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If the whinging Prince's memoirs have been rushed out for this Christmas - it should be on sale soon!
Wonder if that is the blackmail tool they were using to get the Christening they wanted - looks like their demands haven't been met, so the early book release is a F.U. to the Royal Family.
Poor old Queenie - I'm looking forward to hearing what he's got to cry about though!
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Thank you @spangly for the super title, @kev1974 for the recap and @JAR21 for the great thread title that just lost out.
On the left is Atavar Sid from Dagenham, a cousin of @Pom Bear on his dad's side. New boy on the block and looking for luuurrrve. He's seen that Pom's famous and he wants a job so is posting himself here. Any takers? He likes resting, is a big lad and likes his food as you can see, but says he is genuinely looking for work. ....Gissa job....
If you like the look of this lad, sweep right. For more hunky Corgis, sweep right too.

I agree, they shouldn't have put up with any of it. At the first sign of racism blackmail they should have shut the whole circus down. They have the best resources in the world to deal with this sort of thing, and could easily have exposed H&M and kept their hands clean. They had enough evidence, and the RF are as good at this stuff as Mossad. Leaks about yachting, released film clips, anything. They should have called their bluff, leaked the evidence and ridden out the storm which would have been short-lived.

I used to think the RF had played a blinder but not any more, as they've allowed the Monarchy to suffer ongoing damage for three years and sre still being jerked around by a pair of a..rseholes who show no sign of letting up.

Yes, people have seen how vile H&M are. They are vile. That is no consolation and for me the price paid by HM and Prince Philip alone has been far too high. Just look at the films and books that are coming out which would never have seen the light of day if the RF had acted decisively instead of dithering, wringing their hands and hoping all the nastiness would either run its course or go away. Minge will now be dying under the wheels on Netflix, while Noballs hobbles to her side in a grisly enactment of his mother's death that aims to skewer his poor father and point the finger of blame at him.

The hounding the RF will continue because it is being allowed to continue. Regardless of hindsight, nothing appears to be being done to deal with these two unless there's stuff we don't know about. Consulting solicitors and a feeble fight-back over Noballs's treasonous "memoir"? It's all too late, dignified grey-rocking and going about their Royal Rota duties, the lot.

I'll for ever support our beloved Monarchy but believe they've played and are still playing this wrong. Noballs should long ago have been living in obscurity, with no titles nothing, quietly supported by PC if necessary.
Made big mistake with avatars, still learning how to do it. Have reposted this now with Avatar Sid correctly displayed. He's a Corgi not a baboon.
ETA soddit he's a baboon again. Wtf
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Chatty Member
Are you in my head? I tend to agree very much with your take on things.
Yes, this is another gauntlet thrown down for attention and hopefully the Family will just ignore it and step over it as they carry on with business as usual.
They are not important enough to demand a meeting with anyone. I bet even Sunshitesucks would love to be able to ignore her.
Your reading all my thoughts too!!
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the musician

Chatty Member
Pretty much confirmed that Haz will be in the programme on Prince Philip, but at least the wife won't be there.

the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, have taken part in the one-hour programme.
Neither the Duchess of Sussex nor the Duchess of Cambridge nor any other spouses of the Queen and Philip’s grandchildren will appear.
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liar liar

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In my imagination there is a room filled with unsold copies of The Bench book and they are covered with spider's webs,
Rather like Miss Havisham's wedding cake.

The spider and little web is my hint to that.
You've reminded me of the daft Southern news story from yesterday about some unqualified person testing a new computer system at Swale council. They managed to actually approve and disapprove 4 or 5 applications which can now only be overturned by a high court. One of them they approved with 4 provisos 1. (I can't recall) 2. Incy 3. Wincy 4. Spider - I kid you not...

My pussies are ready for Patrol! My tuxedo kitty is always on high alert (when it's food time - so the lure of roast chicken will keep him on his toes) and my tortie girl will give the 6's what they really deserve - total disregard. She is the mistress of aloofness! She will turn her snooty little nose up and walk right the pair as if they don't even exist!

