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Ok, guys and dolls, I am waaay behind (as usual now :cool:) and really don't know if this has been discussed already, but I guess not.

There is something buggin' me tremendously!

We knew about the book for MONTHS!!! @Baguette did dig it up. The book was listed on AmaZone and the release date was September THIS YEAR, not next!

Now how come we knew about it but none of the Royal reporters and if this lazy, clueless lot is to be believed, the palace and PC didn't know about it either????

Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd? Only me, then?

The same with the thieving wording in the small print of Archewell. I told you about it LAST YEAR, when the site was launched and said, they'll milk their followers stories to have content for their podcast or Reflux or Noflux or whatever. BTW, the small print even says the person handing in the story will have to pay any legal fees if said story should ever be contested by anyone. A detail none of the papers picked up on, too.

We have been thinking the palace knows all about HWs past and what she is up to and they just bide their time and they sort them out behind the scenes. But if they don't even know stuff we, a bunch of housewives, glued to their computers, with no MI5 or MI7 or James Bonds to our disposal know stuff month before them, do they really know anything? Do they really act behind the scenes? Or do they just react.

I now think the lot of them courtiers and RF are a bunch of well behaved, well mannered, clueless people, who never had to deal with the likes of con artists and parttime hoes and are ill equipped to do so, because they can't imagine half of what they'd need to be looking for.

I think they are defenceless and will only ever react, never be the ones taking action first. They will never win against these two and they will never handle them appropiately.

I have no hope for the RF to put an end to the antics of PWB and HW and even though those two won't be able to topple the monarchy, they will damage them as much as they fancy.

What do you think?
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the musician

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William is such a gentle guy. So deep and so measured. So mature and reliable. I hate to think of what he and Charles are going through. Because the Queen is such a grand age, we can sometimes overlook the fact that Charles is not a young man either. It must be hard for William to watch his father going through such turmoil at this later phase of life. My parents are the same vintage and if it was them I'd be LIVID and extremely worried about the impact on their health. It's elder abuse plain and simple and taking advantage of the dignified manner his family must maintain. It's deeply upsetting to watch, particularly when you imagine yourself in their shoes.
Lady C said in a video last week that Charles has been pretty badly affected by Harry and the wife's behaviour. I think the question that was asked to her was about Charles being close to having a breakdown and she said she'd heard something similar.
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Ok, guys and dolls, I am waaay behind (as usual now :cool:) and really don't know if this has been discussed already, but I guess not.

There is something buggin' me tremendously!

We knew about the book for MONTHS!!! @Baguette did dig it up. The book was listed on AmaZone and the release date was September THIS YEAR, not next!

Now how come we knew about it but none of the Royal reporters and if this lazy, clueless lot is to be believed, the palace and PC didn't know about it either????

Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd? Only me, then?

The same with the thieving wording in the small print of Archewell. I told you about it LAST YEAR, when the site was launched and said, they'll milk their followers stories to have content for their podcast or Reflux or Noflux or whatever. BTW, the small print even says the person handing in the story will have to pay any legal fees if said story should ever be contested by anyone. A detail none of the papers picked up on, too.

We have been thinking the palace knows all about HWs past and what she is up to and they just bide their time and they sort them out behind the scenes. But if they don't even know stuff we, a bunch of housewives, glued to their computers, with no MI5 or MI7 or James Bonds to our disposal know stuff month before them, do they really know anything? Do they really act behind the scenes? Or do they just react.

I now think the lot of them courtiers and RF are a bunch of well behaved, well mannered, clueless people, who never had to deal with the likes of con artists and parttime hoes and are ill equipped to do so, because they can't imagine half of what they'd need to be looking for.

I think they are defenceless and will only ever react, never be the ones taking action first. They will never win against these two and they will never handle them appropiately.

I have no hope for the RF to put an end to the antics of PWB and HW and even though those two won't be able to topple the monarchy, they will damage them as much as they fancy.

What do you think?
I agree. I think that Septic is highly skilled in the use of social media and manipulative tactics. The RF have been caught on the back foot and their advisors are probably the same.

Septic's personality disorder also gives her a certain advantage in that these types of people just plough on regardless and are hardly ever swayed by negative opinion, they thrive on any attention and it gives them energy.

