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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Agree with this too, I just posted along the same lines!
Apart from.... "No.6 has vetoed using the dollies....".
H&M said the other day that they weren't going to repeat with Lil the"mistakes" they made with Farch.
They would never admit it, but they made a huge mistake in putting a fake "son", who is widely believed to be Gavin Gingras, on the Porker interview. Watched by millions, and introduced as little Archie. They cannot now produce any photos of Farch, because if they're of Gavin again people will notice, and if it's a different child people will notice.

The same applies to Lil. If they produce a photo of her people are bound to suspect they're pulling the same stunt again, and there are so many inconsistencies about her birth as well as her brother's. If they are the sort of parents who would do that to one child, they will do it to another.

I don't believe No.6 has vetoed using the dollies at all, I think there are no dollies to use or they would be used. Noballs and Smeg had already merched Farch to the limit before their scam was busted and now the little ghost has disappeared.
They can't use him any more, because the child they said was theirs has been identified as someone else's child.

Thomas's hope of seeing the said goblins and exercising his rights as a grandfather are a threat to her fake motherhood and they will guard this fraud fiercely if he persists. I bet TM quietly withdraws when she threatens him, and if I were him I'd call it a day now as he's bringjng down on his head a load of trouble by blundering in on a major cover-up.
I agree Thomas Markle has no chance of winning because the Harkles can afford the best lawyers on speed dial and he has little money or support.

I don't believe any of Smeggy's guff about protecting their children. She could've earned loads of dosh promoting herself as an earth mother type. Interviews, magazine spreads talking about what she feeds the kids, aspirations for them and how they are parenting etc etc

Not to mention dressing them up in nice designer clothes and merching off the outfits.

Something stinks and we probably don't know the half of it.
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I'd fight tooth and nail to protect my kids too but when it comes to their own bad behaviour, I'd expect them to come clean and take the consequences. Teaching kids that there are consequences to bad behaviour is part of protecting them imo. This is best taught at an early age obviously but it also applies throughout their life.
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Don’t get me wrong Harry & Megan are absolutely ridiculous and total attention whores. I just don’t get why everyone is so up in arms about them, when Turbo Nonse Andrew is still cutting about the place, like Jimmy Saville in a suit, unpunished for the shit he’s done.
Because this is a H + M thread, I am sure we would have plenty to say on a PA thread. We can dislike them all at the same time you know.
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We should pitch that to Netflix. Could make an interesting documentary :unsure:
Hmm. You could be on to something. I recall Jane Asher once claiming in an interview that she was once kidnapped(or nearly kidnapped) by the IRA while in Belfast.:eek:
Fucking celebs are mentalists.

Most likely scenario,
Jane steps out of the Europa Hotel in Belfast(most bombed hotel in Europe back in the day, as everyone knows some people know ) to go shopping. Wee black taxi guy grabs her arm and says "Here love, hop in my wee cab here and I'll take you round our wee city to see all the wee muriels on the walls and the Peace walls and all that Troubles stuff ....."
Jane pulls free, runs screaming back into the hotel thinking she was almost kidnapped for ransom. Thus history was written.:m
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Found on Quora.

This is a good article from The Sydney Morning Herald. It shows just how complicated life I can be in Markle-land.

Seems like one or other of the ‘putrid pals’ is now being blamed for spreading the story that the West Coast Wailers were unimpressed by Her Majesty’s ‘failure to take ownership’ of the racism allegations, that Markle so liberally sprayed about during ‘that interview’ with the goggle-eyed Oprah.

The article states: “Their lawyers threatened legal action against any organisation that suggested they had “reignited a rift” with the Queen by publicly attacking her.”

But wait! Isn’t that about all this pair has done since beaming in on the West Coast? Each media appearance, each podcast, each ep. of ‘The Me You Can’t See’ - full of actual and implied attacks on the Royal Family and the Queen, as Monarch and grandmother.

This threat of legal action will presumably include the authors of Funding Freedom, Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand. Although Markle previously denied any collaboration with the authors, according to the article, Meghan did finally admit passing some information, when it was introduced as evidence in The Daily Mail trial. And she couldn’t confirm that her staff had not passed information to them! Meanwhile Scobie and Carolyn Durand are busying themselves with the publication of the new epilogue to Finding Freedom, on August 31.

So does this mean that the ‘fact base’ - such as it is - is starting to erode! Might the publication be delayed while everyone scurries about to check sources and remove questionable the tidbits previously ‘obtained’? If so, what indeed will remain - especially as its supposed to bring the reader up to date from the end of the first edition of Funding Freedom, until the present?

Of course, commentators thought that the story of the Markles’ displeasure with Her Majesty was surely meant specifically as the curtain raiser to the appearance of the new ‘epilogue’. You know, create some juicy controversy just prior to publication, get the media talking, get people listening, create a buzz of expectation - so that everyone will run out on Day One and buy it!
So what happens next? It will be interesting.
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VIP Member
Truly a beautiful photo, brings a tear to the eye!

Seeing the following pop up, I'm looking forward to Finding Falsehoods if only for the royal reporters to tear it to shreds pointing out inaccuracies. Given how well their attack on HMTQ has gone down, I'll get the champagne on ice.

WTF is he babbling about re the"one way ticket" ? Are we meant to believe he was planning an indefinite stay?:ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:
If anyone thinks smeggy was going to let him out of her clutches for anything more than the basic "Well it was a good funeral, I'm off back to my mad controller now guys, see ya". then they are more mental than her/him.
Well at least we now know the purpose of the extra chapter. It's just a huge puff piece designed to make them look less bastardy and cunty. We expected nothing less, obviously.
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I'm all for rescuing people, but where will these 20,000 live, and how will they earn a living if they don't speak our language - or will they be receiving benefits? Now, is it just me, but it's a tad scary that they're all men. Where are the women. And ... How do we know if any of the Taliban have or are coming over in disguise. It's all a bit frightening.

