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Found this on House of Brat
JUNE 6, 2021

Anonymous asked:
They did this to spite Princess Beatrice.
I have a colleague who worked with Bea when she worked over here stateside and it was known in the office & their colleagues that Bea has always wanted to name her future daughter Elizabeth or another form of it as she is extremely close to her grandmother.

8:10PM | URL:
(Notes: 95)

FILED UNDER: reblog queen elizabeth ii princess beatrice Lilibet Diana Mountbatten Windsor
And given that Princess Beatrice wore her grandmother's dress and tiara for her own wedding, it would be entirely appropriate and fitting if she chose to name a daughter after her. Meghan (and Harry) have done nothing but trash the family which the Queen is head of, even doing it while Prince Philip was in his final weeks, they are just a pair of two faced arseholes.
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Tbh I think they've just hammered the very last nail into their own coffin with this! I imagine the whole family is livid.
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There's not a lot I can say that hasn't already been said but I send my deepest most pitying sympathies to the soul who was forced through that portal of entry on Friday. I bet the screams and cries of "I don' wanna, I don' wanna" were heard all around the heavens on Friday.
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The hashtag Doria is an interesting search on Twitter - a certain amount of grief and mourning among some at no-show of Doria name; a lot of 'welp, if that's what they want...'; and dollops of fake sympathy from Royalist accounts saying, 'Oh how simply awful for all you sugahs - just think of all that Black Heritage being ignored by your kween'.

ETA - But increasing numbers of variations on : 'Doria called Meghan flower and now Meghan has a daughter named Lili
They're really tying themselves in knots to get the Doria connection in there somehow, anyhow...
I just feel that they they have fallen out with Dora completely and cut her off hence no nod to her now. I guess the truth will come out eventually. Doria has not been seen or heard of for a while now so something is wrong.
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the musician

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I'm still amazed that they could share so much information in the press release for the birth of their daughter, yet they could only manage a few words when Prince Philip died (the 'thank you for your service' bs).
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Chatty Member
On another forum I visit - everyone is gushing about how lovely the names are - what a tribute. I’ve been roundly slagged of for saying I thought it was disrespectful.

the level of critical thinking is non-existent in this country.
Yep, that's what makes them so poisonous- they do something that seems like a 'lovely tribute' to most people, but it's actually a barbed insult. It's like gaslighting.
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I know what you mean, presumably you're talking about the RF being civil? Some shade would be nice, it's driving me up the wall too and I feel the RF are going too far bending over backwards when the've got so much ammunition against them.
On the other hand if you look at the state of play, the RF look strong, public sympathy is with the Queen and is increasing in the US which is Smeg's power base. Smeg and No.6 seem to me to be holed below the waterline and damaged goods, Markling everyone they come into contact with.
This latest Lilibet stunt will backfire on them, and they're already piling up the lies about this birth, even about the birth date just like with Farch. People will be less prepared to forgive these lies than the first time round. Been there, done that.
Hope you stay with the thread, we all feel the same!
I understand the frustration and the desire to see the Royals 'retaliate', but that would be them joining the Compton ho in the gutter and would stir things up even more. I don't agree that the family are bending over backwards. They've given the Cuntchops nothing. No money. No security. Nothing. All they've done is be polite, good manners, kind ... and that serves to underline how utterly crass and classless the montyshitholers are.
I suspect things are in hand behind the scenes but have to be played out carefully to avoid accusations of "attacking a woman who miscarried ... attacking a pregnant woman who'd not long since lost a baby ... attacking a woman just delivered of a lil baybee ... " Smeggy is a street rat cunt pulling out all the cards one by one to lengthen their ownership of the titles but she'll run out of cards soon and Brenda(or Chas) will strike the death blow couched in loving word salad as befits the occasion, but cutting off their hollyweird oxygen supply by removing their raison d'etre.
I'm confident they've been 'advised' to give up their titles or they'll be taken. There can be no other reason for the recent upsurge in attacks. Outwardly the Royals have done them no harm, yet the vitriol has been amped up dramatically this year. Something has happened. Something more than the money and security refusals. It can only be related to the titles.
Anyhoo, basically I'm saying the family are still playing the long game but yeah, people (us) are getting frustrated. I'm trying to be glass-half-full and laugh at the huge game being played between people who despise each other.
Also, re the american press going googly eyed over her calling her crotch goblin after the queen, but bear in mind the same thing happened after THAT interview. Full praise for the victims of dem dere nasty royals. Then slowly the lies were refuted and the light dawned. It will be the same with the sprog/name news, people will start scratching their heads and think "Hang on a cotton pickin' minute! Didn't he say he has genital warts from queenie being an awful mother and infecting his daddy? WTF!" Takes a while to sink in but people will get there.;)
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Lilies are a funeral flower and I would not have given this kind of nickname to a grandchild of Diana after watching her funeral. But I am also not tone deaf and no one is waving checks at me to get me to do it.

I think a 5 year waiting period before someone is given a title after marriage might be something to consider after this mess. Getting married? That's wonderful! Have a wedding! We'll all come and you'll borrow the tiara we select for you! On your fifth anniversary, we'll have a nice dinner and a ceremony where you'll get the duchy or whatever that we pick for you after you've completed five years of service. We're sorry we can't just hand it to you the day you get married. One nutless monkey has ruined it for everyone.
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I honestly think this has been a monumental miscalculation from Hazza and co. It's so transparent and so obviously a calculated yet panicky attempt to backtrack, that it pisses off everyone. I'm staggered that H & M could bugger this up so badly. We all know M in particular has a complete inability to ever read the room, but I'm sure Harry would have winced at this suggestion.

