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Thanks to @Regina2071 for the title with a whopping 89 votes. I had to shorten it to make it fit, hope that's okay.

Last thread was

We really don't like H&M and nothing has happened that would make us change our mind.
The fact that we don't like Harry or Megain doesn't mean we like and support Prince Andrew. We don't.
There was a lot of discussion surrounding Lili's birth certificate. Some people feel that the one published is fake. I am one of those people.
Was Megain pretty as a child? No, not really.
Domain names; They got'em.
Notice of the book Megain plagiarised wrote as a teenager. We all agreed that she has no creativity or originality or any ideas of her own. We did get some very amusing comments by Tattlers on this theme.
We were shocked at the appalling abuse of Camilla Tominey from the sugars.
No 'Happy Fathers Day' from Harry to Charles.
Rumours of big fight at Oprahs house followed by Doria being kicked out by Megain
Lots of discussion on the Statue unveiling.
We had hysterics over the trailer for the film of the dastardly duo escaping Monarchy Mountain. Apparently so did the rest of the country.
We were elated that the newspapers have won the right to appeal. We await with popcorn for what happens next.
Ongoing discussion of Revels.
We enjoyed thinking of alternative names to Dumbarton whilst annoyed that the duo are so thick and so offensive.
We are firm in the belief that whilst Diana was no saint, the work she did for AIDS in particular was excellent and worthy of respect. We do think the poor woman should be allowed to rest in peace.
We doubt that Haz understands the term 'fiscal quarter' means. He lied, no matter how much the sugars scream 'He isn't lying' etc
We had some tarot discussions and readings.
We want the Cambridges to stop travelling together esp as Megain announced 'We're one plane crash from the throne'.
We're hoping the Di statue isn't sat on a bench.
We had a lot of laughs, chuckles and giggles.
Please add anything I missed. I'm losing the will to live and I'm not going back into the thread to see if I missed anything.
Happy New Thread everyone!!!
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Wackie Jeaver

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s there anything more unseemly than rich people complaining about money?

By any normal standards, Harry and Meghan are super wealthy. They have an estimated joint worth of nearly £10 million, and live in a luxury pad in California overlooking the Pacific. They mix with millionaires and billionaires.

Yet Harry saw fit to moan, in that blockbuster interview with Oprah, that his father had “literally” cut him off.

Where do you start with a whine like that? How should we respond to someone worth millions, most of it inherited, saying he should have even more?

Let’s keep in mind that Harry isn’t 19 anymore. He’s 36. His wife’s 39. These are not snotty youngsters. They’re mature adults. Frankly, I’d be ashamed to be living off my parents at that age, however much security I needed to pay for. There comes a time – and it shouldn’t take until 36 – when you need to buy your own dinner.

In any case, we now discover that Prince Charles did not actually cut Harry off at all – at least not financially. Newly released Clarence House records show that Charles gave the Sussexes and Cambridges a whopping £4.5 million during the last financial year.

Just think about that. It’s a huge lottery win. I’m pretty sure that if someone gave me a few million, my first reaction would not be to complain about it. But for Harry and Meghan, different rules obviously apply.

Do they realise just how spoiled it sounds? Do they ever consider that the average person in the UK earns less than 1% of that gift? And do they appreciate just how ungrateful it looks to accept a handout of that scale, and then publicly denigrate the man who gave it, saying he’d cut them off?

Placeholder image for youtube video: QLA_D6gQ80A

No wonder Prince Charles has hit back. In fact, for the second time in just over a week, Harry’s family has contradicted his claims. First we had the matter of Lilibet, and whether Harry had or hadn’t asked the Queen’s permission to use the name. And now this business about cash gifts running to millions.

Given how rare it is for the Palace to weigh in on anything at all, particularly when it’s about family, this all looks terrible for Harry and Meghan. Once again, their attempts at PR have backfired, this time with an even louder bang.

How different it could all have been. Before all these Oprah and California shenanigans, I have two abiding memories of Harry. The first is of that forlorn, grieving 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin. The second is of the adoration in his eyes as he saw Meghan, on Prince Charles’ arm, walking down the aisle towards him. A wedding and a funeral. Both times, I admit to dabbing my eyes, and I’m sure millions of Britons did the same.

We wanted the best for Harry. That’s why no fewer than 30 million of us watched that wedding, wishing him and Meghan a long, happy marriage. Many of us welcomed the new and diverse Royal image, so much so that, even when they left for America, they went with good wishes and sympathy.

