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None of that outfit goes together, slightly floppy summer hat, slightly too small rain mac, slightly too big white washing up gloves.
Like she's raided the dressing up box.

That snarkiness out of the way, I don't think she dresses THAT bad on the whole, I just think that she is up against Royals who are styled very well by people who know the etiquette. She's styled (if at all) by Americans (sorry Americans!) who just don't know enough (No-one else wore gloves) and she has too strong enough a personality (politely put) to take direction. I doubt anyone is brave enough to point out she needs to wear a larger size (or just get it tailored!).

P.S. I dress like a sack of potatoes on a regular basis and I wore socks with sandals this morning so I'm not exactly a style guru.
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Whilst I understand that you may feel that Price Harry and Meghan have let down the Royal Family by relinquishing their roles I simply don't understand the hate and vitriol towards them. I feel they can't do right for doing wrong. There was talk upthread about them being late for the Guildhall because they were drying tears (or similar) and that they should stay away. They have kept an exceptionally low profile and clearly, the queen wanted them there. Why the hostility towards them? I just don't understand why you can be so cruel about the queen's grandson who she has said 'remains a much-loved member of her family' Is this an anti-royalist thread?
read the other 192 threads in this section and you will find the many, many reasons.
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I don’t understand these sugars coming here and pretending to be all eloquent and inquisitive about why we hate poor smegsie. I don’t go barging into a church and asking people why the fuck they believe in god when they’re in the middle of Sunday service. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it, end of. Fuck off and spend your weekend fantasising about getting pegged by your kween. No one’s stopping you.
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I definitely think they were meant to walk down with the York girls and either Harry refused or he purposefully took his time chatting to the line up so that by the time they were done the Yorks were gone and they could walk down on their own. Like many have said, it makes no sense for B&E to already be seated and then have to get up to let them in, this isn’t any amateur show every tiny thing like this is thought about and planned for. Ultimately though, them getting their own walk in just undermines everything they have said about being trapped, hating the institution and being exiled etc. If they try any kind of negative spin on the visit those images will speak for themselves.
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I just can't get enough of Linley and Tindall blanking them.
"Mate let me take the fluff off your suit"
"Oh look someone's getting a takeaway from 5 guys"
"let's just keep talking shit so we don't engage with them"
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Chilli pepper 19

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She has the "I'm about to cry" or "I've just cried" look she had on the balcony after Hawwy told her to turn around in 2019. She is doing it for the cameras. Cue another Harpo interview where she will claim some sort of victimhood from this event.
And she looks like she used an extra large Sharpie marker for her eyeliner
That really is an awful outfit. Every stylist in the world really does hate her.

I have to admit I'm becoming a big Beatrice fan. She looked lovely today and I really like Eddo too. I just assumed when they got together he was a chancer but he seems a real asset to the family. I imagine coming from Italian arrostocracy he's big on family loyalty. I have never really seen his speak to or interact with Eugenie and didn't again today. Definitely got a Team Cambridge t-shirt under his suit today.

I hope prince Charles is OK and getting the emitting support he'll need from his family. Imagine having to cope with a increasingly frail mother and dealing with a son who you've given nothing but love to, only for them to try and destroy you. I know as future king he needs to disown him but personally I don't know how I could if I was in his place. At least he's got Camilla and Catherine to help
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Not another lost tourist. I'm an active member of Tattle but simply can't understand the abject hatred
Let me spell it out
they inferred the whole of the UK was a racist country
they disrespected HM the Queen when her husband was dying
they went ahead with the Oprah interview where they told 17 plus lies
they are hypocrites- save the planet then take private planes
they are trying to monetise their connections with the Royal Family
Harry turned up at the Lion King to get Megs some voiceover work when he should have been paying his respects to his fallen colleagues

and that is without me thinking too deeply.

Read the wiki. Educate yourself, otherwise you’re just trolling this thread.
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That really is an awful outfit. Every stylist in the world really does hate her.

I have to admit I'm becoming a big Beatrice fan. She looked lovely today and I really like Eddo too. I just assumed when they got together he was a chancer but he seems a real asset to the family. I imagine coming from Italian arrostocracy he's big on family loyalty. I have never really seen his speak to or interact with Eugenie and didn't again today. Definitely got a Team Cambridge t-shirt under his suit today.

I hope prince Charles is OK and getting the emitting support he'll need from his family. Imagine having to cope with a increasingly frail mother and dealing with a son who you've given nothing but love to, only for them to try and destroy you. I know as future king he needs to disown him but personally I don't know how I could if I was in his place. At least he's got Camilla and Catherine to help
Have to agree. I often see negative comments about him but I actually really like him (well, as much as you can like someone you've never met!). He's never once embarrassed his wife or the royal family, always supports her when required, dresses impeccably and respectfully. Despite his background and social circle, he seems to live a low key private life, never blabbed about his relationship with Beatrice or the royals. From what we know of him, he seems a really nice guy and I think Beatrice has married well.
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Chiswick Flo

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I’m not a regular poster on here. It’s all I can do just to keep up with the threads. I go away to do a bit of ironing and come back to 10 new pages and everything I wanted to say has already been covered. Having watched most of the Jubilee coverage so far, it does seem to me that although we are being told that Her Majesty is still very much in charge, this has had Charles and his slimmed down monarchy spray painted all over it. Where you sit in the LoS no longer has any bearing on where you actually sit. It’s all about how hard you work and how loyal you are. Hence the Princess Royal and the Wessex family taking centre stage. And I for one absolutely love it!
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Chilli pepper 19

