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From today's Guardian .........

The Mail on Sunday will pay the Duchess of Sussex just £1 in damages for invading her privacy by publishing a private letter she had sent to her father.
The nominal sum is set out in court documents that also formally confirm that the newspaper – and its sister website MailOnline – has accepted defeat and will not be taking the long-running case to a supreme court appeal.

The outlet will also pay an unspecified sum for the separate case of infringing Meghan’s copyright by publishing large chunks of the letter.
Mark Stephens, a media lawyer, suggested that the nominal settlement for the privacy aspect suggested a weakness in that aspect of Meghan’s case: “Normally for that kind of invasion of privacy you would expect £75,000 to £125,000. It does show that the curation of her reputation was an area where she had effectively invaded her own privacy.”
The newspaper’s publisher has also agreed to pay a confidential sum in damages for copyright infringement. The Mail on Sunday also faces having to cover a substantial part of Meghan’s legal costs, which could be more than £1m.
The duchess had always said that her three-year legal battle against Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday and sister website MailOnline, was more about principles than money.
If she's donating her copyright sum to the Diana charity as stated in the Sunday Times then we will know what it is...won't we?
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According to '' the reason H&M are "selling" is lack of s Seuriddy...
I think H&M wrote this as PR.

In the Porker interview, (Porker forced Hawwy say.).. the article quotes " That he never even considered that his security detail could be taken away after stepping down as a senior royal. “I was born into this position,” he said. “I inherited the risk. So that was a shock to me.”

"Many surmise that the reason Meghan and Harry want to move is that their home is not quite private enough. Their property itself is gated, but the community is not, so fans and stalkers could literally follow them home, right up to the gates."

"According to information obtained in April under the Freedom of Information police were called to this residence nine times over nine months. The most worrisome incidents occurred on Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas in 2020, when a trespasser identified as Nickolas Brooks drove over 2,300 miles from Ohio to pay the ex-royals an unwelcome visit."

“This must be terribly disconcerting for Harry, who grew up in the royal family in a very controlled environment,”

Noballs and Minge left the top class RF security for uncertainty in the US.
After all this time, Noballs still can't join the dots. They're now spinning that they have to leave Montyshitto because they had believed the RF would provide security but let them down, so they've got to find somewhere "safer".. Everyone lets them down and deceives them = It's the RF's fault they've got to move. Of course it is.

What about this one? Versailles for our Biracial Marie Antoinette from Suits!
It's only $29,500M and has got $1,500 toilet roll holders in gold in all 21 restrooms.
Perfect for all the shit they produce.

Below: Gold Faucet, €10,500....Looks like an Active Tattle "Member" to me.
View attachment 969088
Photos: Aphid, "Heat" Magazine

I pressed the "Archive" button to read the Telegraph article, but it asked me if I was "A Robot" and said I must press Captcha which I did but was unable to progress ....
meep meep, beep brrrrr, meep....brrrr oink

I'm with you on them probably having had a hand in writing it. Quoted from the above:

"Many surmise that the reason Meghan and Harry want to move is that their home is not quite private enough. Their property itself is gated, but the community is not, so fans and stalkers could literally follow them home, right up to the gates."
And their point is?

You can walk right up to the gates of Buck House, KP, Clarence House and Windsor Castle too. Parts of them are even open to the Great Unwashed. Kate's been spotted by the public in the grounds of KP on her way to/from an engagement more than once and she responds with a friendly wave and a hello. She doesn't throw a strop about it.

I know they're now supposed to be private individuals but if you go out there flaunting your titles and playacting that you're still Royal, you're going to attract the same kind of unwanted attention that the Royals get from time to time. And if you're no longer a working Royal living in the UK, you'll be paying for security to protect you from that, which probably costs a hell of a lot more than it does in the UK. It's so obvious that they might be badgering PC or HM again for a bit of "help" from this side of the pond with the cost of their security bills.
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Massage your scalp every day @freda19 , the blood will go to the roots and feed them, and your scalp will feel warm. Don't be rough, but give it a decent go with the scalp, not scratching 🥰 👑 Start now, I'm watching you!! X .... Nag... did you Google circumin?
ETA It will take a few weeks for the new growth to come through, but it will so Do Not Despair.
I'll second this advice @freda19

I had patchy hair loss due to dermatitis on my scalp a few years ago, and a good scalp massage every day works wonders. You might see a little more shedding at first but it won't last long. I also used rosemary oil mixed with olive oil, massaged it into the scalp and left it for at least 30 minutes before shampooing out. That really helped and the regrowth in the patchy areas came back really thick and healthy.

I know it's hard but try not to get too stressed about it, and don't be embarrassed to talk to your hairdresser. They see this all the time. Mine was very supportive and showed me some creative styling ideas and accessories to help me through.
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I am wondering if you all think I should give up swearing on the thread and use Cockney eloquence instead as wondering if my foul mouth offends some of you!!