Keeping on topic - How many will be living in Montidoodah?
Yes,it's hugely worrying. Where do we draw the line in the sand re intake of Afghans? I agree with allowing those already here and vetted to be legal, but my big worry is that the taliban leader(spit😒) fudged a question re whether they'd be giving Al Qaeda refuge again. He skated over the question (they've clearly become very media savvy and fucking slick and oily) but we know they WILL most certainly nestle Al Qaeda to their bosom. Why wouldn't they? They are their idols for taking the fight to the westerners who interfere in their countries. So we've no way of knowing if any future 'refugees' are Al qaeda recruiters or bomb experts . We're gonna be back to 4/5/6 years ago and all the bombing crap. The security services must be tearing their hair out over this and the goverment are in for a rough ride from the bleeding heart idiots like Lily Allen & co.

I look forward to the Snarkles opening their 16 bathrooms to at least 10 families though. Fair enough to retain 6 bathrooms for their personal use. See? I'm not totally heartless.

Think I could reduce anything to two words
I'll see your"2" and offer "1".:m
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This is a pretty shameful move by Netflix. He has just died and to put more speculation towards the Queen… They are real people, and no one else has this sort of fiction written about them.
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Two things: I think the sixes are pushing back on FF because first date for ANL Appeal is 3 months away. All their blithering lies since winning their case could have real consequences depending on what scope of evidence the court allows, and in the court of public opinion, they are biggest losers.

A polo match hairy? Really? Most Americans have zero interest in polo, it's an elitist white male sport played with spurs and whips. I really hope he gets thrown off his pony into a giant, fresh, goopy, splat of horse poo. Scrotie said hairy pledged $1.5 from his biography sales (har har, like that will happen) but hairy said "and I'm thrilled to be able to support Sentebale, both in person and financially through a separate charitable donation to meet this immediate need." with no amount mentioned. Perhaps P&G will send them some diapers. Do you think mrs. six will run around in a tent dress clutching a child?
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Great idea. First things first, Kate needs to bin her bras. Bras are SO passé. Get those nips out loud and proud enough to hang a coat on. T'is the smeggy trademark.
Then the hair, slut strings tasteful wisps framing her face, with the rest dragged up into a messy tasteful bun.
And a new nose, definitely a new nose. Maybe even two.
Shoes 2 sizes bigger, another must.
Clothes. Ditch the neatly fitted crap Kate. Think more "lady Slut-Slut".
Jewellery. Tell that bitch Brenda to keep her tacky antique tiaras and necklaces, Claire's accessories, or better still shmooze a jewellery designer and broker some "scratch my back" deals. Necklaces with "Kate heart-hearty heart William" Perfect.

Something classy, like this.

Baby lilo looks a bit big
Farchie too small. By now he would be waaaay bigger than that.
The babe in her arms looks like archie did meeting Tutu.
Photoshopped, I think.
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Looks like Meghan wasn't invited to the Met Gala. Her sugar's justification is that 'it's better that she waits until she is co-chair'.
It's going to be a loooong wait, Lainey:

It makes it clear why Meghan pushed Amanda Gorman to be part of her incredibly weak 40 x40 project, she was trying to butter her up to get on the list.
We all know one list she is going to be appearing on ......... Grifter of the Year 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Here we go again , one rule for yee but not for me . Lecture the little people about saving the climate and compassion when they do the exact opposite. Beyond astounding.
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Chatty Member
So you’re telling me that they really named their mixed race daughter after a woman they believe can’t take ”full ownership” for allegations of racism?

Does Scooby Doo not realise the blatant inconsistencies in his narrative?!

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Innocent Hamster

Chatty Member
These two must be about the thickest people on the planet. They keep having a go at HMQ and the RF and expect a different outcome. Even though some people are calling for a republic there are a lot more turning on the cali2.
I remember a lot more support of H and Smeg in the DM comments at the beginning of the year. Now nearly all the comments are saying how sick people are of them.
BIB - isn't that a misattributed Einstein quote about insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome? 🤣
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I noticed someone on twitter call Frogmore Toad Hall and it inspired me.
I'm so lame 🥴

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How long before his "friends" get sick of him catching lifts on jets for free? If he was as wealthy as they would like us to believe they would have their own private jet..... blagging free flights , sofa surfing at Perrys.... A lot of taking, not much giving ...
JMO but it's the quid pro quo of moving in the same social circles as Royalty, isn't it?
Hazza provides them with that status and in return they provide him with freebies/benefits.

Same reason Andy got away with the grift for so long.

Yorks and Sussexes. Ligging and blagging, the lot of them.
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So in a week starving teenagers are falling off aeroplane wheels and mothers are throwing babies over the fence at airports, and the couple's icon Biden is being justified for a heinous withdrawal.....we have to have PR central about ohhh a queen won't take accountability, ohhhh look a selfless prince is playing polo to help all the peasants. Is this satire? Are they real? It's disgusting to be honest. Can't they give the PR a break for one week? Are they trying to be more relevant than a humanitarian disaster?

Problem is their income relies on them being in the news so we are stuxk with them forever.

Omid having to backpedal hard I enjoyed though. His ego and his tongue are growing a little larger than nature intended I think, I'm not sure he wl be around for long if he keeps landing Meghan in it. Although have to say I think Meghan very much is having a crack at the Queen and H got Shillings involved because he wasn't so into it. Megs needs to be careful, there's only so far you can sink claws into husband ninety five year old grandmother before it alerts him to a wife's predatory character.
I’m a long time lurker on these threads but part of me feels like they’ve dragged this back up to try and get the media back onto them instead of the important things in the news at the moment.
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