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looks Navy to me - WB wearing black!
I know they are being “respectful” wearing black but the turtle neck and coat? She must reek of sweat - why not a black blouse and trousers would still be respectful!
Maybe she's like Andrew... And "doesn't sweat" 🤣🤣
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No point in saying something should be done if you have no idea what. I'm the same as you - very frustrated with them, but telling them to not use their Royal titles has failed - they just take no notice as they know the RF have no comeback. IF the RF tried to sue, remove their titles or even tried to get parliament to remove them from the LOS then all hell would be let loose - the racism accusation would be thrown again.
I'm afraid I can see no way out only to grin and bear it until the twunts burn themselves slowly but surely a bit at a time. Their popularity is waning - the celebrities are steering clear of them, any friends they had are distancing themselves. It will take time but, if they carry on as they are doing, more and more people are seeing them for what they actually are - attention seeking, money grabbing frauds, and they will bring about their own downfall in due course.
Just a little suggestion which worked for me ..... get a hobby, concentrate on that but keep an eye on the Gruesomes and have a good laugh at their escapades but DO NOT get bothered by them. Treat them like you would a long running soap program because that is all that they are.
Perfectly said. At first I too was yelling for the removal of titles etc etc but I have now come to realise it would make no difference. They would continue to use them anyway and if they do, then what on earth could TQ and RF do about it? Get tied up in some legal stuff by suing etc. That would be more ammunition for them to bite back and rear the ugly racism claims. Let’s face it, racism claims, whether rightly or wrongly, get some leverage in this crazy mixed up world we live in.

I have also stopped worrying about the LOS to be honest. They are so far down the ladder that it would take a major catastrophe for them to ever take the throne. And I totally believe the British people and the Commonwealth would never allow it. The monachy would end before they get on the throne. They are so unpopular that even monarchists would join the chorus of end the monachy before they got anywhere near the bloody throne.

TQ could come out and remind everyone they do not represent her but apart from that what else can she do with a couple of ego driven narcs who simply don’t play by the rules.

If we were back in the Tudor days they would have been beheaded by now, Oh what a beautiful dream.
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Ermmmmm i think i might need an intervention, i'm feeling sorry for her as she's obviously really self conscious about the extra weight :eek::eek:

Nobody told her to go and parade around NYC. If she's self conscious, she should have saved us all the horror and stayed at home.
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A clipped photo of his left leg - that doesn’t look like a phone but also it is the middle of his leg - so either a long deep odd shaped pocket or he is wearing some odd device - what could it be? If not clear check out the picture from the second link @JAR21 posted -
eta 2nd pic is slightly better
Quoting my own post - could it be his chastity belt


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Wimbledon anon here.
I had a meeting (If I may call it that) with someone who was present during the Markle Debacle and got fired because of their actions. I don't blame this woman at all, she was trying to do her job. What happened is that Meghan was late and was told by an event planner that she is breaking the dress code. The planner asked her to take her hat off and if she has a change of clothes because no one wears jeans in the main boxes. She told the planner "Do you know I can fucking fire you? Do you know who I am?" and her friends just laughed. Then she skipped security (everyone must go through it, even royals). She wanted some specific red wine in the lounge and they had to explain to her they can only get her local stuff at such a short notice. She had none of it. Her friend had like 4 Pimm's cups under an hour and was telling innapropriate jokes to staff. Meghan was cussing all the time and smiling like a psychopath at the camera. Then came the infamous box emptying incident.
She came to that match with a 20 min notice. The RPOs were gobsmacked at the rush and one of them confessed it was his day off but they pulled him out to escort her to the match. They had to allocate the entire box because no one had been background checked and Markle was laughing all the time at watching people leave. She said "This is just for us!" Not all people in the box could find seats so they lost around £15k on that incident in tickets only due to refunds. Some of then threatened to sue. Then came the bomb.
The Duke of Kent and the Duchess of Cambridge were on a conference call. Catherine sounded apologetic and Prince Edward sounded on the verge of tears. He said that never in his life time has a member of his own family done something on that level on his event and offered to pay the ticket difference and Catherine did the same. One of the RPOs very openly complained about Meghan and said that he believed she got very drunk with her friends. Catherine sounded horrified and apologised profusely. The Duke of Kent hosted a private dinner for everyone involved but the people who accomodated Meghan got fired because they cost the tournament so much. This person said she knew she is going to get fired the moment they couldn't find a spot for people who actually came on time and paid their tickets. By the way, Markle didn't leave a single dime there. Prince Edward and Catherine covered that out of their own pockets.
I don't know what else to say except for disgusting. She cost several people their jobs and possibly made the lovely Prince Edward cry. So much on members of the royal family making her cry.
What I don’t understand is why anyone would just take that kind of abuse. My wife worked in VIP hospitality for years and never came across this type of behaviour. Yes she’s dealt with a few dicks, in fact her response to wandering hands was to accidentally pour hot coffee in the offenders lap. Christ, if someone had treated her like that they would have been laying in a pool of their own blood about 2 seconds later!
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Evening everyone :) What a lot to catch up on tonight!