Not only have they pissed everyone off, but they've used a 2 day old child to play silly games. Its reprehensible to do this and again a massive mistake not to include Doria or another black relative/ancestor. They'll explain this by saying they wanted to celebrate strong trailblazing women, but using only white, extremely privileged (both financially and in terms of white privilege) women is a serious own goal. They've also used Princess Charlotte's names, which isn't great either, particularly for the Sugars who are currently breaking world records for the largest number of people to have a panic attack about white privilege and woman called Doria.

It is a piss take, but it's seriously fun to watch the Sugars implode. They're now arguing with one another which is better than anything on Netflix. I was dreading the new baby and yet more sycophantic idiots, but this is massively entertaining. It's like Lord of the flies! 😂🤣

View attachment 606412
This. It's facinating to see this happen. They're reduced to saying "she's also named for great-great aunt Lillie" NO SHE'S NOT. IF she was then it would have been in the press release. Instead they named her after two symbols of colonial white privilege and it's not about "reclaiming" it. They want to profit off those links and manipulate peoples' feelings about those two women for money. Meanwhile this is Doria's only granddaughter.

Meanwhile "Doria called Meghan Flower so Lili is naming the baby for her". NO IT ISN'T. This was their chance to have Doria Loyce Ragland a black woman from LA have her names be in the BRF family tree forever and the botched it. If they didn't want Doria or Loyce they could have gone further back. It just shows that they have no interest in equality or BLM until they want their unhinged fans to do something for them.

If they'd gone with Spencer Allegra it wouldn't matter so much but they've deliberately excluded Doria in favour of two white women. Even Charlotte Elizabeth Diana also celebrates Carole, Kate and Pippa as they have Charlotte Elizabeth.

I bet Megs does backtrack and try to say something about Auntie Lillie though.
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On the its news it said they (smegs) have ensured their daughter has enduring links to the RF which they left 2 years ago.
I think the choice of name is a big “Fuck you” to the BRF because they’ve been told to stop using their titles. Remember when they left and after being told to stop marketing themselves as “Sussex Royal”, said something along the lines of “no-one owns the word ‘royal’”. I bet this is their petulant way of saying “Oh! You think you can take our titles away?! No-ones owns a name, we can call our daughter the queen if we want!”.
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I don't like the name Lilibet. Like obviously it's fine as a cute family nickname but I don't like it as an actual name.
Because it's not a real name, it's a cutesy nickname based on what I assume is a child's early years inability to pronounce her own name properly early on. Elizabeth would have been the respectful (if still inappropriate given they're engaged in a war with her) name to give your baby. Lilibet is just fucking weird. You don't steal an intimate nickname. Unless you're a window licking cunt, I guess.
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Daily mail.article now changed, no mention of anyone giving birth!!
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I bet King George VI is spinning in his grave.

The man who gave his daughter the pet name who only came to the throne because of an American divorcee now has his moniker for HMTQ used for his American great great granddaughter by his feckless great grandson and his American divorcee two bit actress wife.

You couldn’t make it up.
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The name choice 🤦🏼‍♀️
1) as has been said if the family was so awful and the experience so traumatic why the hell would you name the kid after the head of said family
2) If you were really wanting to break away and be independent since you clearly ain't coming back to UK to be working royals stop depending on titles to put money in the bank. Then also don't name the child after a member of the family further linking you to them.
3)Then if you must name the kid after the Queen do it as a middle name or her full name it allows for so many nicknames. To take a nickname only a select few have used and was used in love is pretty low. (When just a few months ago they were verbally tearing her to bits)
4) if they want their kids to grow up independent from the RF and have successful careers then it was just about the worst name choice imaginable. Then again they talk the talk about not relying on the RF but they still use them to their advantage so 🤷🏼‍♀️
I ain't the biggest fan of the RF, I honestly don't really care either way but those two just wind me up. 😒🤬🤬
👏👏 they left the UK because of how racist and horrible the entire population are (🙄🙄) and wanted privacy, yet they are quite happy selling their souls to anyone who will listen for $$$. Like you say, using their titles to do so. It’s just so completely vile it leaves me speechless. You can’t plead privacy then do a ‘tell all’ interview exposing your family and private conversations for some coin.
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Same here.

I've replied with a :mad: to virtually every comment, have tried to counter with some hope the royals will stop tolerating it all, but they just keep handing more bricks over to H&M to bash them with.

I can't watch it anymore

It really is good to take a break. It recharges batteries and lets you come back to the fight with a more positive attitude.
There's no getting away from it, those two cunts are here for the foreseeable and I suspect therre will be more than a few of us running out of steam.
If you need a hiatus then have one. We'll be here keeping your seats warm and sanitised.😘😘

This time next year on the balcony ...

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Churchill's Ghost

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The family’s statement was perfectly correct and icy. “By the news” tells us that they learned about it when the rest of the world did. No mention of anyone by names.
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I forgot about it. Then saw it again.

They stole something personal and intimate from The Queen.

The head of the institution they have dragged through the mud. The recent widow. The 94 year old woman.

The special name belonged to Her Majesty since childhood.

It. Was. Not. Theirs. To. Take.
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