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Not another forum Nana
Another thread in the off topic section here on Tattle for us to post non- harry/meghan related stuff.

Cos often we go off on tangents and stray from what this thread is about.

I just thought if one of us started a thread we could go in there when we want to moan about other stuff.
And of course you have something to offer.

How on earth could we be cheered up without your sweary ranting?

Goodness knows one of the best cures for feeling down is to be distracted from it with humour.
I should just like to say that this place has been brilliant for my mental health. I'm autistic and I get bad depression and constant anxiety and that awful parenting site makes me so much worse. I love doing my silly pictures and chatting about the Toxic Twosome, it right cheers me up.

I'd definitely go onto another chat thread, whether for mental health or just chatting shite 😄
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So another concession for the speshull Harkles.
Unlike the rest, they didn't have to keep the gender secret until birth, they didn't have to have a proper birth announcement, they didn't have to register the birth with a proper birth certificate signed and presented by a clerk.

Well, the RF should apologise for being racist, remove William from the line of Succession, and put Harry forward I guess.
I was disappointed to see the baby added , not gonna lie.

All this chatter about the royals not wanting to be seen as spiteful and petty totally fucks me off.

What’s wrong with being spiteful and petty when you’re dealing with a relative who hates the family, aided and abetted by a money crazed wife who happily pulls the pin on a grenade then hands it to her moronic husband to lob it in.

I’d argue it’s about time the Palace became petty, they’d be applauded by a majority of the British public , it’s got fuck all to do with America or any other nation so who gives a fuck what they think.
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Harry has turned himself into a screw-up. Public interest has had nothing to do with it. And now people like Andrew more than they like him-- I do, too. With Andrew I can smack him and get it over with. With Harry, he just keeps talking and talking and it never stops.
It’s bad when you even make Prince Andrew look good by comparison. Judas Harry has no depths he won’t plumb.
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Hazno fears that he has limited shelf life - mate you've already got three yellow stickers and have been moved to the "last chance" bargain bin at the back of the store.

Fears he will be further down the pecking order than even Prince Andrew - well who's to blame for that, eh?

In terms of becoming an entitled, arrogant arsehole, he already is Andrew. In fact, I think he's actually surpassing him these days.

But at least when Andrew did an appalling interview which was badly received, he pretty much disappeared from public view and kept his gob shut. Didn't even get to be in his daughter's wedding photos that the RF released.

Harry has done at least three and counting, and just keeps on digging that hole.

And if Andrew ends up getting absolved regarding the Epstein/Maxwell stuff, he could possibly return to some kind of role depending on how the public feel and whether Charles is already King at that point.

Harry's already burnt his bridges. And is probably going to set fire to the ashes just for the hell of it.
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I'm done with the Royal family.

I no longer care what becomes of them.

They've had so many chances handed to them to fix the problems and each and every fucking time, they've not just let it slide, they've made the situation worse.

They've had the power to do the decent thing for the nation, the Commonwealth and its citizens, but they've insulted us all.

I'm done. I have no faith in any of them to make a proper judgement, to do the right thing.

What a waste of a history.
What a fucking insult to all of us.
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I've skipped a few pages so apologies if this has already been bought up but look.... It goes against many opinions on these threads but as much as people believe that M used a surrogate, there's no proof. Nobody has come out and said "I was the surrogate. Here's the details" It could very well be that M DID, in fact, have both children and that the RF is rule-bound to put them in the LoS. We've cautioned and mentioned time and again that a lie unchallenged becomes truth, but it isn't ALWAYS true. Just like many believe the surrogacy rumours, those rumours are becoming "truth" to many. But they might NOT be true.

We know that there's shady stuff going on and a lot of stuff that doesn't add up. We know H&M are what Freda says and they're not going away any time soon. It will be constant revisions and stories and books and media releases because that's who H&M ARE. And everyone knows it.

As for the kids, it's the one thing I can't hold against them. They aren't out there, slapping the kids faces on everything and merching them to death. Those kids DO have privacy. In this, H&M have actually chosen to do the right thing.

