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This would have been better IMO…


I need to start reading from page 30 onwards tomorrow. I am bookmarking my place.

Sorry if I have been repeating things others have already said. I am usually on the ball, but tonight I have been OUUUUTTT! And seen two pals I haven’t seen since Dec 2019!!!!!! Chinwagging for four hours!!!!! No mention of Haz n Smeg. I don’t think they would get it!

In the meantime, this is the resident Tattlers’ kitty’s reaction to the statue…

Soz @freda19 … he might have done just a little wee wee on your lettuces. Just a little wee wee….



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Just on the news....Hazno is so scruffy...his jacket unbuttoned, his hair awful, his brown shoes with a dark suit....ugh. The statue is frumpy, wide shoulders, flat hair, low heels, huge belt, no waist. The children are even worse....the shorts, the bare feet, the adult faces...
PW definitely uncomfortable with Haz and Haz grinning liked the chimpo he is!
Hazno has obviously been taking lessons from the wife on how to grin and laugh inanely to cover up just how uncomfortable they’re really feeling. But it’s over animated and just looks fake, like hammy acting. Easy enough for most people to see through. William is definitely uncomfortable because he knows his brother very well and can see exactly what H is doing and he’s embarrassed at the show H is making of himself. By the body language W just wants to get outta there and away from him.
That’s my interpretation of it anyway.

Oh, and the statue’s fucking awful as well.
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Someone on Tumblr has got the new edition of the Lacey book and has done a summary of what she has read so far and sent it to The Cat With The Emerald Tiara.



Some more info that has been shared on Tumblr. No idea how true it is but sounds plausible.



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This is an example of what happened in the last thread when posters Strawberry and Annie rightly pointed out that No.6 and Smeg had press reports twisted against them sometimes too. It's possible that the WellChild incident mentioned didn't actually happen and as you say, why go to Tumblr? If it's true we'll get further info eventually and will just have to wait and see what comes out. Even if it didn't happen I can imagine No.6 getting shirty if anyone asked about Lil.

Having made that small and in the scale of things meaningless concession, they are a pair of What Freda Sezzes ....
Meh. The real take home from the last couple of days is that ALL of the events that Hazno attended had
  • a closed/controlled guest list;
  • a very carefully selected photographer/reporter team, not general media.
Essentially they can't let him anywhere near the general public because of the likelihood of audible booing, and everything he does has to be stage managed to hell and back in order to tightly control what gets put out in the press.
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Scotch Mist

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According to the Mail. There were drinks after the statue unveiling at 2:45 but Hazno left at 3:05.

In other words he gulped down one glass and exited quickly before anyone had the chance to confront him about anything. Cowardly git.
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Undignified, disrespectful, coarse, crass, uncouth.....
Childish.... What a d!ck...probably got back on a plane , patting himself on the back, thinking, that went well🤬
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All that I've taken from today is the feeling that what Harry wants, Harry gets. He dominated all the proceedings today....... a private event instead of a public one; no relatives other than Diana's siblings, no UK media; a joint released statement. I feel so frustrated that the RF are still totally bowing down to his strops.
I think the reason the Family 'allowed' all that was to avoid hazza grandstanding with a flowery tribute and tears dribbling down his cheeks.
It was always going to be uncomfortable for the other royals like Chas/Cam etc anyway, but I honestly think that by this point even Wills just wanted it over and done with, so was more than happy to keep it short and snappy and semi private. Less said soonest mended.
I actually think hazza missed a trick and his controller in montyshithole will be fuming. She would want him front and centre in a big hullaballoo event with loads of images of him looking all sad and dead-mummy-droopy to tout around the US media. I'm fucking dreading the September event for that reason.
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6 & wife have tried everything: imprisoned, RF racists, UK racists, whatabout Prince Andrew, William unfaithful, bad parent, PTSD, Waity Katy, evil press, my mum died when I was 12, Lilibet etc. etc. but not one single allegation has caused the RF serious damage.

If the pair had anything that could go nuclear they would have used it.

