said it back, the actual words, I love you, and it hadn’t been inevitable, it hadn’t been a formality. Part of me, I couldn’t deny, had been braced for the worst case. Haz, I’m sorry but I just don’t know if I can do this…Part of me feared she’d bolt. Go back to Toronto, change her number. Heed the advice of her girlfriends. Is anyone worth this? Part of me thought she’d be smart to do so.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
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Chatty Member
Prince Charles was right - completely cuntstruck

also wagamama? not fragrant roast chicken?
Just putting it out there. I think these are brand placement$$$. Why so many mentions of a biro? Why wagamama - wasn’t that cool in the 90s? Hunter wellies? Whole foods? Does whole foods even sell magazines and papers?

No wonder this book took so long, all the product placements to negotiate.

The million mentions of Suits every time either of them have the opportunity to draw breath are ONLY to drive people to streaming services to check it out to keep the royalties coming into Meg’s bank account.

It’s so gross. I can’t believe these idiots not only got these multi million dollar contracts but that they are using them to surreptitiously keep merching $hit.
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I’m pretty sure the mushrooms have permanently screwed up his brain. There’s something very very wrong here. And I’m sorry, but keeping a lock of your mom’s hair next to your bed?! Who does that???? I lost my mom when I was 15. I have saved some of her personal things like her jewelry and papers that have her handwriting. Those items remind me of her. I’d never considered saving hair. Where did he even get it??
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Still, despite the mounting stress, the terrible pressure, we managed to protect our essential bond, never snapping at each other during those few days. As we came to the final hours of her visit, we were solid, happy, and Meg announced she wanted to make me a special goodbye lunch. There was nothing in my fridge, as usual. But there was a Whole Foods down the street. I gave her directions, the safest route, past the Palace guards, turn right, towards Kensington Palace Gardens, down to Kensington High Street, there’s a police barrier, take a right and you’ll see Whole Foods. It’s massive, you can’t miss it. I had an engagement but I’d be home soon.
Baseball cap, jacket, head down, side gate. You’ll be fine, I promise.
Two hours later, when I got home, I found her inconsolable. Sobbing. Shaking. What is it? What’s happened? She could barely get the story out.
She’d dressed just as I’d advised, and she’d run happily, anonymously, up and down the supermarket aisles. But as she rode the escalator a man approached. Excuse me, do you know where the exit is? Oh, yes, I think it’s just up here to the left. Hey! You’re on that program—Suits, am I right? My wife loves you. Oh. That’s so nice! Thanks. What’s your name? Jeff. Nice to meet you, Jeff. Please tell her I said thanks for watching. I will. Can I get a picture…you know, for my mum? Thought you said it was your wife. Oh. Yeah. Heh. Sorry, I’m just grocery shopping today. His face changed. Well, even if I can’t take a picture WITH you…that doesn’t stop me taking pictures OF you! He whipped out his phone and followed her to the deli counter, snapping away while she looked at the turkey. F the turkey, she thought, hurrying to the checkouts. He followed her there too. She got into the queue. Before her were rows and rows of magazines and newspapers, and on all of them, under the most shocking and disgusting headlines…was her. The other customers noticed as well. They looked at the magazines, looked at her, and now they too pulled out their phones, like zombies. Meg caught two cashiers sharing a horrible smile. After paying for her groceries, she walked outside, straight into a group of four men with their iPhones aimed at her. She kept her head down, rushed up Kensington High Street. She was nearly home when a horse-drawn carriage came rolling out of Kensington Palace Gardens. Some sort of parade: the Palace gate was blocked. She was forced back along the main road, where the four men picked up the scent again, and chased her all the way to the main gate, screaming her name. When she finally got inside Nott Cott, she’d phoned her best girlfriends, each of whom asked: Is he worth this, Meg? Is anyone worth this? I put my arms around her, said I was sorry. So sorry. We just held each other, until I slowly became aware of the most delicious smells. I looked around. Hang on. You mean…after all that…you still made lunch? I wanted to feed you before I left.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
I've just thrown my tea back up. 🤢
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Reading through some of the extracts posted are so cringe-inducing. It's what I would expect from Callum Best, Paul Danan or some other reality TV chump.

