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VIP Member
Why do some people become so obsessed and stan famous people?
All that Beyonce arse sniffing makes me heave 🤮 time to cover it up IMO

There are musicians, singers and actors that I've admired over the years but I've never thought that their talent means that they are beyond reproach and perfect human beings.

The crazy fans can't stand it if you criticise their idol and can’t have the amazing Kween they love and admire be harassed by plebs. Who are we to judge the amazing other-worldliness of this perfect human specimen? 🤮

Smeggy's stans all need to be assessed for mental problems 🤧 but most of them probably can't go to the toilet on their own 😁
just so much no with that pic.
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On Tumblr someone commented that they haven’t been seen together since Oprah- is that true? It’s 6 months since the interview. There was the juggling but that could have been anyone to be honest. Any other times?
I think porka has other things on her mind.

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Dooley Doo

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There is news being circulated in the papers that Piers Morgan has cut his face trying to leave the GQ awards to avoid H's speech.
PM was supposedly there celebrating the Ofcom verdict.
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Please don't think James O'Brien is cleverer than you. We have heard him giving strong opinions on subjects that are within our fields and not only is he wrong but he shows a lack of understanding and a reluctance to enquire further if it suits his narrative. There would be absolutely no point trying to point this out because he would cut us off and then say something rude once he was safe.
We cant stand him.
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
I've been surmising for ages that they are heading for bankruptcy. They are paying for a huge mansion (possibly) and have employed loads of top staff for Archewell that won't come cheap

Most of their money has been spend on ridiculous amounts of PR. Sunshine Sucks costs a fortune and they have 12 people employed to do PR for them. Obviously none of it works, they keep flinging shit and puff pieces but nobody likes them any better.

The fact that they keep repeating this behaviour and demonstrate no humility shows that the pair of them are mentally ill.🤪

Perhaps that's the reason Hazno wants to come back. Wifey has told him to get access to the rest of his fortune 🤔
I wonder how much of a donation H got from the billionaire for Vaxaid (H couldn't stick around for his Grandma's birthday because of the meeting) and if it went through Archehole.
Have the financials been released for Archehole yet or are they in a State charities do not have to submit accounts.
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Well-known member
Has everyone forgotten that St Di's letter revealed that she was frightened of dying in an arranged car accident so PC could marry Tiggy, and that Camilla was just a distraction?
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Can anyone remember another Oprah interview being called out where so much untruth was picked up?

She must have been in on it. The faked 'British' headlines, the three day before marriage, the lack of titles being normal. Staff allegedly telling her about the moonbump. No way would she have not known all this.

I wonder what made her go down that path for H&M.
I can think of one reason 😒😒😒😒
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VIP Member
I just get a blank page, anyone else?
I've tried two browsers.
Blank page for me too.

Wonder what the week to come will offer?
Will we see a picture of the phantom dollies in the dungeon? Will we hear about 666's cosy chats with her Maj about wafflemakers - maybe she's zooming to put in her requests for the dollies' Santa lists already? Will 6 get a private jet back to the UK to to try and gain entry into the Queen's bedchamber (a la Michael Fagan) to get his hands on some of that cash stashed under the bed?

I wait with baited breath!
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Pippa M

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Isn't it mad that HM is the target for a visit ....not PC dad and doting grandad.... Not PW his right hand man since they were kids .. but going straight to the top ... If we were away and had a kid would go we see the bank manager for example before our parents and siblings ? Let's hope there is a fierce ring of steel around her advising against bowing to their request
I am sure there will be advisors and many reminders that *recollections may vary* but TQ is a softie ...and also her christian values stand in the way... have to forgive.... so possibly there will be a meeting...eventually.
I still fear the Hazzards have some sort of hold over the RF..... so a lot of bending rules is going on so nothing too terrible is revealed.
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Chatty Member
I just found this post on Tumblr which makes a good point and made me laugh 😅

'They don’t want their children to have a relationship with Harry’s family, they want them to have a connection with The British Royal Family, which is why we get all the demands, phantom invites, and threats. JH’s complete incomprehension as to why his family were so ‘frosty’ makes me think that despite having the greatest social and educational advantages in the world Harry’s intelligence level is on par with being watered twice a week.'
I initially read your last sentence as "on par with watercress"
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
Arsewhole, love it!

Given that no celebrities associate themselves with Meghan anymore, I strongly doubt they are shoving money into Arsewhole. Danielle Elser, who I hate, wrote an article that actually succinctly pointed out that they are now tabloid fodder only:

They are no longer taken seriously by anyone.

Meghan stood by and was quiet when her 'friends' Ellen and Jessica Mulroney were targeted by the press - she's got no chance anymore of anyone standing up for her. Surely even Elton thinks she's a bit of a cunt at this point?

BIB I bloody love this!! Elton and David must surely know which side their bread is buttered...
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Murphy Brown

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I have been watching an extraordinary nature show called Eden, narrated by Helena Bonham Carter. I have been a HBC fan since Room with a View. Blessed with delicate beauty and extraordinary talent, she has always marched to her own drum in terms of projects, partners and fashion. Her performances have always been unique, apropos and nuanced. She is an excellent narrator.

It is comical to compare her to the sixwife's voice over for that ill fated elephant film. I am a total elephant fan girl. I remember going to the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, when they had the equivalent of gumball machines, wherein you put a quarter and got a handful of yummy elephant food. Then I held my hand out filled with elephant goodness for a soft, lithe elephant trunk to gently suck the food out of my hand. Ever since that experience I wanted my very own trunk. But Gott in Himmel, the sixwife's narration was unspeakably ghastly. (I am not referring to the Kyle Dunnigan versions which are bloody brilliant) but to her pedantic, nasal, flat voiced, awkward, and prosaic delivery. That creature is a black hole of talent. Firetruckin' Elephants deserved better.
Omg Lucy Honeychurch....she was so perfect. She is great but part of me wishes she had stayed that perfect period drama English rose. But of course that wouldn't have been creatively fulfilling.

But then I suppose we were given Crispin Bonham Carter in Pride and Prejudice. So not all was lost.

I would definitely buy a book with all your illustrations. They are brilliant.
I am so selfish I want to commission her. The drawings are beautiful and quirky, like Quentin Blake's.
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