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Could it be that idiots like Bill de Blasio see the M&H optics as an opportunity to virtue-signal "anti-racism" to other idiots? That's the only (misguided) political angle I can see.
The last bit of this 🤮 Since when does grifting on a grand scale qualify as "work"?

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There's something very odd going on with the Grifities today.

There's a lot of big movers and Jussie Smollet has gone from 20-odd to 208!

@Murphy Brown I agree re Smeg and Amber Heard, but I also think No6 and Oprah are also grifting now. No6 because he's getting jobs despite having no talent whatsoever and basically whoring himself out and Oprah using her name to produce a load of absolute bollocks and presenting it as the truth.
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All that money and he still looks shit in a suit . William wore a Velvet suit recently and it fit to perfection. The absolute state of them walking around New York holding their laptops as if they are saving the world .
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Brace yourselves! Here we go for Day 2.

Poor little sods at that school. :mad:

You think The Bench will be featured?

And can Hazza actually read words with more than one syllable?
So why is anyone publicising this private visit by private citizens to a New York school?

Can you imagine the conversation/word salad to a class of 7 year old children..........all those buzz words inflicted on innocent children!
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I understand your rage Lily, we all do. The relationship between the BRF and the public is an odd one and probably not easy to understand unless you are from the UK. There's no question of inferiority or worship or wallowing though, as I believe most of us are very proud of our unique RF which has been part of our history for a thousand years, back in the mists of time. It's in our blood, mine anyway, and my children's.

I feel now though that a very wrong path has been taken since the Snarkles arrived, and my belief in the RF has been shaken for the first time in my life and I'm old. What bothers me most is how the RF are dealing with the Snarkles. Not the Snarkles themselves. There's something bad under the surface as the RF have allowed widespread harm to be done for a long time, and there's more to come. Turning a blind eye to the Snarkles thievery and lies and destruction as they strut around representing the Monarchy is unacceptable.

Grey rocking is a cowardly excuse for failure to deal with a malignant cancer which seems to have paralysed the family and has allowed them to be mocked, trolled, ridiculed and undermined. Even the babies. There's something really weird going on here and God knows what it is.

Where to begin? The Snarkles have damaged our society, undermining free speech and respect for authority. Damaged race relations here and in the US with their racial victimhood, trivialised mental health issues on joke chat shows. Their poison is everywhere but they are allowed to continue to spread it. This is why I keep raging about the supposedly clever RF grey-rock strategy. It's been disastrous, as much use as a sandcastle against the tide. You can see the results today, with these lunatic RF "much loved" family members interfering in US politics and growing ever bolder because they are unchecked. Madam Duchess. Noballs's lying memoir to come, which will damage Charles and undermine Camilla and weaken the Monarchy at a vulnerable time.

We're fine while HM is here but once she isn't Noballs will attack. He wouldn't be doing what he's doing if PP was here, as he's a coward. Then there's Charles who's not strong and Noballs knows it. He could well hand over a weakened Throne to William, ghanks to the Snarkles. Absolutely unbelievable. The RF strategy and planning is shit.
C Girl thank you for responding. I am sorry to be so upset tonight and to be writing so unpleasantly. In the last few weeks I have found myself very effected by the September 11 anniversary. I am not far away from the Pentagon as I write this. The division in my country....and the way my country has harmed the world as of late hurts my heart. To see the Harkles prancing and smiling with delight with themselves at the site of the most devastating terrorist attack our country has ever known created feelings in me I find concerning. I feel hate for them (sadly....and I am disappointed in myself for this...and I am sorry if I offend). I cannot understand the RF and the only thing that makes sense to me is that there is terrible information that H has, and he is blackmailing the RF. What else would account for the damage he is being allowed to do? Now....this damage is going far beyond family relations and historical record...and now extends to nations and peoples.
Many people here in the US love GB and the RF because we love our origins and we love history. But we cannot/should not allow the Queen and the RF's possible mis-management of inter family conflict to spill over into the United States to the point that a branch of the RF decides to come here and set up a new royal court....and interfere in our affairs. Especially as we see grift and dishonesty as a major component of that new royal court. This is intolerable.
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Scotch Mist

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Usually a lurker but was expecting somebody to pick up this but did anybody else notice her weird walk to the window for the photo op ?

Welcome new Tattler. Her walk is always weird 🤪 but I see what you mean. Maybe she's afraid of heights?
Although it's probably because the trousers are too long.
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Poor Meghan wearing polo’s in the heat. oprah must have told her they’re slimming. Wearing one out to dinner, and another to the UN. Elizabeth Holmes already tried this look and it didnt work put so good for her.

I just can’t understand why they rolled out the red carpet for these numpties, they don’t even warrant a mention on the CNN app. Pair of feckin eijts
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I have my own theory about the outfits she has worn so far on this failed trip .......... portable saunas.

Why not kill two birds with one stone .......... money for merching while sweating off the pounds, so not as daft as it looks. 😂
Maybe the money situation is worse than we imagined - hence Smegzy’s 2 friends helped out with her royal tour wardrobe

Melissa MacCarthy loaned her the red jacket as it doesn’t fit her anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


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The UN/Bill Blasio have met with them. If they think there is any link to the RF and it’s power, they will learn soon that it’s not.

MM and PH can provide a new oven to a soup kitchen in Queens, that’s about their level, and the UN and Bill have probably realised that pretty quickly.

I see Megan was missing last night. She must have been rinsing her solo Polo in the hotel sink.
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Slightly OT but a nice palate cleanser this afternoon from William, who's secure enough not to put lifts in his shoes when standing next to someone taller :poop:

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I bet Meghan's 'people' were told by a foaming-at-the-mouth Meghan: "We HAVE to get Emma Rada .. radao ... ra, that girl that won Wimbledon!!

Well played Kate. Kate's people played a blinder. And fair paly to Emma's parents, I bet Megab1tch threw millions at them.

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Has anyone let MM know that Elon Musk is available? What a blessing it would be if she dumped H and took up with Musk. Problems over for the RF. How can we make this happen Tattlers?
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Is it just me or is the coat navy and her trousers black, and why are they so long?
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That's the problem with these slebrities who have the life photoshopped out of their image, when they actually turn up looking as they are people are wtaf is going on here?! Week by week his Royalness is being drained out of him, he gave it all up and for what?

I cannot get past seeing Haz looking like he's dressed out of a rag bag. It shocks me every single time. How is this acceptable to him?
Haha İ think it was a serious misjudgement to release the heavily manipulated Time cover images and then turn up not long after being papped and filmed as they really are and looking so totally atrocious as well.
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Fukin sugars are loving the Madame Duchess thing :sick: 🤮

I see they had Chelsea Clinton along at the meeting today, where they all had their important ring binders (another total prop. haven't they heard of ipads or laptops which is what normal people take to meetings these days?). I mean if you're going to go in for the whole Foundation scam, might as well learn from the absolute masters of it?

I think the last time I had any kind of binder at a meeting, was around 1995, when my company used to send me on training courses, and you got the manual to take away at the end. Ever since then, small notebooks and eventually laptops/ipads.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Thank you @cassandra and @spangly for excellent new fred and title.

The DM headline says "Snarkles (not really) Take New York". Well, I wouldnt put it past them, let's face it they snitch everything else she can get her (simian) hands on.
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