View attachment 753389View attachment 753382
I used to have a tortie the same colouring - I loved her to pieces - she was called Twiglet and got crushed by a thresher.
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Wackie Jeaver

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What total crap she spews she screwed everything that moved and the only reason she stays in with him is because she is as welcome as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip everywhere else. The Mother of the gurning,. grinning grunts and the ex Wife of the fat shaghorse.

Not surprised that the world sees the RF as weaklings with this family from hell and that Ginger bumboy!!
BIB what a bloody marvellous turn of phrase @Nuttynana - going to steal that for future use :ROFLMAO:
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Omg glad you are ok, Misty! And welcome! Muricans are definitely made to feel welcomed here, despite the repugnant she-cunt MM.
My (few remaining) friends in NYC said it was epic... and incredibly it was the exploding toilets that was the common theme: geysers of filthy water spewing out of toilets as high up as in the 9th floor. I never saw anything like that while living in NY and NJ, and I was there for Hurricane Sandy (no flooding in NYC at all, for instance). And this happened twice this summer in nyc.
Here in London the two floods we had this summer, it was very much ground and lower ground properties but here too there was the phenomenon of spewing toilets, but also spewing municipal drains/manholes. In my 25 yrs here I've never seen that. Was the Penn flooding mostly overflowing rivers?
btw: Pennsylvania got a good hammering, too. Lots of roads turned into rivers and some people flooded out of their homes still. The river near our house flooded so much that it was covered our park up to the pavilion - at the same level that it flooded to after a bad hurricane that hit our area 10 or so years ago. Thankfully, we live up on a hill.
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VIP Member
I keep wavering between:
Yay, the queen will do what's right

The cunts will be kween

It's an annoying Rubik's cube
It's a jigsaw with the corners missing
It's a big shit in the toilet that just won't flush, then you get a wire coathanger adapted to try and poke it down, but no!
It still persists

16 toilets, let's have an orchestra!
Let's do
A Royal Flush! ♠♣♥♦
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Wolf Dottir junk sounds par for the course for the sly and vicious Phony Mulroney. A pretentious designer, shallow nasty and vulgar.
Wolf is a "she/her artist, witch, existential crisis expert, lover of the cute and weird, childless MILF.....Sarcasm aficionado"
"You can buy a complete Mesh Northern Barbarian Outfit, fur skirt, fur top, mesh boots, pendant, armshields... "
Can't wait to go to the Post Office wearing these on pension day.

"Satan" themed plates of HM and PP, designed by a fraud who is not fit to clean their shoes. Plates promoted courtesy of the vile JM, bosom viper mate of the equally vile Minge.
In other words, overpriced trash flogged to poseurs like Phoney Mulroney who think they are soooo cleever and sooooo cool. Sarcasm aficionado my arse.
Wolf Dottir should restyle her /she-self / themselves Wolf Torfur which is Wolf-shit.
I agree but still I like the idea of minge serving his food on this plate. Would explain why he does as she says.

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Honestly? Because it doesn’t matter. They are so far from the throne, even if for some catastrophic event Harry moves up to number two, my guess is the monarchy would be abolished before that happens. With this they don’t have to deal with “but what about Andrew?” (A well deserved question in my opinion. I really hope Charles ends this ongoing travesty) and no one can accuse them of anything.
I really don’t get why people still get their knickers in a twist. Nothing they did was actually successful. They couldn’t hold onto their status, their collaboration idea was thrown out, everyone has realised they are a sell-out, their business ventures have shown no promising out put till now, their claims get more absurd and hysteric ever time and brought them certainly no new supporters, even their copied stuff falls flat… they are sunken to the same level as her family, Fergie and Uncle Garry. People read it for the drama and entertainment but most don’t take them seriously and if they had to choose wouldn’t pick them. His book might be a nuclear bomb, fittingly released around the Platinum Jubilant for the highest numbers, but it won’t truly rattle the grounds of the crown. They have lost all goodwill and credibility within the UK. Even the anti-monarchists don’t like them. It will only help them to establish them in the US. And if the US public endorsed them enough, that’s their problem. I also doubt H&M would like to see the monarchy actually abolish. It’s what makes them special after all.
Yeah this. Anyone who's still worried about tHe LiNe oF sUcCeSsiOn needs a deep breath & maybe a chill pill. The C family isn't even legally permitted to all fly together so...?

