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Having now had the chance to watch the whole unveiling, a couple things that did stand out for me. One, Harry was so ott in his mannerisms and not in synch with anyone else there. Prancing around, smiling like a clown and he followed PW around like a puppy dog. Obviously trying to get the money shot of them together or poke PW into some kind of reaction, again for his money shot. Two, any articles etc about a reconciliation between the brothers is bs. I saw a PW who is still pissed off royally with his bro, no reconciliation going on there for sure. PW did his best to stay calm, dignified and respectful to the dickhead but for me, PW was only tolerating him because of the occasion and because he had to. So all the talk of happy families and reconciliations are crap. Not for PW, he has read dickhead and knows his game. Phew, that alone was worth watching this. No drama, PW kept his cool and PH looked like a dick. So much so that so many people think he was high on something illegal. The statue, it doesnt look as bad to me today than yesterday, maybe I’m getting use to it? As long as PW is happy with it, I’ll deal.
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Just been watching Wimbledon, and us nasty horrible RACIST British people gave COCO Goff a standing ovation, we're sooooo racisit.

I hate the fact she used the race card. I look around that Wimbledon crowd and I see kindred spirits, old , young, white, POC , from all ethnicities, tattooed, funny hats, various hair styles , some good some questionable, some from the members lounge and some eating their own packed lunches but do you know sport does away with, class, ethnicity, and what counts is skill and talent and the character of the participants. we do it better than most of the world and we're not bloody racist, and I have to tell you I am very proud to be British.

ETA don't forget no 6 did too, the scumbag.
I thought the exact same watching the Eng 2 - Ger 0 football the other night. They had footage of fans watching outdoors in Fan Zones in places like Leeds and MCR. Loads of black and Asian men wearing England shirts with their white mates cheering and joining in the fun.

I have been out for a curry in a predominately Asian part of town tonight. England flags were draped outside windows there. A few Asian lads were in the street walking round in England footie tops. We had a good laugh with the waiters all night. I don’t see any racism round here? And we are in a poor northern town where we are supposed to be at each other’s throats. No. All good fun here.

Don’t believe the hype. You’ve got to live somewhere like this (deprived, old cotton mill town, up north) to know what it’s really like. Most of us just want to get on with each other and we rub along quite nicely. All our kids are friends at school, and therefore, so are the parents. My boy has two best chums - one is from India, and one is from Pakistan and he only came to the U.K. aged 7 speaking not a word of English. Guess what? His friend from Pakistan achieved 10 GCSEs grade C or above from a so called ‘shit’ state secondary school and is now at 6th form. His Indian friend is now studying science A levels as he wants to be a doctor.

Such racist bastards aren’t we? Especially us common oiks oop north? Pah! I’ve had more homemade Bangladeshi samosas than Smeggan has had hot dinners. How DARE she accuse people in the U.K. of being racist when we have friends from many different cultures, especially via our children attending multicultural schools. She knows fuck all about the U.K. or it’s local cultures.
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Chatty Member
I hate the fact that he can just swan back here, private vehicle to collect him, chauffeured around having his arse wiped like he always has. Didn't he say he hated meet and greets? Fine though when its self serving and improving your personal image though eh Haz
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Wu Tien

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I rarely do this but am making a thread suggestion: Keeping up with the Kunts.
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Small point about a passing comment in last thread.

’But didn't the late Duke of Edinburgh also have strong familial Nazi ties?’

His sisters had married into the German aristocracy, some were active dedicated serving Nazis.

Prince Phillip was on active service in the British Royal Navy.
His mother, Princess Alice, was an active Nazi resistor.
So as much as DoE had family who were strongly linked to the Nazi, he & his mother by their actions vigorously opposed the Nazis.
I mention this lest we forget.

Which brings me to the subject of this thread.
How very disappointing Hazzard is compared to the remarkable compassion & endeavours of his Great Grandmother Princess Alice.
What would she make of his snivelling self pity?
His inability & stubborn refusal to make good & see things through.

I found the photos of yesterday’s Well Child event quite, well speak as I find, nauseatingly twee.
Pure PR for Hazzard’s benefit.
That he blubbed on the podium, making it all about him AGAIN, is the height of self indulgence, arrogance & exploitation of his audience.
Nasty cynical manchild.

In the interest of balance, it may be that he is not entirely well, & from this I ask if he is well enough for the ceremony today?

Enter stage right, Prince Hazza of LaLaLand.
Centre stage: Prince William stands at ease.

Hazza: Woe, woe, thrice woe for I am afflicted by torrents of woeful tears upon my furry ginger face.
William: Pull yourself together you snivelling spare, none of this is about you, it never was.
Hazza: But Mamma said that I am speshul, that it coulda shuda been me. Oh woe...
William: Yeah right? You too bloody thick as mince to read the memo. You is number 6, that’s all of one hand and a thumb.
Hazza: Megs says that I...
William: Shut up! no one cares.
Hazza: But...
William: Bye.
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the musician

Chatty Member
Harsh but it's so funny 😂 The kids don't really make sense unless it's already based on a particular photograph. Are the kids in the statue even based on real people?
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Pom Bear

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Ten words in Harry's speech 😀


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Carrying on from here:

Thread title by @QueenoftheTomtes with 33 likes (here)
I had to shorten it a little to make it fit.
It was actually a struggle to find the most liked but I think that was the winner - apologies if not!