At some point the RF is going to have to move on and ignore them and so is everyone else. I know it sucks and everyone is angry and frustrated but they're not going to bring down the monarchy with a few trashy books and interviews and EVENTUALLY, people will get tired and move on and they'll fade into general obscurity. Remember that this is a thread ABOUT THEM. We're going to know and hear more about them than old joe bloggs down the street and old joe doesn't give a shit. I think most people just really don't care about them and that's the way it should be.
Well I care.

My money went into paying for their wedding.

I have to sit by and watch the Head of State and her family being trashed, blackmailed and a recently widowed, elderly lady being mentally abused.

I have to hear about awful bullying of decent people and knowing that the evil bitch is getting away with it.

I have to see my nation being accused of being nasty racists.

I care. And I don't like it.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I had a brief moment of kindness today, where I thought "well at least they haven't actually merched the kids". It soon disappeared though, as I am coming more and more to the conclusion that maybe they dont have the kids (in which case, thank fuck for that).

ETA I wonder what attracted Lady Kitty Spencer, aged 30, to the billionaire wotisface aged 62? (thank you Mrs Merton)
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I get very angry about stuff like this. Perhaps unreasonably. I have serious mental health problems but I could never afford to have this app. I don't know anyone who could. It's horrible, to me, that something aimed at helping people with mental health issues, is wrapped up in making as much money as possible. As though that is a good thing. I'm feeling a bit triggered here to be honest, so perhaps I'm over reacting or I'm just unreasonable. I don't know.
Can we help Cass?
Talking is therapy you know.

I know we must keep on topic within this thread but I was thinking it might be an idea to start a sort of general thread that doesn't have a strict topic so we can go off at tangents.
I know a lot of us are fed up of Meghan and Harry but still come in here for the posters.

Back on Digital Spy there used to be a thread called Drunken Old Tarts - you didnt have to be a drinker, or old or a tart but it had people in it like we get in here.
Good fun.

Maybe we could start a thread called "The escape from Harry and Meghan thread"
Any takers?
Any ideas for a title?
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I knew I hadn't imagined that Scuntie had said that! So glad people keep good records and are able to drag these things back out.

It's not just Harpers Bazaar that haven't published an article from him in a month, apparently his crappy ABC podcast hasn't had an episode for the same amount of time either. Fingers crossed he has been dropped by both of them, it would be about time.
Wouldn't that just be Christmas and birthday presents rolled into one 🥰
I just checked the latest on twatter from Scabies and he linked to a Harpers Bazaar article, I ran on there to look. Wonder why the Great Royal Reporter isn't writing any of these hahaha
They published an article detailing the Line of Succession. Most of it is "therefore they are nth in line" etc, apart from Haz:

Aside from adoring the picture used of him - doesn't he just look the most intelligent brain? - "should none of the Cambridges become the next monarch" (soz author @ HB, Charles is the next monarch but sure) Princess Haz "will become the heir". The English usage leaves a lot to be desired, non?

A few thoughts. Surely Hazzno's memoir will be legally checked (by Palace and/or us/uk legal team) before publication, and maybe this will render it to be nothing more than the usual memoir. Perhaps it won't get published at all. Or does the fact that it is being written by an award-winning author/published in USA mean that anything can be published????
Does anyone think that perhaps Smeg is now shit-scared at Hazzno's destructive vendetta. Sure she started dripping poison in his ears against his family but now he seems out of control and hell-bent on destruction. Or is she revelliing in the evil that knows no bounds, keeping her hands clean and duper delighting by proxy?
İt's hard to keep perspective on the line of succession but perhaps TRF had no option other than to follow protocol and include Aldi and Lili to avoid awkward questions now. İ like to think there are big notes attached to each person listed in the los, stipulating exactly why they disqualify or are disallowed in the event of becoming the next in line. We will have PC's pruning strategy come into play at some point in the future, but may have to wait some 20 years or so before George begins a family and has an heir(s), who displace the unsavoury ones.
So many questions and mistruths, and so few answers and truths about these two. Are they rich, are they poor, Are they in Monteshito or are they in LA. Was she pregnant or was somebody else. Are Aldi and Lili real children or dolls. Are the Markle family in cahoots with Smeg for mutual enrichment. İs Hazzno a puppet for Smeg, or are they both puppets for a handler.
A memoir like that would have to be looked over at some point by those in the legal profession. If Haz is really going to talk about his time in the army, I can't imagine the army would allow it to be published without casting their eyes over it. Same goes for the Palace. I wonder if Haz will have it written in American English? :ROFLMAO:
I still wonder what exactly Haz is going to be covering that won't be in the revised edition of FF. Or already said on Oprah. Or on the podcast. Or in the mental health production with Oprah.