I believe that Harry wasn't raised properly at all and the RF made massive errors in his upbringing. Diana was at fault here as well, due to her overindulgent, sentimental style of parenting. Children need discipline, guidance and an education that plays to their strengths. She was utterly ridiculous to have sent him to Eton when he clearly wasn't up to it. If there was something wrong with him, he should have received therapy, but she was too busy off gallivanting with her men to take her parenting role seriously and did she even have the intellect to do it properly anyway? Charles is just as much to blame as well. They created a monster and let it run riot and now the RF are facing the consequences of their lax care of Harry.

I think they'll have a tricky job dealing with these two jokers. I really think they should gradually release everything they have on her: prostitution, multiple marriages, 'pregnancies', con jobs, bullying, criminality, porn movies etc. and let social media users bring them down. Most people don't believe a word they say, so Harry's book lacks credibility before it's even been written. Even so, it's undignified for the RF to be dragged into this and their advisors need to be decisive and skilled in their handling of this.

He's not The Queen's grandson any more, he's the enemy of the entire family and the sooner they grasp this, the better.
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3 months after meeting fuckwit. I know I'm repeating myself but something smells so fishy -- and it isn't Smeggy's minge. That just smells like nuclear waste
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To cheer myself up, I've made Catherine have quads. She is very happy and taking them for a walk in the park.
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Hmmm I don't get why so many are convinced megz has political ambitions. She can't even maintain relationships with the Hollywood celeb scene so what makes us think she could charm the ivy league DC elite? She doesn't have the education, experience or connections. Prancing about at a few UK state dinners doesn't count.
I think we all agree that she has zero chance of succeeding in politics but you must remember that this woman is a complete narcissist and fantasist. She believes that she'll be wonderful in politics and President Of the USA is certainly within her capability. This is why people are convinced she has political ambitions. Plus she's constantly lecturing people about how they must live which, in itself, is political. She thinks she's a leader but she never turns around and notices that nobody is following
Sad cow.
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the musician

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A truly pathetic, horrible little man child. Imagine feeling threatened by three kids under the age of ten. He makes me fucking sick.

Why didn't he see what good examples Princess Anne and Prince Edward are then? They're also siblings of a future monarch but they've accepted their destiny and made the most of their positions. Then again, Harry's way too stupid to realise that.
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Thank you @Ilovemusic for the title and @margaretta for her first recap!

I was gobsmacked at the article about Prince George feeding ice-cream to a dog and "looking enviously at his cousin Farch in the sun in Cali." Then I saw it was by Graham Smith CEO of Republic..... and relaxed....
He's getting more and more desperate as the alternative to our Monarchy begins to dawn on people. How fatuous to write that a little lad of 8 possibly doing these things are valid reasons to abolish the Monarchy, and how low-class of the Express to air his views. The comments were scathing though and you can't fool the man on the street.

George envious of Farch the Plastic Pimpernel? Envious of his psycho mother Minge? Of his pig-eyed whack-job "father" savaging George's beloved great granny and grandad?
How disgusting of Smith to say that George will be waiting for his dad to die so that he can be king. And how ironic that we have just found out ( through a PR disaster leak ) that it is actually Buzzard NoBalls who is the one waiting for his grandmother to die so that he can crawl out from under his stone and cash in on more lurid lies.

Smith says again that the zeitgeist is BLM, Mental Health and Me-Too. Yawn. What a fun guy he is. Why don't you direct the RSPCA to NoBalls's rowelling a polo pony, or Minge's dog's mysteriously broken legs? Make yourself useful for a change and find out why a respectable surrogacy agency in L.A. would broker an adoption to two drug-fuelled lying narcs with proven anger management issues, and no family support apart from a highly suspect Dritto possibly involved in criminal activities?

Wills says the RF will rise above the Biography books and ignore them. Personally I don't believe this at all. I think the RF will act, as the Orange Buzzard has made it clear that he plans to plague them for years to come. He's been a nuisance from day one, but is now highly toxic and will blight the Jubilee and Charles's ascension to the Throne. He and his Ho will seize every opportunity to cause as much harm and damage as they can from now on with books and interviews. Because they can, and they must be stopped.
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Scotch Mist

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I'm off on my hols for a couple of days.
Will tune in if I can find Wi-Fi😁
See you peeps....don’t be norty while I'm away 🥰
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Here's a clip of the young lady I spotted when I watched a bit of the GBNews channel last week. She was biting her tongue through a lot of what I saw but here's a clip that someone kindly posted on twitter where she says what she thinks.....