At this point WE are the reason the Harkles are surviving. Their PR, or whatever machine is working for them, thrives on the controversy. If all anti-Sussexers decided right now to leave tattle, leave twitter & stop clicking/commenting on articles, youtube vids etc. the whole thing would fizzle out sooo fast. Scobie, Mulroney and the other lesser players would see themselves fading from photographs like in Back To The Future. The 6s aren't some watertight enterprise like Oprah/Obamas or Goop -- they don't have enough diehard true supporters to keep them afloat. If anything they'd lose more of their already dwindling fanbase, because so many squaddies just stick around in solidarity to help oppose the antis. Where there's no conflict there's literally nothing to shake 'n bake up for the media anymore.
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Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I tend to forget that HM is no fool and actually in a more calm and dignified way she has dealt with them. It’s her way, maybe not my way. A kick up the backsides and a removal of titles and LOS is what I want. I want TQ to humiliate them publicly and tell them publicly to shut the f@@@ up. But that’s not becoming for a Queen now is it? If I took the time to actually add up the things the two losers didn’t get, its a pretty good list. The Queen is dealing with them in her own dignified way, all class.
I watched the last part of the film The Queen the other day. The end part where she meets Tony B’liar’ after all of the Diana drama. She turned to him and said ‘1 in 4 wanted the end of the monarchy‘ ( words to that affect) and he said ‘yes but only for a very short time’. Struck me then that as much as I loath him TB did have a good grasp of public opinion at that time in history which I really don’t think Buffoon Boris has. I doubt he would have the backbone to tell her even if he had the slightest idea - which IMO he doesn’t - what TRF need is someone to tell them straight what she must do, it is no use being the proverbial ostrich any longer and hoping it will all blow over.
The crux is that we pay for them to live this life and I do not see/feel/hear any of them reaching out to say we are listening and will act.
As each day passes I am genuinely questioning why I should keep paying taxes (not that I have much choice where my money goes) for their upkeep. Am grumpy-poos today and so fed up with Mr and Mrs BS spewing away with no recourse. Rant over 😬
ps Even if there is any truth that ‘they’ are down to their last millions and hitting skid row - I would lay good money her and Dorito’s millions haven’t been touched and are very safely hidden away. I hope she has bled him dry and TQ/PC tell him to do one and spin if Hazzno asks to be bailed out 🥴
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Oo I reckon Moonpig would love to sell a Harry piss-take birthday card!
I'm just looking at 'Thortful.' You can upload your pix, they pay you a cut if someone buys one of their cards featuring your work. Don't know if Moonpig do that.


[Not having much luck creating a weasel that looks like Harry. 😂 ]

Are there ginger weasels?
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Sir Piers Morgan??

A Knight hood is over egging the pudding. But yes, some recognition for his services to journalism would be a gentlle slap in the chops for the gruesome twosome. But there again it could also be viewed as vengeful, so :unsure:
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Ahhh another black cat, mine is just the same, a right miserable fucker, my 15 year old son was not happy to discover he'd shit in his school bag the other week 😂
I know he looks miserable in that picture and he is a handful etc,, but he is actually the most loving cat. He is currently on my knee having a cuddle. of all that cats I have had he gives me the most loving
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The Wicked Lady

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I read your post 3 days before you wrote it.

I am Mystic Chita.

Might go and design some Tarot cards. never mind those major and minor arcana ones those yootoob tarot people use to suit their narrative.
I think we need the Lying Weasel card that I mentioned earlier plus a few new ones.

Hmmmm something to think about there.
What about a Windsor deck? HMQ as The Empress, Duke of Edinburgh as The Emperor, Harry as The Fool, Oprah as The High Priestess, Harkles' child as The Hermit etc Piers Morgan could possibly be Strength or Justice, but who could you have as The Devil???? :unsure:
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