Over on t'other site someone is saying that Scabbie Scobie's update to Finding Freedom is to be published on Aug 31 - 25th anniversary of Diana's death. Surely this cant be true? How fucking tasteless can you get?
You say this like you're expecting taste, class, decorum et al from the Monteduo... 😱
I wonder how many times Mummy will feature in the update?
Maybe this will be the cover?

Yes exactly this. I’ve never expected quick moves from the RF - it’s just not what they do. They get every single possible duck lined up perfectly in a row before making any move. I’d like to see them rearrange the regency stuff sooner rather than later and I want HM to enforce the Cambridge travel dictat now. I think both of those will happen pretty soon. As long as that’s done, let’s face it, Harry and his spawn will never ever get near the throne.

But everything else...? Megnut and Hazno are hanging themselves without any help from the RF. I think BP will want all the bullying stuff over and done first. Then there’ll be a drip drip of uncovering stuff the deceitful pair have been up to.

We have to accept they may never drop numbers 6, 7 and 8 from the LOS. It’s a move we all want but ultimately prospective heirs in history have behaved 100 times worse than Henry and not been dropped. What matters is their increased utter irrelevance and the exposure of more and more of their cons. That will happen I think whatever the RF do, as others pipe up to defend themselves or the monarchy from utter lies.

Plus anything as big as rearranging succession will not happen in the Queen’s lifetime I don’t think. She was the same age as my Gran who died this year and Gran and Grandad by the end were just tired, wanted a simple life, happy memories, family time. HM will just not have the heart for cut throat stuff and that’s not her fault or bad - it’s just that she’s an old lady who’s just lost her beloved and doesn’t need her shitty grandson’s aggro.

H&M are miserable, bitter, irrelevant, soon to be if not already broke, reviled by the world and fading from view. And that’s before most of their crap has been spilled! I don’t need much more than that!
Agreed! 🥂
I have been musing as to whether some of these changes might be enacted on instruction from HMTQ at the very end of her reign when the end is nigh. She holds a very special place in the hearts of many, not just in the UK and Commonwealth, but around the world, so final acts by her would be accepted in good faith but the many. If it was announced at the end that Charles would be acting under a final order, he could keep publicly keep his hands clean and the twatheads couldn't bleat that he was denying their sprogs of their birthright, not if he was carrying out final orders from TQ.

Sorry for all my waffling everyone 🙈 I'm in a vicious send the traitors to the deepest dungeon at the tower mood. Just noticed this on le twat

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Good to see you are off the naughty step. :m :m :m

I cannot have my almost pristine reputation sullied. I wasn't on the norty step.:m
I saw something I didn't approve of and rather than start a yapping disruptive discussion I removed myself from the situation and spent time watching the lovely bees and flutterbys being bees and flutterbys. Balm for the soul.
Sometimes one needs to STFU and back off.
And yes, of course the toxic twins are still toxic.
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Pom Bear

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New thread and title 💖💖💖💖💕💕❤❤ xx.

@Happy Lady ..thanks for your looks like the blue white shield box is gone❤🤗😘 xx.

@Just_me1954 ..Many thanks for the compliment and mushies on the last thread ❤🥰🤗😘 xx.

On page 47 so a few pages to go until I'm on here 🥰

Here I go again 😄...

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Does anyone else see this pic as Diana looking at Harry with absolute disgust at him hollering over to someone else in the garden??
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Well I'm sorry folks but I am well and truly in the minority here. As I've said before I don't get worried or worked up about things I do not have the power to change and this is one of them.

I expect there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than we know about, or ever will. Remember that all these men in grey suits, ex MI5 or whatever, and others backing the RF are employed by the RF and will be doing their job to the best of their ability because it is their livelihood. Should it all go tits up and the monarchy is brought to it's knees then basically they are out of a job. Don't think they are sitting back and waiting for this to happen they will be working all out to prevent it.