This is superb! 💅🏻😂

He’s an absolute laughing-stock now. No way will he be able to rehabilitate his image when his marriage goes tits up.
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Managed to complete the rest of the song 'Prince Charles's Mother'

(tune ..Sylvia's mother)

Prince Charles's mother says Prince Charles is busy
Too busy to come to the phone
Prince Charles's mother says "Daddy is trying
To start a new life of his own"
Prince Charles's mother says "Daddy is happy
So why don't you leave him alone"
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes

Please my dear Gangan I just gotta talk to him
I'll only keep him a while.
Please my dear Gangan, I just want to tell him .....
"I'm skint"

Prince Charles's wifey says "Daddy is packing
We're going to be leaving today"
Prince Charles's wifey says "We are so tired
So we're orf on our holiday"
Prince Charles's wifey says "Please stop your whining,
Titles will be taken away"
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes.

Please my step mother, I just gotta talk to him
I'll only keep him a while
Please my step mother, I just want to tell him .....
"My Truth"

Prince Charles's first son says "Daddy is going
To be King, and long may he reign"
Prince Charles's first son says "Take that and stick it,
Somewhere where it causes much pain."
And Prince Charles's first son says "Thank you for calling
Now fuck orf and don't call again."
And the operator says forty cents more
For the next three minutes

Please wicked brother, I just gotta talk to him
I'll only keep him a while
Please wicked brother, I just want to tell him .....
"I'm MAD"

Tell him I'm MAD
Please, tell him I'm MAD (as a hatter)
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This may have been said previously, apologies if so. Reading between the lines of the latest lady C video she was extremely careful how she worded things but i took her to be saying that the only reason Archie is on the list of succession is because it was done as soon as he was born and the RF only found out about "surrogacy" shortly afterwards. To then remove him would have caused questions to be asked and morally it's not the RF place to talk about someone else's surrogacy etc. They are in a really difficult position. Hope this makes sense.
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For all we know, the RF have been provided with the results of a DNA test and a valid birth certificate. They're not going to announce that before putting lilibucks on the LOS because it would cause even more trouble.
We don't know what's going on behind closed doors or even what the short/long term plan is because they're not going to tell us.
I personally don't think the Queen should be involved in this in anyway. She's 95 years old and still working. She has more than enough to do and has served this country well for almost 70 years. She deserves to be given a break on this one, imo.
Charles should man up and do something as far as I'm concerned. Cutting the money tie was the right step. By not going further, he appears weak and indecisive. But he can't do anything about titles etc until he is King so he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He could make some statements I guess but that might add fuel to the fire.
William will deal with them. He won't allow his wife and children to suffer because of ginge and minge.
They say the best revenge is to live well. Both William and Catherine seem to be doing just that. The more responsibilities they take on, the more they are seen smiling in public and being charming and gracious to others, the more it's going to really piss off the Harkles.
Don't be getting upset, we've not got to the end of this yet.
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Scotch Mist

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When Harry met Smeggy..... a pair of cunts

Meanwhile people are starting to notice the absence of LiliBucks on the Royal Family website

'Perhaps the Royals powers that be including government and parliament want to see a birth certificate and evidence she exists? No ones getting put in the line of succession without Royal protocol. That's why Royals announce births and usually have five or so Doctor signatures including the delivering obgyn. Nothing of the sort from markle and hazza. Just their word a kid was born. Not even a hoot from the Queen. Very telling.'
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New thread time! 🥳

Would anyone realise Archewell had something new on the website were it not for Scabies tweeting about it? 😂
Love Alex Belfield's latest, saying book 4 will be called "Is it because I'm ginger and won't be king?" (in two parts on Charles and William)

I wonder if Minge is reading this and is green with envy. Marrying real money which could fund her presidential ambitions.


who did it better? 😉 My money is on Kitty...

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Yippee! Wow thanks for the votes! Only found this site in March. Keep on tattling you good people, keeps me sane :)
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Keeping with the previous title theme…

Thread title suggestion:

Harry & Meghan #129 Five six seven eight, please stop your lies & hate
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