But Harry’s attitude since he arrived in LA has eaten up that credit and warmth. He has belittled his own family at a time of grief, made questionable claims, and accused one member of his family of racism – a particularly low blow. And at a time of so much global suffering, he has portrayed himself and Meghan as uniquely victimised.

Harry could have remained silent and dignified. In doing so he would have gained our respect. Instead, he has appeared self-obsessed, disloyal and spoiled. He needs to get a grip.

Robert Taylor in today's Daily Telegraph.
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Tea from Tumblr:

I think it's finally time to clear up the bone Meghan has to pick with Eugenie. *all tea is for entertainment purpouses only*

Eugenie is friends with top layers of British society that mingles with HW A listers. Her friends range from Ed Sheeran, *Misha Noonoo*, Cressida Bonas, Emma Watson, basically, you can call Eugenie the Margaret of her generation because of how well connected she is. Eugenie was never friends with Meghan but heard uncomfortable stories about her first marriage, past and work ethic from Misha and a couple of journalists who were staunchly anti-Meghan and tipped her off via friends. Eugenie wasn't sure what to believe yet told William who in turn went to Harry. Harry told her to piss off and after an intervention from Charles and Catherine, they all made up and Eugenie paid her fee via delayed wedding and engagement announcement. Meghan did not want Eugenie's tiara, it wasn't offered to her, but she did want a piece that belonged to Queen Victoria and Her Maj said no.

Meghan only recently found out that Misha was the one that told Eugenie and cut her off completely. But, she never forgot about what happened. She wanted to force Eugenie to pay 10k rent to her and Harry so she and Jack moved into Royal Lodge with Andrew and Sarah. Keep in mind this all transpired while Eugenie was going through a difficult pregnancy because of her spine. Meghan never forgave Eugenie for being the first one to cast doubts about her. She wants to torture the Yorks and she is just beginning. Lily was indeed a name Beatrice picked for her daughter and unfortunately told Meghan before the Megxit scandal. The Yorks were super close to Harry, Andrew considers Harry his son, alas those relationships are over now.

Meghan obviously announced her pregnancy to spite Eugenie at her wedding. But this is the kicker: they were unsure if she is or not. Harry did not go to a single appointment with her nor was he involved with the pregnancy. Everything he said was written by Meghan. Eugenie turned the other cheek but after Lilibet, the kid gloves are off. If you start hearing more shady stories about Meghan's past, well, let's just say, Eugenie asked a friend for a favour.
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me from mid-America

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Here are my opinions. I believe Hyacinth…er Meghan has spent her life emphasizing what race best serves her immediate purpose at the time. She’s a white girl in a white sorority. She’s a Black bride when that is an avenue…she believed…to achieve power and dominance in the RF. . She uses race the way she used her wedding invitations, the way she is using her children. It’s all about advancement, profiteering and self promotion.

She is an extremely calculating woman.

In her first wedding there was no reference to Black culture. Or any White culture. Her Dad was there. Compare that to the Royal spectacle.…aisles filled with star-studded strangers. Emphasis on her Black roots and only her Mother present.

In my opinion, she did the calculation. As a wannabe, she was certainly watching the award shows, the extreme Woke culture that dominated the speeches, the uproar about lack of diversity in the awards. She saw the pathway to celebrity and power right in front of her. She could not just be a WOMAN that this man fell in love with.…as she had been in her first wedding. She had to be in sync with culture of Hollywood. She saw how the race card could be so intensely powerful in gaining control.

So she went for it.Everything about her had to have an emphasis on race.

I believe that the emphasis she put on her Black culture in the wedding was a set-up that she would be Ying to Catherine’s equal or even superior …by justification of race. She would swan through the world as an equal to even the Queen by virtue of her skin hue. She played the race card in a very different and strategic way.

Look at the Vogue cover. In every way, she wanted only to emphasize her racial solidarity and build her base like an American politician.

She used race in the most callous and offensive way…to empower her demands…as a blackmail tool. IMO, she manipulated the genuine goodwill of so many minority folks and has cashed it in for a huge payoff and celebrity. The rush to defend her now is…in many case…a cover for the embarrassment at how she’s let them down, when she could have made them so proud.She was welcomed and embraced…and has done nothing but merchandise that love and create chaos in her family and his. How lovely it would have been of she’d be anything other than, in my opinion, calculating and grasping for dominance.