Thanks @Cassandra333 for starting the new thread and I'm so pleased my title won!

I love how the Aussies have described her "bush pig slapper bully" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

That outfit is not flattering at all - what's with these silly long legged, flared trousers? (Even when Kate wore them, they didn't look great)
I remember wearing them in the 90's and they would always get wet and soak half way up your leg if it was raining! If you've lived that fashion trend once (and you know how crap it was) you probably shouldn't revisit it again. Goodness knows that no666 definitely lived through that wide leg trouser trend in the 90's and also possibly in the 70's too!
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Pom Bear

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I'm on page 43..I be catching up later today 🥰 There be a new thread 🧵 by then.

I leave this here and catch up later from this page 🥰

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So do we think this is one of those lace wigs? The parting seems very white of a WOC!

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 15.46.36.png
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Murphy Brown

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I feel sorry for them.
They cant go anywhere without being hounded by hoardes of press.
Must be awful when all you want is privacy.

Poor lambs.
It is hard. But there's just a natural, organic interest in them since they are such superstars. She is a huge Hollywood talent and he is the powerhouse of the BRF.
Unfortunately, this is why they need private jets etc. The interest is just so big that they can't live like normal people. Of course their net worth is approximately $2.50 and they think they need the life of Bezos, but it's because of their STAR QUALITY. Just huge stars! (stars of what, I can't quite recall, but it'll come to me, I'm sure).
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Sorry I don't generally contribute to this thread but I just have to say - what the fuck do these two think they're doing? Have they forgotten they've left the BRF? They're essentially celebrities now, so why all this publicity shit pretending to care about these places they're visiting, as if they are members of the royal family? We don't see any other celebrities doing shite like this. I know they're a pair of arseholes but I'm genuinely so confused.
Join the club bubba. This has been HER goal all along. To be Angelina, with the great roles in movies and doing the Saintly stuff on the side.
She fell lucky snagging the dopey ginger cunt happy to give her anything and everything but made the huge mistake of thinking that control of him gave her control of the real Royals.
She secured him with her magic minge and here he is, carrying her bag/ring binders and sitting on the floor with his builder's crack on display listening to her bilge ... doing the exact gigs he did for Brenda, the ones he says he hated ... and his dream of a quiet life in Africa with the heffalumps is all he has left.
Why is she being afforded this 'royal' treatment? Because the names she's dealing with are all connected via politics or Sunshitesucks PR and they scratch each other's backs. Simple as that.
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I occasionally tell my other half stuff they do that is cringey or ridiculous and mentioned the ‘royal tour’ yesterday. He commented that he has no idea what they are doing (unless I mention it), and that any news just goes over his head as they are of no interest. He’s ex-military and no longer sees hazza as ‘hero Harry’. He reckons most people see them as irrelevant hypocrites.
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Chatty Member
Oh my god! Meghan is going to need to apply a cold compress to some of these burns. 😂🤣
I reckon she reads the comments here, so here's one just for you Smegsy...Right back atchya you freaking nutcase. You are the laughing stock of the world and nobody will ever take you seriously. You are looking more and more like your trailer trash family every time we see you.
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