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Erk, I had to google it!

Back in the day, I read a magazine that said, you know if you are fat if you can stick a pencil under your tummy fat and it stays there! When I was a teenager, that was my barometer to fatness! Nowadays, I can stick a whole pencilcase and geometry set there for safe keeping! Like when people carry their phones in their bras, I'm always ready for that unexpected need for a coloured pencil!

On topic...No6 keeps his crayons on him at all times too, just in case he needs to jot down any material for the epilogue of his memoirs! I'm just not exactly sure where he stores them - maybe the heads come off of the dollys and he keeps them in there!

ETA - just seen Kim K's Met Gala outfit - erm, what massive flaps!
Lil Nas - wow! (I actually love this outfit)
Debby Harry - how is she 76?
Be careful what you do with the protractor!
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Nah, no harm to lil Lil but she can stay in America, I've no interest in seeing her get Royal dipped when her parents are not religious and are hateful cunts. Do her in the jacuzzi with everyone in bikinis and smoking weed, their favourite pastime.
Which reminds me, why do we never see her in swimwear, or doing something athletic. The bitch got a brand new tennis court in Frogmore, despite a communal court being just 5 mins away, yet we've never seen her play, never seen her in tennis whites in recent years. Even Kate, a future queen consort and who birthed 3 kids, gets pictured being athletic or wearing shorts (like on their recent holiday with the kids).

But, as AB would sort of say, that's not why I called. :mNo, remember the rumour the other day that she'd ditched or been ditched by Sunshitesux ?
I don't read sugar shite (spit) but comments about them pop up in the feed of people I follow. Well I came across this last night and it seemed to impress 'our' big guns on there(Luca etc) as important. But looking at it I'm wondering if the lovely Tina, a leader among the sugars and chief shit spreader, is/was a sunshitesux paid plant. One of their team planted on twitter to rally the troops when needed. Her stuff seems super well worded and planned for a sugar. Plus saying "There isn't any news" :unsure:on the gruesome twosome kind of smacks of "we're done with them.... see ya around...."

Ooh interesting!
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I did watch it and as much as it kills me to admit it I don't recall any boos, there were some slight jeers at Piers nomination and then I switched off in disgust when A+D won aga
Watched it too, I am 90% sure there was no audience noise during that montage... The boos for Piers were heard during the "Best Presenter" section.
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Aussie viewers thomas Markle Snr supposed to be on Sunrise tbis morning sometime. Hubby channel surfs between news so will probably miss it.
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Happy Lady

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Editing because the attachment didn't work.Sharon: I refuse to be victim of cancel culture

Good for Sharon. Stick with your ideals and support your friends.
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Dooley Doo

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I have had a bit more of a think about this. I thought that the charity was sorted and it was one of the other companies. Hence the suggestion for them to put creative media activities/entertainment (depending on how it is being reported) as the purpose. Or is it the Archehole Inc company that the non profit Archehole Foundation and the two other companies, Archehole Productions TM Reg. UK - Netflix and Archehole Audio TM Reg. US - Spotify.
If any of these company names are not trademarked or patented can they still use them for their stated projects.
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Another vote for the Freda love here too.
And i love Chita
And Scotch Mist
I'm so with you
And Pom Bear
And Cassandra
in fact i love the whole bloody lot of you.
This thread is the sanest place on the internet.

I'm so with you!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (y)(y)
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Has she got a jaw malformation? She keeps closing her lips over her teeth in a weird way, and the underbite jutting out doesn't help. Maybe the veneers are loose? In this slow motion video you can see the muscles in the hinges of her jaws bunching and forming knots. There's a lot of anger and rage, her eyes are full of hate, and she actually looks unhinged but blink and you miss it. What on earth did Noballs marry? She's full of testosterone and violence. No wonder children and animals shun her.
She looks like a neanderthal ll
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I like the beginning of this video, have only heard the start, about to settle in with a cuppa and listen to the rest
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All of the media ( with some exceptions- very few) are very left wing now & p.c. , and will simply gloss over things they dont want to address, or report on,if it doesnt suit their views & opinions.
But its all right, as far as they are concerned- " it isnt Trump" .
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No, deffo Chas. It was pre wedding and he was asked something about No6 needing to make a decision about something and he replied "No point in asking Harry about anything, he's too cunt struck".

Anyhoo, since we are nice and quiet.........
for all you cat people, don't say I never give you anything.

You're welcome.:m
Aw thank you @freda19 , really appreciate your gift 💖💖.
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I freaking despise Killary. That bitch has always had such an air of entitlement about her. When she was running for the Senate seat in NY, she had this attitude like she knew she was going to win. (And who knows? With the way things went with our last election, perhaps those sneaky libs have been at this for longer than we suspected.) I think one of the reasons she won (besides being Bill's wife) was that after a debate, when she went to shake the other guy's hand (I can't remember who it was) he flat out walked away from her. It was a stupid and childish thing to do even if Killary is a POS, and it probably cost him the Senate seat.

Always remember she has "cankles."
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Wasn't there a suggestion earlier on - cannot remember where - for a new thread titled "Meggie does Palace" or something like that? Will search to make sure crediit is given where due :)

Quoting my own post - it was initially @IngressUK followed up with a rousing endorsement by @Mairag :cool:

Only if it got more votes than the other thread suggestions.

Which seems like a good time to remind everyone,

If you have a title suggestion you need to highlight it in bold and put a #Meghan&Harry and the thread number so that the new threadstarter can easily find the one with the highest total number of votes when they look through the most popular posts in thread tab. If its highlighted in bold it is easier to spot.

Otherwise equally excellent suggestions may get overlooked.

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She gets super aggressive with raw chicken for some reason... any other raw meat and she is fine... maybe she's been practising for the task
Tell her she can have the real thing soon when the Woof squad is up and running, she is a lovely girl🐕🐕🐕🐕
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