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In a moment of madness I thought 'I'll watch the latest Lady C and write it up so all the Tattlers who don't want to watch it, will know what was said'.
I won't be doing this again. Seriously, won't be doing it again. I've put it behind a spoiler because it's long and I did type along with Lady C.
I now need to go and have a lie down. So here's me, reporting from the front lines of YouTube all for your benefit. Ignore spelling mistakes etc.
Lady Colin Campbell

Harry has arrived. We should show him some compassion because of the occassion. And also to show him the right way to behave towards others.
#1 How can Americans show the RF that we support them
- write to British Ambassador in Washington or write to the Queen. Most important, write to Spotify and Netflix, CBS, People Magazine, Vanity Fair, Bizarre. Make your sentiments known.
#2 Tell the Cambridges not to travel together.
- agreed. Waffle about William. He needs to be told. We do not want King Henry IX and Queen Meglomaniac. Lots of good Queen Catherines. Examples given. Yawn. Me, not Lady C
Advert break around about now.
#3 Dumb-Arton title lol It's those two who are dumb
- LC laughing too. Yes, agreed. Harry and M scraping bottom of barrel. Sink to bottom of lav bowl with regularity. Agree it's 'smelly stuff'. More waffle. Mention of politics. More waffle. And yet more waffle. Rabbit,rabbit,rabbit. And even more waffle. We're waffling, we're waffling. Believes H was duped. Whatever title was offered would have been refused because M wants the title Prince. Dumbarton is offended. Waffle, waffle
Jacobites, waffle Catholic, waffle, the Douglas's waffle Exile waffle James II waffle. Refers to M as little chicken footed thing with delusions of grandeur.

More on Dumbarton, why are they concerned about the title.
- Because they're dumb, darling, they're dumb. More waffle. Waffle on their titles, laughter, waffle.Ya! Dear Goddess, please stop the waffle. M says she's a feminist but basically she's a 'true pro' repeated twice.
Another ad break.

#4 Royal accounts show that H wasn't cut off from funding. Charles gave substantial sum of money when H went to the US. Now the question is waffling, don't waffle questioners!
- Mentioned earlier that there were moves to make sure that H&M did not prevail. Daughter has put the kettle on so now I can't hear what Lady C is saying. Probably more waffle so not too worried.
#5 Scooby do saying that Charles cut H off in January. Everyone misunderstood what H said about being cut off.
- H will say everyone misunderstood. Much laughter. Waffle. The lies are fast and furious. Refers to Scooby as Geobbels. Also Omid Scabies. Laughs a lot. Waffle waffle.
Another add break
Waffle but basically H&M can't keep the lies straight but Scooby who is over buffed, is there to explain it all. Waffle.
#6 RF likely to welcome back H when marriage is over.
- LC says she's seen other marriages where the gold digger gets married for money. Sometimes these marriages can last a lifetime. Because parasite has nowhere else to go. No one will trust H again. Trust will take years and will only happen when they split. Waffle waffle.
#7 Mail on Sunday allowed to appeal, what does Lady C think?
- Thinks its wonderful. Knows stuff through friends and has to be careful. Mail on Sunday very upset that summary judgement was against them because they thought case needed to be heard in Court. Thinks there will only be a partial victory.
Another bloody ad break
Really important thing in the matter is presumption of innocence that Warby gave to M and her privacy. Warby may have made a different ruling if it had been a few weeks later after the Oprah wankfest (my word, not hers)
M thinks her privacy is important but no one elses is. Waffle, waffle. M is a malicious and vicious bitch basically. Waffle waffle. Warby did not understand the nature of the beast thinking he was dealing with Pollyanna. More waffle and I'm losing the will to live.