I feel it is going to be a slow process though and there will be many a bitter pill to swallow before the Gruesomes get their comeuppance. My only thought is that will I live long enough to see that day? Being in my 70s they had better get a bit of a move on!
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Scotch Mist

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Are all Tattlers in London and surrounding areas ok? First the heatwave and now a deluge and flooding. Stay safe.
Thanks for enquiring ..... I have been cut adrift on my wheel for a day but don't worry as I am slowly making my way back to Montecito to work undercover again .....
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I don't think that they realised that the pregnancy was fake at first. Why would they. The family don't all live in one house and may not see each other all the time. Meghan said she was pregnant and they believed her.

It's difficult to know when they must've become suspicious. She turned down the Queen's doctors and decided that they were going to pay for everything to be done their way. That may have been accepted by the Queen and Charles at face value because it was up to the Harkles after all. Although up to then they had been spending like crazy and Smeggy had a load of expensive designer maternity clothes paid for by Charles.

Did a member of staff unearth the secret or the secret service? We'll probably never know exactly when the family found out that they were using a surrogate and Smeg was using a fake bump.

Obviously the family decided to protect the Harkles. That's why they were allowed to say that they had chosen for their child not to have a title.

Personally I think this is the main reason they quit as royals. Smeg had pretended to be pregnant to get the titles and her plan failed. That’s why she hates them.

The royal family are probably aware that she faked the second pregnancy too. LiliBucks is not going to be added to the line of sucession and it's got nothing to do with having a christening in the UK. Of course the sugars will believe that is the reason and the RF are being racist but anyone with a brain knows better.

That would have been a red flag, right there!

Choosing to pay for their own maternity care, of all things. When Charles has been expected to cough up for pretty much everything else. If Charles was happy to foot the bill for the expensive Engagement and Morocco outfits, then I'm sure he'd have happily paid Meghan's medical costs for his new grandchild without question, regardless of which private hospital they chose. The Portland had already been used for Royal births so nothing out of the ordinary there.
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Scotch Mist

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I get very angry about stuff like this. Perhaps unreasonably. I have serious mental health problems but I could never afford to have this app. I don't know anyone who could. It's horrible, to me, that something aimed at helping people with mental health issues, is wrapped up in making as much money as possible. As though that is a good thing. I'm feeling a bit triggered here to be honest, so perhaps I'm over reacting or I'm just unreasonable. I don't know.
I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. It's ridiculously expensive and few will be able to afford it.
I predict it will bomb over here and be markled
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A while ago I posted a list i'd found on twitter that was posted up there by springbrad, but they'd only tweeted from number 23 of the list.
I now discover the original list was posted by tamarindos, and here is the whole thing -




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I think once William becomes King, he will not pussy foot around them.
It is because of Prince William that I will not give up completely on the monachy. No matter how angry and upset I am at the RF. I truly believe he will make a great King especially with Catherine besides him. And he damn well deserves to be King. Having slept on it overnight I can see that it’s not that big a deal, it’s only a piece if paper. It has made many people extremely angry so if the Queen and PC wants to ignore those people then they are fools.

Yes, I blame the Queen here but I understand her. She is old and wants a quiet life and she deserves it but if so, then maybe she should move aside and stop dealing with H&M completely. That’s the thing we don’t know maybe she has done that so the blame is with PC. If so, then he too is too soft with his son and needs to move aside also.

I don’t believe that PW has anything to do with any of this. In fact I would believe he is as pissed off as we are but he has no authority yet. I only have to see how PW acted around his loser brother at the unveiling that he is as fed up at Haznot as the rest of us. That day was a good day, PW played his cards perfectly during the unveiling. In PW I have faith, in the Queen and PC not so much. I love them immensely, don’t get me wrong but I am not sure they can deal with Haznot correctly. They seem to be led by their misplaced love for idiot.

I will give them 1 more chance but IF they give H&M that christening and they take prominent place on the balcony then I am truly done. The piece of paper is not as important as those 2 things, so I will wait and see before giving up, because of PW, he deserves my loyalty because so far he appears to be the only one who seems to be able to deal with his idiot brother.
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Apparently after the Oprah interview she expected to receive an apology from the Royal Family, delusional the pair of them!
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