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Re lawyer and bullying article, anyone else think that they are doing a damage limitation exercise?? I bet 6's wife has no idea when this is coming out and doing a bit of fire fighting. Totally agree that this article, puts pressure on those claiming bullying against her its a kind of passive threatening approach, which is very distasteful.
I saw and IG screen shot of the lawyer Afia, before she was engaged to defend TW. and it was a snide remark about TW! BUT she's not too unhappy to take her money!
I really hope the bullying incidences come up soon now that JK has gone to pastures new. She hasn't sued Valentine Low for his articles on bullying so she knows there is truth there.
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"If" Fark had some sort of physical/developmental disability, the bint might actually get some respect from me if she were to own it, bring awareness to & champion said disability. That would be a good & valid platform for her & might actually show her "compassionate" side, & that she actually gives a damn about others.
Let's hope that its not the case and that Fark is fine - he's got enough to deal with having that pair of vapid, entitled, duplicitous twunts as parents.
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But she is wearing Diana's pearl earrings that alone shall have smeggz losing her temper poor Pablo
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Nice Telegraph article about Kate's life behind the scenes. Smeg gets a couple of mentions.

I wish the press - esp in the UK - would stop comparing and mentioning Smegzy in every bloody RF article - especially when there is anything particularly about Kate - she was not in it for 5 minutes but seems to be shoehorned into everything written or photos printed, there she is in the background with her gurning fake grin. It pisses me off - I brought a newspaper today for the first time in at least 15 years and then remembered why I stopped wasting my money in the first place. They are just gossip columns full of non celebs and petty articles. What ever happened to ‘news’ by real correspondents and journalists ? There was hardly any world news or events mentioned - there is plenty of shite happening - where’s Kate Adie? 😂 Ranty poos over
I have found a gift for Kate’s birthday just need the darts to go with it


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Say it ain't so! If you clean up your potty mouth, what will Fuckers like me do? I've been swearing my whole life, and can't see me cleaning things up now. I will try if must be, but I don't see the point. Can we still call the cunts cunts?
Let it go VB we are partners in crime and I only asked because some people are very prissy.

The cunts of Cuntdom can be used whenever we want to.

Bastard, bollickiing, bullshitting, bumholes of bumble!!
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Innocent Hamster

Chatty Member
I think she thought her appearance on there would make her more likeable.
It had the opposite effect.
This is what makes me laugh the most about them - she spends every waking hour plotting and scheming, trying to outdo the RF, and all it gets her is more and more disliked.

Everything she wanted and could have had, which would have been stage managed by the RF, is now further away from her than ever before.
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Oh man I wish it had been £5 instead of £1

Then the Mail could have sent it as one of these fully legal tender commemorative £5 coins that the Royal Mint put out in 2011 :D



Worth about £37 now looking at Ebay quickly.

There's a Hazno and Megatron Royal Mint souvenir coin as well, but that one only seems to be worth £13 :ROFLMAO:
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Surely VG is only after a cash grab isn't she?

Correct me if I'm wrong but she doesn't strike me as someone who cares about other women or girls that have been trafficked. Is she planning to campaign on their behalf to end trafficking or donate funds to charities supporting them? Maybe I've missed this.

She only appears to be interested in herself and getting as much money as she can. Is she claiming that she is living with some severe trauma that has affected her whole life because she slept with PA? Was she beaten or tortured and kept prisoner as some women are?

I do agree that she was taken advantage of but the 'trafficking' she experienced isn't comparable to the sort of horrors some other women in the world have faced with little or no financial rewards.
Fungus has vowed to support him financially.
I keep feeling I'm missing something here and that PA is almost like a bystander. He's behaved atrociously but this case seems to be a huge multi-million Dollar circus with him as an easy target. He made a big mistake not settling with VG ages ago, but who are the real targets here? VG doesn't seem to me to have been a victim of assault at Andrew's hands as a minor from everything we've seen so far, and she recruited other girls to do the same as she was doing.

What about the other far more dangerous, powerful and wealthy men who are hiding while PA is hauled over the coals? PA has nothing to lose reputation-wise now, but they do. Bill and Bill having massages, on the private jet with youngsters? On Love Island? The great and the good indulging themselves with a pair of perverts, with a convicted sex offender?

Other stuff going on here? Something seems off focus with this whole case, and what a farce that jury member caused with his influencing the jury with his experiences which he should have kept to himself and disclosed at the outset on the questionnaire. Mistrial possible and of course speculation that they were paid to bomb the case.

Ghislaine is an absolute monster and PA an utter moron. VG is a victim but not I.m.o. of trafficking or abuse - not in the sense I understand it - unless any of this took place while she was under age? She seems to have done a fair hit of trafficking of girls for Ghislaine and Jeffrey, which she now regrets.
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I can see Hazno being allowed back to live the life of a hermit on some far distant estate, IF they had to let him back.
Yeah, like Bart Simpson's evil twin Brother in the attic, living off buckets of fish heads ... 🤭

They will have no option but to let him back (with absolutely NO public role whatsoever) if H & M split. He'll effectively be left with nothing. And while plenty of people will believe that's exactly what he deserves, sometimes a man who knows - or feels - he has been left with nothing makes the most devastating choice. The RF will never risk that, regardless of his betrayal.
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Or, not forgetting Smegzy's big win:

Harry and Meghan #142 Rumours, rumours all around, but firstly - just how will Meghan spend her pound?
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Had to laugh when I saw this.

Authenticity? Both have proven to be a pair of shallow liars. How on earth can they be authentic, nor how can they seen to be?

Meghan will say, or do anything that raises her status, even if what she says are outright lies.

Harry just follows, dissing his own family.

This article discusses their approval ratings:

Harry is at zero, Meghan at -17 😆
I might have to donate a Pound Coin to them, in an envelope.

No stamp on it, fuck them- they can pay at the other end 😄😄😄😄🤣😛
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Scotch Mist

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One question about this week's rumours I have is why has her book release been brought forward?

When the publishing deal was announced I thought she was doing a wellness book not a memoire about her time in the RF:

Are they splitting? Something is certainly going on.
I think we always knew that Smegz would write a tell all book about her time in the royal family although I thought she would wait until after she'd divorced Hawwy and the Queen had passed on.

How is she remotely qualified to write a wellness book? There are loads of self-help and wellness books on the market already mostly written by people with more to offer than her (although alot are absolute rubbish). She has nothing to offer in this crowded market and only her stans would buy it.

The royal exposure book is all she's got to offer. Perhaps she doesn't want to wait because she knows there's no way back in the UK now and she's hoping to inflict maximum damage while the Andrew scandal is going on. Hawwy's feelings about his family obviously don't count anymore unless he's complicit and still hell bent on destroying them.
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It's a fungus thing, they all clump together. Fungi are parasites, especially the Common ToadStool the Red Dutch Cap which is poisonous.

If she intends to make a career giving interviews and writing a book about her experiences with Epstein and Maxwell and all their powerful friends, I'd say she's an absolute fool. Get what you can, set up a charity to help others, but keep your head down.
If she mentions the knobs in Hollyweird she better watch out for the man with dark glasses and a violin case!!

Tbh I'm fed up wiv you sitting on the fence Nutty... are you wiv us or are you Team Sussex??? R U a sugar, or a Scrote fangirl??? Cum clean Nutty an stop pissing about!! :devilish:
I am a feckin sugar and love Scrotie and idolise the Cali Cunts.

Just being honest and you found me out so I can piss off the deluded Tattlers🤭🤭🤭
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