#8 M hired PR to create at least 3 articles about her per week.
- I've been saying this for years. It's not news, it's old facts Ya! More on press being informed beforehand by stars etc. Waffle. Really labouring the point now. H&M manipulate the press and news. Want to be in the press several times a week and they are. H learnt this behaviour from his mother. Diana wasn't a saint but had many virtues.
Fuck me, it's another advert break.
Di was a fame junkie, M is a fame junkie, H wanted to be a fame junkie but didn't know how to do it before M showed him. Ex girlfriends say he used to see press when there wasn't anyone there. H craves that attention to show how important he is. Take note that H&M always manage to go places without anyone seeing them when it suits them. Lady C finds this very interesting. Waffle, waffle, rabbit, rabbit. Only ten minutes to go. We thank the Goddess. Dramatics from Lady C as she waffles endlessly on. Doesn't believe that M will remain silent whilst H is in the UK
#9 Truly amazing what M gets away with because she identifies as black.
- Couldn't agree more, it's offensive that M has duped poor ignorant black people and those who are sympathetic to the plight of poor black people. But shows how unimaginative M is. Had she had more imagination and more patient, she could have been massive. But she played the race card for her own benefit. Waffle waffle, I'm from Jamaica, waffle waffle. Most people can see right through her but the naive don't.
Advert break, who'd have guessed?
#10 Don't you think M is the worse kind of racist? Also how can H complain about PC ignoring his begging bowl when they have ignored Thomas Markle for 3 years.
- Yes she is a racist and causes division. Her actions are detrimental to the majority of her relatives and that's racist as well. H doesn't seem to get that if you work for the RF, you get money from funds. If you don't work for the RF, then you don't get money from the funds. H is an idiot who thinks that he should get the money anyway. Waffle, waffle. Lets see what happens whilst he's in UK and she's in US. And she's done! Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord, She is done. And so am I.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I actually think they've been quite clever with the ceremony. This statue is their last big hand with the Diana merchandise and they've successfully turned it into a small family affair where even if he tries his copy cat Charles Spencer speech, there's no one to hear him. They're slowly turning him into an irrelevance.

I also think Kate's not going because this is about William's mother and unlike another wife, she's no obsession about making every event about herself but instead letting him get all the attention. To me it's yet again more shade on the reality trash couple
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So 6 has banked on early quarantine release after 5 days, imagine his test comes back positive and he has to stay in 🤣
Great news you’ve tested negative for Covid but you’re off the scale for spite, petulance and vitriol. We’ve got a car waiting to take you immediately to a treatment centre.
It’s in Dumbarton ……
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Churchill's Ghost

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I am sick to death of hearing about possible reconciliation or peacemaking on the part of any member of the BRF, when they had fuck all to do with starting this. Even calling it a feud implies that both sides are equal participants. This entire thing is one sided and there is no blame to share. It is entirely on H&M to come groveling back for forgiveness—the family owes them nothing. Nothing.

I also love that it is finally coming out that M & Eugenie were never friends. Her side pushed that lie over and over, when everyone knew it was a lie. Putting aside M’s pathological need to overshadow any of the York girls’ life events, there is not one bit of photographic evidence of them interacting, yet Eug’s name is invoked as an ally of M at every turn. I’m glad they are finally hitting back, starting with Bea’s pregnancy announcement.
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God I love Catherine more and more each day. Good for her. I bet it hurts Harry too. Good. Because as I have said before, he clearly had a crush on her.

She is so out of his league: ie: Highly intelligent, beautiful and effortlessly elegant. The opposite of that trash he married. Why on earth would she want to waste her time on a bone-idle tramp-child like Harry?

As a pleb and a peasant I am happy to serve Catherine. There, I've said it. Long Live Catherine.

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Has this been posted yet? Seems to be newly updated by the Mail.

Harry's bringing an international cameraman????? He's filming this for Netflix, isn't he?

And the Palace capitulated??????

I'm glad Kate's not going so she doesn't have to plaster a smile on her face and be pleasant to the ginger toad yet again. And I know this is only one article but the ongoing theme is the same. Harry gets appeased/rewarded and William and Kate are expected to just sit there and go along with it. Or, as with the Commonwealth service, forego their rightful duties so that Harry and Meghan didn't have yet another tantrum.

No doubt the presence of the Sussexes cameraman was instrumental in the decision to leave Catherine out of it.

Keep it to just the sons and "blood family" of Diana.

I think that is wise.

To be honest I'm sick of hearing about it.
We don't have this circus every time a sculpture/portrait of the Queen is revealed.
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To be fair though it would take her 30 pages of word salad to say it wasn't me, I didn't do it and I wasn't there.
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s there anything more unseemly than rich people complaining about money?

By any normal standards, Harry and Meghan are super wealthy. They have an estimated joint worth of nearly £10 million, and live in a luxury pad in California overlooking the Pacific. They mix with millionaires and billionaires.