DON'T FORGET THE WIKI - pink button at the top of every page.

D A Y ! ! !

Today we finally get to see what the brothers have come up with in the name of their mother.
Will Rachel show up over zoom? Will she release pictures of Lilibet to spoil the day?
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Is the reason her name is so big underneath the statue because no one would have a fucking clue who it was?
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Pom Bear

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Ohhh new thread already 🥰
Time for me to start catching up again 😀 x.

I leave this here while I do some catching old one from last year 😄

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Thrusting the subject of Besainted Preachy Angry Diana in Bronze aside for a moment, I've only just seen that Smeg is taking legal action against The Times about the story that she left the Fiji women's market in a hissy fit because it had a UN women's organisation she didn't like in it. Think it happened a couple of days ago, so apologies if I missed it and you've all already seen it. Under a spoiler in case it's out of date and I don't want to derail the Richmond Awards.

Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 21.47.40.png
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Tumblr is awash with thoughts on number 6’s weird behaviour (they mostly think he’s high or medicated in some way) and several noted him turning to speak to PW who doesn’t move and, as no6 moves towards him one of the aunts steps in and ‘scarfs’ him. PW then talks to her and no6 is trying to join in but failing. The over the top jolly act is very out of place and comes across as totally fake.
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I felt really sorry for William yesterday. Harry overshadows everything........ and seems to have lost all sense of protocol. Those photographs of him grinning manically at that unveiling were just awful.
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I felt really sorry for William yesterday. Harry overshadows everything........ and seems to have lost all sense of protocol. Those photographs of him grinning manically at that unveiling were just awful.
I've wondered a few times if he was flying in the face of protocol. Jacket open, brown shoes, acting like a loon. If he went out for maximum impact he achieved it but at what cost? The RF must have been watching slack-jawed with disbelief.

He actually degraded and downgraded himself yesterday in so many ways.
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Do you know what I noticed from the unveiling?

They pulled off the cover, PWB glanced at it a bit and spun round to start performing - he didn't look too much at the detail unless it was pointed out to him. Very typical of the fly in, get the photo and leave attitude we've seen with him and his wife.

PW took time to look at the detail of the statue, and there were very few times he was looking away from it. The statue was very much his focus, maybe to help ignore H, but he appeared very reflective and thoughtful throughout.
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For a long while I really hoped William and Harry would reconcile. I think the job of the monarch is incredibly lonely in the sense that you're surrounded by people and yet can explicitly trust so few of them. Other than Catherine and his children and maybe a couple of advisors at the time, Harry should of been one of the few people that King William could count on for support. It's funny really because if none of this had happened Harry and by virtue his family and Meghan would have been up there next to King William, Harry would have been the Kings closest confidant and Meghan could easily have played a similar role for Kate. But now? How can they ever trust Harry again? Even if he divorced Meghan and moved back there would always be the fear of what had happened before repeating itself. I think a large part of why William can't and won't reconcile with Harry is the fact that he can never be sure that anything he does or tells him won't be revealed in the next interview. I also think that's kind of why William agreed to the lack of press etc yesterday, it was a case of compromising on that so Harry couldn't use it against him. He is playing the long game but god he must be heartbroken inside.
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Churchill's Ghost

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View attachment 644180
Catching up on my gossip while I’m out walking and had to stifle a chuckle at this load of crock 🤣
This pisses me off because William and Catherine have done nothing wrong. They are not the ones who slagged off and insulted their family. They are not the ones whining and whinging. They have ZERO responsibility to reach out. It is all on the twats. They are the ones who need to come crawling back and asks for forgiveness. This is a one-sided feud and no one in the BRF started it or is engaging in it. The papers need to stop insinuating some kind of moral equivalence between the two
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Chatty Member
Anyone else seen this? So HW's uncle who was a diplomat passed away. I doubt HW will go to the funeral. I know Samantha sometimes makes her account private so I've attached a screenshot too

View attachment 642438
The thing I've realised about Smeg is that she really doesn't care about (or even remember) what people have done for her in the past, unless it was something "bad". Then she has the memory of an elephant. But if they did something good and helpful, it seems it is not remembered or recognised.

For her its all/only about what people can do for her (or give her) now & maybe in the future.
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Every news outlet should have shown the pics of Harry cupping his mouth with his hands and cupping his ear while grinning inanely
Then to compare, they should have shown any pic of William behaving in the proper manner for a memorial event.
The difference in decorum speaks volumes.

We used to think Harry's grinning was endearing but now we've heard his "interviews" since he moved to America we have changed our minds.

You've lost our support, Harry and you've lost the plot.
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