Is he unable to put more than 6 words in a sentence?!
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I TOOK A RING from Meg’s jewelry box and gave it to a designer, so he’d know her size. Since he was also the keeper of Mummy’s bracelets, earrings and necklaces, I asked him to harvest the diamonds from one particularly beautiful bracelet of Mummy’s and use those to create a ring.
I’d cleared all this in advance with Willy. I’d asked my brother if I could have the bracelet, and told him what it was for. I don’t recall him hesitating, for one second, in giving it to me. He seemed to like Meg, despite his oft-cited concerns. Kate seemed to like her too.
We’d had them over for dinner during one of Meg’s visits, and Meg cooked, and everything was good. Willy had a cold: he was sneezing and coughing, and Meg ran upstairs to get him some of her homeopathic cure-alls. Oregano oil, turmeric. He seemed charmed, moved, though Kate announced to the table that he’d never take such unconventional remedies. We talked about Wimbledon that night, and Suits, and Willy and Kate weren’t brave enough to admit to being superfans. Which was sweet.
The only possibly discordant note I could think of was the marked difference in how the two women dressed, which both of them seemed to notice.
Meg: ripped jeans, barefoot.
Kate: done up to the nines.

No big deal, I thought. Along with the diamonds from the bracelet I’d asked the designer to add a third—a blood-free diamond from Botswana. He asked if there was a rush. Well…now that you mention it…

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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Chatty Member
I’m probably late on this but was just watching GB news and Bower was on and said, “For 25 years Harry has been a drug addict,” He said, “I know for a fact in Montecito, Harry smokes weed nearly every day.”
He said something sbo
Charles would be dead for the next King to be needed .
Harry would be George's Regent (which gives him all the power) until George is 18.
Hopefully the admissions of drug use would deem him unfit to act as Regent or Counselor of State. He should be removed from line of succession and his children - UK has no proof re parentage or born of body.
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Chatty Member
Second date with Meghan
This time I was already there—waiting. Smiling. Proud of myself. She walked in, wearing a pretty blue sundress with white pinstripes. She was aglow. I stood and said: I bear gifts. A pink box. I held it forward. She shook it. What’s this? No, no, don’t shake it! We both laughed. She opened the box. Cupcakes. Red, white and blue cupcakes, to be exact. In honor of Independence Day. I said something about the Brits having a very different view of Independence Day from the Yanks, but, oh, well. She said they looked amazing. Our waitress from Date One appeared. Mischa. She seemed genuinely happy to see us, to discover that there was a Date Two. She could tell what was happening, she got that she was an eyewitness, that she’d forever be part of our personal mythology. After bringing us a round of drinks she went away and didn’t return for a long time. When she did, we were deep in the middle of a kiss. Not our first.
Meghan, holding my shirt collar, was pulling me towards her, holding me close. When she saw Mischa she released me immediately and we all laughed. Excuse us. No problem. Another round? Again the conversation flowed, crackled. Burgers came and went, uneaten. I felt an overwhelming sense of Overture, Prelude, Kettle Drums, Act I. And yet also a sense of ending. A phase of my life—the first half?—was coming to a close. As the night neared its end we had a very frank discussion. There was no way round it. She put a hand to her cheek and said: What’re we gonna doooo? We have to give this a proper go. What does that even mean? I live in Canada. I’m going back tomorrow! We’ll meet. A long visit. This summer. My summer’s already planned. Mine too. Surely in the whole summer we could find one small spot of time. She shook her head. She was doing the full Eat Pray Love. Eat what now? The book? Ah. Sorry. Not really big on books. I felt intimidated. She was so the opposite of me. She read. She was cultured. Not important, she said with a laugh. The point was, she was going with three girlfriends to Spain, and then with two girlfriends to Italy, and then— She looked at her calendar. I looked at mine. She raised her eyes, smiled. What is it? Tell me. Actually, there’s one small window… Recently, she explained, a castmate had advised her not to be so structured about her summer of eating, praying and loving. Keep one week open, this castmate said, leave room for magic, so she’d been saying no to all kinds of things, reserving one week, even turning down a very dreamy bike trip through the lavender fields of southern France… I looked at my calendar and said: I have one week open as well. What if they’re the same week? What if? Is it possible? How crazy would that be? It was the same week.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.

bloody hell!!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: that lucky waitress being foever part of their personal mthology :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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What a great actress. Bravo! The performance of a lifetime that was! Pure wifey material too!