It's all downhill for 6 & wife now.
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If it hasn't been said the the kids at the front are H&M of course and William is the one trailing behind cos Diana likes them better...

Wait for it I bet you that is coming from a suga.
Thank you @QueenoftheTomtes for the title and @kev1974 for the recap.

BIB Well that would be a real achievement as the boy child to her right is a COC, unless this represents the child she yearned for with Fayed or Khan?. She should be with her boys immortalised in bronze, not anonymous strangers, and this group of disparate people herded by a belligerent-looking Diana seems really odd to me. What were they thinking when they commissioned it? The whole concept is awful, the statue's dreadful, Diana looks aggressive and her head's too big for her body. She has a jutting chin, is that hint of underbite "a sweet nod " to Minge, her beloved daughter-in-law? No wonder Charles has scarpered to Balmoral.

No.6 looks weird with his flapping jacket and hands on hips, like Blair, cocky but brittle, trying to look manly and confident but his mannerisms and grinning jarred. He kept wiping his nose and trying to clean his moustache with his bottom lip, yeeuch, and fiddling with his wedding ring.

WellChild changed the date from September to accommodate No.6's visit but they will regret this. No.6 blew it by being rude to a child who asked for a photo of the phantom Lil and it's all over the internet. The thin veneer of Cheeky Chappie Harry -so-nice-to-see-him-smile-again vanished in a flash. His gassy smile slipped, he snarled and moved on to the next person. At the same time No.6 boasts of being a loving father of two, how Farch careers around while Crazy Lil chills. How much fatherhood has meant to him......yeah right, you childess fraud. Asking about Lil was a trigger, verboten, maybe because there is no Lil. But a very sore point for some reason?

Interesting how for a long time now No.6 has only chosen soft or young people charities etc. by zoom or in person. Nobody that will question or challenge him and his Ho. Nobody like Paxman or John Humphries. How about a walkabout among Glasgow steelworkers while he's here to boost the Monarchy north of the border? Thought not.

Meanwhile failed weatherman and occasional tea-boy Alex Beresford became emotional broadcasting live from Althrop. He must have been a child when Diana died so looks a bit stupid jumping on the overladen and tarnished Di Bandwagon.

Prince George has Markled them, hailed as a good-luck charm on his first outing, and him only a little lad! Minge will have been seething at these headlines. An authentic son, recognisable and solid, the real deal and with a title. Associated now with feel-good patriotism and joy which they've done their best to squash and ruin!!! I bet if No.6 and Smeg had been there Germany would have won as the match would have been jinxed like everything else they touch.

Catching up with the thread and way behind so sorry if repeating.
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Catching up here -

That press release from Smeg’s team around her uncle’s passing is absolutely abhorrent. Purely done for PR optics but bad, even by markling standards.
It just reads of someone obsessed and only concerned with themselves - totally insincere and even insensitive.
Case in point the bit about him being so proud of her and then about sorry he didn’t meet Henrietta. Really? That’s it!? Thoughts for his brother (her Dad), wife, cousins etc? Rather Henrietta? As if that would have completed her Uncle’s life.
Honestly I cannot stand the bint and that twat she calls a husband!
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Scotch Mist

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A work colleague just said to me 'why didn't they have her doing the landmines walk'?
Have to say I agree because that was an enduring image and more representative than the kids.
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Scotch Mist

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I’m new here, I’m American, and on behalf of Americans all over, I apologize for the skankiness known as Meghan. (Sorry if skanky is a wrong word in England, but here in NY, it pretty much means ‘Meghan Markel‘. She’s shady, she’s a user and she reminds me of my ex sister in law. ) My mother was the 1st of her family born here, and she was raised loving the RF, and loyal to them. She passed that onto me to a degree. if that statue is a bench, wont It backfire on Meghan? And the way she discards family? She’s so disgusting. I am ashamed she’s American. Btw, this really is a wonderful forum. :) Thank you for having me.
Welcome new tattler. We love our American friends on here. No need to apologise for Meghan, we're ashamed of Harry 😁
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