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Alex Belfield

What he says about the complaints about the palace employing very few Black/asian people ... the palace will no doubt in future veer toward employing Black/Asian footmen etc to placate the twats who monitor such crap.
OK, so fast forward 2 or 3 years and you can bet your arse there will be screaming and crying "Oh my God, look at those royal bastards using poor black and asian staff to pander to them ... DISGRACEFUL! Use friggin' whiteys to clean your toillets and serve your food you bastards!:mad::mad::mad:"

FFS they spent years getting rid of the 'slaves' stigma attached to them for having black servants and now they're being rail roaded into using 'minorities' on their staff.

The world is bonkers.
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Re the story about the gruesome twosome being invited to the platinum jubilee by the Queen.
Imho I think the story has been leaked either by BP or by The Traitors in order to gauge public opinion.
Well here’s mine - I am a royalist but if The Traitors are invited and appear on the palace balcony along with the senior royals then I will no longer be a supporter of the Royal Family.
I don’t think I’m in the minority with this opinion so I hope the powers that be take note.
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These Tattle-threads moves with the speed of life. I meant to be posting and put some of my input in the threads but I was done a few days and came back to new threads. Been trying to just read and keep up instead.

I know this article is in Swedish, but I find it highly amusing that not even the Swedish media (with Sweden being the land of political correctness) can't stand these two dingbats anymore.

The title says that Harry’s friends calls Smeggera Smeg “a 500% nightmare) and in the article is a quote from Will calling Smeg “that damn self-promoting woman”.

I'm happy even my fellow swedes are waking up and starting to see these idiots for what they really are.

Happy Midsummer weekend to you all!
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I think you might be right. Here is the photo for those who cannot open the links. What is that green bush thing on the roof?
View attachment 637789
It’s NOT Photoshopped. My OH cycled through Kensington Gardens on their way home from work yesterday evening. You can’t really get near the Sunken Garden now and there’s loads of foliage, but in the craziest act of true love, the old sod managed to stand on tip toes and get close enough to say ... ‘there is a box, it’s this box and it’s big.’ A new job for ITN clearly awaits.
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Happy Lady

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I just have to say this.

I hate Meghan Markle.
I hate her tarnishing OUR royal family.
I hate her causing so much pain and heart ache to a much loved and well respected family.
I hate her even more for brain washing our happy chappy Prince and taking him out of HIS country.
I hate that she's turned him against his own family and all that he stood for and lived for.
I hate that she's lost him his titles.
I hate her for all her lies.
I hate her scheming ploys.
I hate her for messing about with two vulnerable kids.

That's all.
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Great post @Wackie Jeaver. Remember too when he said 'Without my mothers money, we wouldn't have been able to do this' (or words to that effect) How does he think other people get on in life? How many people inherit millions from their parent? He has absolutely no idea of other other peoples lives and his sense of entitlement is disgusting. He's so offensive. I'd rather never see him return to this country again and I'd love to see him booed and jeered at.
Completely agree. Think of all those people who flee for their lives from their home countries to seek asylum elsewhere. They often arrive with just clothes they have on their back with no money at all (one asylum seeker I came across in a previous job had just a photo of his deceased wife and children in his pocket, there was not a dry eye in the place after seeing that, his life story was utterly devastating).

Through sheer hard work and determination, many refugees go on to build successful lives in their new countries. I have seen it with my own eyes as I used to work for a local authority that accepted and rehoused asylum seekers and refugees. Yet, we are supposed to feel sorry for Hazza who fled the U.K. to LA with several millions in his pocket and suitcases full of fancy clothes etc?! The depth of his self importance and entitlement is staggering.

On Oprah, he made out like he was seeking asylum in another land because life was so bad in the U.K. Was it really THAT bad Hazza? Really? Was your family home bombed because of your religion? Was your life under threat because of who you voted for? Did someone just come in and chuck you off your own land and take your livelihood? Did they kill your wife and child in front of you? A resounding NO. None of that happened to him. Yet, people all over the world have experienced such horrors and have fled with nothing at all. Still, he moans from a mansion that several million pounds are not enough?

It beggars belief and makes my blood boil. You would think after all his privileged world wide travel, he would have seen the poverty stricken circumstances that others have to live in through no fault of their own. And he preaches compassion one step at a time??!?!? He needs to take his first baby step because he doesn’t have an ounce of compassion.