Played right into his non existent masculinity. Such a damsel in distress. “Look how popular I am on my own merit. Save me from it all, I am traumatised by my own popularity!
Lies. There are no magazines in Whole foods. Also, no deli counter. He sent her to Whole Foods that is inbthe same building as The Daily Mail. And there are guards at Whole foods so she could have gone to them
Also Daily Mail specifically remembers her walking repeatedly in front of their building for 2 hours, back and forth, until finally one of the journos went out and took some photos to put her out of her misery as tehy had been watching the two hour parade laughing at the obviousness... she purposely went in and out the public gates to maximise being seeing entering and leaving KP
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Meanwhile, in the midst of all this, Meg managed to remain calm. Despite what certain people were saying about her, I never heard her speak a bad word about anybody, or to anybody. On the contrary, I watched her redouble her efforts to reach out, to spread kindness.
She sent out handwritten thank-you notes, checked on staff who were ill, sent baskets of food or flowers or goodies to anyone struggling, depressed, off sick. The office was often dark and cold, so she warmed it up with new lamps and space heaters, all bought with her personal credit card. She brought pizza and biscuits, hosted tea parties and ice-cream socials. She shared all the freebies she received, clothes and perfumes and makeup, with all the women in the office.
I stood back in awe at her ability, or determination, to always see the good in people.
The size of her heart was really brought home for me one day. I learned that Mr. R, my former upstairs neighbor when I was in the badger sett, had suffered a tragedy. His adult son had died. Meg didn’t know Mr. R. Neither did she know the son.
But she knew the family had been my neighbors, and she’d often seen them walking their dogs. So she felt tremendous sorrow for them, and wrote the father a letter, expressing condolences, telling him she wanted to give him a hug but didn’t know if it would be appropriate. With the letter she included a gardenia, to plant in the son’s memory. A week later Mr. R appeared at our front door at Nott Cott. He handed Meg a thank-you note and gave her a tight hug. I felt so proud of her, so regretful about my feud with Mr. R. More, I felt regretful about my family feuding with my wife.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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Our dinner guests were my cousin Euge, her boyfriend Jack, and my mate Charlie. The salmon turned out perfectly and everyone complimented Meg on her culinary talents. They also devoured her stories. They wanted to hear all about Suits. And her travels. I was grateful for their interest, their warmth. The wine was as good as the company, and there was plenty of it, and after dinner we moved into the snug, put on music and silly hats, and danced. I have a fuzzy memory, and a grainy video on my phone, of Charlie and me rolling on the floor while Meg sat nearby laughing. Then we got into the tequila. I remember Euge hugging Meg, as if they were sisters. I remember Charlie giving me a thumbs-up. I remember thinking: If meeting the rest of my family goes like this, we’re home free. But then I noticed that Meg was feeling poorly. She complained of an upset stomach and looked terribly pale. I thought: Uh-oh, lightweight. She took herself off to bed. After a nightcap I saw our guests out and tidied up a bit. I got into bed around midnight and crashed out, but I woke at two A.M. to hear her in the bathroom, being sick, truly sick, not the drunken sick I’d imagined. Something else was going on. Food poisoning. She revealed that she’d had squid for lunch at a restaurant. British calamari! Mystery solved. From the floor she said softly: Please tell me you’re not having to hold back my hair while I’m vomiting. Yes. I am. I rubbed her back and eventually put her to bed. Weak, near tears, she said she’d imagined a very different end to Date Four. Stop, I said. Taking care of each other? That’s the point. That’s love, I thought, though I managed to keep the words inside.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
Suits again, we will hear about it instead of P&G letter.

BTW I refuse to torture myself reading original. Not into S*M. Or should I say this reminds me of Vogon poetry.
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