Yet Harry saw fit to moan, in that blockbuster interview with Oprah, that his father had “literally” cut him off.

Where do you start with a whine like that? How should we respond to someone worth millions, most of it inherited, saying he should have even more?

Let’s keep in mind that Harry isn’t 19 anymore. He’s 36. His wife’s 39. These are not snotty youngsters. They’re mature adults. Frankly, I’d be ashamed to be living off my parents at that age, however much security I needed to pay for. There comes a time – and it shouldn’t take until 36 – when you need to buy your own dinner.

In any case, we now discover that Prince Charles did not actually cut Harry off at all – at least not financially. Newly released Clarence House records show that Charles gave the Sussexes and Cambridges a whopping £4.5 million during the last financial year.

Just think about that. It’s a huge lottery win. I’m pretty sure that if someone gave me a few million, my first reaction would not be to complain about it. But for Harry and Meghan, different rules obviously apply.

Do they realise just how spoiled it sounds? Do they ever consider that the average person in the UK earns less than 1% of that gift? And do they appreciate just how ungrateful it looks to accept a handout of that scale, and then publicly denigrate the man who gave it, saying he’d cut them off?

Placeholder image for youtube video: QLA_D6gQ80A

No wonder Prince Charles has hit back. In fact, for the second time in just over a week, Harry’s family has contradicted his claims. First we had the matter of Lilibet, and whether Harry had or hadn’t asked the Queen’s permission to use the name. And now this business about cash gifts running to millions.

Given how rare it is for the Palace to weigh in on anything at all, particularly when it’s about family, this all looks terrible for Harry and Meghan. Once again, their attempts at PR have backfired, this time with an even louder bang.

How different it could all have been. Before all these Oprah and California shenanigans, I have two abiding memories of Harry. The first is of that forlorn, grieving 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin. The second is of the adoration in his eyes as he saw Meghan, on Prince Charles’ arm, walking down the aisle towards him. A wedding and a funeral. Both times, I admit to dabbing my eyes, and I’m sure millions of Britons did the same.

We wanted the best for Harry. That’s why no fewer than 30 million of us watched that wedding, wishing him and Meghan a long, happy marriage. Many of us welcomed the new and diverse Royal image, so much so that, even when they left for America, they went with good wishes and sympathy.

But Harry’s attitude since he arrived in LA has eaten up that credit and warmth. He has belittled his own family at a time of grief, made questionable claims, and accused one member of his family of racism – a particularly low blow. And at a time of so much global suffering, he has portrayed himself and Meghan as uniquely victimised.

Harry could have remained silent and dignified. In doing so he would have gained our respect. Instead, he has appeared self-obsessed, disloyal and spoiled. He needs to get a grip.

Robert Taylor in today's Daily Telegraph.
Great post @Wackie Jeaver. Remember too when he said 'Without my mothers money, we wouldn't have been able to do this' (or words to that effect) How does he think other people get on in life? How many people inherit millions from their parent? He has absolutely no idea of other other peoples lives and his sense of entitlement is disgusting. He's so offensive. I'd rather never see him return to this country again and I'd love to see him booed and jeered at.
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Scotch Mist

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I'm not convinced about this. If Diana was still alive she probably would be involved in charitable projects but her 'star power' would have faded. The younger generation really don't care about 60 year old women, they consider them irrelevant and past it.

Diana died at her peak and joins the list of people who are remembered in their prime and elevated to legendary status because of it (rather like Marilyn Monroe etc).

If she had lived she would most likely be married to someone else and wouldn't be in the news all the time. I'm not saying this to put her down but post menopausal women are generally not venerated by anyone young these days ☹
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I hope he wakes up tomorrow and calls M

” I’m so jet lagged I just got in and slept for hours BUT wow I’ve just had a really weird dream, you know , those ones that you actually think maybe real…the Queen came round and I signed loads of forms giving up my titles, line of succession , an NDA to keep my big gob shut for 100 years and I think I signed over Ken Sunshine’s Mercedes to the Crown …freaky yeah
anyway baby girl , what have you been up to?”
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Churchill's Ghost

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The biggest thing I found odd that day was the complete lack of interaction between her and Cambridges. No showing them the baby or anything normal like that. I don’t think George and Charlotte ever went near her, like you normally would with your aunt. She complete ignored the toddling Louis and never so much as glanced at Catherine. Catherine never walked over to her either. There was a complete lack of interest from both sides, you would not think they were acquaintances, let alone relatives. It was so, so weird.
ETA: it’s especially weird when you compare it to how the kids interact with the Tindalls - they are always crawling all over Mike.
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New thread. Fantastic.