It would be fucking difficult for me but just need to know especially as we have several new users here.

Bollocks to the Gringers if this is my last swear word!!
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Chatty Member
If they were co-erced for the interview….
What about the website, the archewell audio, Harry’s podcast on genetic pain, the memoirs both are busy writing. If anyone is exploiting anyone it’s them! They’d sell the skin off the Queen’s back to receive funds.
Give me a break, in a bad place? Living their best life in California for a year? Prince Philip was dying when they did that to him and his beloved ones.
Irony is, Meghan flipped at her family for exploiting their connection to her, but has done nothing but that to the RF who she was part of for two years was it? They last did any engagements pre Canada in 2019. Now I think back hasn’t she stage managed her press just as her dad tried to?

moreover, she will milk her connection until the day she dies and beyond. A quick six months work it took to get that proposal.

My own personal view is they’re hiding their time quietly for them, keeping out of headlines, so they can be part of the jubilee and gain more great material for their sequel takes.

then they’ll publish them when the Queen has gone.

that creature he married is a basilisk not a woman, and he’s become a snake as well.

ha, I see that in the face of the world's media mocking them for their £1 victory, Scoobypet was duly dispatched to desperately tell the world that they are getting a "substantial" sum in damages, not just the £1.

How can he know the copyright damages are "substantial", eh? He's such a liar and/or fantasist. Could just be another £1, nobody knows.

He does also claim that the legal costs were $2m. So the lawyers did quite nicely out of it all then. Still probably well worth it for the Mail, given all the column inches they got off the back of the case.

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Ah yes confidential when it’s shady so she can donate a small proportion to charity and claim the sainthood. Won’t be confidential if smoothie has anything to do with it!
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Scotch Mist

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So glad I have my Tattle family to rely on, keep me up to date and make me laugh.

I'm just in hospital recovering from a leg operation, still hooked up to stuff and feeling slightly groggy, but being able to read your posts will help my recovery.

What have the gruesomes been up to today? On my way in this morning, they were on the news but I was in no fit state to take it all in - something to do with her bullying, I think.
Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Hope you get better soon.
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She will have a few lines at 40 and I was just saying she didn’t need to have the photos so airbrushed. Or maybe she’s had Botox, as you’re right in recent photos they aren’t so apparent either. I don’t know, but she has had lines before which aren’t in the photos.

Disliking Meghan & Harry, but also having a healthy dose of cynicism about the rest of them is possible, the two views are not mutually exclusive. The Royal family live a hugely privileged life and have the best that money can buy. I just thought those photos did her no favours.

Sometimes the replies on here are like sugars in reverse.
BIB ... sugars in reverse?
You're right that the two views aren't mutually exclusive, but you can see there's a healthy dose of scepticism here about the RF if you read back?
Some people don't like the photos and say so, there's no mob adulation here like the kneejerk Stans - Kweene Good, Catherine Bad. That is where the danger is, not us, and it's not right to compare any reply you get on here to the hate-filled sugars. We try and investigate everything fairly and everyone's welcome to their views. As a poster here I've said I'm not happy about how the RF have handled things; there are others who are similarly worried and others who think the RF are handling matters well. For that alone, this thread I suspect is a rarity if not unique, pottering successfully along with different views.

I don't know if the photos were airbrushed or whether Catherine's had botox and TBH I don't care. The photos don't represent what she is to me but it doesn't matter. She's a great girl and in her shoes I'd have fallen flat on my face years ago.
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Dooley Doo

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I am wondering if you all think I should give up swearing on the thread and use Cockney eloquence instead as wondering if my foul mouth offends some of you!!

It would be fucking difficult for me but just need to know especially as we have several new users here.

Bollocks to the Gringers if this is my last swear word!!
I say bullocks to them too Nuttynana.

Feck do not change now. Fecken be who fecken you are.
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❤ to all those who are ill. I too must report that I’m under the weather with the dreaded Rona! No illness has ever beaten me and this fucker is getting short thrift as well.

As for the Cali cunts, I hope a huge sink hole opens up and devours their alleged house before they can sell it :devilish:
You've got this. Kick it's arse.
I considered giving up my wee job because some lots of days are tough, but it's only 3 hours in the morning and it's MY money to spend as I please. So, no way Pedro. Even long covid must have a point when it gives up and buggers off.
Yeah, we've got this bubba.

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The harkles are no good
Both have brains that are made of wood
Annoying cunts
& they have no bunce
Bugger off, they both bloody should
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Say it ain't so! If you clean up your potty mouth, what will Fuckers like me do? I've been swearing my whole life, and can't see me cleaning things up now. I will try if must be, but I don't see the point. Can we still call the cunts cunts?
Who suggested a verbal clean up?Ive gone back for a look and I can't see it? Why should we?