And….RELAX! Sorry for the rant after being so giddy earlier on. I just had to get that off my chest. Back to making rude gags about the spoilt bastard!
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I am not sure who has done the selective cropping etc. It seems to me like some photos doing the rounds have been manipulated by online bloggers and commentators to sort of prove the rumours that they have heard eg Smeg was a yacht girl…look at these pics of her smoking and drinking wine on a yacht! When in reality, the photos were taken on land around a hotel pool in Italy. Or…look how much plastic surgery Smeg has had! Only yesterday we discovered one of the ‘before’ pics someone posted on Twitter had been altered using FaceApp to make her look much older with more wrinkles.

I am not saying these rumours are not true. I do believe she was a yacht girl and has had numerous facial procedures. I just feel like some of the online bloggers etc use certain photos to back up their beliefs but they are not quite the full story when you dig a bit deeper. It is enlightening to find out that some things have been exaggerated to back up various rumours.

Saying all that, I am no Smeggy fan at all as my previous posts will show! I am sure all the dirt on her will come to the surface soon enough and there will be no need to crop or alter pictures as the evidence will speak for itself! These bloggers (or whoever starts circulating not quite accurate photos) are damaging their own credibility and are ultimately harming attempts to expose the lying grifter for what she is.

As for the gruesome twosome’s continual barrage of PR puff pieces? Well, they have no credibility whatsoever and they must think we are dense if they expect us to believe such guff.
I'm the poster who posted the images of her and my lil pony sun bathing. Do you think I really believe that someone with my lilpony's connections and high society in-laws was ' sex-yachting' with smeggy ? :rolleyes:Of course she wasn't. The other one IS on a boat, no doubt about that, but my lilpony isn't there.
The one with just pony and her just illustrates her fakeness for me ... she smokes(or did) and swigs from a wine bottle like a wino, yet bangs on about organic avocado and being vegan and living a healthy lifestyle. It shows her up as a hypocrite. Again.

We get it. Images are manipulated. I do it myself for shits n giggles ... others do it for nefarious reasons. It's not ground breaking news. And frankly I honestly don't give a shit if some images are taken out of context, it gets done to the real royals and bigger celebs than cuntchops all the time, so smeggy can suck it up buttercup. She wanted fame, this is it.

Most of us on here are not stupid and can sort the wheat from the chaff, but this is a gossip site ... we gossip, and exaggerate and twist things and mock the harkles to suit our various agendas. We believe what we choose to believe and we love it.:m

In my opinion she's a shite mother, was unprepared for that polo outing, treated Kate like shite refusing to sit with her and only dragged the crotch goblin there to rub her ownership of hazza's balls in the faces of his soon-to-be-ex-friend's faces. All the smiley pink-bottle-bag images (when she claims she was breast feeding the farchiedoll) of the day are of no interest to me when I've long ago sussed her out in my own mind and know what her agenda was that day. Possession. Mine. Keep away.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Found this further down the Murky Meg post above. This SCREAMS Monteshitso PR crap. Nobody but megain would write this and no one but megains ego would believe it.
Yeah, W&C are so cold that they have had the same staff for over 10 years and have been happily together for almost 20. They obviously fake that affection and their kids are paid to interact with telegenic. They are close with their families and have a strong circle of longtime friends, but yeah, they are cold. They must be the best actors ever. Naturally, Meg is the peacemaker and it is sheer coincidence that all the problems started when she appeared on the scene. It’s not her fault that she has no one…they just can’t live up to her standards.

I also had to laugh at the article about her dropping Chrissy Teigan because she “has no room in her life for mean girls”…you know, other than herself
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Scotch Mist

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H&M want their own network??? Can you imagine?
"Be sure of ruining your career by joining our network. You too can be bullied and stressed out all whilst working for us. And you can watch your career going down the drain with our special 'Markle Effect'. " :ROFLMAO:
🤣 This is the future
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I reckon the Royal Gals WhatsApp group is pinging:

Kate sez: 'Girls, just had a diary cancellation for Thursday, drinks round mine are back on! Ps Camilla, says she'll be the last one standing"
Kate, Zara,Anne, Camilla,Sophie getting pissed🍷inside kensington palace , watching unveiling out the window shouting "cunt" at harry 😂😂
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