I was just about to post on the previous:

All these wokestere cancelling each other out 🤭 if they keep it up, soon there will be no wokesters left to cancel 👏

He wanted to cheer people up???
🤣 can you imagine Haz cheering anyone up right now? The misery is etched onto his face, I don't think I've seen a picture of him genuinely smiling for a few years now.

And thanks for the new thread @Cassandra333
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Chatty Member
Help me. I am starting to feel sorry for Meghan. I think it's Harry who is the nasty piece of work in this relationship. Now that Meg has had a couple of kids I think her spitefulness has dissipated and she's now basically a 'stay at home mom' (nothing wrong with that). A rich one, but nevertheless.

Okay, I am a sucker and I tend to always see the good side in people. But I don't think Meghan is the actual witch she is made out to be. Am I wrong? Harry comes across as an entitled brat with low intelligence and a nasty spiteful edge to boot. I've nothing against dim rich people, but Harry seems particularly nasty.

I know enough about psycho-therapy to see that he is mostly projecting, he hates himself and he lashes-out to others. The man needs help imo. The fact Catherine has cut him out of her life should be enough for him to realize he needs more therapy.

I actually think Meghan will come to regret the day she got involved with the ginger dimwit. I love women and I also believe in redemption, I am open to forgive Meghan but I am struggling to find a reason why I should forgive Harry. He seems like a hateful soul.

Love to know your Tattler's opinion on this.
Nope sorry, just because a few pictures have been shown to not give a fully accurate picture, she's still a devious witch, Harry had broken up with her, but she turned up at that wedding anyway, she had her claws in and she had an agenda, don't forget all the things that we do know, her total disrespect for the whole family, the lies about racism and mental health, sneaking around taking pictures, treatment of staff and you only have to look at the way she looks at Catherine, her hatred and jealousy are plain to see, nah she's a narc of the first order, and he's a twat, neither have sympathy from me
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Completely, totally and utterly off topic but I need to vent...

I went to Boots and they've stopped selling nail polish as no one is buying it anymore. WTF?!

Back on topic - Harry and Rachel, pair of cunts, probably them who bought up all the nail polish :mad:

Thank you for new thread @Cassandra333
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Did my bit for queen and country.
Nearest sainsbury's to windsor now has all the bench copies hidden around the shop and barcode prices removed.

I apologise to the staff
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I'm really feeling for Prince William. It must be an emotional time for him unveiling a statue of his mother, of him remembering her. He was only 15 when he too had to walk behind her coffin. 15 is a tough time anyway, being an adolescent. Yet some forget that and only go on about 'poor H'.

And instead of preparing himself for this unveiling, emotionally and mentally, he has to cope with that shitweazle of a so called brother, denigrating and overshadowing the whole thing with his drama. I really hope they give separate speeches and W doesn't even acknowledge him in private.
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Happy Lady

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Possible Itinerary for Haliborange

Friday - Fly into UK. Creep into Frogmore avoiding anyone brandishing rolling pins, frying pans or rotten tomatoes

Saturday - Beg Eugene to be nice to him, and tell her loads of lies to make her feel sorry for him.

Sunday - Catch up on Tattle and relate back to the Haggard One their next best move

Monday - Ring Catherine to check on Will's mood. Rings Papa asking for ever so much forgiveness, and loads of Dosh.

Tuesday - Escapes from Frogger's for a quick talk with staffers, trying to be nice and begging them not to grass on his wife Witchetygrub.

Wednesday - Lunch with Grandmama, asking for forgiveness, and begging to keep as many titles as possible.

Thursday - The big reveal. Checks speech. Stands well away from big bro to avoid being decked. Takes abundance of plasters (just in case). Speech rather rushed as full of surprises (I'm sure). Dashes past security into waiting car before anyone can stop him. Too late, corgis already waiting for him. 😅
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