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I know this isn't the Mike Tindall appreciation thread but.... I wonder if Harry misses the larking about now he's a mardy twat?
I desperately want to be Mike and Zara's new best friend. They seem a right laugh and I bet they've pissed themselves at their antics today. I do also wonder if Eugenie is being a planted in-between? I can't imagine Zara giving her much time if she was in cahoots with the ho
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It is saying something that the only time I’ve ever seen Kate be anything but ‘on’ is when these two are in her face. She must be a master at hiding those expressions of boredom, when she doesn’t really want to be somewhere but turns up….for her to allow even a micro expression of distress at a massive televised event like this one is really telling. Something HUGE must have gone down beforehand. And Charles blowing her a kiss, he’s telling the world in no uncertain terms where his affections lay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him display that kind of affection in public before.
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Do you think he’s ever been boo’d before in his life? It would be a big change from cheers if that’s all he’s ever known
Yes. They were very loudly booed in 2019 at the Royal Albert Hall. Supposedly the same evening she told Hawwy she wanted to kill herself and yet somehow managed to shimmy herself and her size 9months moon bump into that black sequin floorlength £10k evening gown, refresh her Croydon Facelift slicked back nylon bun, reapply her Sharpie eyeliner, takemetobed red lipstick and badger hair eyelashes and squeeze her bunions into the brand new £2k 9inch heeled Manolos.... she made the threat, got dressed up, he didn't know what to do, despite being the fojnding patron of the mental health charity HeadsUp with W &K and having been in therapy for yeas already (thanks to the advice of his brother and sister in law).....
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All the shenanigans displayed by the Harkles so far demonstrate so clearly why it is impossible to ever trust them and bring them back on board full-time or give them half-in, half-out status. They will always be loose cannons and plot to steal attention at every opportunity. No respect for boundaries or other people's children. İf their presence has stressed us and sucked much joy out of the Jubbly then İ can only imagine how stressed out the Cambridges, Wessex's, C & C all feel. İ like to think that TQ is cherry-picking events where she can avoid the terrible twosome. İ expect they will attend the concert tomorrow then fly back soon after. They won't want to stick around for the TQ and her heirs on the balcony. İ am finding it really hard to believe that they have children and that said children came with them. İ think the 'children' are at the heart of their hold over TRF. No-one can spill any beans because of human rights/medical privacy. Meanwhile the Harkles are keeping up a perpetual smoke and mirrors scenario over the kids. İf they can find their way to a window in the royal children's room to merch pinkie rings then Aldi can mingle with the other royal children in the window and be shushed too.
Thank you Doodlebug and Mrs Oh 🥰
BIB your post
This is what I've always thought. This trip has been an unmitigated disaster for the Snarkles and imo it's because they've got no control over anything, the RF have. I can't see any money shots or photos NF could use so far, quite the opposite.
The window pics of The Stoats scowling at the Tindall children were dreadful and Noballs looks like the late Robin Cook. His eyes are even closer together now.

That was the best they could come up with, miles away from the real Royals and shunted into a side room with distant royal babies. The Stoat fumed as William paraded in splendour before an audience of millions, three million people turning out to show respect and affection for the grandmother he trashed.
Today separated by an aisle in St Paul's with zero opportunity of family shots, they were obviously pariahs. Boo'd when they came out, the Queen's grandson called a "dickhead".
Their septic cheerleader Aphid looks like something that's been dug up.
Press reports that they're staying at Frog Cottage, but I doubt it.

The Snarkles are now stuck with their own lying accusations against the racist family who abused them and forced them to flee, stuck because they are now appearing to try and cash in on RF stardust with Netflix shots. Their lies have turned against them and they are getting bad press for it. Karma.

So the Snarkles can't admit that they were ordered to attend. They have to suffer in silence while they are humiliated, the agenda is in RF hands but at the same time they're getting bad press for crawling back. Imo they've not crawled back at all and this trip is nothing at all to do with Netflix.

I think the terms of their visit were laid out in Windsor on the way to IG. But they didn't know how bad the reality would be, they still thought they could wing it. But Harry's desolate face says it all, it's the face of a man who has lost everything even his self-respect, and there's no comfort or love in his life as he threw it all away for a Ho.
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Inspector Gadget LOVE IT 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Trouble is, it looks like zara and co got into a forest green bus. If they were heading to the lunch and hazno and his slag weren't jnvited, it wouldn't make sense for zara to have her own car and the hazno to take the bus, expectjng the bus to do a detour and drop them off at Blackfriars Bridge tube station to go home from there. Looking more carefully, my fellow Tattlers are correct: they arrived after the Bea and Eug van. The arrived in their own range rover and seem to have left in their own range rover. Zara and Mike were looking for the Hawwy-mobile. He probably got to the group of david, peter, zara and mike who all thought they were going to have to run lnterference for the whole luncheon. They thought the dynamic dunces were joining them on the bus but Hawwy said "oh no, we have our own car" neglecting to explain that their own car had the Tower of London as its destination and not the knees-up at the Guildhall. So, breathing a collective sigh of relief and to look helpful and earnest (and to make them go away fater), mike and zara started searching the horizon for said triple armoured vehicle suitable for a VIP (very indulged prick). Quickly mike gave up and engaged in a refresher course of how to score a drop kick with David Linley. Remember Mike has known Hawey from his years as patron of the england rugby team. Not a glance. Not a word. Nuffink. Mike knows Hawwy is a cunt
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