Dunno whose idea it was, but they can shut up or fuck off, in my view
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Deluded Sussex clowns are resorting to making up and circulating their own Mail front pages now :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Whatever helps ease their pain I guess

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I think we always knew that Smegz would write a tell all book about her time in the royal family although I thought she would wait until after she'd divorced Hawwy and the Queen had passed on.

How is she remotely qualified to write a wellness book? There are loads of self-help and wellness books on the market already mostly written by people with more to offer than her (although alot are absolute rubbish). She has nothing to offer in this crowded market and only her stans would buy it.

The royal exposure book is all she's got to offer. Perhaps she doesn't want to wait because she knows there's no way back in the UK now and she's hoping to inflict maximum damage while the Andrew scandal is going on. Hawwy's feelings about his family obviously don't count anymore unless he's complicit and still hell bent on destroying them.

We have a saying, "make hay while the sun shines" - she's trying to make money before her "15 minutes of fame" is over.
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Meghan's £1 damages win from Associated Newspapers is worth $1.36. Plenty to spend in..


The U.S versions of Poundland. 😆

Not enough for a Sizzler Salad though! 😉
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So funny, my dear old Mum saw those new photo's of Catherine and said: "But they don't even look like her". I replied, "I just read someone else say that online!". Hmmm. I think it must be a female thing? I think she looks fine. Hmmmm. Strange.

Whatever, as someone said, the plates are going to be hitting the walls in chez Megville this moring. All those servants they must employ for pittance are going to need new brooms!

Expect a photo very soon of Harry hitting Habitat Home and Garden in Santa Barbara with a handful of new plates.
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Re the 'red shoes no knickers' and 'fur coat no knickers' phrases - don't they mean different things?

Red shoes ..... is [I think] meant to indicate the wearer of red shoes is a bit common and most probably loose with her favours.
Fur coat.... is [I think] meant to indicate that the wearer gives the outer impression of being wealthy but the appearance of wealth is only on the surface. Underneath the veneer, they have no money.

Another phrase we all have a different meaning for is 'spitting feathers.'
Ive seen people use that to indicate the person spitting feathers is angry.
Whereas Ive always thought it meant to be thirsty, ie, the fox has gotten into the henhouse, eaten the chickens and is spitting out feathers and his mouth is dry.

Regional and generational variation is fabulous. Bring it on!!
Same with differing views.
Welcome it all.
Maybe a new tattler version for the Cali2 could be -
’All weave - no crown’ 😃
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Happy Anniversary to us 🍾🥂 - On this date 2 years ago, Harry & Meghan put out their "Megxit" announcement!

It's interesting to read back on what they wanted/hoped for (a lot) vs. what they have achieved (very little)

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Instagram: ““After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a…”

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As the saying goes...”The best laid plans...” and all of that!

“while continuing to support Her Majesty The Queen.”
Yes, we all saw your interpretation of support, you ungrateful conniving pair of CONARDS!
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Innocent Hamster

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BIB - “everyone lets them down and deceives them” - everyone lets them down because they have ridiculous levels of entitlement so when they don’t get what they are expecting they feel ‘let down’. They expected the British taxpayer to continue footing their enormous securiddy bill, even though they’d insulted us all, abandoned their royal duties, and scarpered to distant shores. They expected all the perks of royalty too, even though they had ran away from the responsibility. When they were told ‘no’ - they felt let down. They expected to stay at Tyler Perry’s house, presumably rent free, while they acted like cunts and abused his staff. When he asked them to leave - they felt ‘let down’. This has been a consistent pattern with them. The solipsism of this pair is astonishing. They have the self reflection skills of a chest of drawers. As for being deceived - they have deceived themselves more than anything. They deceived themselves into thinking they were bigger than the royal family, that they were going to be megastars and people would be falling over themselves to throw money at them, and that all the A listers would be banging on their door. That level of delusion is on them, nobody else.

Smeggy really thought that Hawwy was her golden ticket into the glitterati. The ageing desperado thought she was finally going to hit the big time…the irony is, it was her big break. But she was too much of a cunt to make the most of it. She couldn’t accept not being top dog, or having to play by RF rules.
@SweetSummerChild I think I love you. You've absolutely hit the nail on the head here; her own ego wouldn't let her see what being a member of the RF gave her.
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VIP Member
I am wondering if you all think I should give up swearing on the thread and use Cockney eloquence instead as wondering if my foul mouth offends some of you!!

It would be fucking difficult for me but just need to know especially as we have several new users here.

Bollocks to the Gringers if this is my last swear word!!
Give up swearing? Never! I’m sure the new users will get used to it sooner or later 😉
Btw, if ever a bit of variety is needed, I can swear in English/Scottish, French and very guttural Arabic. Not boasting, just saying 🤬
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